Current Path : /opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/svgwrite/ |
Current File : //opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/svgwrite/mixins.py |
#!/usr/bin/env python #coding:utf-8 # Author: mozman --<mozman@gmx.at> # Purpose: mixins # Created: 19.10.2010 # Copyright (C) 2010, Manfred Moitzi # License: MIT License from svgwrite.utils import strlist from svgwrite.utils import is_string _horiz = {'center': 'xMid', 'left': 'xMin', 'right': 'xMax'} _vert = {'middle': 'YMid', 'top': 'YMin', 'bottom':'YMax'} class ViewBox(object): """ The **ViewBox** mixin provides the ability to specify that a given set of graphics stretch to fit a particular container element. The value of the **viewBox** attribute is a list of four numbers **min-x**, **min-y**, **width** and **height**, separated by whitespace and/or a comma, which specify a rectangle in **user space** which should be mapped to the bounds of the viewport established by the given element, taking into account attribute **preserveAspectRatio**. """ def viewbox(self, minx=0, miny=0, width=0, height=0): """ Specify a rectangle in **user space** (no units allowed) which should be mapped to the bounds of the viewport established by the given element. :param number minx: left border of the viewBox :param number miny: top border of the viewBox :param number width: width of the viewBox :param number height: height of the viewBox """ self['viewBox'] = strlist( [minx, miny, width, height] ) def stretch(self): """ Stretch viewBox in x and y direction to fill viewport, does not preserve aspect ratio. """ self['preserveAspectRatio'] = 'none' def fit(self, horiz="center", vert="middle", scale="meet"): """ Set the **preserveAspectRatio** attribute. :param string horiz: horizontal alignment ``'left | center | right'`` :param string vert: vertical alignment ``'top | middle | bottom'`` :param string scale: scale method ``'meet | slice'`` ============= ======================================================= Scale methods Description ============= ======================================================= ``'meet'`` preserve aspect ration and zoom to limits of viewBox ``'slice'`` preserve aspect ration and viewBox touch viewport on all bounds, viewBox will extend beyond the bounds of the viewport ============= ======================================================= """ if self.debug and scale not in ('meet', 'slice'): raise ValueError("Invalid scale parameter '%s'" % scale) self['preserveAspectRatio'] = "%s%s %s" % (_horiz[horiz],_vert[vert], scale) class Transform(object): """ The **Transform** mixin operates on the **transform** attribute. The value of the **transform** attribute is a `<transform-list>`, which is defined as a list of transform definitions, which are applied in the order provided. The individual transform definitions are separated by whitespace and/or a comma. All coordinates are **user space coordinates**. """ transformname = 'transform' def translate(self, tx, ty=None): """ Specifies a translation by **tx** and **ty**. If **ty** is not provided, it is assumed to be zero. :param number tx: user coordinate - no units allowed :param number ty: user coordinate - no units allowed """ self._add_transformation("translate(%s)" % strlist( [tx, ty] )) def rotate(self, angle, center=None): """ Specifies a rotation by **angle** degrees about a given point. If optional parameter **center** are not supplied, the rotate is about the origin of the current user coordinate system. :param number angle: rotate-angle in degrees :param 2-tuple center: rotate-center as user coordinate - no units allowed """ self._add_transformation("rotate(%s)" % strlist( [angle, center] )) def scale(self, sx, sy=None): """ Specifies a scale operation by **sx** and **sy**. If **sy** is not provided, it is assumed to be equal to **sx**. :param number sx: scalar factor x-axis, no units allowed :param number sy: scalar factor y-axis, no units allowed """ self._add_transformation("scale(%s)" % strlist([sx, sy])) def skewX(self, angle): """ Specifies a skew transformation along the x-axis. :param number angle: skew-angle in degrees, no units allowed """ self._add_transformation("skewX(%s)" % angle) def skewY(self, angle): """ Specifies a skew transformation along the y-axis. :param number angle: skew-angle in degrees, no units allowed """ self._add_transformation("skewY(%s)" % angle) def matrix(self, a, b, c, d, e, f): self._add_transformation("matrix(%s)" % strlist( [a, b, c, d, e, f] )) def _add_transformation(self, new_transform): old_transform = self.attribs.get(self.transformname, '') self[self.transformname] = ("%s %s" % (old_transform, new_transform)).strip() class XLink(object): """ XLink mixin """ def set_href(self, element): """ Create a reference to **element**. :param element: if element is a `string` its the **id** name of the referenced element, if element is a **BaseElement** class the **id** SVG Attribute is used to create the reference. """ self.href = element self.update_id() def set_xlink(self, title=None, show=None, role=None, arcrole=None): """ Set XLink attributes (for `href` use :meth:`set_href`). """ if role is not None: self['xlink:role'] = role if arcrole is not None: self['xlink:arcrole'] = arcrole if title is not None: self['xlink:title'] = title if show is not None: self['xlink:show'] = show def update_id(self): if not hasattr(self, 'href'): return if is_string(self.href): idstr = self.href else: idstr = self.href.get_iri() self.attribs['xlink:href'] = idstr class Presentation(object): """ Helper methods to set presentation attributes. """ def fill(self, color=None, rule=None, opacity=None): """ Set SVG Properties **fill**, **fill-rule** and **fill-opacity**. """ if color is not None: if is_string(color): self['fill'] = color else: self['fill'] = color.get_paint_server() if rule is not None: self['fill-rule'] = rule if opacity is not None: self['fill-opacity'] = opacity return self def stroke(self, color=None, width=None, opacity=None, linecap=None, linejoin=None, miterlimit=None): """ Set SVG Properties **stroke**, **stroke-width**, **stroke-opacity**, **stroke-linecap** and **stroke-miterlimit**. """ if color is not None: if is_string(color): self['stroke'] = color else: self['stroke'] = color.get_paint_server() if width is not None: self['stroke-width'] = width if opacity is not None: self['stroke-opacity'] = opacity if linecap is not None: self['stroke-linecap'] = linecap if linejoin is not None: self['stroke-linejoin'] = linejoin if miterlimit is not None: self['stroke-miterlimit'] = miterlimit return self def dasharray(self, dasharray=None, offset=None): """ Set SVG Properties **stroke-dashoffset** and **stroke-dasharray**. Where *dasharray* specify the lengths of alternating dashes and gaps as <list> of <int> or <float> values or a <string> of comma and/or white space separated <lengths> or <percentages>. (e.g. as <list> dasharray=[1, 0.5] or as <string> dasharray='1 0.5') """ if dasharray is not None: self['stroke-dasharray'] = strlist(dasharray, ' ') if offset is not None: self['stroke-dashoffset'] = offset return self class MediaGroup(object): """ Helper methods to set media group attributes. """ def viewport_fill(self, color=None, opacity=None): """ Set SVG Properties **viewport-fill** and **viewport-fill-opacity**. """ if color is not None: self['viewport-fill'] = color if opacity is not None: self['viewport-fill-opacity'] = opacity return self class Markers(object): """ Helper methods to set marker attributes. """ def set_markers(self, markers): """ Set markers for line elements (line, polygon, polyline, path) to values specified by `markers`. * if `markers` is a 3-tuple: * attribute 'marker-start' = markers[0] * attribute 'marker-mid' = markers[1] * attribute 'marker-end' = markers[2] * `markers` is a `string` or a `Marker` class: * attribute 'marker' = `FuncIRI` of markers """ def get_funciri(value): if is_string(value): # strings has to be a valid reference including the '#' return 'url(%s)' % value else: # else create a reference to the object '#id' return 'url(#%s)' % value['id'] if is_string(markers): self['marker'] = get_funciri(markers) else: try: start_marker, mid_marker, end_marker = markers if start_marker: self['marker-start'] = get_funciri(start_marker) if mid_marker: self['marker-mid'] = get_funciri(mid_marker) if end_marker: self['marker-end'] = get_funciri(end_marker) except (TypeError, KeyError): self['marker'] = get_funciri(markers) class Clipping(object): def clip_rect(self, top='auto', right='auto', bottom='auto', left='auto'): """ Set SVG Property **clip**. """ self['clip'] = "rect(%s,%s,%s,%s)" % (top, right, bottom, left)