Current Path : /opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/xray/internal/ |
Current File : //opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/xray/internal/utils.py |
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright © Cloud Linux GmbH & Cloud Linux Software, Inc 2010-2021 All Rights Reserved # # Licensed under CLOUD LINUX LICENSE AGREEMENT # http://cloudlinux.com/docs/LICENSE.TXT """ This module contains helpful utility functions for X-Ray Manager """ import dbm import errno from getpass import getuser import fcntl import logging import os import shelve import shutil import subprocess import platform import time import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET from contextlib import contextmanager from datetime import date, timedelta from functools import wraps from glob import glob from socket import (socket, fromfd, AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, SOCK_DGRAM, AF_INET, AF_INET6) from typing import Callable, List, Optional import sentry_sdk from sentry_sdk.integrations.atexit import AtexitIntegration from sentry_sdk.integrations.logging import LoggingIntegration from clcommon.const import Feature from clcommon.cpapi import is_panel_feature_supported, get_cp_description, getCPName, is_wp2_environment from clcommon.lib.cledition import get_cl_edition_readable from clcommon.ui_config import UIConfig from clcommon.clpwd import drop_privileges from clcommon.utils import get_rhn_systemid_value from clcommon.lib.network import get_hostname from clwpos.papi import php_get_vhost_versions_user from xray import gettext as _ from .constants import ( sentry_dsn, local_tasks_storage, agent_file, logging_level, jwt_token_location, user_agent_sock ) from .exceptions import XRayError, XRayManagerExit logger = logging.getLogger('utils') subprocess_errors = ( OSError, ValueError, subprocess.SubprocessError ) # --------- DECORATORS --------- def skeleton_update(func: Callable) -> Callable: """ Decorator aimed to update ini file in cagefs-skeleton Applies to task.add nd task.remove """ def update(*args): """ Copy ini file to cagefs-skeleton Action takes place for cPanel ea-php only """ original_ini = os.path.join(args[0].ini_location, 'xray.ini') if original_ini.startswith('/opt/cpanel') and glob( '/usr/share/cagefs'): skeleton_ini = os.path.join('/usr/share/cagefs/.cpanel.multiphp', original_ini[1:]) elif original_ini.startswith('/usr/local') and glob( '/usr/share/cagefs-skeleton'): skeleton_ini = os.path.join('/usr/share/cagefs-skeleton', original_ini[1:]) if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(skeleton_ini)): os.mkdir(os.path.dirname(skeleton_ini)) else: return if not os.path.exists(original_ini): if os.path.exists(skeleton_ini): try: os.unlink(skeleton_ini) except OSError as e: logger.warning('Failed to unlink ini in cagefs-skeleton', extra={'xray_ini': skeleton_ini, 'err': str(e)}) else: try: shutil.copy(original_ini, skeleton_ini) except OSError as e: logger.warning('Failed to copy ini into cagefs-skeleton', extra={'xray_ini': original_ini, 'err': str(e)}) @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): """ Wraps func """ func(*args, **kwargs) update(*args) return wrapper def dbm_storage_update(func: Callable) -> Callable: """ Decorator aimed to update DBM storage with fake_id:real_id mapping Applies to task.add nd task.remove """ def update(*args): """ Update DBM storage contents """ task_instance = args[0] with dbm_storage(local_tasks_storage) as task_storage: task_storage[task_instance.fake_id] = task_instance.task_id def remove(*args): """ Remove task from DBM storage """ with dbm_storage(local_tasks_storage) as task_storage: try: del task_storage[args[0].fake_id.encode()] except KeyError: # ignore absence of item during removal pass @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): """ Wraps func """ # add task id into DBM storage as early as possible try: if func.__name__ == 'add': update(*args) except RuntimeError as e: raise XRayError(str(e)) try: func(*args, **kwargs) except Exception: # cleanup recently added task id from DBM storage in case of # any accidental fails during add procedure if func.__name__ == 'add': remove(*args) raise # during task removal cleanup task from DBM storage as late as possible try: if func.__name__ == 'remove': remove(*args) except RuntimeError as e: raise XRayError(str(e)) return wrapper def check_jwt(func: Callable) -> Callable: """ Decorator aimed to validate given JWT token """ def check(): """ Check if retrieved JWT token is valid """ is_xray_supported() @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): """ Wraps func """ token = func(*args, **kwargs) check() return token return wrapper # --------- FUNCTIONS --------- def timestamp() -> int: """ Get current epoch timestamp as int :return: timestamp as int """ return int(time.time()) def prev_date() -> date: """ Pick a yesterday date :return: a datetime.date object """ return date.today() - timedelta(days=1) def date_of_timestamp(ts: int) -> date: """ Get the datetime.date object for given int timestamp :param ts: timestamp :return: datetime.date object """ return date.fromtimestamp(ts) def get_formatted_date() -> str: """ Get a formatted representation of yesterday date :return: str date in the form of dd/mm/YYYY """ return prev_date().strftime("%d/%m/%Y") def get_html_formatted_links(links: List[dict]) -> str: """ HTML formatted links """ html_item = '<p>{num}) <a href={link}>{domain}</a></p>' return '\n'.join([html_item.format(num=i, link=v, domain=k) for i, l in enumerate(links, 1) for k, v in l.items()]) def get_text_formatted_links(links: List[dict]) -> str: """ Formatted links """ text_item = '{num}) {dom}: {link}' return '\n'.join([text_item.format(num=i, dom=k, link=v) for i, l in enumerate(links, 1) for k, v in l.items()]) def read_sys_id() -> str: """ Obtain system ID from /etc/sysconfig/rhn/systemid :return: system ID without ID- prefix """ try: tree = ET.parse('/etc/sysconfig/rhn/systemid') root = tree.getroot() whole_id = root.find(".//member[name='system_id']/value/string").text with sentry_sdk.configure_scope() as scope: scope.set_tag("system_id", whole_id) return whole_id.lstrip('ID-') except (OSError, ET.ParseError) as e: raise XRayError(_('Failed to retrieve system_id')) from e def write_sys_id(sys_id: str, agent_system_id_path: str = agent_file) -> None: """ Write system_id into file /usr/share/alt-php-xray/agent_sys_id """ with open(agent_system_id_path, 'w') as out: out.write(sys_id) def read_agent_sys_id(agent_system_id_path: str = agent_file) -> str: """ Read system_id saved by agent during its initialization """ try: with open(agent_system_id_path) as agent_sysid_file: return agent_sysid_file.read().strip() except OSError as e: logger.info( "Failed to retrieve agent's system_id, returning real one", extra={'err': str(e)}) return read_sys_id() def read_agent_sys_id() -> str: """ Read system_id saved by agent during its initialization """ try: with open(agent_file) as agent_sysid_file: return agent_sysid_file.read().strip() except OSError as e: logger.info( "Failed to retrieve agent's system_id, returning real one", extra={'err': str(e)}) return read_sys_id() # raise XRayError("Failed to retrieve agent's system_id") from e def is_xray_supported() -> Optional[bool]: """Raise XRayError in case of detected non-supported edition""" is_supported = is_panel_feature_supported(Feature.XRAY) if not is_supported: current_edition = get_cl_edition_readable() current_panel = getCPName() logger.info('Current CloudLinux edition: %s or Control Panel: %s is not supported by X-Ray', str(current_edition), str(current_panel)) raise XRayManagerExit(_('Current CloudLinux edition: {} or ' 'Control Panel: {} is not supported by X-Ray'.format(current_edition, current_panel))) return True @check_jwt def read_jwt_token() -> str: """ Obtain jwt token from /etc/sysconfig/rhn/jwt.token :return: token read """ try: with open(jwt_token_location) as token_file: return token_file.read().strip() except (OSError, IOError): raise XRayError(_('JWT file %s read error') % str(jwt_token_location)) def pkg_version(filepath: str) -> Optional[str]: """Get version of package from file. alt-php-xray supported""" try: with open(filepath) as v_file: version = v_file.read().strip() except OSError: return # remove dist suffix return '.'.join(version.split('.')[:2]) or '0.0-0' def xray_version() -> Optional[str]: """Get version of alt-php-xray package""" return pkg_version('/usr/share/alt-php-xray/version') def sentry_init() -> None: """ Initialize Sentry client shutdown_timeout=0 disables Atexit integration as stated in docs: 'it’s easier to disable it by setting the shutdown_timeout to 0' https://docs.sentry.io/platforms/python/default-integrations/#atexit On the other hand, docs say, that 'Setting this value too low will most likely cause problems for sending events from command line applications' https://docs.sentry.io/error-reporting/configuration/?platform=python#shutdown-timeout """ def add_info(event: dict, hint: dict) -> dict: """ Add extra data into sentry event :param event: original event :param hint: additional data caught :return: updated event """ event['extra'].update({'xray.version': '0.6-29.el8'}) extra_data = event.get('extra', {}) fingerprint = extra_data.get('fingerprint', None) if fingerprint: event['fingerprint'] = [fingerprint] return event def set_tags(sentry_scope): cp_description = get_cp_description() cp_version = cp_description.get('version') if cp_description else None cp_name = cp_description.get('name') if cp_description else None cp_product = 'WP2' if is_wp2_environment() else None tags = (('Control Panel Name', cp_name), ('Control Panel Version', cp_version), ('Control Panel Product', cp_product), ('kernel', platform.release()), ('CloudLinux version', get_rhn_systemid_value("os_release")), ('Cloudlinux edition', get_cl_edition_readable()), ('Architecture', get_rhn_systemid_value("architecture")), ('ip_address', ip_addr()), ('username', getuser()) ) # set_tags does not work in current version of sentry_sdk # https://github.com/getsentry/sentry-python/issues/1344 for tag in tags: sentry_scope.set_tag(*tag) def nope(pending, timeout) -> None: pass def try_get_ip(address_family, private_ip): """ address_family - we can choose constants represent the address (and protocol) families (AF_INET for ipv4 and AF_INET6 for ipv6) private_ip - specify some private ip address. For instance: ipv4 -> or ipv6 -> fc00:: """ with socket(address_family, SOCK_DGRAM) as s: try: s.connect((private_ip, 1)) IP = s.getsockname()[0] except Exception: IP = None return IP def ip_addr() -> str: """ Retrieve server's IP """ ipversions = (AF_INET, ''), (AF_INET6, 'fc00::') for addr_fam, priv_ip in ipversions: ip = try_get_ip(addr_fam, priv_ip) if ip: return ip return '' sentry_logging = LoggingIntegration(level=logging.INFO, event_level=logging.WARNING) xray_ver = xray_version() or 'alt-php-xray@0.6-29.el8' silent_atexit = AtexitIntegration(callback=nope) sentry_sdk.init(dsn=sentry_dsn, before_send=add_info, release=xray_ver, max_value_length=10000, integrations=[sentry_logging, silent_atexit]) with sentry_sdk.configure_scope() as scope: scope.user = { "id": get_rhn_systemid_value("system_id") or ip_addr() or get_hostname() or getuser() } try: set_tags(scope) except Exception: pass def configure_logging(logname: str, level=logging_level) -> Optional[str]: """ Configure logging and Sentry :param logname: path to log :return: logpath """ levels = { 'debug': logging.DEBUG, 'info': logging.INFO, 'warning': logging.WARNING, 'error': logging.ERROR, 'critical': logging.CRITICAL } sentry_init() try: handlers = [ logging.FileHandler(filename=logname) ] if level == 'debug': handlers.append(logging.StreamHandler()) logging.basicConfig(level=levels.get(level, logging.INFO), format='%(asctime)s [%(threadName)s:%(name)s] %(message)s', datefmt='%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p', handlers=handlers) except OSError: # dummy logging logging.basicConfig(handlers=[logging.NullHandler()]) return try: os.chmod(logname, 0o600) except PermissionError: pass return logname def safe_move(src: str, dst: str) -> None: """ Move file with error catching :param src: source :param dst: destination """ try: shutil.move(src, dst) except OSError as e: raise XRayError(_('Failed to move file {} to {}: {}'.format(src, dst, str(e)))) from e def create_socket(sock_location: str) -> 'socket object': """ Create world-writable socket in given sock_location or reuse existing one :param sock_location: socket address :return: socket object """ listen_fds = int(os.environ.get("LISTEN_FDS", 0)) if listen_fds == 0: with umask_0(): try: # sock.close does not remove the file os.unlink(sock_location) except FileNotFoundError: pass sockobj = socket(AF_UNIX) sockobj.bind(sock_location) sockobj.listen() else: sockobj = fromfd(3, AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM) sockobj.listen() return sockobj def get_current_cpu_throttling_time(lve_id: int) -> int: """ Retrieve current value of CPU throttled time. Return 0 in case of failures """ if not is_panel_feature_supported(Feature.LVE): return 0 marker = 'throttled_time' stat_file = f'/sys/fs/cgroup/cpu,cpuacct/lve{lve_id}/cpu.stat' try: with open(stat_file) as stat_values: for value in stat_values: if value.startswith(marker): logger.debug('%s', value) return int(value.strip().split(marker)[-1].strip()) except OSError as e: logger.error('Failed to open %s: %s', stat_file, str(e)) return 0 def _selectorctl_get_version(username: str) -> Optional[tuple]: """ 'selectorctl -u username --user-current' command :param username: name of user :return: tuple(stdout, stderr) or None if command fails """ _selectorctl = '/usr/bin/selectorctl' if not os.path.isfile(_selectorctl): return None try: result = subprocess.run([_selectorctl, '-u', username, '--user-current'], capture_output=True, text=True, check=True) return result.stdout.strip(), result.stderr.strip() except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: logger.warning('Failed to get selectorctl user-current', extra={'err': str(e)}) except subprocess_errors as e: logger.error('selectorctl --user-current failed: %s', str(e)) def cagefsctl_get_prefix(username: str) -> Optional[str]: """ 'cagefsctl --get-prefix username' command :param username: name of user :return: cagefsctl prefix for given username or None if command fails """ _cagefsctl = '/usr/sbin/cagefsctl' if not os.path.isfile(_cagefsctl): return None try: result = subprocess.run([_cagefsctl, '--getprefix', username], capture_output=True, text=True, check=True) return result.stdout.strip() except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: logger.warning('Failed to get cagefsctl prefix', extra={'err': str(e)}) except subprocess_errors as e: logger.error('cagefsctl --getprefix failed: %s', str(e)) def _cagefsctl_remount(username: str = None) -> None: """ 'cagefsctl --remount username' or 'cagefsctl --remount-all' command :param username: name of user or None (for remount-all) """ _cagefsctl = '/usr/sbin/cagefsctl' if not os.path.isfile(_cagefsctl): return if username is None: args = [_cagefsctl, '--wait-lock', '--remount-all'] else: args = [_cagefsctl, '--remount', username] try: subprocess.run(args, check=True, capture_output=True) logger.info('Remounted %s', username) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: logger.warning('Failed to remount cagefs', extra={'err': str(e)}) except subprocess_errors as e: logger.error('cagefsctl --remount failed: %s', str(e)) def _is_cagefs_enabled(username: str) -> bool: """ 'cagefsctl --user-status username' command :param username: name of user :return: True if user has Enabled status, False otherwise """ _cagefsctl = '/usr/sbin/cagefsctl' if not os.path.isfile(_cagefsctl): return False try: result = subprocess.run([_cagefsctl, '--user-status', username], capture_output=True, text=True) return 'Enabled' in result.stdout.strip() except subprocess_errors as e: logger.error('cagefsctl --user-status failed: %s', str(e)) def _is_selector_phpd_location_set() -> bool: """ Check if there is php.d.location = selector set in /etc/cl.selector/symlinks.rules """ try: with open('/etc/cl.selector/symlinks.rules') as rules_file: contents = rules_file.read() except OSError: return False return 'selector' in contents def no_active_tasks() -> bool: """Check if there are no active tasks (== empty task storage)""" with dbm_storage(local_tasks_storage) as task_storage: return len(task_storage.keys()) == 0 def switch_schedstats(enabled: bool) -> None: """ Switch on/off throttle statistics gathering by kmodlve :param enabled: True or False """ if not is_panel_feature_supported(Feature.LVE): # do nothing if there is no LVE feature return try: with open('/proc/sys/kernel/sched_schedstats', mode='wb', buffering=0) as f: f.write(b'1' if enabled else b'0') except OSError as e: logger.info('Failed to set sched_schedstats to %s: %s', enabled, str(e)) def is_xray_app_available() -> bool: """ Check if end-users have access to X-Ray UI of End-User plugin """ return UIConfig().get_param('hideXrayApp', 'uiSettings') is False def is_xray_user_agent_active() -> bool: """Check if User Agent is listening""" with socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM) as s: try: s.connect(user_agent_sock) except (ConnectionError, OSError): return False return True def ssa_disabled() -> bool: """Check if SSA is disabled by its internal flag-file""" return not os.path.isfile('/usr/share/clos_ssa/ssa_enabled') def is_file_recently_modified(filepath: str) -> bool: """Check is file was modified during the last day""" # 86400sec == 1day try: return timestamp() - os.stat(filepath).st_mtime < 86400 except OSError: return False def get_user_php_version(user): with drop_privileges(user): result = php_get_vhost_versions_user() return result # --------- CONTEXT MANAGERS --------- @contextmanager def filelock(fd: 'file object providing a fileno() method') -> None: """ Context manager for locking given file object :param fd: а file object providing a fileno() method """ # try to lock file with waiting for lock to be released # will be executed as __enter__ for _ in range(120): try: fcntl.flock(fd, fcntl.LOCK_EX | fcntl.LOCK_NB) logger.info('File %s locked', fd) break except OSError as e: logger.info('Failed to lock: %s', str(e)) # raise on unrelated IOErrors if e.errno not in (errno.EAGAIN, errno.EACCES): raise time.sleep(0.5) else: raise XRayError(_('Failed to lock at all. Exiting thread'), flag='warning') try: yield finally: # release lock # will be executed as __exit__ fcntl.flock(fd, fcntl.LOCK_UN) logger.info('File %s unlocked', fd) @contextmanager def dbm_storage(filename: str, is_shelve: bool = False): """ Context manager for waiting for lock to be released for DBM file storage, either plain DBM or a Shelf object (desired return value is controlled by _shelve_instance flag) :param filename: a DBM file to open :param is_shelve: if a shelve file should be opened instead of plain DBM """ _file = os.path.basename(filename) _err = None for _ in range(100): try: if is_shelve: storage = shelve.open(filename) else: storage = dbm.open(filename, 'c') logger.debug('Storage %s opened', _file) break except dbm.error as e: logger.info('[#%i] Failed to open storage %s: %s', _, _file, e) _err = e time.sleep(0.3) else: raise RuntimeError( f'Failed to open {_file} storage: {_err}') try: yield storage finally: storage.close() logger.debug('Storage %s closed', _file) @contextmanager def umask_0(mask: int = 0) -> None: """ Context manager for dropping umask """ prev = os.umask(mask) yield os.umask(prev) @contextmanager def set_privileges(target_uid: int = None, target_gid: int = None, target_path='.', mask: int = None, with_check=True) -> None: """ Context manager to drop privileges during some operation and then restore them back. If target_uid or target_gid are given, use input values. Otherwise, stat target_uid and target_gid from given target_path. If no target_path given, use current directory. Use mask if given. :param target_uid: uid to set :param target_gid: gid to set :param target_path: directory or file to stat for privileges, default -- current directory :param mask: umask to use :param with_check: check the result of switching privileges """ prev_uid = os.getuid() prev_gid = os.getgid() permission_issue_message = _('Unable to execute required operation: permission issue') try: stat_info = os.stat(target_path) except OSError: stat_info = None if target_uid is None: if stat_info is None: target_uid = prev_uid else: target_uid = stat_info.st_uid if target_gid is None: if stat_info is None: target_gid = prev_gid else: target_gid = stat_info.st_gid if mask is not None: prev = os.umask(mask) if prev_gid != target_gid: os.setegid(target_gid) logger.debug('Dropped GID privs to %s', target_gid) if with_check and os.getegid() != target_gid: # break operation if privileges dropping failed raise XRayError(permission_issue_message) if prev_uid != target_uid: os.seteuid(target_uid) logger.debug('Dropped UID privs to %s', target_uid) if with_check and os.geteuid() != target_uid: if prev_gid != target_gid: # check if GID should be restored os.setegid(prev_gid) # break operation if privileges dropping failed raise XRayError(permission_issue_message) yield if prev_uid != target_uid: os.seteuid(prev_uid) logger.debug('Restored UID privs to %s', prev_uid) if prev_gid != target_gid: os.setegid(prev_gid) logger.debug('Restored GID privs to %s', prev_gid) if mask is not None: os.umask(prev) @contextmanager def user_context(uid, gid): """ Dive into user context by dropping permissions to avoid most of the security issues. Does not cover cagefs case because it also requires nsenter, which is only available with execve() call in our system """ try: os.setegid(gid) os.seteuid(uid) yield finally: os.seteuid(0) os.setegid(0) def retry_on_exceptions(max_retries, exceptions_to_retry): """ Decorator to retry method on specific exceptions """ def decorator(func): def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): retries = 0 exception = ValueError(_('Request to website failed even after %s retries.') % str(max_retries)) while retries < max_retries: try: return func(*args, **kwargs) except tuple(exceptions_to_retry) as e: retries += 1 logging.warning('Retry to request website, exception: %s', str(e)) exception = e time.sleep(1) # Wait for 1 second before retrying raise exception return wrapper return decorator