Current Path : /opt/cpanel/ea-ruby27/src/passenger-release-6.0.23/src/cxx_supportlib/ConfigKit/ |
Current File : //opt/cpanel/ea-ruby27/src/passenger-release-6.0.23/src/cxx_supportlib/ConfigKit/Store.h |
/* * Phusion Passenger - https://www.phusionpassenger.com/ * Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Phusion Holding B.V. * * "Passenger", "Phusion Passenger" and "Union Station" are registered * trademarks of Phusion Holding B.V. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef _PASSENGER_CONFIG_KIT_STORE_H_ #define _PASSENGER_CONFIG_KIT_STORE_H_ #include <string> #include <vector> #include <cassert> // for std::swap() #if __cplusplus >= 201103L #include <utility> #else #include <algorithm> #endif #include <boost/config.hpp> #include <jsoncpp/json.h> #include <ConfigKit/Common.h> #include <ConfigKit/Schema.h> #include <ConfigKit/Utils.h> #include <ConfigKit/Translator.h> #include <LoggingKit/Assert.h> #include <Exceptions.h> #include <DataStructures/StringKeyTable.h> #include <StrIntTools/StrIntUtils.h> namespace Passenger { namespace ConfigKit { using namespace std; // See the ConfigKit README for a description. class Store { private: friend class Schema; struct Entry { const Schema::Entry *schemaEntry; Json::Value userValue; mutable Json::Value cachedDefaultValue; mutable bool defaultValueCachePopulated; Entry() : schemaEntry(NULL) { } Entry(const Schema::Entry &_schemaEntry) : schemaEntry(&_schemaEntry), userValue(Json::nullValue), defaultValueCachePopulated(false) { } Json::Value getDefaultValue(const Store &store) const { if (defaultValueCachePopulated) { return cachedDefaultValue; } else if (schemaEntry->defaultValueGetter) { if (schemaEntry->flags & CACHE_DEFAULT_VALUE) { defaultValueCachePopulated = true; cachedDefaultValue = schemaEntry->defaultValueGetter(store); return cachedDefaultValue; } else { return schemaEntry->defaultValueGetter(store); } } else { return Json::Value(Json::nullValue); } } Json::Value getEffectiveValue(const Store &store) const { if (userValue.isNull()) { return getDefaultValue(store); } else if (schemaEntry->nestedSchema == NULL) { return userValue; } else { // The user value may contain nulls that should // be populated with the default value from the // corresponding nested schema. Json::Value result; schemaEntry->tryTypecastArrayOrObjectValueWithNestedSchema( userValue, result, "effective_value"); return result; } } }; const Schema *schema; StringKeyTable<Entry> entries; bool updatedOnce; static Json::Value getEffectiveValue(const Json::Value &userValue, const Json::Value &defaultValue, const Schema::Entry &schemaEntry) { if (userValue.isNull()) { return defaultValue; } else if (schemaEntry.nestedSchema == NULL) { return userValue; } else { // The user value may contain nulls that should // be populated with the default value from the // corresponding nested schema. Json::Value result; schemaEntry.tryTypecastArrayOrObjectValueWithNestedSchema( userValue, result, "effective_value"); return result; } } static Json::Value maybeFilterSecret(const Entry &entry, const Json::Value &value) { if (entry.schemaEntry->flags & SECRET) { if (value.isNull()) { return Json::nullValue; } else { return "[FILTERED]"; } } else { return value; } } void initialize() { Schema::ConstIterator it = schema->getIterator(); while (*it != NULL) { Entry entry(it.getValue()); entries.insert(it.getKey(), entry); it.next(); } entries.compact(); } bool isWritable(const Entry &entry) const { return !(entry.schemaEntry->flags & READ_ONLY) || !updatedOnce; } void applyCustomValidators(const Json::Value &updates, vector<Error> &errors) const { Store tempStore(*schema); StringKeyTable<Entry>::Iterator it(tempStore.entries); while (*it != NULL) { const HashedStaticString &key = it.getKey(); Entry &entry = it.getValue(); if (isWritable(entry) && updates.isMember(key)) { entry.userValue = updates[key]; } it.next(); } boost::container::vector<Schema::Validator>::const_iterator v_it, v_end = schema->getValidators().end(); for (v_it = schema->getValidators().begin(); v_it != v_end; v_it++) { const Schema::Validator &validator = *v_it; validator(tempStore, errors); } } void applyNormalizers(Json::Value &doc) const { boost::container::vector<Schema::Normalizer>::const_iterator n_it, n_end; n_it = schema->getNormalizers().begin(); n_end = schema->getNormalizers().end(); for (; n_it != n_end; n_it++) { const Schema::Normalizer &normalizer = *n_it; Json::Value effectiveValues(Json::objectValue); Json::Value::iterator it, end = doc.end(); for (it = doc.begin(); it != end; it++) { string name = it.name(); effectiveValues[name] = doc[name]["effective_value"]; } Json::Value updates = normalizer(effectiveValues); if (OXT_UNLIKELY(!updates.isNull() && !updates.isObject())) { P_BUG("ConfigKit normalizers may only return null or object values"); } if (updates.isNull() || updates.empty()) { continue; } end = updates.end(); for (it = updates.begin(); it != end; it++) { string name = it.name(); if (doc.isMember(name)) { Json::Value &subdoc = doc[name]; subdoc["user_value"] = *it; subdoc["effective_value"] = *it; } else { P_BUG("A ConfigKit normalizer returned a key that is not part of the schema: " << name); } } } } void applyInspectFilters(Json::Value &doc) const { StringKeyTable<Entry>::ConstIterator it(entries); while (*it != NULL) { const Entry &entry = it.getValue(); if (entry.schemaEntry->inspectFilter.empty()) { it.next(); continue; } const HashedStaticString &key = it.getKey(); Json::Value &subdoc = doc[key]; Json::Value &userValue = subdoc["user_value"]; userValue = entry.schemaEntry->inspectFilter(userValue); if (subdoc.isMember("default_value")) { Json::Value &defaultValue = subdoc["default_value"]; defaultValue = entry.schemaEntry->inspectFilter(defaultValue); } Json::Value &effectiveValue = subdoc["effective_value"]; effectiveValue = entry.schemaEntry->inspectFilter(effectiveValue); it.next(); } } void doFilterSecrets(Json::Value &doc) const { StringKeyTable<Entry>::ConstIterator it(entries); while (*it != NULL) { const HashedStaticString &key = it.getKey(); const Entry &entry = it.getValue(); Json::Value &subdoc = doc[key]; Json::Value &userValue = subdoc["user_value"]; userValue = maybeFilterSecret(entry, userValue); if (subdoc.isMember("default_value")) { Json::Value &defaultValue = subdoc["default_value"]; defaultValue = maybeFilterSecret(entry, defaultValue); } Json::Value &effectiveValue = subdoc["effective_value"]; effectiveValue = maybeFilterSecret(entry, effectiveValue); it.next(); } } public: struct PreviewOptions { bool filterSecrets; bool shouldApplyInspectFilters; PreviewOptions() : filterSecrets(true), shouldApplyInspectFilters() { } }; Store() : schema(NULL), entries(0, 0), updatedOnce(false) { } Store(const Schema &_schema) : schema(&_schema), updatedOnce(false) { initialize(); } Store(const Schema &_schema, const Json::Value &initialValues) : schema(&_schema), updatedOnce(false) { vector<Error> errors; initialize(); if (!update(initialValues, errors)) { throw ArgumentException("Invalid initial configuration: " + toString(errors)); } } Store(const Schema &_schema, const Json::Value &initialValues, const Translator &translator) : schema(&_schema), updatedOnce(false) { vector<Error> errors; initialize(); if (!update(translator.translate(initialValues), errors)) { errors = translator.reverseTranslate(errors); throw ArgumentException("Invalid initial configuration: " + toString(errors)); } } Store(const Store &other, const Json::Value &updates, vector<Error> &errors) : schema(other.schema), updatedOnce(false) { Json::Value result(Json::objectValue); StringKeyTable<Entry>::ConstIterator it(other.entries); while (*it != NULL) { const Entry &entry = it.getValue(); if (updates.isMember(it.getKey())) { result[it.getKey()] = updates[it.getKey()]; } else if (!entry.userValue.isNull()) { result[it.getKey()] = entry.userValue; } it.next(); } initialize(); update(result, errors); } const Schema &getSchema() const { return *schema; } bool hasBeenUpdatedAtLeastOnce() const { return updatedOnce; } /** * Returns the effective value of the given configuration key. * That is: either the user-supplied value, or the default value, * or null (whichever is first applicable). * * Note that `key` *must* be NULL-terminated! */ Json::Value get(const HashedStaticString &key) const { const Entry *entry; if (entries.lookup(key, &entry)) { return entry->getEffectiveValue(*this); } else { return Json::Value(Json::nullValue); } } Json::Value operator[](const HashedStaticString &key) const { return get(key); } /** * Given a JSON document containing configuration updates, returns * a JSON document that describes how the new configuration would * look like (when the updates are merged with the existing configuration), * and whether it passes validation, without actually updating the * stored configuration. * * If validation fails then any validation errors will be added to `errors`. * * Any keys in `updates` that are not registered are omitted from the result. * Any keys not in `updates` do not affect existing values stored in the store. * * The format returned by this method is the same as that of `inspect()`, * with the following exceptions: * * - If `filterSecrets` is set to false, values of fields * marked with the `SECRET` flag are not filtered. * - If `shouldApplyInspectFilters` is set to false, values of fields * are not passed through inspect filters. */ Json::Value previewUpdate(const Json::Value &updates, vector<Error> &errors, const PreviewOptions &options = PreviewOptions()) const { if (!updates.isNull() && !updates.isObject()) { errors.push_back(Error("The JSON document must be an object")); return inspect(); } Json::Value result(Json::objectValue); Store storeWithPreviewData(*this); StringKeyTable<Entry>::Iterator p_it(storeWithPreviewData.entries); StringKeyTable<Entry>::ConstIterator it(entries); vector<Error> tmpErrors; while (*p_it != NULL) { const HashedStaticString &key = p_it.getKey(); Entry &entry = p_it.getValue(); if (isWritable(entry) && updates.isMember(key)) { bool ok = entry.schemaEntry->tryTypecastValue( updates[key], entry.userValue); if (!ok) { entry.userValue = updates[key]; } } p_it.next(); } while (*it != NULL) { const HashedStaticString &key = it.getKey(); const Entry &entry = it.getValue(); Json::Value subdoc(Json::objectValue); entry.schemaEntry->inspect(subdoc); if (isWritable(entry) && updates.isMember(key)) { bool ok = entry.schemaEntry->tryTypecastValue(updates[key], subdoc["user_value"]); if (!ok) { subdoc["user_value"] = updates[key]; } } else { subdoc["user_value"] = entry.userValue; } if (entry.schemaEntry->defaultValueGetter) { subdoc["default_value"] = entry.getDefaultValue(storeWithPreviewData); } const Json::Value &effectiveValue = subdoc["effective_value"] = getEffectiveValue(subdoc["user_value"], subdoc["default_value"], *entry.schemaEntry); schema->validateValue(it.getKey(), effectiveValue, tmpErrors); result[it.getKey()] = subdoc; it.next(); } if (!schema->getValidators().empty()) { applyCustomValidators(updates, tmpErrors); } if (tmpErrors.empty()) { applyNormalizers(result); } if (options.shouldApplyInspectFilters) { applyInspectFilters(result); } if (options.filterSecrets) { doFilterSecrets(result); } errors.insert(errors.end(), tmpErrors.begin(), tmpErrors.end()); return result; } /** * Attempts to merge the given configuration updates into this store. * Only succeeds if the merged result passes validation. Any * validation errors are stored in `errors`. * Returns whether the update succeeded. * * Any keys in `updates` that are not registered will not participate in the update. * Any keys not in `updates` do not affect existing values stored in the store. */ bool update(const Json::Value &updates, vector<Error> &errors) { PreviewOptions options; options.filterSecrets = false; options.shouldApplyInspectFilters = false; Json::Value preview = previewUpdate(updates, errors, options); if (errors.empty()) { StringKeyTable<Entry>::Iterator it(entries); while (*it != NULL) { Entry &entry = it.getValue(); if (isWritable(entry)) { const Json::Value &subdoc = const_cast<const Json::Value &>(preview)[it.getKey()]; entry.userValue = subdoc["user_value"]; } it.next(); } updatedOnce = true; return true; } else { return false; } } Store extractDataForSubSchema(const Schema &subSchema, const Translator &translator) const { Store result(subSchema); StringKeyTable<Entry>::Iterator it(result.entries); while (*it != NULL) { const HashedStaticString &subSchemaKey = it.getKey(); Entry &subSchemaEntry = it.getValue(); const string mainSchemaKey = translator.reverseTranslateOne( subSchemaKey); const Entry *mainSchemaEntry; if (entries.lookup(mainSchemaKey, &mainSchemaEntry)) { subSchemaEntry.userValue = mainSchemaEntry->userValue; } it.next(); } return result; } void swap(Store &other) BOOST_NOEXCEPT_OR_NOTHROW { std::swap(schema, other.schema); entries.swap(other.entries); std::swap(updatedOnce, other.updatedOnce); } /** * Inspects the current store's configuration keys and values in a format * that displays user-supplied and effective values, as well as * other useful information. See the README's "Inspecting all data" * section to learn about the format. */ Json::Value inspect() const { Json::Value result(Json::objectValue); StringKeyTable<Entry>::ConstIterator it(entries); while (*it != NULL) { const Entry &entry = it.getValue(); Json::Value subdoc(Json::objectValue); entry.schemaEntry->inspect(subdoc); subdoc["user_value"] = entry.userValue; subdoc["effective_value"] = entry.getEffectiveValue(*this); if (entry.schemaEntry->defaultValueGetter && entry.schemaEntry->flags & _DYNAMIC_DEFAULT_VALUE) { subdoc["default_value"] = entry.getDefaultValue(*this); } result[it.getKey()] = subdoc; it.next(); } applyInspectFilters(result); doFilterSecrets(result); return result; } /** * Inspects the current store's configuration keys and effective * values only. This is like `inspect()` but much less verbose. * See the README's "Inspecting all data" section to learn more * about the format. * Note that values with the SECRET flag are not filtered. */ Json::Value inspectEffectiveValues() const { Json::Value result(Json::objectValue); StringKeyTable<Entry>::ConstIterator it(entries); while (*it != NULL) { const Entry &entry = it.getValue(); result[it.getKey()] = entry.getEffectiveValue(*this); it.next(); } return result; } /** * Inspects the current store's configuration keys and user * values only. This is like `inspect()` but much less verbose. * Note that values with the SECRET flag are not filtered. */ Json::Value inspectUserValues() const { Json::Value result(Json::objectValue); StringKeyTable<Entry>::ConstIterator it(entries); while (*it != NULL) { const Entry &entry = it.getValue(); result[it.getKey()] = entry.userValue; it.next(); } return result; } }; inline bool Schema::Entry::tryTypecastArrayOrObjectValueWithNestedSchema(const Json::Value &val, Json::Value &result, const char *userOrEffectiveValue) const { assert(type == ARRAY_TYPE || type == OBJECT_TYPE); assert(nestedSchema != NULL); assert(!val.isNull()); assert(val.isConvertibleTo(Json::arrayValue) || val.isConvertibleTo(Json::objectValue)); bool ok = true; result = val; Json::Value::iterator it, end = result.end(); for (it = result.begin(); it != end; it++) { Json::Value &userSubdoc = *it; if (!userSubdoc.isConvertibleTo(Json::objectValue)) { ok = false; continue; } vector<Error> errors; Json::Value preview = Store(*nestedSchema).previewUpdate( userSubdoc, errors); Json::Value::const_iterator p_it, p_end = preview.end(); for (p_it = preview.begin(); p_it != p_end; p_it++) { const Json::Value &previewSubdoc = *p_it; userSubdoc[p_it.name()] = previewSubdoc[userOrEffectiveValue]; } } return ok; } inline Json::Value Schema::getValueFromSubSchema( const Store &store, const Schema *subschema, const Translator *translator, const HashedStaticString &key) { Store tempStore = store.extractDataForSubSchema(*subschema, *translator); Store::Entry *tempEntry; if (tempStore.entries.lookup(translator->translateOne(key), &tempEntry)) { if (tempEntry->schemaEntry->defaultValueGetter) { return tempEntry->schemaEntry->defaultValueGetter(tempStore); } else { return Json::nullValue; } } else { return Json::nullValue; } } inline void Schema::validateSubSchema(const Store &store, vector<Error> &errors, const Schema *subschema, const Translator *translator, const Validator &origValidator) { Store tempStore = store.extractDataForSubSchema(*subschema, *translator); vector<Error> tempErrors; origValidator(tempStore, tempErrors); if (!tempErrors.empty()) { tempErrors = translator->reverseTranslate(tempErrors); errors.insert(errors.end(), tempErrors.begin(), tempErrors.end()); } } inline Json::Value Schema::normalizeSubSchema(const Json::Value &effectiveValues, const Schema *mainSchema, const Schema *subschema, const Translator *translator, const Normalizer &origNormalizer) { Json::Value translatedEffectiveValues(Json::objectValue); StringKeyTable<Entry>::ConstIterator it(subschema->entries); while (*it != NULL) { const HashedStaticString &subSchemaKey = it.getKey(); const string mainSchemaKey = translator->reverseTranslateOne( subSchemaKey); const Entry *mainSchemaEntry; if (mainSchema->entries.lookup(mainSchemaKey, &mainSchemaEntry)) { translatedEffectiveValues[subSchemaKey] = effectiveValues[mainSchemaKey]; } it.next(); } return translator->reverseTranslate(origNormalizer(translatedEffectiveValues)); } inline Json::Value Schema::getStaticDefaultValue(const Schema::Entry &entry) { Store::Entry storeEntry(entry); return Store::maybeFilterSecret(storeEntry, storeEntry.getDefaultValue(Store())); } inline bool Schema::validateNestedSchemaArrayValue(const HashedStaticString &key, const Schema::Entry &entry, const Json::Value &value, vector<Error> &errors) { bool warnedAboutNonObjectValue = false; bool result = true; Json::Value::const_iterator it, end = value.end(); for (it = value.begin(); it != end; it++) { if (!it->isConvertibleTo(Json::objectValue)) { if (!warnedAboutNonObjectValue) { warnedAboutNonObjectValue = true; result = false; errors.push_back(Error( "'{{" + key + "}}' may only contain JSON objects")); } continue; } Store store(*entry.nestedSchema); vector<Error> nestedSchemaErrors; if (store.update(*it, nestedSchemaErrors)) { continue; } vector<Error>::const_iterator e_it, e_end = nestedSchemaErrors.end(); for (e_it = nestedSchemaErrors.begin(); e_it != e_end; e_it++) { errors.push_back(Error("'{{" + key + "}}' element " + Passenger::toString(it.index() + 1) + " is invalid: " + e_it->getMessage())); } result = false; } return result; } inline bool Schema::validateNestedSchemaObjectValue(const HashedStaticString &key, const Schema::Entry &entry, const Json::Value &value, vector<Error> &errors) { bool warnedAboutNonObjectValue = false; bool result = true; Json::Value::const_iterator it, end = value.end(); for (it = value.begin(); it != end; it++) { if (!it->isConvertibleTo(Json::objectValue)) { if (!warnedAboutNonObjectValue) { warnedAboutNonObjectValue = true; result = false; errors.push_back(Error( "'{{" + key + "}}' may only contain JSON objects")); } continue; } Store store(*entry.nestedSchema); vector<Error> nestedSchemaErrors; if (store.update(*it, nestedSchemaErrors)) { continue; } vector<Error>::const_iterator e_it, e_end = nestedSchemaErrors.end(); for (e_it = nestedSchemaErrors.begin(); e_it != e_end; e_it++) { errors.push_back(Error("'{{" + key + "}}' key '" + it.name() + "' is invalid: " + e_it->getMessage())); } result = false; } return result; } } // namespace ConfigKit } // namespace Passenger #endif /* _PASSENGER_CONFIG_KIT_STORE_H_ */