Current Path : /opt/cpanel/ea-ruby27/src/passenger-release-6.0.23/src/agent/Core/SpawningKit/ |
Current File : //opt/cpanel/ea-ruby27/src/passenger-release-6.0.23/src/agent/Core/SpawningKit/SmartSpawner.h |
/* * Phusion Passenger - https://www.phusionpassenger.com/ * Copyright (c) 2011-2018 Phusion Holding B.V. * * "Passenger", "Phusion Passenger" and "Union Station" are registered * trademarks of Phusion Holding B.V. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef _PASSENGER_SPAWNING_KIT_SMART_SPAWNER_H_ #define _PASSENGER_SPAWNING_KIT_SMART_SPAWNER_H_ #include <oxt/thread.hpp> #include <oxt/system_calls.hpp> #include <boost/bind/bind.hpp> #include <boost/make_shared.hpp> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <map> #include <stdexcept> #include <dirent.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/wait.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <signal.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <cstring> #include <cassert> #include <adhoc_lve.h> #include <LoggingKit/Logging.h> #include <Constants.h> #include <Exceptions.h> #include <DataStructures/StringKeyTable.h> #include <ProcessManagement/Utils.h> #include <SystemTools/ProcessMetricsCollector.h> #include <SystemTools/SystemTime.h> #include <FileTools/FileManip.h> #include <IOTools/BufferedIO.h> #include <JsonTools/JsonUtils.h> #include <Utils/ScopeGuard.h> #include <Utils/AsyncSignalSafeUtils.h> #include <LveLoggingDecorator.h> #include <Core/SpawningKit/Spawner.h> #include <Core/SpawningKit/Exceptions.h> #include <Core/SpawningKit/PipeWatcher.h> #include <Core/SpawningKit/Handshake/Session.h> #include <Core/SpawningKit/Handshake/Prepare.h> #include <Core/SpawningKit/Handshake/Perform.h> #include <Core/SpawningKit/Handshake/BackgroundIOCapturer.h> namespace Passenger { namespace SpawningKit { using namespace std; using namespace boost; using namespace oxt; class SmartSpawner: public Spawner { private: const string preloaderCommandString; string preloaderEnvvars; string preloaderUserInfo; string preloaderUlimits; StringKeyTable<string> preloaderAnnotations; AppPoolOptions options; // Protects m_lastUsed and pid. mutable boost::mutex simpleFieldSyncher; // Protects everything else. mutable boost::mutex syncher; // Preloader information. pid_t pid; FileDescriptor preloaderStdin; string socketAddress; unsigned long long m_lastUsed; /** * Behaves like <tt>waitpid(pid, status, WNOHANG)</tt>, but waits at most * <em>timeout</em> miliseconds for the process to exit. */ static int timedWaitpid(pid_t pid, int *status, unsigned long long timeout) { Timer<SystemTime::GRAN_10MSEC> timer; int ret; do { ret = syscalls::waitpid(pid, status, WNOHANG); if (ret > 0 || ret == -1) { return ret; } else { syscalls::usleep(10000); } } while (timer.elapsed() < timeout); return 0; // timed out } static bool osProcessExists(pid_t pid) { if (syscalls::kill(pid, 0) == 0) { /* On some environments, e.g. Heroku, the init process does * not properly reap adopted zombie processes, which can interfere * with our process existance check. To work around this, we * explicitly check whether or not the process has become a zombie. */ return !isZombie(pid); } else { return errno != ESRCH; } } static bool isZombie(pid_t pid) { string filename = "/proc/" + toString(pid) + "/status"; FILE *f = fopen(filename.c_str(), "r"); if (f == NULL) { // Don't know. return false; } bool result = false; while (!feof(f)) { char buf[512]; const char *line; line = fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), f); if (line == NULL) { break; } if (strcmp(line, "State: Z (zombie)\n") == 0) { // Is a zombie. result = true; break; } } fclose(f); return result; } static string createCommandString(const vector<string> &command) { string result; vector<string>::const_iterator it; vector<string>::const_iterator begin = command.begin(); vector<string>::const_iterator end = command.end(); for (it = begin; it != end; it++) { if (it != begin) { result.append(1, ' '); } result.append(escapeShell(*it)); } return result; } void setConfigFromAppPoolOptions(Config *config, Json::Value &extraArgs, const AppPoolOptions &options) { Spawner::setConfigFromAppPoolOptions(config, extraArgs, options); config->spawnMethod = P_STATIC_STRING("smart"); } struct StdChannelsAsyncOpenState { const int workDirFd; oxt::thread *stdinOpenThread; FileDescriptor stdinFd; int stdinOpenErrno; oxt::thread *stdoutAndErrOpenThread; FileDescriptor stdoutAndErrFd; int stdoutAndErrOpenErrno; BackgroundIOCapturerPtr stdoutAndErrCapturer; StdChannelsAsyncOpenState(int _workDirFd) : workDirFd(_workDirFd), stdinOpenThread(NULL), stdoutAndErrOpenThread(NULL) { } ~StdChannelsAsyncOpenState() { boost::this_thread::disable_interruption di; boost::this_thread::disable_syscall_interruption dsi; if (stdinOpenThread != NULL) { stdinOpenThread->interrupt_and_join(); delete stdinOpenThread; } if (stdoutAndErrOpenThread != NULL) { stdoutAndErrOpenThread->interrupt_and_join(); delete stdoutAndErrOpenThread; } } }; typedef boost::shared_ptr<StdChannelsAsyncOpenState> StdChannelsAsyncOpenStatePtr; StdChannelsAsyncOpenStatePtr openStdChannelsFifosAsynchronously( HandshakeSession &session) { StdChannelsAsyncOpenStatePtr state = boost::make_shared<StdChannelsAsyncOpenState>( session.workDirFd); state->stdinOpenThread = new oxt::thread(boost::bind( openStdinChannel, state, session.workDir->getPath()), "FIFO opener: " + session.workDir->getPath() + "/stdin", 1024 * 128); state->stdoutAndErrOpenThread = new oxt::thread(boost::bind( openStdoutAndErrChannel, state, session.workDir->getPath()), "FIFO opener: " + session.workDir->getPath() + "/stdout_and_err", 1024 * 128); return state; } void waitForStdChannelFifosToBeOpenedByPeer(const StdChannelsAsyncOpenStatePtr &state, HandshakeSession &session, pid_t pid) { TRACE_POINT(); MonotonicTimeUsec startTime = SystemTime::getMonotonicUsec(); ScopeGuard guard(boost::bind(adjustTimeout, startTime, &session.timeoutUsec)); try { if (state->stdinOpenThread->try_join_for( boost::chrono::microseconds(session.timeoutUsec))) { delete state->stdinOpenThread; state->stdinOpenThread = NULL; if (state->stdinFd == -1) { throw SystemException("Error opening FIFO " + session.workDir->getPath() + "/stdin", state->stdinOpenErrno); } else { P_LOG_FILE_DESCRIPTOR_PURPOSE(state->stdinFd, "App " << pid << " (" << options.appRoot << ") stdin"); adjustTimeout(startTime, &session.timeoutUsec); startTime = SystemTime::getMonotonicUsec(); } } else { throw TimeoutException("Timeout opening FIFO " + session.workDir->getPath() + "/stdin"); } UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); if (state->stdoutAndErrOpenThread->try_join_for( boost::chrono::microseconds(session.timeoutUsec))) { delete state->stdoutAndErrOpenThread; state->stdoutAndErrOpenThread = NULL; if (state->stdoutAndErrFd == -1) { throw SystemException("Error opening FIFO " + session.workDir->getPath() + "/stdout_and_err", state->stdoutAndErrOpenErrno); } else { P_LOG_FILE_DESCRIPTOR_PURPOSE(state->stdoutAndErrFd, "App " << pid << " (" << options.appRoot << ") stdoutAndErr"); } } else { throw TimeoutException("Timeout opening FIFO " + session.workDir->getPath() + "/stdout_and_err"); } state->stdoutAndErrCapturer = boost::make_shared<BackgroundIOCapturer>( state->stdoutAndErrFd, pid, session.config->appGroupName, session.config->logFile); state->stdoutAndErrCapturer->start(); } catch (const boost::system::system_error &e) { throw SystemException(e.what(), e.code().value()); } } static void openStdinChannel(StdChannelsAsyncOpenStatePtr state, const string &workDir) { int fd = syscalls::openat(state->workDirFd, "stdin", O_WRONLY | O_APPEND | O_NOFOLLOW); int e = errno; state->stdinFd.assign(fd, __FILE__, __LINE__); state->stdinOpenErrno = e; } static void openStdoutAndErrChannel(StdChannelsAsyncOpenStatePtr state, const string &workDir) { int fd = syscalls::openat(state->workDirFd, "stdout_and_err", O_RDONLY | O_NOFOLLOW); int e = errno; state->stdoutAndErrFd.assign(fd, __FILE__, __LINE__); state->stdoutAndErrOpenErrno = e; } bool preloaderStarted() const { return pid != -1; } void startPreloader() { TRACE_POINT(); boost::this_thread::disable_interruption di; boost::this_thread::disable_syscall_interruption dsi; assert(!preloaderStarted()); P_DEBUG("Spawning new preloader: appRoot=" << options.appRoot); Config config; Json::Value extraArgs; try { setConfigFromAppPoolOptions(&config, extraArgs, options); config.startCommand = preloaderCommandString; } catch (const std::exception &originalException) { Journey journey(SPAWN_THROUGH_PRELOADER, true); journey.setStepErrored(SPAWNING_KIT_PREPARATION, true); throw SpawnException(originalException, journey, &config).finalize(); } HandshakeSession session(*context, config, START_PRELOADER); session.journey.setStepInProgress(SPAWNING_KIT_PREPARATION); try { internalStartPreloader(config, session, extraArgs); } catch (const SpawnException &) { throw; } catch (const std::exception &originalException) { session.journey.setStepErrored(SPAWNING_KIT_PREPARATION); throw SpawnException(originalException, session.journey, &config).finalize(); } } void internalStartPreloader(Config &config, HandshakeSession &session, const Json::Value &extraArgs) { TRACE_POINT(); HandshakePrepare(session, extraArgs).execute(); Pipe stdinChannel = createPipe(__FILE__, __LINE__); Pipe stdoutAndErrChannel = createPipe(__FILE__, __LINE__); adhoc_lve::LveEnter scopedLveEnter(LveLoggingDecorator::lveInitOnce(), session.uid, config.lveMinUid, LveLoggingDecorator::lveExitCallback); LveLoggingDecorator::logLveEnter(scopedLveEnter, session.uid, config.lveMinUid); string agentFilename = context->resourceLocator ->findSupportBinary(AGENT_EXE); session.journey.setStepPerformed(SPAWNING_KIT_PREPARATION); session.journey.setStepInProgress(SPAWNING_KIT_FORK_SUBPROCESS); session.journey.setStepInProgress(SUBPROCESS_BEFORE_FIRST_EXEC); pid_t pid = syscalls::fork(); if (pid == 0) { int e; char buf[1024]; const char *end = buf + sizeof(buf); namespace ASSU = AsyncSignalSafeUtils; resetSignalHandlersAndMask(); disableMallocDebugging(); int stdinCopy = dup2(stdinChannel.first, 3); int stdoutAndErrCopy = dup2(stdoutAndErrChannel.second, 4); dup2(stdinCopy, 0); dup2(stdoutAndErrCopy, 1); dup2(stdoutAndErrCopy, 2); closeAllFileDescriptors(2); execlp(agentFilename.c_str(), agentFilename.c_str(), "spawn-env-setupper", session.workDir->getPath().c_str(), "--before", (char *) 0); char *pos = buf; e = errno; pos = ASSU::appendData(pos, end, "Cannot execute \""); pos = ASSU::appendData(pos, end, agentFilename.data(), agentFilename.size()); pos = ASSU::appendData(pos, end, "\": "); pos = ASSU::appendData(pos, end, ASSU::limitedStrerror(e)); pos = ASSU::appendData(pos, end, " (errno="); pos = ASSU::appendInteger<int, 10>(pos, end, e); pos = ASSU::appendData(pos, end, ")\n"); ASSU::printError(buf, pos - buf); _exit(1); } else if (pid == -1) { int e = errno; UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); session.journey.setStepErrored(SPAWNING_KIT_FORK_SUBPROCESS); SpawnException ex(OPERATING_SYSTEM_ERROR, session.journey, &config); ex.setSummary(StaticString("Cannot fork a new process: ") + strerror(e) + " (errno=" + toString(e) + ")"); ex.setAdvancedProblemDetails(StaticString("Cannot fork a new process: ") + strerror(e) + " (errno=" + toString(e) + ")"); throw ex.finalize(); } else { UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); session.journey.setStepPerformed(SPAWNING_KIT_FORK_SUBPROCESS); session.journey.setStepInProgress(SPAWNING_KIT_HANDSHAKE_PERFORM); scopedLveEnter.exit(); P_LOG_FILE_DESCRIPTOR_PURPOSE(stdinChannel.second, "Preloader " << pid << " (" << options.appRoot << ") stdin"); P_LOG_FILE_DESCRIPTOR_PURPOSE(stdoutAndErrChannel.first, "Preloader " << pid << " (" << options.appRoot << ") stdoutAndErr"); UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); ScopeGuard guard(boost::bind(nonInterruptableKillAndWaitpid, pid)); P_DEBUG("Preloader process forked for appRoot=" << options.appRoot << ": PID " << pid); stdinChannel.first.close(); stdoutAndErrChannel.second.close(); HandshakePerform(session, pid, stdinChannel.second, stdoutAndErrChannel.first).execute(); string envvars, userInfo, ulimits; // If a new output variable was added to this function, // then don't forget to also update these locations: // - the critical section below // - bottom of stopPreloader() // - addPreloaderEnvDumps() HandshakePerform::loadBasicInfoFromEnvDumpDir(session.envDumpDir, session.envDumpDirFd, envvars, userInfo, ulimits); string socketAddress = findPreloaderCommandSocketAddress(session); { boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> l(simpleFieldSyncher); this->pid = pid; this->socketAddress = socketAddress; this->preloaderStdin = stdinChannel.second; this->preloaderEnvvars = envvars; this->preloaderUserInfo = userInfo; this->preloaderUlimits = ulimits; this->preloaderAnnotations = loadAnnotationsFromEnvDumpDir( session.envDumpDir, session.envDumpAnnotationsDirFd); } PipeWatcherPtr watcher = boost::make_shared<PipeWatcher>( stdoutAndErrChannel.first, "output", config.appGroupName, config.logFile, pid); watcher->initialize(); watcher->start(); UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); guard.clear(); session.journey.setStepPerformed(SPAWNING_KIT_HANDSHAKE_PERFORM); P_INFO("Preloader for " << options.appRoot << " started on PID " << pid << ", listening on " << socketAddress); } } void stopPreloader() { TRACE_POINT(); boost::this_thread::disable_interruption di; boost::this_thread::disable_syscall_interruption dsi; if (!preloaderStarted()) { return; } preloaderStdin.close(false); if (timedWaitpid(pid, NULL, 5000) == 0) { P_DEBUG("Preloader did not exit in time, killing it..."); syscalls::kill(pid, SIGKILL); syscalls::waitpid(pid, NULL, 0); } // Delete socket after the process has exited so that it // doesn't crash upon deleting a nonexistant file. if (getSocketAddressType(socketAddress) == SAT_UNIX) { string filename = parseUnixSocketAddress(socketAddress); syscalls::unlink(filename.c_str()); } { boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> l(simpleFieldSyncher); pid = -1; socketAddress.clear(); preloaderEnvvars.clear(); preloaderUserInfo.clear(); preloaderUlimits.clear(); preloaderAnnotations.clear(); } } FileDescriptor connectToPreloader(HandshakeSession &session) { TRACE_POINT(); FileDescriptor fd(connectToServer(socketAddress, __FILE__, __LINE__), NULL, 0); P_LOG_FILE_DESCRIPTOR_PURPOSE(fd, "Preloader " << pid << " (" << session.config->appRoot << ") connection"); return fd; } struct ForkResult { pid_t pid; FileDescriptor stdinFd; FileDescriptor stdoutAndErrFd; string alreadyReadStdoutAndErrData; ForkResult() : pid(-1) { } ForkResult(pid_t _pid, const FileDescriptor &_stdinFd, const FileDescriptor &_stdoutAndErrFd, const string &_alreadyReadStdoutAndErrData) : pid(_pid), stdinFd(_stdinFd), stdoutAndErrFd(_stdoutAndErrFd), alreadyReadStdoutAndErrData(_alreadyReadStdoutAndErrData) { } }; struct PreloaderCrashed { SystemException *systemException; IOException *ioException; PreloaderCrashed(const SystemException &e) : systemException(new SystemException(e)), ioException(NULL) { } PreloaderCrashed(const IOException &e) : systemException(NULL), ioException(new IOException(e)) { } ~PreloaderCrashed() { delete systemException; delete ioException; } const oxt::tracable_exception &getException() const { if (systemException != NULL) { return *systemException; } else { return *ioException; } } }; ForkResult invokeForkCommand(HandshakeSession &session, JourneyStep &stepToMarkAsErrored) { TRACE_POINT(); P_ASSERT_EQ(session.journey.getStepInfo(SPAWNING_KIT_PREPARATION).state, STEP_PERFORMED); try { StdChannelsAsyncOpenStatePtr stdChannelsAsyncOpenState = openStdChannelsFifosAsynchronously(session); return internalInvokeForkCommand(session, stdChannelsAsyncOpenState, stepToMarkAsErrored); } catch (const PreloaderCrashed &crashException1) { UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); P_WARN("An error occurred while spawning an application process: " << crashException1.getException().what()); P_WARN("The application preloader seems to have crashed," " restarting it and trying again..."); session.journey.reset(); try { stopPreloader(); } catch (const SpawnException &) { throw; } catch (const std::exception &originalException) { session.journey.setStepErrored(SPAWNING_KIT_PREPARATION, true); SpawnException e(originalException, session.journey, session.config); e.setSummary(StaticString("Error stopping a crashed preloader: ") + originalException.what()); e.setProblemDescriptionHTML( "<p>The " PROGRAM_NAME " application server tried" " to start the web application by communicating with a" " helper process that we call a \"preloader\". However," " this helper process crashed unexpectedly. " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME " then tried to restart it, but" " encountered the following error while trying to" " stop the preloader:</p>" "<pre>" + escapeHTML(originalException.what()) + "</pre>"); throw e.finalize(); } UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); startPreloader(); session.journey.reset(); session.journey.setStepPerformed(SPAWNING_KIT_PREPARATION, true); UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); try { StdChannelsAsyncOpenStatePtr stdChannelsAsyncOpenState = openStdChannelsFifosAsynchronously(session); return internalInvokeForkCommand(session, stdChannelsAsyncOpenState, stepToMarkAsErrored); } catch (const PreloaderCrashed &crashException2) { UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); session.journey.reset(); session.journey.setStepErrored(SPAWNING_KIT_PREPARATION, true); try { stopPreloader(); } catch (const SpawnException &) { throw; } catch (const std::exception &originalException) { SpawnException e(originalException, session.journey, session.config); e.setSummary(StaticString("Error stopping a crashed preloader: ") + originalException.what()); e.setProblemDescriptionHTML( "<p>The " PROGRAM_NAME " application server tried" " to start the web application by communicating with a" " helper process that we call a \"preloader\". However," " this helper process crashed unexpectedly. " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME " then tried to restart it, but" " encountered the following error while trying to" " stop the preloader:</p>" "<pre>" + escapeHTML(originalException.what()) + "</pre>"); throw e.finalize(); } SpawnException e(crashException2.getException(), session.journey, session.config); e.setSummary(StaticString("An application preloader crashed: ") + crashException2.getException().what()); e.setProblemDescriptionHTML( "<p>The " PROGRAM_NAME " application server tried" " to start the web application by communicating with a" " helper process that we call a \"preloader\". However," " this helper process crashed unexpectedly:</p>" "<pre>" + escapeHTML(crashException2.getException().what()) + "</pre>"); throw e.finalize(); } } } ForkResult internalInvokeForkCommand(HandshakeSession &session, const StdChannelsAsyncOpenStatePtr &stdChannelsAsyncOpenState, JourneyStep &stepToMarkAsErrored) { TRACE_POINT(); P_ASSERT_EQ(session.journey.getStepInfo(SPAWNING_KIT_PREPARATION).state, STEP_PERFORMED); session.journey.setStepInProgress(SPAWNING_KIT_CONNECT_TO_PRELOADER); stepToMarkAsErrored = SPAWNING_KIT_CONNECT_TO_PRELOADER; FileDescriptor fd; string line; Json::Value doc; try { fd = connectToPreloader(session); } catch (const SystemException &e) { throw PreloaderCrashed(e); } catch (const IOException &e) { throw PreloaderCrashed(e); } session.journey.setStepPerformed(SPAWNING_KIT_CONNECT_TO_PRELOADER); session.journey.setStepInProgress(SPAWNING_KIT_SEND_COMMAND_TO_PRELOADER); stepToMarkAsErrored = SPAWNING_KIT_SEND_COMMAND_TO_PRELOADER; try { sendForkCommand(session, fd); } catch (const SystemException &e) { throw PreloaderCrashed(e); } catch (const IOException &e) { throw PreloaderCrashed(e); } session.journey.setStepPerformed(SPAWNING_KIT_SEND_COMMAND_TO_PRELOADER); session.journey.setStepInProgress(SPAWNING_KIT_READ_RESPONSE_FROM_PRELOADER); stepToMarkAsErrored = SPAWNING_KIT_READ_RESPONSE_FROM_PRELOADER; try { line = readForkCommandResponse(session, fd); } catch (const SystemException &e) { throw PreloaderCrashed(e); } catch (const IOException &e) { throw PreloaderCrashed(e); } session.journey.setStepPerformed(SPAWNING_KIT_READ_RESPONSE_FROM_PRELOADER); session.journey.setStepInProgress(SPAWNING_KIT_PARSE_RESPONSE_FROM_PRELOADER); stepToMarkAsErrored = SPAWNING_KIT_PARSE_RESPONSE_FROM_PRELOADER; doc = parseForkCommandResponse(session, line); session.journey.setStepPerformed(SPAWNING_KIT_PARSE_RESPONSE_FROM_PRELOADER); session.journey.setStepInProgress(SPAWNING_KIT_PROCESS_RESPONSE_FROM_PRELOADER); stepToMarkAsErrored = SPAWNING_KIT_PROCESS_RESPONSE_FROM_PRELOADER; return handleForkCommandResponse(session, stdChannelsAsyncOpenState, doc); } void sendForkCommand(HandshakeSession &session, const FileDescriptor &fd) { TRACE_POINT(); Json::Value doc; doc["command"] = "spawn"; doc["work_dir"] = session.workDir->getPath(); writeExact(fd, Json::FastWriter().write(doc), &session.timeoutUsec); } string readForkCommandResponse(HandshakeSession &session, const FileDescriptor &fd) { TRACE_POINT(); BufferedIO io(fd); try { return io.readLine(10240, &session.timeoutUsec); } catch (const SecurityException &) { session.journey.setStepErrored(SPAWNING_KIT_READ_RESPONSE_FROM_PRELOADER); SpawnException e(INTERNAL_ERROR, session.journey, session.config); addPreloaderEnvDumps(e); e.setSummary("The preloader process sent a response that exceeds the maximum size limit."); e.setProblemDescriptionHTML( "<p>The " PROGRAM_NAME " application server tried" " to start the web application by communicating with a" " helper process that we call a \"preloader\". However," " this helper process sent a response that exceeded the" " internally-defined maximum size limit.</p>"); e.setSolutionDescriptionHTML( "<p class=\"sole-solution\">" "This is probably a bug in the preloader process. Please " "<a href=\"" SUPPORT_URL "\">" "report this bug</a>." "</p>"); throw e.finalize(); } } Json::Value parseForkCommandResponse(HandshakeSession &session, const string &data) { TRACE_POINT(); Json::Value doc; Json::Reader reader; if (!reader.parse(data, doc)) { session.journey.setStepErrored(SPAWNING_KIT_PARSE_RESPONSE_FROM_PRELOADER); SpawnException e(INTERNAL_ERROR, session.journey, session.config); addPreloaderEnvDumps(e); e.setSummary("The preloader process sent an unparseable response: " + data); e.setProblemDescriptionHTML( "<p>The " PROGRAM_NAME " application server tried" " to start the web application by communicating with a" " helper process that we call a \"preloader\". However," " this helper process sent a response that looks like" " gibberish.</p>" "<p>The response is as follows:</p>" "<pre>" + escapeHTML(data) + "</pre>"); e.setSolutionDescriptionHTML( "<p class=\"sole-solution\">" "This is probably a bug in the preloader process. Please " "<a href=\"" SUPPORT_URL "\">" "report this bug</a>." "</p>"); throw e.finalize(); } UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); if (!validateForkCommandResponse(doc)) { session.journey.setStepErrored(SPAWNING_KIT_PARSE_RESPONSE_FROM_PRELOADER); SpawnException e(INTERNAL_ERROR, session.journey, session.config); addPreloaderEnvDumps(e); e.setSummary("The preloader process sent a response that does not" " match the expected structure: " + stringifyJson(doc)); e.setProblemDescriptionHTML( "<p>The " PROGRAM_NAME " application server tried" " to start the web application by communicating with a" " helper process that we call a \"preloader\". However," " this helper process sent a response that does not match" " the structure that " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME " expects.</p>" "<p>The response is as follows:</p>" "<pre>" + escapeHTML(doc.toStyledString()) + "</pre>"); e.setSolutionDescriptionHTML( "<p class=\"sole-solution\">" "This is probably a bug in the preloader process. Please " "<a href=\"" SUPPORT_URL "\">" "report this bug</a>." "</p>"); throw e.finalize(); } return doc; } bool validateForkCommandResponse(const Json::Value &doc) const { if (!doc.isObject()) { return false; } if (!doc.isMember("result") || !doc["result"].isString()) { return false; } if (doc["result"].asString() == "ok") { if (!doc.isMember("pid") || !doc["pid"].isInt()) { return false; } return true; } else if (doc["result"].asString() == "error") { if (!doc.isMember("message") || !doc["message"].isString()) { return false; } return true; } else { return false; } } ForkResult handleForkCommandResponse(HandshakeSession &session, const StdChannelsAsyncOpenStatePtr &stdChannelsAsyncOpenState, const Json::Value &doc) { TRACE_POINT(); if (doc["result"].asString() == "ok") { return handleForkCommandResponseSuccess(session, stdChannelsAsyncOpenState, doc); } else { P_ASSERT_EQ(doc["result"].asString(), "error"); return handleForkCommandResponseError(session, doc); } } ForkResult handleForkCommandResponseSuccess(HandshakeSession &session, const StdChannelsAsyncOpenStatePtr &stdChannelsAsyncOpenState, const Json::Value &doc) { TRACE_POINT(); pid_t spawnedPid = doc["pid"].asInt(); // How do we know the preloader actually forked a process // instead of reporting the PID of a random other existing process? // For security reasons we perform a bunch of sanity checks, // including checking the PID's UID. if (spawnedPid < 1) { UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); session.journey.setStepErrored(SPAWNING_KIT_PROCESS_RESPONSE_FROM_PRELOADER); SpawnException e(INTERNAL_ERROR, session.journey, session.config); addPreloaderEnvDumps(e); e.setSummary("The the preloader said it spawned a process with PID " + toString(spawnedPid) + ", which is not allowed."); e.setSubprocessPid(spawnedPid); e.setStdoutAndErrData(getBackgroundIOCapturerData( stdChannelsAsyncOpenState->stdoutAndErrCapturer)); e.setProblemDescriptionHTML( "<h2>Application process has unexpected PID</h2>" "<p>The " PROGRAM_NAME " application server tried" " to start the web application by communicating with a" " helper process that we call a \"preloader\". However," " the preloader reported that it started a process with" " a PID of " + toString(spawnedPid) + ", which is not" " allowed.</p>"); if (!session.config->genericApp && session.config->startsUsingWrapper && session.config->wrapperSuppliedByThirdParty) { e.setSolutionDescriptionHTML( "<h2>Please report this bug</h2>" "<p class=\"sole-solution\">" "This is probably a bug in the preloader process. The preloader " "wrapper program is not written by the " PROGRAM_NAME " authors, " "but by a third party. Please report this bug to the author of " "the preloader wrapper program." "</p>"); } else { e.setSolutionDescriptionHTML( "<h2>Please report this bug</h2>" "<p class=\"sole-solution\">" "This is probably a bug in the preloader process. The preloader " "is an internal tool part of " PROGRAM_NAME ". Please " "<a href=\"" SUPPORT_URL "\">" "report this bug</a>." "</p>"); } throw e.finalize(); } UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); uid_t spawnedUid = getProcessUid(session, spawnedPid, stdChannelsAsyncOpenState->stdoutAndErrCapturer); if (spawnedUid != session.uid) { UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); session.journey.setStepErrored(SPAWNING_KIT_PROCESS_RESPONSE_FROM_PRELOADER); SpawnException e(INTERNAL_ERROR, session.journey, session.config); addPreloaderEnvDumps(e); e.setSummary("The process that the preloader said it spawned, PID " + toString(spawnedPid) + ", has UID " + toString(spawnedUid) + ", but the expected UID is " + toString(session.uid)); e.setSubprocessPid(spawnedPid); e.setStdoutAndErrData(getBackgroundIOCapturerData( stdChannelsAsyncOpenState->stdoutAndErrCapturer)); e.setProblemDescriptionHTML( "<h2>Application process has unexpected UID</h2>" "<p>The " PROGRAM_NAME " application server tried" " to start the web application by communicating with a" " helper process that we call a \"preloader\". However," " the web application process that the preloader started" " belongs to the wrong user. The UID of the web" " application process should be " + toString(session.uid) + ", but is actually " + toString(session.uid) + ".</p>"); if (!session.config->genericApp && session.config->startsUsingWrapper && session.config->wrapperSuppliedByThirdParty) { e.setSolutionDescriptionHTML( "<h2>Please report this bug</h2>" "<p class=\"sole-solution\">" "This is probably a bug in the preloader process. The preloader " "wrapper program is not written by the " PROGRAM_NAME " authors, " "but by a third party. Please report this bug to the author of " "the preloader wrapper program." "</p>"); } else { e.setSolutionDescriptionHTML( "<h2>Please report this bug</h2>" "<p class=\"sole-solution\">" "This is probably a bug in the preloader process. The preloader " "is an internal tool part of " PROGRAM_NAME ". Please " "<a href=\"" SUPPORT_URL "\">" "report this bug</a>." "</p>"); } throw e.finalize(); } UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); ScopeGuard guard(boost::bind(nonInterruptableKillAndWaitpid, spawnedPid)); waitForStdChannelFifosToBeOpenedByPeer(stdChannelsAsyncOpenState, session, spawnedPid); UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); string alreadyReadStdoutAndErrData; if (stdChannelsAsyncOpenState->stdoutAndErrCapturer != NULL) { stdChannelsAsyncOpenState->stdoutAndErrCapturer->stop(); alreadyReadStdoutAndErrData = stdChannelsAsyncOpenState->stdoutAndErrCapturer->getData(); } guard.clear(); return ForkResult(spawnedPid, stdChannelsAsyncOpenState->stdinFd, stdChannelsAsyncOpenState->stdoutAndErrFd, alreadyReadStdoutAndErrData); } ForkResult handleForkCommandResponseError(HandshakeSession &session, const Json::Value &doc) { session.journey.setStepErrored(SPAWNING_KIT_PROCESS_RESPONSE_FROM_PRELOADER); SpawnException e(INTERNAL_ERROR, session.journey, session.config); addPreloaderEnvDumps(e); e.setSummary("An error occured while starting the web application: " + doc["message"].asString()); e.setProblemDescriptionHTML( "<p>The " PROGRAM_NAME " application server tried to" " start the web application by communicating with a" " helper process that we call a \"preloader\". However, " " this helper process reported an error:</p>" "<pre>" + escapeHTML(doc["message"].asString()) + "</pre>"); e.setSolutionDescriptionHTML( "<p class=\"sole-solution\">" "Please try troubleshooting the problem by studying the" " <strong>error message</strong> and the" " <strong>diagnostics</strong> reports. You can also" " consult <a href=\"" SUPPORT_URL "\">the " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME " support resources</a> for help.</p>"); throw e.finalize(); } void createStdChannelFifos(const HandshakeSession &session) { const string &workDir = session.workDir->getPath(); createFifo(session, workDir + "/stdin"); createFifo(session, workDir + "/stdout_and_err"); } void createFifo(const HandshakeSession &session, const string &path) { int ret; do { ret = mkfifo(path.c_str(), 0600); } while (ret == -1 && errno == EAGAIN); if (ret == -1) { int e = errno; throw FileSystemException("Cannot create FIFO file " + path, e, path); } ret = syscalls::chown(path.c_str(), session.uid, session.gid); if (ret == -1) { int e = errno; throw FileSystemException("Cannot change owner and group on FIFO file " + path, e, path); } } string getBackgroundIOCapturerData(const BackgroundIOCapturerPtr &capturer) const { if (capturer != NULL) { // Sleep shortly to allow the child process to finish writing logs. syscalls::usleep(50000); return capturer->getData(); } else { return string(); } } uid_t getProcessUid(HandshakeSession &session, pid_t pid, const BackgroundIOCapturerPtr &stdoutAndErrCapturer) { TRACE_POINT(); uid_t uid = (uid_t) -1; try { vector<pid_t> pids; pids.push_back(pid); ProcessMetricMap result = ProcessMetricsCollector().collect(pids); uid = result[pid].uid; } catch (const ParseException &) { HandshakePerform::loadJourneyStateFromResponseDir(session, pid, stdoutAndErrCapturer); session.journey.setStepErrored(SPAWNING_KIT_PROCESS_RESPONSE_FROM_PRELOADER); SpawnException e(INTERNAL_ERROR, session.journey, session.config); addPreloaderEnvDumps(e); e.setSummary("Unable to query the UID of spawned application process " + toString(pid) + ": error parsing 'ps' output"); e.setSubprocessPid(pid); e.setProblemDescriptionHTML( "<h2>Unable to use 'ps' to query PID " + toString(pid) + "</h2>" "<p>The " PROGRAM_NAME " application server tried" " to start the web application. As part of the starting" " procedure, " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME " also tried to query" " the system user ID of the web application process" " using the operating system's \"ps\" tool. However," " this tool returned output that " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME " could not understand.</p>"); e.setSolutionDescriptionHTML( createSolutionDescriptionForProcessMetricsCollectionError()); throw e.finalize(); } catch (const SystemException &originalException) { HandshakePerform::loadJourneyStateFromResponseDir(session, pid, stdoutAndErrCapturer); session.journey.setStepErrored(SPAWNING_KIT_PROCESS_RESPONSE_FROM_PRELOADER); SpawnException e(OPERATING_SYSTEM_ERROR, session.journey, session.config); addPreloaderEnvDumps(e); e.setSummary("Unable to query the UID of spawned application process " + toString(pid) + "; error capturing 'ps' output: " + originalException.what()); e.setSubprocessPid(pid); e.setProblemDescriptionHTML( "<h2>Error capturing 'ps' output for PID " + toString(pid) + "</h2>" "<p>The " PROGRAM_NAME " application server tried" " to start the web application. As part of the starting" " procedure, " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME " also tried to query" " the system user ID of the web application process." " This is done by using the operating system's \"ps\"" " tool and by querying operating system APIs and special" " files. However, an error was encountered while doing" " one of those things.</p>" "<p>The error returned by the operating system is as follows:</p>" "<pre>" + escapeHTML(originalException.what()) + "</pre>"); e.setSolutionDescriptionHTML( createSolutionDescriptionForProcessMetricsCollectionError()); throw e.finalize(); } UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); if (uid == (uid_t) -1) { if (osProcessExists(pid)) { HandshakePerform::loadJourneyStateFromResponseDir(session, pid, stdoutAndErrCapturer); session.journey.setStepErrored(SPAWNING_KIT_PROCESS_RESPONSE_FROM_PRELOADER); SpawnException e(INTERNAL_ERROR, session.journey, session.config); addPreloaderEnvDumps(e); e.setSummary("Unable to query the UID of spawned application process " + toString(pid) + ": 'ps' did not report information" " about this process"); e.setSubprocessPid(pid); e.setProblemDescriptionHTML( "<h2>'ps' did not return any information about PID " + toString(pid) + "</h2>" "<p>The " PROGRAM_NAME " application server tried" " to start the web application. As part of the starting" " procedure, " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME " also tried to query" " the system user ID of the web application process" " using the operating system's \"ps\" tool. However," " this tool did not return any information about" " the web application process.</p>"); e.setSolutionDescriptionHTML( createSolutionDescriptionForProcessMetricsCollectionError()); throw e.finalize(); } else { HandshakePerform::loadJourneyStateFromResponseDir(session, pid, stdoutAndErrCapturer); session.journey.setStepErrored(SPAWNING_KIT_PROCESS_RESPONSE_FROM_PRELOADER); SpawnException e(INTERNAL_ERROR, session.journey, session.config); addPreloaderEnvDumps(e); e.setSummary("The application process spawned from the preloader" " seems to have exited prematurely"); e.setSubprocessPid(pid); e.setStdoutAndErrData(getBackgroundIOCapturerData(stdoutAndErrCapturer)); e.setProblemDescriptionHTML( "<h2>Application process exited prematurely</h2>" "<p>The " PROGRAM_NAME " application server tried" " to start the web application. As part of the starting" " procedure, " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME " also tried to query" " the system user ID of the web application process" " using the operating system's \"ps\" tool. However," " this tool did not return any information about" " the web application process.</p>"); e.setSolutionDescriptionHTML( createSolutionDescriptionForProcessMetricsCollectionError()); throw e.finalize(); } } else { return uid; } } static string createSolutionDescriptionForProcessMetricsCollectionError() { const char *path = getenv("PATH"); if (path == NULL || path[0] == '\0') { path = "(empty)"; } return "<div class=\"multiple-solutions\">" "<h3>Check whether the \"ps\" tool is installed and accessible by " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME "</h3>" "<p>Maybe \"ps\" is not installed. Or maybe it is installed, but " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME " cannot find it inside its PATH. Or" " maybe filesystem permissions disallow " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME " from accessing \"ps\". Please check all these factors and" " fix them if necessary.</p>" "<p>" SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME "'s PATH is:</p>" "<pre>" + escapeHTML(path) + "</pre>" "<h3>Check whether the server is low on resources</h3>" "<p>Maybe the server is currently low on resources. This would" " cause the \"ps\" tool to encounter errors. Please study the" " <em>error message</em> and the <em>diagnostics reports</em> to" " verify whether this is the case. Key things to check for:</p>" "<ul>" "<li>Excessive CPU usage</li>" "<li>Memory and swap</li>" "<li>Ulimits</li>" "</ul>" "<p>If the server is indeed low on resources, find a way to" " free up some resources.</p>" "<h3>Check whether /proc is mounted</h3>" "<p>On many operating systems including Linux and FreeBSD, \"ps\"" " only works if /proc is mounted. Please check this.</p>" "<h3>Still no luck?</h3>" "<p>Please try troubleshooting the problem by studying the" " <em>diagnostics</em> reports.</p>" "</div>"; } static void adjustTimeout(MonotonicTimeUsec startTime, unsigned long long *timeout) { boost::this_thread::disable_interruption di; boost::this_thread::disable_syscall_interruption dsi; MonotonicTimeUsec now = SystemTime::getMonotonicUsec(); assert(now >= startTime); MonotonicTimeUsec diff = now - startTime; if (*timeout >= diff) { *timeout -= diff; } else { *timeout = 0; } } static void doClosedir(DIR *dir) { closedir(dir); } static string findPreloaderCommandSocketAddress(const HandshakeSession &session) { const vector<Result::Socket> &sockets = session.result.sockets; vector<Result::Socket>::const_iterator it, end = sockets.end(); for (it = sockets.begin(); it != end; it++) { if (it->protocol == "preloader") { return it->address; } } return string(); } static StringKeyTable<string> loadAnnotationsFromEnvDumpDir(const string &envDumpDir, int envDumpAnnotationsDirFd) { string path = envDumpDir + "/annotations"; DIR *dir = opendir(path.c_str()); if (dir == NULL) { return StringKeyTable<string>(); } ScopeGuard guard(boost::bind(doClosedir, dir)); StringKeyTable<string> result; struct dirent *ent; while ((ent = readdir(dir)) != NULL) { if (ent->d_name[0] != '.') { result.insert(ent->d_name, strip(safeReadFile(envDumpAnnotationsDirFd, ent->d_name, SPAWNINGKIT_MAX_SUBPROCESS_ENVDUMP_SIZE).first), true); } } result.compact(); return result; } void addPreloaderEnvDumps(SpawnException &e) const { e.setPreloaderPid(pid); e.setPreloaderEnvvars(preloaderEnvvars); e.setPreloaderUserInfo(preloaderUserInfo); e.setPreloaderUlimits(preloaderUlimits); if (e.getSubprocessEnvvars().empty()) { e.setSubprocessEnvvars(preloaderEnvvars); } if (e.getSubprocessUserInfo().empty()) { e.setSubprocessUserInfo(preloaderUserInfo); } if (e.getSubprocessUlimits().empty()) { e.setSubprocessUlimits(preloaderUlimits); } StringKeyTable<string>::ConstIterator it(preloaderAnnotations); while (*it != NULL) { e.setAnnotation(it.getKey(), it.getValue(), false); it.next(); } } public: SmartSpawner(Context *context, const vector<string> &preloaderCommand, const AppPoolOptions &_options) : Spawner(context), preloaderCommandString(createCommandString(preloaderCommand)) { if (preloaderCommand.size() < 2) { throw ArgumentException("preloaderCommand must have at least 2 elements"); } options = _options.copyAndPersist(); pid = -1; m_lastUsed = SystemTime::getUsec(); } virtual ~SmartSpawner() { boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> l(syncher); stopPreloader(); } virtual Result spawn(const AppPoolOptions &options) { TRACE_POINT(); P_ASSERT_EQ(options.appType, this->options.appType); P_ASSERT_EQ(options.appRoot, this->options.appRoot); P_DEBUG("Spawning new process: appRoot=" << options.appRoot); possiblyRaiseInternalError(options); { boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> l(simpleFieldSyncher); m_lastUsed = SystemTime::getUsec(); } UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> l(syncher); if (!preloaderStarted()) { UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); startPreloader(); } UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); Config config; Json::Value extraArgs; try { setConfigFromAppPoolOptions(&config, extraArgs, options); } catch (const std::exception &originalException) { Journey journey(SPAWN_THROUGH_PRELOADER, true); journey.setStepErrored(SPAWNING_KIT_PREPARATION, true); SpawnException e(originalException, journey, &config); addPreloaderEnvDumps(e); throw e.finalize(); } UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); HandshakeSession session(*context, config, SPAWN_THROUGH_PRELOADER); session.journey.setStepInProgress(SPAWNING_KIT_PREPARATION); JourneyStep stepToMarkAsErrored = SPAWNING_KIT_PREPARATION; try { UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); HandshakePrepare prepare(session, extraArgs); prepare.execute(); createStdChannelFifos(session); prepare.finalize(); session.journey.setStepPerformed(SPAWNING_KIT_PREPARATION, true); UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); ForkResult forkResult = invokeForkCommand(session, stepToMarkAsErrored); UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); ScopeGuard guard(boost::bind(nonInterruptableKillAndWaitpid, forkResult.pid)); P_DEBUG("Process forked for appRoot=" << options.appRoot << ": PID " << forkResult.pid); UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); session.journey.setStepPerformed(SPAWNING_KIT_PROCESS_RESPONSE_FROM_PRELOADER); session.journey.setStepInProgress(PRELOADER_PREPARATION); session.journey.setStepInProgress(SPAWNING_KIT_HANDSHAKE_PERFORM); stepToMarkAsErrored = SPAWNING_KIT_HANDSHAKE_PERFORM; HandshakePerform(session, forkResult.pid, forkResult.stdinFd, forkResult.stdoutAndErrFd, forkResult.alreadyReadStdoutAndErrData). execute(); guard.clear(); session.journey.setStepPerformed(SPAWNING_KIT_HANDSHAKE_PERFORM); P_DEBUG("Process spawning done: appRoot=" << options.appRoot << ", pid=" << forkResult.pid); return session.result; } catch (SpawnException &e) { addPreloaderEnvDumps(e); throw e; } catch (const std::exception &originalException) { session.journey.setStepErrored(stepToMarkAsErrored, true); SpawnException e(originalException, session.journey, &config); addPreloaderEnvDumps(e); throw e.finalize(); } } virtual bool cleanable() const { return true; } virtual void cleanup() { TRACE_POINT(); { boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> l(simpleFieldSyncher); m_lastUsed = SystemTime::getUsec(); } boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> lock(syncher); stopPreloader(); } virtual unsigned long long lastUsed() const { boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> lock(simpleFieldSyncher); return m_lastUsed; } pid_t getPreloaderPid() const { boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> lock(simpleFieldSyncher); return pid; } }; } // namespace SpawningKit } // namespace Passenger #endif /* _PASSENGER_SPAWNING_KIT_SMART_SPAWNER_H_ */