Current Path : /opt/cpanel/ea-ruby27/src/passenger-release-6.0.23/src/agent/Core/SpawningKit/Handshake/ |
Current File : //opt/cpanel/ea-ruby27/src/passenger-release-6.0.23/src/agent/Core/SpawningKit/Handshake/Perform.h |
/* * Phusion Passenger - https://www.phusionpassenger.com/ * Copyright (c) 2016-2018 Phusion Holding B.V. * * "Passenger", "Phusion Passenger" and "Union Station" are registered * trademarks of Phusion Holding B.V. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef _PASSENGER_SPAWNING_KIT_HANDSHAKE_PERFORM_H_ #define _PASSENGER_SPAWNING_KIT_HANDSHAKE_PERFORM_H_ #include <boost/thread.hpp> #include <boost/make_shared.hpp> #include <boost/bind/bind.hpp> #include <oxt/thread.hpp> #include <oxt/system_calls.hpp> #include <oxt/backtrace.hpp> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <stdexcept> #include <cstddef> #include <cstdlib> #include <cerrno> #include <cassert> #include <sys/types.h> #include <dirent.h> #include <jsoncpp/json.h> #include <Constants.h> #include <Exceptions.h> #include <FileDescriptor.h> #include <FileTools/FileManip.h> #include <FileTools/PathManip.h> #include <Utils.h> #include <Utils/ScopeGuard.h> #include <SystemTools/SystemTime.h> #include <StrIntTools/StrIntUtils.h> #include <Core/SpawningKit/Config.h> #include <Core/SpawningKit/Exceptions.h> #include <Core/SpawningKit/Handshake/BackgroundIOCapturer.h> #include <Core/SpawningKit/Handshake/Session.h> namespace Passenger { namespace SpawningKit { using namespace std; using namespace oxt; /** * For an introduction see README.md, section * "The handshake and the HandshakePerform class". */ class HandshakePerform { private: enum FinishState { // The app hasn't finished spawning yet. NOT_FINISHED, // The app has successfully finished spawning. FINISH_SUCCESS, // The app has finished spawning with an error. FINISH_ERROR, // An internal error occurred in watchFinishSignal(). FINISH_INTERNAL_ERROR }; HandshakeSession &session; Config * const config; const pid_t pid; const FileDescriptor stdinFd; const FileDescriptor stdoutAndErrFd; const string alreadyReadStdoutAndErrData; /** * These objects captures the process's stdout and stderr while handshake is * in progress. If handshaking fails, then any output captured by these objects * will be stored into the resulting SpawnException's error page. */ BackgroundIOCapturerPtr stdoutAndErrCapturer; boost::mutex syncher; boost::condition_variable cond; oxt::thread *processExitWatcher; oxt::thread *finishSignalWatcher; bool processExited; FinishState finishState; string finishSignalWatcherErrorMessage; ErrorCategory finishSignalWatcherErrorCategory; oxt::thread *socketPingabilityWatcher; bool socketIsNowPingable; void initializeStdchannelsCapturing() { if (stdoutAndErrFd != -1) { stdoutAndErrCapturer = boost::make_shared<BackgroundIOCapturer>( stdoutAndErrFd, pid, "output", alreadyReadStdoutAndErrData); stdoutAndErrCapturer->setEndReachedCallback(boost::bind( &HandshakePerform::wakeupEventLoop, this)); stdoutAndErrCapturer->start(); } } void startWatchingProcessExit() { processExitWatcher = new oxt::thread( boost::bind(&HandshakePerform::watchProcessExit, this), "SpawningKit: process exit watcher", 64 * 1024); } void watchProcessExit() { TRACE_POINT(); int ret = syscalls::waitpid(pid, NULL, 0); if (ret >= 0 || errno == EPERM) { boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> l(syncher); processExited = true; wakeupEventLoop(); } } void startWatchingFinishSignal() { finishSignalWatcher = new oxt::thread( boost::bind(&HandshakePerform::watchFinishSignal, this), "SpawningKit: finish signal watcher", 64 * 1024); } void watchFinishSignal() { TRACE_POINT(); try { string path = session.responseDir + "/finish"; int fd = syscalls::openat(session.responseDirFd, "finish", O_RDONLY | O_NOFOLLOW); if (fd == -1) { int e = errno; throw FileSystemException("Error opening FIFO " + path, e, path); } FdGuard guard(fd, __FILE__, __LINE__); char buf = '0'; ssize_t ret = syscalls::read(fd, &buf, 1); if (ret == -1) { int e = errno; throw FileSystemException("Error reading from FIFO " + path, e, path); } guard.runNow(); boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> l(syncher); if (buf == '1') { finishState = FINISH_SUCCESS; } else { finishState = FINISH_ERROR; } wakeupEventLoop(); } catch (const std::exception &e) { boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> l(syncher); finishState = FINISH_INTERNAL_ERROR; finishSignalWatcherErrorMessage = e.what(); finishSignalWatcherErrorCategory = inferErrorCategoryFromAnotherException(e, SPAWNING_KIT_HANDSHAKE_PERFORM); wakeupEventLoop(); } } void startWatchingSocketPingability() { socketPingabilityWatcher = new oxt::thread( boost::bind(&HandshakePerform::watchSocketPingability, this), "SpawningKit: socket pingability watcher", 64 * 1024); } void watchSocketPingability() { TRACE_POINT(); while (true) { unsigned long long timeout = 100000; if (pingTcpServer("", session.expectedStartPort, &timeout)) { boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> l(syncher); socketIsNowPingable = true; finishState = FINISH_SUCCESS; wakeupEventLoop(); break; } else { syscalls::usleep(50000); } } } void waitUntilSpawningFinished(boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> &l) { TRACE_POINT(); bool done; do { boost::this_thread::interruption_point(); done = checkCurrentState(); if (!done) { MonotonicTimeUsec begin = SystemTime::getMonotonicUsec(); cond.timed_wait(l, posix_time::microseconds(session.timeoutUsec)); MonotonicTimeUsec end = SystemTime::getMonotonicUsec(); if (end - begin > session.timeoutUsec) { session.timeoutUsec = 0; } else { session.timeoutUsec -= end - begin; } } } while (!done); } bool checkCurrentState() { TRACE_POINT(); if ((stdoutAndErrCapturer != NULL && stdoutAndErrCapturer->isStopped()) || processExited) { UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); sleepShortlyToCaptureMoreStdoutStderr(); loadJourneyStateFromResponseDir(); if (session.journey.getFirstFailedStep() == UNKNOWN_JOURNEY_STEP) { session.journey.setStepErrored(bestGuessSubprocessFailedStep(), true); } SpawnException e( inferErrorCategoryFromResponseDir(INTERNAL_ERROR), session.journey, config); e.setSummary("The application process exited prematurely."); e.setSubprocessPid(pid); e.setStdoutAndErrData(getStdoutErrData()); loadSubprocessErrorMessagesAndEnvDump(e); throw e.finalize(); } if (session.timeoutUsec == 0) { UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); sleepShortlyToCaptureMoreStdoutStderr(); loadJourneyStateFromResponseDir(); session.journey.setStepErrored(SPAWNING_KIT_HANDSHAKE_PERFORM); SpawnException e(TIMEOUT_ERROR, session.journey, config); e.setSubprocessPid(pid); e.setStdoutAndErrData(getStdoutErrData()); loadSubprocessErrorMessagesAndEnvDump(e); throw e.finalize(); } return (config->genericApp && socketIsNowPingable) || (!config->genericApp && finishState != NOT_FINISHED); } Result handleResponse() { TRACE_POINT(); switch (finishState) { case FINISH_SUCCESS: return handleSuccessResponse(); case FINISH_ERROR: handleErrorResponse(); return Result(); // Never reached, shut up compiler warning. case FINISH_INTERNAL_ERROR: handleInternalError(); return Result(); // Never reached, shut up compiler warning. default: P_BUG("Unknown finishState " + toString((int) finishState)); return Result(); // Never reached, shut up compiler warning. } } Result handleSuccessResponse() { TRACE_POINT(); Result &result = session.result; vector<StaticString> internalFieldErrors, appSuppliedFieldErrors; result.pid = pid; result.stdinFd = stdinFd; result.stdoutAndErrFd = stdoutAndErrFd; result.spawnEndTime = SystemTime::getUsec(); result.spawnEndTimeMonotonic = SystemTime::getMonotonicUsec(); setResultType(result); if (socketIsNowPingable) { assert(config->genericApp || config->findFreePort); result.sockets.push_back(Result::Socket()); Result::Socket &socket = result.sockets.back(); socket.address = "tcp://" + toString(session.expectedStartPort); socket.protocol = "http"; socket.concurrency = -1; socket.acceptHttpRequests = true; } UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); if (fileExists(session.responseDir + "/properties.json")) { loadResultPropertiesFromResponseDir(!socketIsNowPingable); UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); if (session.journey.getType() == START_PRELOADER && !resultHasSocketWithPreloaderProtocol()) { throwSpawnExceptionBecauseAppDidNotProvidePreloaderProtocolSockets(); } else if (session.journey.getType() != START_PRELOADER && !resultHasSocketThatAcceptsHttpRequests()) { throwSpawnExceptionBecauseAppDidNotProvideSocketsThatAcceptRequests(); } } UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); if (result.validate(internalFieldErrors, appSuppliedFieldErrors)) { return result; } else { throwSpawnExceptionBecauseOfResultValidationErrors(internalFieldErrors, appSuppliedFieldErrors); abort(); // never reached, shut up compiler warning } } void handleErrorResponse() { TRACE_POINT(); sleepShortlyToCaptureMoreStdoutStderr(); loadJourneyStateFromResponseDir(); if (session.journey.getFirstFailedStep() == UNKNOWN_JOURNEY_STEP) { session.journey.setStepErrored(bestGuessSubprocessFailedStep(), true); } SpawnException e( inferErrorCategoryFromResponseDir(INTERNAL_ERROR), session.journey, config); e.setSummary("The web application aborted with an error during startup."); e.setSubprocessPid(pid); e.setStdoutAndErrData(getStdoutErrData()); loadSubprocessErrorMessagesAndEnvDump(e); throw e.finalize(); } void handleInternalError() { TRACE_POINT(); sleepShortlyToCaptureMoreStdoutStderr(); loadJourneyStateFromResponseDir(); session.journey.setStepErrored(SPAWNING_KIT_HANDSHAKE_PERFORM); SpawnException e( finishSignalWatcherErrorCategory, session.journey, config); e.setSummary("An internal error occurred while spawning an application process: " + finishSignalWatcherErrorMessage); e.setAdvancedProblemDetails(finishSignalWatcherErrorMessage); e.setSubprocessPid(pid); e.setStdoutAndErrData(getStdoutErrData()); throw e.finalize(); } void loadResultPropertiesFromResponseDir(bool socketsRequired) { TRACE_POINT(); Result &result = session.result; string path = session.responseDir + "/properties.json"; Json::Reader reader; Json::Value doc; vector<string> errors; // We already checked whether properties.json exists before invoking // this method, so if safeReadFile() fails then we can't be sure that // it's an application problem. This is why we want the SystemException // to propagate to higher layers so that there it can be turned into // a generic filesystem-related or IO-related SpawnException, as opposed // to one about this problem specifically. UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); pair<string, bool> jsonContent = safeReadFile(session.responseDirFd, "properties.json", SPAWNINGKIT_MAX_PROPERTIES_JSON_SIZE); if (!jsonContent.second) { errors.push_back("Error parsing " + path + ": file bigger than " + toString(SPAWNINGKIT_MAX_PROPERTIES_JSON_SIZE) + " bytes"); throwSpawnExceptionBecauseOfResultValidationErrors(vector<string>(), errors); } if (!reader.parse(jsonContent.first, doc)) { errors.push_back("Error parsing " + path + ": " + reader.getFormattedErrorMessages()); throwSpawnExceptionBecauseOfResultValidationErrors(vector<string>(), errors); } UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); validateResultPropertiesFile(doc, socketsRequired, errors); if (!errors.empty()) { errors.insert(errors.begin(), "The following errors were detected in " + path + ":"); throwSpawnExceptionBecauseOfResultValidationErrors(vector<string>(), errors); } if (!socketsRequired && (!doc.isMember("sockets") || doc["sockets"].empty())) { return; } UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); Json::Value::iterator it, end = doc["sockets"].end(); for (it = doc["sockets"].begin(); it != end; it++) { const Json::Value &socketDoc = *it; result.sockets.push_back(Result::Socket()); Result::Socket &socket = result.sockets.back(); socket.address = socketDoc["address"].asString(); socket.protocol = socketDoc["protocol"].asString(); socket.concurrency = socketDoc["concurrency"].asInt(); if (socketDoc.isMember("accept_http_requests")) { socket.acceptHttpRequests = socketDoc["accept_http_requests"].asBool(); } if (socketDoc.isMember("description")) { socket.description = socketDoc["description"].asString(); } } } void validateResultPropertiesFile(const Json::Value &doc, bool socketsRequired, vector<string> &errors) const { TRACE_POINT(); if (!doc.isMember("sockets")) { if (socketsRequired) { errors.push_back("'sockets' must be specified"); } return; } if (!doc["sockets"].isArray()) { errors.push_back("'sockets' must be an array"); return; } if (socketsRequired && doc["sockets"].empty()) { errors.push_back("'sockets' must be non-empty"); return; } UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); Json::Value::const_iterator it, end = doc["sockets"].end(); for (it = doc["sockets"].begin(); it != end; it++) { const Json::Value &socketDoc = *it; if (!socketDoc.isObject()) { errors.push_back("'sockets[" + toString(it.index()) + "]' must be an object"); continue; } validateResultPropertiesFileSocketField(socketDoc, "address", Json::stringValue, it.index(), true, true, errors); validateResultPropertiesFileSocketField(socketDoc, "protocol", Json::stringValue, it.index(), true, true, errors); validateResultPropertiesFileSocketField(socketDoc, "description", Json::stringValue, it.index(), false, true, errors); validateResultPropertiesFileSocketField(socketDoc, "concurrency", Json::intValue, it.index(), true, false, errors); validateResultPropertiesFileSocketField(socketDoc, "accept_http_requests", Json::booleanValue, it.index(), false, false, errors); validateResultPropertiesFileSocketAddress(socketDoc, it.index(), errors); } } void validateResultPropertiesFileSocketField(const Json::Value &doc, const char *key, Json::ValueType type, unsigned int index, bool required, bool requireNonEmpty, vector<string> &errors) const { if (!doc.isMember(key)) { if (required) { errors.push_back("'sockets[" + toString(index) + "]." + key + "' must be specified"); } } else if (doc[key].type() != type) { const char *typeDesc; switch (type) { case Json::stringValue: typeDesc = "a string"; break; case Json::intValue: typeDesc = "an integer"; break; case Json::booleanValue: typeDesc = "a boolean"; break; default: typeDesc = "(unknown type)"; break; } errors.push_back("'sockets[" + toString(index) + "]." + key + "' must be " + typeDesc); } else if (requireNonEmpty && doc[key].asString().empty()) { errors.push_back("'sockets[" + toString(index) + "]." + key + "' must be non-empty"); } } void validateResultPropertiesFileSocketAddress(const Json::Value &doc, unsigned int index, vector<string> &errors) const { TRACE_POINT(); if (!doc["address"].isString() || getSocketAddressType(doc["address"].asString()) != SAT_UNIX) { return; } string filename = parseUnixSocketAddress(doc["address"].asString()); if (filename.empty()) { errors.push_back("'sockets[" + toString(index) + "].address' contains an empty Unix domain socket filename"); return; } if (filename[0] != '/') { errors.push_back("'sockets[" + toString(index) + "].address' when referring to a Unix domain socket, must be" " an absolute path (given path: " + filename + ")"); return; } // If any of the parent directories is writable by a normal user // (Joe) that is not the app's user (Jane), then Joe can swap that // directory with something else, with contents controlled by Joe. // That way, Joe can cause Passenger to connect to (and forward // Jane's traffic to) a process that does not actually belong to // Jane. // // To mitigate this risk, we insist that the socket be placed in a // directory that we know is safe (instanceDir + "/apps.s"). // We don't rely on isPathProbablySecureForRootUse() because that // function cannot be 100% sure that it is correct. UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); // instanceDir is only empty in tests if (!session.context->instanceDir.empty()) { StaticString actualDir = extractDirNameStatic(filename); string expectedDir = session.context->instanceDir + "/apps.s"; if (actualDir != expectedDir) { errors.push_back("'sockets[" + toString(index) + "].address', when referring to a Unix domain socket," " must be an absolute path to a file in '" + expectedDir + "' (given path: " + filename + ")"); return; } } UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); struct stat s; int ret; do { ret = lstat(filename.c_str(), &s); } while (ret == -1 && errno == EAGAIN); if (ret == -1) { int e = errno; if (e == EEXIST) { errors.push_back("'sockets[" + toString(index) + "].address' refers to a non-existant Unix domain" " socket file (given path: " + filename + ")"); return; } else { throw FileSystemException("Cannot stat " + filename, e, filename); } } // We only check the UID, not the GID, because the socket // may be automatically made with a different GID than // the creating process's due to the setgid bit being set // the directory that contains the socket. Furthermore, // on macOS it seems that all directories behave as if // they have the setgid bit set. UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); if (s.st_uid != session.uid) { errors.push_back("'sockets[" + toString(index) + "].address', when referring to a Unix domain socket file," " must be owned by user " + lookupSystemUsernameByUid(session.uid) + " (actual owner: " + lookupSystemUsernameByUid(s.st_uid) + ")"); } } bool resultHasSocketWithPreloaderProtocol() const { const vector<Result::Socket> &sockets = session.result.sockets; vector<Result::Socket>::const_iterator it, end = sockets.end(); for (it = sockets.begin(); it != end; it++) { if (it->protocol == "preloader") { return true; } } return false; } bool resultHasSocketThatAcceptsHttpRequests() const { const vector<Result::Socket> &sockets = session.result.sockets; vector<Result::Socket>::const_iterator it, end = sockets.end(); for (it = sockets.begin(); it != end; it++) { if (it->acceptHttpRequests) { return true; } } return false; } void wakeupEventLoop() { cond.notify_all(); } string getStdoutErrData() const { return getStdoutErrData(stdoutAndErrCapturer); } static string getStdoutErrData(const BackgroundIOCapturerPtr &stdoutAndErrCapturer) { if (stdoutAndErrCapturer != NULL) { return stdoutAndErrCapturer->getData(); } else { return "(not available)"; } } void sleepShortlyToCaptureMoreStdoutStderr() const { syscalls::usleep(50000); } void throwSpawnExceptionBecauseAppDidNotProvidePreloaderProtocolSockets() { TRACE_POINT(); assert(!config->genericApp); sleepShortlyToCaptureMoreStdoutStderr(); if (!config->genericApp && config->startsUsingWrapper) { UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); loadJourneyStateFromResponseDir(); session.journey.setStepErrored(SUBPROCESS_WRAPPER_PREPARATION, true); SpawnException e(INTERNAL_ERROR, session.journey, config); e.setSubprocessPid(pid); e.setStdoutAndErrData(getStdoutErrData()); loadBasicInfoFromEnvDumpDir(e); loadAnnotationsFromEnvDumpDir(e); if (config->wrapperSuppliedByThirdParty) { e.setSummary("Error spawning the web application:" " a third-party application wrapper did not" " report any sockets to receive preloader commands on."); } else { e.setSummary("Error spawning the web application:" " a " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME "-internal application" " wrapper did not report any sockets to receive" " preloader commands on."); } if (config->wrapperSuppliedByThirdParty) { e.setProblemDescriptionHTML( "<p>The " PROGRAM_NAME " application server tried" " to start the web application through a helper tool " " called the \"wrapper\". This helper tool is not part of " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME ". " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME " expected" " the helper tool to report a socket to receive preloader" " commands on, but the helper tool finished its startup" " procedure without reporting such a socket.</p>"); } else { e.setProblemDescriptionHTML( "<p>The " PROGRAM_NAME " application server tried" " to start the web application through a " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME "-internal helper tool called the \"wrapper\"," " but " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME " encountered a bug" " in this helper tool. " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME " expected" " the helper tool to report a socket to receive preloader" " commands on, but the helper tool finished its startup" " procedure without reporting such a socket.</p>"); } if (config->wrapperSuppliedByThirdParty) { e.setSolutionDescriptionHTML( "<p class=\"sole-solution\">" "This is a bug in the wrapper, so please contact the author of" " the wrapper. This problem is outside " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME "'s control. Below follows the command that " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME " tried to execute, so that you can infer" " which wrapper was used:</p>" "<pre>" + escapeHTML(config->startCommand) + "</pre>"); } else { e.setSolutionDescriptionHTML( "<p class=\"sole-solution\">" "This is a bug in " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME "." " <a href=\"" SUPPORT_URL "\">Please report this bug</a>" " to the " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME " authors.</p>"); } throw e.finalize(); } else { UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); loadJourneyStateFromResponseDir(); session.journey.setStepErrored(SUBPROCESS_APP_LOAD_OR_EXEC, true); SpawnException e(INTERNAL_ERROR, session.journey, config); e.setSubprocessPid(pid); e.setStdoutAndErrData(getStdoutErrData()); loadBasicInfoFromEnvDumpDir(e); loadAnnotationsFromEnvDumpDir(e); e.setSummary("Error spawning the web application: the application" " did not report any sockets to receive preloader commands on."); e.setProblemDescriptionHTML( "<p>The " PROGRAM_NAME " application server tried" " to start the web application, but encountered a bug" " in the application. " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME " expected" " the application to report a socket to receive preloader" " commands on, but the application finished its startup" " procedure without reporting such a socket.</p>"); e.setSolutionDescriptionHTML( "<p class=\"sole-solution\">" "Since this is a bug in the web application, please " "report this problem to the application's developer. " "This problem is outside " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME "'s " "control.</p>"); throw e.finalize(); } } void throwSpawnExceptionBecauseAppDidNotProvideSocketsThatAcceptRequests() { TRACE_POINT(); assert(!config->genericApp); sleepShortlyToCaptureMoreStdoutStderr(); if (!config->genericApp && config->startsUsingWrapper) { UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); loadJourneyStateFromResponseDir(); switch (session.journey.getType()) { case SPAWN_DIRECTLY: case START_PRELOADER: session.journey.setStepErrored(SUBPROCESS_WRAPPER_PREPARATION, true); break; case SPAWN_THROUGH_PRELOADER: session.journey.setStepErrored(SUBPROCESS_PREPARE_AFTER_FORKING_FROM_PRELOADER, true); break; default: P_BUG("Unknown journey type " << (int) session.journey.getType()); } SpawnException e(INTERNAL_ERROR, session.journey, config); e.setSubprocessPid(pid); e.setStdoutAndErrData(getStdoutErrData()); loadBasicInfoFromEnvDumpDir(e); loadAnnotationsFromEnvDumpDir(e); if (config->wrapperSuppliedByThirdParty) { e.setSummary("Error spawning the web application:" " a third-party application wrapper did not" " report any sockets to receive requests on."); } else { e.setSummary("Error spawning the web application:" " a " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME "-internal application" " wrapper did not report any sockets to receive" " requests on."); } if (config->wrapperSuppliedByThirdParty) { e.setProblemDescriptionHTML( "<p>The " PROGRAM_NAME " application server tried" " to start the web application through a helper tool" " called the \"wrapper\". This helper tool is not part of " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME ". " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME " expected" " the helper tool to report a socket to receive requests" " on, but the helper tool finished its startup procedure" " without reporting such a socket.</p>"); } else { e.setProblemDescriptionHTML( "<p>The " PROGRAM_NAME " application server tried" " to start the web application through a " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME "-internal helper tool called the \"wrapper\"," " but " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME " encountered a bug" " in this helper tool. " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME " expected" " the helper tool to report a socket to receive requests" " on, but the helper tool finished its startup procedure" " without reporting such a socket.</p>"); } if (config->wrapperSuppliedByThirdParty) { e.setSolutionDescriptionHTML( "<p class=\"sole-solution\">" "This is a bug in the wrapper, so please contact the author of" " the wrapper. This problem is outside " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME "'s control. Below follows the command that " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME " tried to execute, so that you can infer" " which wrapper was used:</p>" "<pre>" + escapeHTML(config->startCommand) + "</pre>"); } else { e.setSolutionDescriptionHTML( "<p class=\"sole-solution\">" "This is a bug in " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME "." " <a href=\"" SUPPORT_URL "\">Please report this bug</a>" " to the " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME " authors.</p>"); } throw e.finalize(); } else { UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); loadJourneyStateFromResponseDir(); switch (session.journey.getType()) { case SPAWN_DIRECTLY: case START_PRELOADER: session.journey.setStepErrored(SUBPROCESS_APP_LOAD_OR_EXEC, true); break; case SPAWN_THROUGH_PRELOADER: session.journey.setStepErrored(SUBPROCESS_PREPARE_AFTER_FORKING_FROM_PRELOADER, true); break; default: P_BUG("Unknown journey type " << (int) session.journey.getType()); } SpawnException e(INTERNAL_ERROR, session.journey, config); e.setSubprocessPid(pid); e.setStdoutAndErrData(getStdoutErrData()); loadBasicInfoFromEnvDumpDir(e); loadAnnotationsFromEnvDumpDir(e); e.setSummary("Error spawning the web application: the application" " did not report any sockets to receive requests on."); e.setProblemDescriptionHTML( "<p>The " PROGRAM_NAME " application server tried" " to start the web application, but encountered a bug" " in the application. " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME " expected" " the application to report a socket to receive requests" " on, but the application finished its startup procedure" " without reporting such a socket.</p>"); e.setSolutionDescriptionHTML( "<p class=\"sole-solution\">" "Since this is a bug in the web application, please " "report this problem to the application's developer. " "This problem is outside " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME "'s " "control.</p>"); throw e.finalize(); } } template<typename StringType> void throwSpawnExceptionBecauseOfResultValidationErrors( const vector<StringType> &internalFieldErrors, const vector<StringType> &appSuppliedFieldErrors) { TRACE_POINT(); string message; typename vector<StringType>::const_iterator it, end; sleepShortlyToCaptureMoreStdoutStderr(); if (!internalFieldErrors.empty()) { UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); loadJourneyStateFromResponseDir(); session.journey.setStepErrored(SPAWNING_KIT_HANDSHAKE_PERFORM, true); SpawnException e(INTERNAL_ERROR, session.journey, config); e.setSubprocessPid(pid); e.setStdoutAndErrData(getStdoutErrData()); e.setAdvancedProblemDetails(toString(internalFieldErrors)); loadBasicInfoFromEnvDumpDir(e); loadAnnotationsFromEnvDumpDir(e); e.setSummary("Error spawning the web application:" " a bug in " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME " caused the" " spawn result to be invalid: " + toString(internalFieldErrors)); message = "<p>The " PROGRAM_NAME " application server tried" " to start the web application, but encountered a bug" " in " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME " itself. The errors are as" " follows:</p>" "<ul>"; end = internalFieldErrors.end(); for (it = internalFieldErrors.begin(); it != end; it++) { message.append("<li>" + escapeHTML(*it) + "</li>"); } message.append("</ul>"); e.setProblemDescriptionHTML(message); e.setSolutionDescriptionHTML( "<p class=\"sole-solution\">" "This is a bug in " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME "." " <a href=\"" SUPPORT_URL "\">Please report this bug</a>" " to the " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME " authors.</p>"); throw e.finalize(); } else if (!config->genericApp && config->startsUsingWrapper) { UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); loadJourneyStateFromResponseDir(); switch (session.journey.getType()) { case SPAWN_DIRECTLY: case START_PRELOADER: session.journey.setStepErrored(SUBPROCESS_WRAPPER_PREPARATION, true); break; case SPAWN_THROUGH_PRELOADER: session.journey.setStepErrored(SUBPROCESS_PREPARE_AFTER_FORKING_FROM_PRELOADER, true); break; default: P_BUG("Unknown journey type " << (int) session.journey.getType()); } SpawnException e(INTERNAL_ERROR, session.journey, config); e.setSubprocessPid(pid); e.setStdoutAndErrData(getStdoutErrData()); e.setAdvancedProblemDetails(toString(appSuppliedFieldErrors)); loadBasicInfoFromEnvDumpDir(e); loadAnnotationsFromEnvDumpDir(e); if (config->wrapperSuppliedByThirdParty) { e.setSummary("Error spawning the web application:" " a bug in a third-party application wrapper caused" " the spawn result to be invalid: " + toString(appSuppliedFieldErrors)); } else { e.setSummary("Error spawning the web application:" " a bug in a " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME "-internal" " application wrapper caused the" " spawn result to be invalid: " + toString(appSuppliedFieldErrors)); } if (config->wrapperSuppliedByThirdParty) { message = "<p>The " PROGRAM_NAME " application server tried" " to start the web application through a helper tool" " called the \"wrapper\". This helper tool is not part of " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME ". " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME " expected" " the helper tool to communicate back various information" " about the application's startup procedure, but the tool" " did not communicate back correctly." " The errors are as follows:</p>" "<ul>"; } else { message = "<p>The " PROGRAM_NAME " application server tried" " to start the web application through a " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME "-internal helper tool (called the \"wrapper\")," " but " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME " encountered a bug" " in this helper tool. " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME " expected" " the helper tool to communicate back various information" " about the application's startup procedure, but the tool" " did not communicate back correctly." " The errors are as follows:</p>" "<ul>"; } end = appSuppliedFieldErrors.end(); for (it = appSuppliedFieldErrors.begin(); it != end; it++) { message.append("<li>" + escapeHTML(*it) + "</li>"); } message.append("</ul>"); e.setProblemDescriptionHTML(message); if (config->wrapperSuppliedByThirdParty) { e.setSolutionDescriptionHTML( "<p class=\"sole-solution\">" "This is a bug in the wrapper, so please contact the author of" " the wrapper. This problem is outside " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME "'s control. Below follows the command that " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME " tried to execute, so that you can infer" " which wrapper was used:</p>" "<pre>" + escapeHTML(config->startCommand) + "</pre>"); } else { e.setSolutionDescriptionHTML( "<p class=\"sole-solution\">" "This is a bug in " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME "." " <a href=\"" SUPPORT_URL "\">Please report this bug</a>" " to the " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME " authors.</p>"); } throw e.finalize(); } else { UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); loadJourneyStateFromResponseDir(); session.journey.setStepErrored(SUBPROCESS_APP_LOAD_OR_EXEC, true); SpawnException e(INTERNAL_ERROR, session.journey, config); e.setSummary("Error spawning the web application:" " the application's spawn response is invalid: " + toString(appSuppliedFieldErrors)); e.setAdvancedProblemDetails(toString(appSuppliedFieldErrors)); e.setSubprocessPid(pid); e.setStdoutAndErrData(getStdoutErrData()); loadBasicInfoFromEnvDumpDir(e); loadAnnotationsFromEnvDumpDir(e); message = "<p>The " PROGRAM_NAME " application server tried" " to start the web application, but encountered a bug" " in the application. " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME " expected" " the application to communicate back various information" " about its startup procedure, but the application" " did not communicate back that correctly." " The errors are as follows:</p>" "<ul>"; end = appSuppliedFieldErrors.end(); for (it = appSuppliedFieldErrors.begin(); it != end; it++) { message.append("<li>" + escapeHTML(*it) + "</li>"); } message.append("</ul>"); e.setProblemDescriptionHTML(message); if (config->genericApp) { e.setSolutionDescriptionHTML( "<p class=\"sole-solution\">" "Since this is a bug in the web application, please " "report this problem to the application's developer. " "This problem is outside " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME "'s " "control.</p>"); } else { e.setSolutionDescriptionHTML( "<p class=\"sole-solution\">" "This is a bug in " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME "." " <a href=\"" SUPPORT_URL "\">Please report this bug</a>" " to the " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME " authors.</p>"); } throw e.finalize(); } } ErrorCategory inferErrorCategoryFromResponseDir(ErrorCategory defaultValue) const { TRACE_POINT(); if (fileExists(session.responseDir + "/error/category")) { string value = strip(safeReadFile(session.responseErrorDirFd, "category", SPAWNINGKIT_MAX_ERROR_CATEGORY_SIZE).first); ErrorCategory category = stringToErrorCategory(value); if (category == UNKNOWN_ERROR_CATEGORY) { SpawnException e(INTERNAL_ERROR, session.journey, config); e.setStdoutAndErrData(getStdoutErrData()); e.setSubprocessPid(pid); loadBasicInfoFromEnvDumpDir(e); loadAnnotationsFromEnvDumpDir(e); if (!config->genericApp && config->startsUsingWrapper) { if (config->wrapperSuppliedByThirdParty) { e.setSummary( "An error occurred while spawning an application process: " "the application wrapper (which is not part of " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME ") reported an invalid error category: " + value); } else { e.setSummary( "An error occurred while spawning an application process: " "the application wrapper (which is internal to " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME ") reported an invalid error category: " + value); } } else { e.setSummary( "An error occurred while spawning an application process: " "the application reported an invalid error category: " + value); } if (!config->genericApp && config->startsUsingWrapper) { if (config->wrapperSuppliedByThirdParty) { e.setProblemDescriptionHTML( "<p>The " PROGRAM_NAME " application server tried" " to start the web application through a" " helper tool called the \"wrapper\". This helper tool " " is not part of " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME ". The tool " " encountered an error, so " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME " expected the tool to report details about that error." " But the tool communicated back in an invalid format:</p>" "<ul>" "<li>In file: " + escapeHTML(session.responseDir) + "/error/category</li>" "<li>Content: <code>" + escapeHTML(value) + "</code></li>" "</ul>"); e.setSolutionDescriptionHTML( "<p class=\"sole-solution\">" "This is a bug in the wrapper, so please contact the author of" " the wrapper. This problem is outside " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME "'s control. Below follows the command that " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME " tried to execute, so that you can infer" " which wrapper was used:</p>" "<pre>" + escapeHTML(config->startCommand) + "</pre>"); } else { e.setProblemDescriptionHTML( "<p>The " PROGRAM_NAME " application server tried" " to start the web application through a " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME "-internal helper tool called the \"wrapper\"." " The tool encountered an error, so " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME " expected the tool to report" " details about that error. But the tool communicated back" " in an invalid format:</p>" "<ul>" "<li>In file: " + escapeHTML(session.responseDir) + "/error/category</li>" "<li>Content: <code>" + escapeHTML(value) + "</code></li>" "</ul>"); e.setSolutionDescriptionHTML( "<p class=\"sole-solution\">" "This is a bug in " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME "." " <a href=\"" SUPPORT_URL "\">Please report this bug</a>" " to the " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME " authors.</p>"); } } else { e.setProblemDescriptionHTML( "<p>The " PROGRAM_NAME " application server tried" " to start the web application. The application encountered " " an error and tried to report details about the error back to " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME ". But the application communicated back" " in an invalid format:</p>" "<ul>" "<li>In file: " + escapeHTML(session.responseDir) + "/error/category</li>" "<li>Content: <code>" + escapeHTML(value) + "</code></li>" "</ul>"); e.setSolutionDescriptionHTML( "<p class=\"sole-solution\">" "This is a bug in the web application, please " "report this problem to the application's developer. " "This problem is outside " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME "'s " "control.</p>"); } throw e.finalize(); } else { return category; } } else { return defaultValue; } } void loadJourneyStateFromResponseDir() { loadJourneyStateFromResponseDir(session, pid, stdoutAndErrCapturer); } static void loadJourneyStateFromResponseDir(HandshakeSession &session, pid_t pid, const BackgroundIOCapturerPtr &stdoutAndErrCapturer, JourneyStep firstStep, JourneyStep lastStep) { TRACE_POINT(); JourneyStep step; for (step = firstStep; step < lastStep; step = JourneyStep((int) step + 1)) { if (!session.journey.hasStep(step)) { continue; } string stepString = journeyStepToStringLowerCase(step); string stepDir = session.responseDir + "/steps/" + stepString; if (!fileExists(stepDir + "/state")) { P_DEBUG("[App " << pid << " journey] Step " << journeyStepToString(step) << ": state file does not exist"); continue; } map<JourneyStep, int>::const_iterator it = session.stepDirFds.find(step); if (it == session.stepDirFds.end()) { P_BUG("No fd opened for step " << stepString); } loadJourneyStateFromResponseDirForSpecificStep( session, pid, stdoutAndErrCapturer, step, stepDir, it->second); } } static void loadJourneyStateFromResponseDirForSpecificStep(HandshakeSession &session, pid_t pid, const BackgroundIOCapturerPtr &stdoutAndErrCapturer, JourneyStep step, const string &stepDir, int stepDirFd) { TRACE_POINT_WITH_DATA(journeyStepToString(step).data()); string summary; string value = strip(safeReadFile(stepDirFd, "state", SPAWNINGKIT_MAX_JOURNEY_STEP_FILE_SIZE).first); JourneyStepState state = stringToJourneyStepState(value); const Config *config = session.config; if (value.empty()) { P_DEBUG("[App " << pid << " journey] Step " << journeyStepToString(step) << ": state file is empty"); return; } P_DEBUG("[App " << pid << " journey] Step " << journeyStepToString(step) << ": setting state to " << value); try { UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); switch (state) { case STEP_NOT_STARTED: // SpawnEnvSetupper explicitly sets the SUBPROCESS_OS_SHELL // step state to STEP_NOT_STARTED if it determines that it // should not execute the next command through the shell. session.journey.setStepNotStarted(step, true); break; case STEP_IN_PROGRESS: session.journey.setStepInProgress(step, true); break; case STEP_PERFORMED: session.journey.setStepPerformed(step, true); break; case STEP_ERRORED: session.journey.setStepErrored(step, true); break; default: session.journey.setStepErrored(step, true); SpawnException e(INTERNAL_ERROR, session.journey, config); e.setStdoutAndErrData(getStdoutErrData(stdoutAndErrCapturer)); e.setSubprocessPid(pid); loadBasicInfoFromEnvDumpDir(e, session); loadAnnotationsFromEnvDumpDir(e, session); if (!config->genericApp && config->startsUsingWrapper) { if (config->wrapperSuppliedByThirdParty) { e.setSummary( "An error occurred while spawning an application process: " "the application wrapper (which is not part of " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME ") reported an invalid progress step state for step " + journeyStepToString(step) + ": " + value); } else { e.setSummary( "An error occurred while spawning an application process: " "the application wrapper (which is internal to " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME ") reported an invalid progress step state for step " + journeyStepToString(step) + ": " + value); } } else { e.setSummary( "An error occurred while spawning an application process: " "the application reported an invalid progress step state for step " + journeyStepToString(step) + ": " + value); } if (!config->genericApp && config->startsUsingWrapper) { if (config->wrapperSuppliedByThirdParty) { e.setProblemDescriptionHTML( "<p>The " PROGRAM_NAME " application server tried" " to start the web application through a" " helper tool called the \"wrapper\". This helper tool" " is not part of " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME ". " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME " expected the helper tool to" " report about its startup progress, but the tool" " communicated back an invalid answer:</p>" "<ul>" "<li>In file: " + escapeHTML(stepDir) + "/state</li>" "<li>Content: <code>" + escapeHTML(value) + "</code></li>" "</ul>"); e.setSolutionDescriptionHTML( "<p class=\"sole-solution\">" "This is a bug in the wrapper, so please contact the author of" " the wrapper. This problem is outside " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME "'s control. Below follows the command that " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME " tried to execute, so that you can infer" " which wrapper was used:</p>" "<pre>" + escapeHTML(config->startCommand) + "</pre>"); } else { e.setProblemDescriptionHTML( "<p>The " PROGRAM_NAME " application server tried" " to start the web application through a " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME "-internal helper tool called the \"wrapper\"," " but " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME " encountered a bug" " in this helper tool. " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME " expected" " the helper tool to report about its startup progress," " but the tool communicated back an invalid answer:</p>" "<ul>" "<li>In file: " + escapeHTML(stepDir) + "/state</li>" "<li>Content: <code>" + escapeHTML(value) + "</code></li>" "</ul>"); e.setSolutionDescriptionHTML( "<p class=\"sole-solution\">" "This is a bug in " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME "." " <a href=\"" SUPPORT_URL "\">Please report this bug</a>" " to the " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME " authors.</p>"); } } else { e.setProblemDescriptionHTML( "<p>The " PROGRAM_NAME " application server tried" " to start the web application, and expected the application" " to report about its startup progress. But the application" " communicated back an invalid answer:</p>" "<ul>" "<li>In file: " + escapeHTML(stepDir) + "/state</li>" "<li>Content: <code>" + escapeHTML(value) + "</code></li>" "</ul>"); e.setSolutionDescriptionHTML( "<p class=\"sole-solution\">" "This is a bug in the web application, please " "report this problem to the application's developer. " "This problem is outside " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME "'s " "control.</p>"); } throw e.finalize(); break; }; } catch (const RuntimeException &originalException) { UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); session.journey.setStepErrored(step, true); SpawnException e(INTERNAL_ERROR, session.journey, config); e.setStdoutAndErrData(getStdoutErrData(stdoutAndErrCapturer)); e.setSubprocessPid(pid); loadBasicInfoFromEnvDumpDir(e, session); loadAnnotationsFromEnvDumpDir(e, session); if (!config->genericApp && config->startsUsingWrapper) { if (config->wrapperSuppliedByThirdParty) { e.setSummary("An error occurred while spawning an application process: " "the application wrapper (which is not part of " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME ") reported an invalid progress step state for step " + journeyStepToString(step) + ": " + StaticString(originalException.what())); } else { e.setSummary("An error occurred while spawning an application process: " "the application wrapper (which is internal to " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME ") reported an invalid progress step state for step " + journeyStepToString(step) + ": " + StaticString(originalException.what())); } } else { e.setSummary("An error occurred while spawning an application process: " "the application reported an invalid progress step state for step " + journeyStepToString(step) + ": " + StaticString(originalException.what())); } if (!config->genericApp && config->startsUsingWrapper) { if (config->wrapperSuppliedByThirdParty) { e.setProblemDescriptionHTML( "<p>The " PROGRAM_NAME " application server tried" " to start the web application through a " " helper tool called the \"wrapper\". This helper tool" " is not part of " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME ". " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME " expected the helper tool to" " report about its startup progress, but the tool" " communicated back an invalid answer:</p>" "<ul>" "<li>In file: " + escapeHTML(stepDir) + "/state</li>" "<li>Error: " + escapeHTML(originalException.what()) + "</li>" "</ul>"); e.setSolutionDescriptionHTML( "<p class=\"sole-solution\">" "This is a bug in the wrapper, so please contact the author of" " the wrapper. This problem is outside " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME "'s control. Below follows the command that " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME " tried to execute, so that you can infer" " which wrapper was used:</p>" "<pre>" + escapeHTML(config->startCommand) + "</pre>"); } else { e.setProblemDescriptionHTML( "<p>The " PROGRAM_NAME " application server tried" " to start the web application through a " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME "-internal helper tool called the \"wrapper\"," " but " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME " encountered a bug" " in this helper tool. " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME " expected" " the helper tool to report about its startup progress," " but the tool communicated back an invalid answer:</p>" "<ul>" "<li>In file: " + escapeHTML(stepDir) + "/state</li>" "<li>Error: " + escapeHTML(originalException.what()) + "</li>" "</ul>"); e.setSolutionDescriptionHTML( "<p class=\"sole-solution\">" "This is a bug in " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME "." " <a href=\"" SUPPORT_URL "\">Please report this bug</a>" " to the " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME " authors.</p>"); } } else { e.setProblemDescriptionHTML( "<p>The " PROGRAM_NAME " application server tried" " to start the web application, and expected the application" " to report about its startup progress. But the application" " communicated back an invalid answer:</p>" "<ul>" "<li>In file: " + escapeHTML(stepDir) + "/state</li>" "<li>Error: " + escapeHTML(originalException.what()) + "</li>" "</ul>"); e.setSolutionDescriptionHTML( "<p class=\"sole-solution\">" "This is a bug in the web application, please " "report this problem to the application's developer. " "This problem is outside " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME "'s " "control.</p>"); } throw e.finalize(); } UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); if (fileExists(stepDir + "/begin_time_monotonic")) { value = safeReadFile(stepDirFd, "begin_time_monotonic", SPAWNINGKIT_MAX_JOURNEY_STEP_FILE_SIZE).first; MonotonicTimeUsec beginTimeMonotonic = llround(atof(value.c_str()) * 1000000); P_DEBUG("[App " << pid << " journey] Step " << journeyStepToString(step) << ": monotonic begin time is \"" << cEscapeString(value) << "\""); session.journey.setStepBeginTime(step, beginTimeMonotonic); } else if (fileExists(stepDir + "/begin_time")) { value = safeReadFile(stepDirFd, "begin_time", SPAWNINGKIT_MAX_JOURNEY_STEP_FILE_SIZE).first; unsigned long long beginTime = llround(atof(value.c_str()) * 1000000); MonotonicTimeUsec beginTimeMonotonic = usecTimestampToMonoTime(beginTime); P_DEBUG("[App " << pid << " journey] Step " << journeyStepToString(step) << ": begin time is \"" << cEscapeString(value) << "\", monotonic conversion is " << doubleToString(beginTimeMonotonic / 1000000.0)); session.journey.setStepBeginTime(step, beginTimeMonotonic); } else { P_DEBUG("[App " << pid << " journey] Step " << journeyStepToString(step) << ": no begin time known"); } UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); if (fileExists(stepDir + "/end_time_monotonic")) { value = safeReadFile(stepDirFd, "end_time_monotonic", SPAWNINGKIT_MAX_JOURNEY_STEP_FILE_SIZE).first; MonotonicTimeUsec endTimeMonotonic = llround(atof(value.c_str()) * 1000000); P_DEBUG("[App " << pid << " journey] Step " << journeyStepToString(step) << ": monotonic end time is \"" << cEscapeString(value) << "\""); session.journey.setStepEndTime(step, endTimeMonotonic); } else if (fileExists(stepDir + "/end_time")) { value = safeReadFile(stepDirFd, "end_time", SPAWNINGKIT_MAX_JOURNEY_STEP_FILE_SIZE).first; unsigned long long endTime = llround(atof(value.c_str()) * 1000000); MonotonicTimeUsec endTimeMonotonic = usecTimestampToMonoTime(endTime); P_DEBUG("[App " << pid << " journey] Step " << journeyStepToString(step) << ": end time is \"" << cEscapeString(value) << "\", monotonic conversion is " << doubleToString(endTimeMonotonic / 1000000.0)); session.journey.setStepEndTime(step, endTimeMonotonic); } else { P_DEBUG("[App " << pid << " journey] Step " << journeyStepToString(step) << ": no end time known"); } } static MonotonicTimeUsec usecTimestampToMonoTime(unsigned long long timestamp) { unsigned long long now = SystemTime::getUsec(); MonotonicTimeUsec nowMono = SystemTime::getMonotonicUsec(); unsigned long long diff; if (now > nowMono) { diff = now - nowMono; return timestamp - diff; } else { diff = nowMono - now; return timestamp + diff; } } void loadSubprocessErrorMessagesAndEnvDump(SpawnException &e) const { TRACE_POINT(); const string &responseDir = session.responseDir; if (fileExists(responseDir + "/error/summary")) { e.setSummary(strip(safeReadFile(session.responseErrorDirFd, "summary", SPAWNINGKIT_MAX_SUBPROCESS_ERROR_MESSAGE_SIZE).first)); } if (e.getAdvancedProblemDetails().empty() && fileExists(responseDir + "/error/advanced_problem_details")) { e.setAdvancedProblemDetails(strip(safeReadFile(session.responseErrorDirFd, "advanced_problem_details", SPAWNINGKIT_MAX_SUBPROCESS_ERROR_MESSAGE_SIZE).first)); } if (fileExists(responseDir + "/error/problem_description.html")) { e.setProblemDescriptionHTML(safeReadFile(session.responseErrorDirFd, "problem_description.html", SPAWNINGKIT_MAX_SUBPROCESS_ERROR_MESSAGE_SIZE).first); } else if (fileExists(responseDir + "/error/problem_description.txt")) { e.setProblemDescriptionHTML(escapeHTML(strip(safeReadFile(session.responseErrorDirFd, "problem_description.txt", SPAWNINGKIT_MAX_SUBPROCESS_ERROR_MESSAGE_SIZE).first))); } if (fileExists(responseDir + "/error/solution_description.html")) { e.setSolutionDescriptionHTML(safeReadFile(session.responseErrorDirFd, "solution_description.html", SPAWNINGKIT_MAX_SUBPROCESS_ERROR_MESSAGE_SIZE).first); } else if (fileExists(responseDir + "/error/solution_description.txt")) { e.setSolutionDescriptionHTML(escapeHTML(strip(safeReadFile(session.responseErrorDirFd, "solution_description.txt", SPAWNINGKIT_MAX_SUBPROCESS_ERROR_MESSAGE_SIZE).first))); } loadBasicInfoFromEnvDumpDir(e); loadAnnotationsFromEnvDumpDir(e); } void loadBasicInfoFromEnvDumpDir(SpawnException &e) const { loadBasicInfoFromEnvDumpDir(e, session); } static void loadBasicInfoFromEnvDumpDir(SpawnException &e, HandshakeSession &session) { string envvars, userInfo, ulimits; loadBasicInfoFromEnvDumpDir(session.envDumpDir, session.envDumpDirFd, envvars, userInfo, ulimits); e.setSubprocessEnvvars(envvars); e.setSubprocessUserInfo(userInfo); e.setSubprocessUlimits(ulimits); } static void doClosedir(DIR *dir) { closedir(dir); } void loadAnnotationsFromEnvDumpDir(SpawnException &e) const { loadAnnotationsFromEnvDumpDir(e, session); } static void loadAnnotationsFromEnvDumpDir(SpawnException &e, HandshakeSession &session) { TRACE_POINT(); string path = session.envDumpDir + "/annotations"; DIR *dir = opendir(path.c_str()); if (dir == NULL) { return; } ScopeGuard guard(boost::bind(doClosedir, dir)); struct dirent *ent; while ((ent = readdir(dir)) != NULL) { if (ent->d_name[0] != '.') { e.setAnnotation(ent->d_name, strip( safeReadFile(session.envDumpAnnotationsDirFd, ent->d_name, SPAWNINGKIT_MAX_SUBPROCESS_ENVDUMP_SIZE).first )); } } } void cleanup() { boost::this_thread::disable_interruption di; boost::this_thread::disable_syscall_interruption dsi; TRACE_POINT(); if (processExitWatcher != NULL) { processExitWatcher->interrupt_and_join(); delete processExitWatcher; processExitWatcher = NULL; } if (finishSignalWatcher != NULL) { finishSignalWatcher->interrupt_and_join(); delete finishSignalWatcher; finishSignalWatcher = NULL; } if (socketPingabilityWatcher != NULL) { socketPingabilityWatcher->interrupt_and_join(); delete socketPingabilityWatcher; socketPingabilityWatcher = NULL; } if (stdoutAndErrCapturer != NULL) { stdoutAndErrCapturer->stop(); } } JourneyStep bestGuessSubprocessFailedStep() const { JourneyStep step = getFirstSubprocessJourneyStepWithState(STEP_IN_PROGRESS); if (step != UNKNOWN_JOURNEY_STEP) { return step; } if (allSubprocessJourneyStepsHaveState(STEP_PERFORMED)) { return getLastSubprocessJourneyStepFrom(session.journey); } else { JourneyStep step = getLastSubprocessJourneyStepWithState(STEP_PERFORMED); if (step == UNKNOWN_JOURNEY_STEP) { return getFirstSubprocessJourneyStepFrom(session.journey); } else { assert(step != getLastSubprocessJourneyStepFrom(session.journey)); return JourneyStep((int) step + 1); } } } JourneyStep getFirstSubprocessJourneyStepFrom(const Journey &journey) const { JourneyStep firstStep = getFirstSubprocessJourneyStep(); JourneyStep lastStep = getLastSubprocessJourneyStep(); JourneyStep step; for (step = firstStep; step <= lastStep; step = JourneyStep((int) step + 1)) { if (session.journey.hasStep(step)) { return step; } } P_BUG("Never reached"); return UNKNOWN_JOURNEY_STEP; } JourneyStep getLastSubprocessJourneyStepFrom(const Journey &journey) const { JourneyStep firstStep = getFirstSubprocessJourneyStep(); JourneyStep lastStep = getLastSubprocessJourneyStep(); JourneyStep result = UNKNOWN_JOURNEY_STEP; JourneyStep step; for (step = firstStep; step <= lastStep; step = JourneyStep((int) step + 1)) { if (session.journey.hasStep(step)) { result = step; } } return result; } bool allSubprocessJourneyStepsHaveState(JourneyStepState state) const { JourneyStep firstStep = getFirstSubprocessJourneyStep(); JourneyStep lastStep = getLastSubprocessJourneyStep(); JourneyStep step; for (step = firstStep; step <= lastStep; step = JourneyStep((int) step + 1)) { if (!session.journey.hasStep(step)) { continue; } if (session.journey.getStepInfo(step).state != state) { return false; } } return true; } JourneyStep getFirstSubprocessJourneyStepWithState(JourneyStepState state) const { JourneyStep firstStep = getFirstSubprocessJourneyStep(); JourneyStep lastStep = getLastSubprocessJourneyStep(); JourneyStep step; for (step = firstStep; step <= lastStep; step = JourneyStep((int) step + 1)) { if (!session.journey.hasStep(step)) { continue; } if (session.journey.getStepInfo(step).state == state) { return step; } } return UNKNOWN_JOURNEY_STEP; } JourneyStep getLastSubprocessJourneyStepWithState(JourneyStepState state) const { JourneyStep firstStep = getFirstSubprocessJourneyStep(); JourneyStep lastStep = getLastSubprocessJourneyStep(); JourneyStep step; JourneyStep result = UNKNOWN_JOURNEY_STEP; for (step = firstStep; step <= lastStep; step = JourneyStep((int) step + 1)) { if (!session.journey.hasStep(step)) { continue; } if (session.journey.getStepInfo(step).state == state) { result = step; } } return result; } void setResultType(Result &result) const { if (config->genericApp) { result.type = Result::GENERIC; } else if (config->startsUsingWrapper) { result.type = Result::AUTO_SUPPORTED; } else { result.type = Result::KURIA; } } public: struct DebugSupport { virtual ~DebugSupport() { } virtual void beginWaitUntilSpawningFinished() { } }; DebugSupport *debugSupport; HandshakePerform(HandshakeSession &_session, pid_t _pid, const FileDescriptor &_stdinFd = FileDescriptor(), const FileDescriptor &_stdoutAndErrFd = FileDescriptor(), const string &_alreadyReadStdoutAndErrData = string()) : session(_session), config(session.config), pid(_pid), stdinFd(_stdinFd), stdoutAndErrFd(_stdoutAndErrFd), alreadyReadStdoutAndErrData(_alreadyReadStdoutAndErrData), processExitWatcher(NULL), finishSignalWatcher(NULL), processExited(false), finishState(NOT_FINISHED), socketPingabilityWatcher(NULL), socketIsNowPingable(false), debugSupport(NULL) { assert(_session.context != NULL); assert(_session.context->isFinalized()); assert(_session.config != NULL); } Result execute() { TRACE_POINT(); ScopeGuard guard(boost::bind(&HandshakePerform::cleanup, this)); // We do not set SPAWNING_KIT_HANDSHAKE_PERFORM to the IN_PROGRESS or // PERFORMED state here. That will be done by the caller because // it may want to perform additional preparation. try { initializeStdchannelsCapturing(); startWatchingProcessExit(); if (config->genericApp || config->findFreePort) { startWatchingSocketPingability(); } if (!config->genericApp) { startWatchingFinishSignal(); } } catch (const SpawnException &) { throw; } catch (const std::exception &originalException) { sleepShortlyToCaptureMoreStdoutStderr(); loadJourneyStateFromResponseDir(); session.journey.setStepErrored(SPAWNING_KIT_HANDSHAKE_PERFORM); SpawnException e(originalException, session.journey, config); e.setStdoutAndErrData(getStdoutErrData()); e.setSubprocessPid(pid); throw e.finalize(); } UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); try { boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> l(syncher); if (debugSupport != NULL) { debugSupport->beginWaitUntilSpawningFinished(); } waitUntilSpawningFinished(l); Result result = handleResponse(); loadJourneyStateFromResponseDir(); return result; } catch (const SpawnException &) { throw; } catch (const std::exception &originalException) { sleepShortlyToCaptureMoreStdoutStderr(); loadJourneyStateFromResponseDir(); session.journey.setStepErrored(SPAWNING_KIT_HANDSHAKE_PERFORM); SpawnException e(originalException, session.journey, config); e.setSubprocessPid(pid); e.setStdoutAndErrData(getStdoutErrData()); throw e.finalize(); } } static void loadJourneyStateFromResponseDir(HandshakeSession &session, pid_t pid, const BackgroundIOCapturerPtr &stdoutAndErrCapturer) { TRACE_POINT(); P_DEBUG("[App " << pid << " journey] Loading state from " << session.responseDir); loadJourneyStateFromResponseDir(session, pid, stdoutAndErrCapturer, getFirstSubprocessJourneyStep(), getLastSubprocessJourneyStep()); UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); loadJourneyStateFromResponseDir(session, pid, stdoutAndErrCapturer, getFirstPreloaderJourneyStep(), // Also load state from PRELOADER_FINISH since the // preloader writes there. JourneyStep((int) getLastPreloaderJourneyStep() + 1)); } static void loadBasicInfoFromEnvDumpDir(const string &envDumpDir, int envDumpDirFd, string &envvars, string &userInfo, string &ulimits) { if (fileExists(envDumpDir + "/envvars")) { envvars = safeReadFile(envDumpDirFd, "envvars", SPAWNINGKIT_MAX_SUBPROCESS_ENVDUMP_SIZE).first; } if (fileExists(envDumpDir + "/user_info")) { userInfo = safeReadFile(envDumpDirFd, "user_info", SPAWNINGKIT_MAX_SUBPROCESS_ENVDUMP_SIZE).first; } if (fileExists(envDumpDir + "/ulimits")) { ulimits = safeReadFile(envDumpDirFd, "ulimits", SPAWNINGKIT_MAX_SUBPROCESS_ENVDUMP_SIZE).first; } } }; } // namespace SpawningKit } // namespace Passenger #endif /* _PASSENGER_SPAWNING_KIT_HANDSHAKE_PERFORM_H_ */