Current Path : /opt/cpanel/ea-ruby27/src/passenger-release-6.0.23/src/cxx_supportlib/StrIntTools/ |
Current File : //opt/cpanel/ea-ruby27/src/passenger-release-6.0.23/src/cxx_supportlib/StrIntTools/StrIntUtils.h |
/* * Phusion Passenger - https://www.phusionpassenger.com/ * Copyright (c) 2010-2017 Phusion Holding B.V. * * "Passenger", "Phusion Passenger" and "Union Station" are registered * trademarks of Phusion Holding B.V. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef _PASSENGER_STR_INT_UTILS_H_ #define _PASSENGER_STR_INT_UTILS_H_ #include <string> #include <vector> #include <ostream> #include <sstream> #include <stdexcept> #include <new> #include <cstdlib> #include <cstddef> #include <ctime> #include <boost/move/utility.hpp> #include <oxt/macros.hpp> #include <StaticString.h> namespace Passenger { using namespace std; /** * A RAII construct for memory buffers that are dynamically allocated with malloc(). * Upon destruction of a DynamicBuffer, the memory buffer is freed. */ struct DynamicBuffer { private: BOOST_MOVABLE_BUT_NOT_COPYABLE(DynamicBuffer) public: typedef string::size_type size_type; char *data; size_type size; DynamicBuffer() : data(NULL), size(0) { } /** * @throws std::bad_alloc The buffer cannot be allocated. */ DynamicBuffer(size_type _size) : size(_size) { data = (char *) malloc(_size); if (data == NULL) { throw std::bad_alloc(); } } DynamicBuffer(BOOST_RV_REF(DynamicBuffer) other) : data(other.data), size(other.size) { other.data = NULL; other.size = 0; } ~DynamicBuffer() throw() { free(data); } DynamicBuffer &operator=(BOOST_RV_REF(DynamicBuffer) other) { if (this != &other) { free(data); data = other.data; size = other.size; other.data = NULL; other.size = 0; } return *this; } }; /** * Given a prefix string, a middle string and a postfix string, try to build a string * that looks like <tt>prefix + middle + postfix</tt>, with as many characters from * <tt>midle</tt> preserved as possible. * * If <tt>prefix + middle + postfix</tt> does not fit in <tt>max</tt> characters, * then <tt>middle</tt> will be truncated so that it fits. If <tt>max</tt> is too * small to contain even 1 character from <tt>middle</tt>, then an ArgumentException * will be thrown. * * @code * fillInMiddle(18, "server.", "1234", ".socket"); // "server.1234.socket" * fillInMiddle(16, "server.", "1234", ".socket"); // "server.12.socket" * fillInMiddle(14, "server.", "1234", ".socket"); // ArgumentException * @endcode * * @returns The resulting string, with <tt>middle</tt> possibly truncated. * @throws ArgumentException <tt>max</tt> is too small to contain even 1 * character from <tt>middle</tt>. * @post result.size() <= max */ string fillInMiddle(unsigned int max, const string &prefix, const string &middle, const string &postfix = ""); /** * Checks whether <tt>str</tt> starts with <tt>substr</tt>. */ bool startsWith(const StaticString &str, const StaticString &substr); /** * Checks whether <tt>str</tt> ends with <tt>substr</tt>. */ bool endsWith(const StaticString &str, const StaticString &substr); /** * Split the given string using the given separator. Excludes the * separator from the output. * * @param str The string to split. * @param sep The separator to use. * @param output The vector to write the output to. */ void split(const StaticString & restrict_ref str, char sep, vector<string> & restrict_ref output); void split(const StaticString & restrict_ref str, char sep, vector<StaticString> & restrict_ref output); /** * Split the given string using the given separator. Includes the * separator in the output, at the end of an item. * * @param str The string to split. * @param sep The separator to use. * @param output The vector to write the output to. */ void splitIncludeSep(const StaticString & restrict_ref str, char sep, vector<string> & restrict_ref output); void splitIncludeSep(const StaticString & restrict_ref str, char sep, vector<StaticString> & restrict_ref output); /** * Each section in str ending with any of the tokens is truncated to a length of maxBetweenTokens. * The result is streamed to sstream, including tokens. * * Example: ("hello/world\\path/Splitter.cpp", "\\/", 3, sstream) results in sstream << "hel/wor\\pat/Splitter.cpp" */ void truncateBeforeTokens(const char *str, const StaticString &tokens, int maxBetweenTokens, ostream &sstream); /** * Look for 'toFind' inside 'str', replace it with 'replaceWith' and return the result. * Only the first occurence of 'toFind' is replaced. */ string replaceString(const StaticString &str, const StaticString &toFind, const StaticString &replaceWith); /** * Like replaceString(), but replace all occurrences of `toFind`. */ string replaceAll(const StaticString &str, const StaticString &toFind, const StaticString &replaceWith); /** * Strips leading and trailing whitespaces. */ string strip(const StaticString &str); /** * Given a pointer to a NULL-terminated string, update it to a * position where all leading whitespaces (0x20) have been skipped. */ inline void skipLeadingWhitespaces(const char **data) { while (**data == ' ') { (*data)++; } } /** * Given a pointer to a string and its end, update the begin pointer to a * position where all leading whitespaces (0x20) have been skipped. * The pointer will not be moved past `end`. */ inline void skipLeadingWhitespaces(const char **data, const char *end) { while (*data < end && **data == ' ') { (*data)++; } } /** * Given a string and a pointer to its position within it, update the pointer * to a position where all trailing whitespaces (0x20) have been skipped. * The pointer will not be moved before `begin`. */ inline void skipTrailingWhitespaces(const char *begin, const char **pos) { while (*pos > begin && (*pos)[-1] == ' ') { (*pos)--; } } /** * Convert anything to a string. */ template<typename T> string toString(T something) { stringstream s; s << something; return s.str(); } string toString(const vector<string> &vec); string toString(const vector<StaticString> &vec); string doubleToString(double value); string pointerToIntString(void *pointer); /** * Converts the given integer string to an unsigned long long integer. */ unsigned long long stringToULL(const StaticString &str); unsigned int stringToUint(const StaticString &str); /** * Converts the given integer string to a long long integer. */ long long stringToLL(const StaticString &str); int stringToInt(const StaticString &str); /** * Converts the given hexadecimal string to an unsigned long long integer. */ unsigned long long hexToULL(const StaticString &str); unsigned int hexToUint(const StaticString &str); /** * Converts the given hexatridecimal (base 36) string to an unsigned long long integer. */ unsigned long long hexatriToULL(const StaticString &str); /** * Convert the given binary data to hexadecimal. */ string toHex(const StaticString &data); /** * Convert the given binary data to hexadecimal. This form accepts an * output buffer which must be at least <tt>data.size() * 2</tt> bytes large. */ void toHex(const StaticString & restrict_ref data, char * restrict output, bool upperCase = false); /** * Reverse a string in-place. */ void reverseString(char *str, unsigned int size); /** * Calculates the size (in characters) of an integer when converted * to another base. */ template<typename IntegerType, int radix> unsigned int integerSizeInOtherBase(IntegerType value) { IntegerType remainder = value; unsigned int size = 0; do { remainder = remainder / radix; size++; } while (remainder != 0); return size; } /** * Convert the given integer to some other radix, placing * the result into the given output buffer. The output buffer * will be NULL terminated. Supported radices are 2-36. * * @param outputSize The size of the output buffer, including space for * the terminating NULL. * @return The size of the created string, excluding * terminating NULL. * @throws std::length_error The output buffer is not large enough. */ template<typename IntegerType, int radix> unsigned int integerToOtherBase(IntegerType value, char *output, unsigned int outputSize) { static const char chars[] = { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z' }; IntegerType remainder = value; unsigned int size = 0; if (outputSize >= 4) { if (value < radix) { output[0] = chars[value]; output[1] = '\0'; return 1; } else if (value < radix * radix) { output[0] = chars[value / radix]; output[1] = chars[value % radix]; output[2] = '\0'; return 2; } else if ((long long) value < radix * radix * radix) { output[0] = chars[value / radix / radix]; output[1] = chars[value / radix % radix]; output[2] = chars[value % radix]; output[3] = '\0'; return 3; } } do { output[size] = chars[remainder % radix]; remainder = remainder / radix; size++; } while (remainder != 0 && size < outputSize - 1); if (remainder == 0) { reverseString(output, size); output[size] = '\0'; return size; } else { throw std::length_error("Buffer not large enough to for integerToOtherBase()"); return -1; // Shut up compiler warning. } } /** * Convert the given integer to hexadecimal, placing the result * into the given output buffer. This buffer must be at least * <tt>2 * sizeof(IntegerType) + 1</tt> bytes. The output buffer * will be NULL terminated. * * @return The size of the created hexadecimal string, excluding * terminating NULL. */ template<typename IntegerType> unsigned int integerToHex(IntegerType value, char *output) { return integerToOtherBase<IntegerType, 16>(value, output, 2 * sizeof(IntegerType) + 1); } unsigned int uintSizeAsString(unsigned int value); unsigned int uintToString(unsigned int value, char *output, unsigned int outputSize); /** * Convert the given integer to a hexadecimal string. */ string integerToHex(long long value); /** * Convert the given integer to hexatridecimal (Base 36), placing the * result into the given output buffer. This buffer must be at least * <tt>2 * sizeof(IntegerType) + 1</tt> bytes. The output buffer * will be NULL terminated. * * @return The size of the created hexatridecimal string, excluding * terminating NULL. */ template<typename IntegerType> unsigned int integerToHexatri(IntegerType value, char *output) { return integerToOtherBase<IntegerType, 36>(value, output, 2 * sizeof(IntegerType) + 1); } /** * Convert the given integer to a hexatridecimal string. */ string integerToHexatri(long long value); /** * Checks whether the given string looks like a number >= 0. */ bool looksLikePositiveNumber(const StaticString &str); /** * Converts the given string to an integer. */ int atoi(const string &s); /** * Converts the given string to a long integer. */ long atol(const string &s); /** * Round `number` up to the nearest multiple of `multiple`. * This only works for integers! */ template<typename IntegerType> IntegerType roundUp(IntegerType number, IntegerType multiple) { return (number + multiple - 1) / multiple * multiple; } /** * Converts the given character array to lowercase. */ void convertLowerCase(const unsigned char * restrict data, unsigned char * restrict output, size_t len); /** * Compare two strings using a constant time algorithm to avoid timing attacks. */ bool constantTimeCompare(const StaticString &a, const StaticString &b); string distanceOfTimeInWords(time_t fromTime, time_t toTime = 0); /** * Returns the amount of time to the next multiple of `multiple`. For example: * * timeToNextMultipleULL(5, 0); // => 5 * timeToNextMultipleULL(5, 1); // => 4 * timeToNextMultipleULL(5, 2); // => 3 * timeToNextMultipleULL(5, 3); // => 2 * timeToNextMultipleULL(5, 4); // => 1 * timeToNextMultipleULL(5, 5); // => 5 * timeToNextMultipleULL(5, 6); // => 4 * * `multiple` and `now` may be in any unit (seconds, microseconds, hours) as * long as they are both the same unit. The return value is then also in that unit. * `timeToNextMultipleULL` operates on timestamp integers while * `timeToNextMultipleD` operates on timestamp floating point numbers. * * In case of `timeToNextMultipleULL`, if `now` is 0, then it is automatically set to * `SystemTime::getUsec()`. * * This function is mainly useful for repeating a timer while aligning the repeat * time on a certain multiple, which saves power on laptops. For example, when * repeating a libev timer you can call the following in the timeout function: * * timer->repeat = timeToNextMultipleD(5, ev_now(loop)); * ev_timer_again(loop, timer); */ unsigned long long timeToNextMultipleULL(unsigned long long multiple, unsigned long long now = 0); double timeToNextMultipleD(unsigned int multiple, double now); /** * Append the given data to the address at 'pos', but do not cross 'end'. * Returns the end of the appended string. */ char *appendData(char *pos, const char *end, const char *data, size_t size); char *appendData(char *pos, const char *end, const StaticString &data); /** * Escape non-ASCII-printable characters in the given string with C-style escape sequences, * e.g. "foo\nbar\0" becomes "foo\\nbar\\0". */ string cEscapeString(const StaticString &input); /** * Escapes HTML special characters the given input string, which is assumed to * contain UTF-8 data. Returns a UTF-8 encoded string. * * @throws utf8::exception A UTF-8 decoding error occurred. */ string escapeHTML(const StaticString &input); /** * URL-decodes the given string. * * @throws SyntaxError */ string urldecode(const StaticString &url); } // namespace Passenger #endif /* _PASSENGER_STR_INT_UTILS_H_ */