Current Path : /opt/cpanel/ea-ruby27/src/passenger-release-6.0.23/src/agent/Core/Controller/ |
Current File : //opt/cpanel/ea-ruby27/src/passenger-release-6.0.23/src/agent/Core/Controller/CheckoutSession.cpp |
/* * Phusion Passenger - https://www.phusionpassenger.com/ * Copyright (c) 2011-2017 Phusion Holding B.V. * * "Passenger", "Phusion Passenger" and "Union Station" are registered * trademarks of Phusion Holding B.V. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "DataStructures/LString.h" #include <Core/Controller.h> #include <Core/SpawningKit/ErrorRenderer.h> /************************************************************************* * * Implements Core::Controller methods pertaining selecting an application * process to handle the current request. * *************************************************************************/ namespace Passenger { namespace Core { using namespace std; using namespace boost; /**************************** * * Private methods * ****************************/ void Controller::checkoutSession(Client *client, Request *req) { GetCallback callback; Options &options = req->options; CC_BENCHMARK_POINT(client, req, BM_BEFORE_CHECKOUT); SKC_TRACE(client, 2, "Checking out session: appRoot=" << options.appRoot); req->state = Request::CHECKING_OUT_SESSION; if (req->requestBodyBuffering) { assert(!req->bodyBuffer.isStarted()); } else { assert(!req->bodyChannel.isStarted()); } callback.func = sessionCheckedOut; callback.userData = req; options.currentTime = SystemTime::getUsec(); refRequest(req, __FILE__, __LINE__); #ifdef DEBUG_CC_EVENT_LOOP_BLOCKING req->timeBeforeAccessingApplicationPool = ev_now(getLoop()); #endif asyncGetFromApplicationPool(req, callback); #ifdef DEBUG_CC_EVENT_LOOP_BLOCKING if (!req->timedAppPoolGet) { req->timedAppPoolGet = true; ev_now_update(getLoop()); reportLargeTimeDiff(client, "ApplicationPool get until return", req->timeBeforeAccessingApplicationPool, ev_now(getLoop())); } #endif } void Controller::asyncGetFromApplicationPool(Request *req, ApplicationPool2::GetCallback callback) { appPool->asyncGet(req->options, callback, true); } void Controller::sessionCheckedOut(const AbstractSessionPtr &session, const ExceptionPtr &e, void *userData) { Request *req = static_cast<Request *>(userData); Client *client = static_cast<Client *>(req->client); Controller *self = static_cast<Controller *>(getServerFromClient(client)); if (self->getContext()->libev->onEventLoopThread()) { self->sessionCheckedOutFromEventLoopThread(client, req, session, e); self->unrefRequest(req, __FILE__, __LINE__); } else { self->getContext()->libev->runLater( boost::bind(&Controller::sessionCheckedOutFromAnotherThread, self, client, req, session, e)); } } void Controller::sessionCheckedOutFromAnotherThread(Client *client, Request *req, AbstractSessionPtr session, ExceptionPtr e) { SKC_LOG_EVENT(Controller, client, "sessionCheckedOutFromAnotherThread"); sessionCheckedOutFromEventLoopThread(client, req, session, e); unrefRequest(req, __FILE__, __LINE__); } void Controller::sessionCheckedOutFromEventLoopThread(Client *client, Request *req, const AbstractSessionPtr &session, const ExceptionPtr &e) { if (req->ended()) { return; } TRACE_POINT(); CC_BENCHMARK_POINT(client, req, BM_AFTER_CHECKOUT); #ifdef DEBUG_CC_EVENT_LOOP_BLOCKING if (!req->timedAppPoolGet) { req->timedAppPoolGet = true; ev_now_update(getLoop()); reportLargeTimeDiff(client, "ApplicationPool get until return", req->timeBeforeAccessingApplicationPool, ev_now(getLoop())); } #endif if (e == NULL) { SKC_DEBUG(client, "Session checked out: pid=" << session->getPid() << ", gupid=" << session->getGupid()); req->session = session; UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); maybeSend100Continue(client, req); UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); initiateSession(client, req); } else { UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); reportSessionCheckoutError(client, req, e); } } void Controller::maybeSend100Continue(Client *client, Request *req) { int httpVersion = req->httpMajor * 1000 + req->httpMinor * 10; if (httpVersion >= 1010 && req->hasBody() && !req->strip100ContinueHeader) { // Apps with the "session" protocol don't respond with 100-Continue, // so we do it for them. const LString *value = req->headers.lookup(HTTP_EXPECT); if (value != NULL && psg_lstr_cmp(value, P_STATIC_STRING("100-continue")) && req->session->getProtocol() == P_STATIC_STRING("session")) { const unsigned int BUFSIZE = 32; char *buf = (char *) psg_pnalloc(req->pool, BUFSIZE); int size = snprintf(buf, BUFSIZE, "HTTP/%d.%d 100 Continue\r\n", (int) req->httpMajor, (int) req->httpMinor); writeResponse(client, buf, size); if (!req->ended()) { // Allow sending more response headers. req->responseBegun = false; } } } } void Controller::initiateSession(Client *client, Request *req) { TRACE_POINT(); req->sessionCheckoutTry++; try { req->session->initiate(false); } catch (const SystemException &e2) { if (req->sessionCheckoutTry < MAX_SESSION_CHECKOUT_TRY) { SKC_DEBUG(client, "Error checking out session (" << e2.what() << "); retrying (attempt " << req->sessionCheckoutTry << ")"); refRequest(req, __FILE__, __LINE__); getContext()->libev->runLater(boost::bind(checkoutSessionLater, req)); } else { string message = "could not initiate a session ("; message.append(e2.what()); message.append(")"); disconnectWithError(&client, message); } return; } UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); SKC_DEBUG(client, "Session initiated: fd=" << req->session->fd()); req->appSink.reinitialize(req->session->fd()); req->appSource.reinitialize(req->session->fd()); /***************/ /***************/ reinitializeAppResponse(client, req); sendHeaderToApp(client, req); } void Controller::checkoutSessionLater(Request *req) { Client *client = static_cast<Client *>(req->client); Controller *self = static_cast<Controller *>( Controller::getServerFromClient(client)); SKC_LOG_EVENT_FROM_STATIC(self, Controller, client, "checkoutSessionLater"); if (!req->ended()) { self->checkoutSession(client, req); } self->unrefRequest(req, __FILE__, __LINE__); } void Controller::reportSessionCheckoutError(Client *client, Request *req, const ExceptionPtr &e) { TRACE_POINT(); { boost::shared_ptr<RequestQueueFullException> e2 = dynamic_pointer_cast<RequestQueueFullException>(e); if (e2 != NULL) { writeRequestQueueFullExceptionErrorResponse(client, req, e2); return; } } { boost::shared_ptr<SpawningKit::SpawnException> e2 = dynamic_pointer_cast<SpawningKit::SpawnException>(e); if (e2 != NULL) { writeSpawnExceptionErrorResponse(client, req, e2); return; } } writeOtherExceptionErrorResponse(client, req, e); } int Controller::lookupCodeFromHeader(Request *req, const char* header, int statusCode) { const LString *value = req->secureHeaders.lookup(header); if (value != NULL && value->size > 0) { value = psg_lstr_make_contiguous(value, req->pool); statusCode = stringToInt( StaticString(value->start->data, value->size)); } return statusCode; } void Controller::writeRequestQueueFullExceptionErrorResponse(Client *client, Request *req, const boost::shared_ptr<RequestQueueFullException> &e) { TRACE_POINT(); int requestQueueOverflowStatusCode = lookupCodeFromHeader(req, "!~PASSENGER_REQUEST_QUEUE_OVERFLOW_STATUS_CODE", 503); SKC_WARN(client, "Returning HTTP " << requestQueueOverflowStatusCode << " due to: " << e->what()); endRequestWithSimpleResponse(&client, &req, "<h2>This website is under heavy load (queue full)</h2>" "<p>We're sorry, too many people are accessing this website at the same " "time. We're working on this problem. Please try again later.</p>", requestQueueOverflowStatusCode); } void Controller::writeSpawnExceptionErrorResponse(Client *client, Request *req, const boost::shared_ptr<SpawningKit::SpawnException> &e) { TRACE_POINT(); int spawnExceptionStatusCode = lookupCodeFromHeader(req, "!~PASSENGER_SPAWN_EXCEPTION_STATUS_CODE", 500); SKC_ERROR(client, "Cannot checkout session because a spawning error occurred. " << "The identifier of the error is " << e->getId() << ". Please see earlier logs for " << "details about the error."); endRequestWithErrorResponse(&client, &req, *e, spawnExceptionStatusCode); } void Controller::writeOtherExceptionErrorResponse(Client *client, Request *req, const ExceptionPtr &e) { TRACE_POINT(); // ATM "other" exceptions always return a spawn exception error message, so use the matching status code int otherExceptionStatusCode = lookupCodeFromHeader(req, "!~PASSENGER_SPAWN_EXCEPTION_STATUS_CODE", 500); string typeName; const oxt::tracable_exception &eptr = *e; #ifdef CXX_ABI_API_AVAILABLE int status; char *tmp = abi::__cxa_demangle(typeid(eptr).name(), 0, 0, &status); if (tmp != NULL) { typeName = tmp; free(tmp); } else { typeName = typeid(eptr).name(); } #else typeName = typeid(eptr).name(); #endif const unsigned int exceptionMessageLen = strlen(e->what()); string backtrace; boost::shared_ptr<tracable_exception> e3 = dynamic_pointer_cast<tracable_exception>(e); if (e3 != NULL) { backtrace = e3->backtrace(); } SKC_WARN(client, "Cannot checkout session due to " << typeName << ": " << e->what() << (!backtrace.empty() ? "\n" + backtrace : "")); if (friendlyErrorPagesEnabled(req)) { const unsigned int BUFFER_SIZE = 512 + typeName.size() + exceptionMessageLen + backtrace.size(); char *buf = (char *) psg_pnalloc(req->pool, BUFFER_SIZE); char *pos = buf; const char *end = buf + BUFFER_SIZE; pos = appendData(pos, end, "<h2>Internal server error</h2>"); pos = appendData(pos, end, "<p>Application could not be started.</p>"); pos = appendData(pos, end, "<p>Exception type: "); pos = appendData(pos, end, typeName); pos = appendData(pos, end, "<br>Error message: "); pos = appendData(pos, end, e->what(), exceptionMessageLen); if (!backtrace.empty()) { pos = appendData(pos, end, "<br>Backtrace:<br>"); pos = appendData(pos, end, backtrace); } pos = appendData(pos, end, "</p>"); endRequestWithSimpleResponse(&client, &req, StaticString(buf, pos - buf), otherExceptionStatusCode); } else { endRequestWithSimpleResponse(&client, &req, "<h2>Internal server error</h2>" "Application could not be started. Please try again later.", otherExceptionStatusCode); } } void Controller::endRequestWithErrorResponse(Client **c, Request **r, const SpawningKit::SpawnException &e, int statusCode) { TRACE_POINT(); Client *client = *c; Request *req = *r; SpawningKit::ErrorRenderer renderer(*appPool->getSpawningKitContext()); string data; const LString *path = customErrorPageEnabled(req); if (!psg_lstr_cmp(path, StaticString(""))) { try { data = renderer.renderCustom(StaticString(path->start->data, path->size)); } catch (const SystemException &e2) { SKC_ERROR(client, "Cannot render an error page: " << e2.what() << "\n" << e2.backtrace()); data = "<h2>Internal server error</h2>"; } } else if (friendlyErrorPagesEnabled(req)) { try { data = renderer.renderWithDetails(e); } catch (const SystemException &e2) { SKC_ERROR(client, "Cannot render an error page: " << e2.what() << "\n" << e2.backtrace()); data = e.getSummary(); } } else { try { data = renderer.renderWithoutDetails(e); } catch (const SystemException &e2) { SKC_ERROR(client, "Cannot render an error page: " << e2.what() << "\n" << e2.backtrace()); data = "<h2>Internal server error</h2>"; } } endRequestWithSimpleResponse(c, r, psg_pstrdup(req->pool, data), statusCode); } const LString* Controller::customErrorPageEnabled(Request *req) { const StaticString name = "!~PASSENGER_CUSTOM_ERROR_PAGE"; LString* customErrorPagePath = req->secureHeaders.lookup(name); if (customErrorPagePath != NULL && customErrorPagePath->size > 0) { return psg_lstr_make_contiguous(customErrorPagePath, req->pool); } else { customErrorPagePath = (LString *) psg_palloc(req->pool, sizeof(LString)); psg_lstr_init(customErrorPagePath); return customErrorPagePath; } } bool Controller::friendlyErrorPagesEnabled(Request *req) { bool defaultValue; const StaticString &defaultStr = req->config->defaultFriendlyErrorPages; if (defaultStr == "auto") { defaultValue = (req->options.environment == "development"); } else { defaultValue = defaultStr == "true"; } return getBoolOption(req, "!~PASSENGER_FRIENDLY_ERROR_PAGES", defaultValue); } /***************/ /***************/ } // namespace Core } // namespace Passenger