Current Path : /opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/suite/ |
Current File : //opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/suite/test_types.py |
# coding: utf-8 import datetime import decimal import json from .. import config from .. import engines from .. import fixtures from .. import mock from ..assertions import eq_ from ..assertions import is_ from ..config import requirements from ..schema import Column from ..schema import Table from ... import and_ from ... import BigInteger from ... import bindparam from ... import Boolean from ... import case from ... import cast from ... import Date from ... import DateTime from ... import Float from ... import Integer from ... import JSON from ... import literal from ... import MetaData from ... import null from ... import Numeric from ... import select from ... import String from ... import testing from ... import Text from ... import Time from ... import TIMESTAMP from ... import type_coerce from ... import Unicode from ... import UnicodeText from ... import util from ...ext.declarative import declarative_base from ...orm import Session from ...util import u class _LiteralRoundTripFixture(object): supports_whereclause = True @testing.provide_metadata def _literal_round_trip(self, type_, input_, output, filter_=None): """test literal rendering """ # for literal, we test the literal render in an INSERT # into a typed column. we can then SELECT it back as its # official type; ideally we'd be able to use CAST here # but MySQL in particular can't CAST fully t = Table("t", self.metadata, Column("x", type_)) t.create() with testing.db.connect() as conn: for value in input_: ins = ( t.insert() .values(x=literal(value)) .compile( dialect=testing.db.dialect, compile_kwargs=dict(literal_binds=True), ) ) conn.execute(ins) if self.supports_whereclause: stmt = t.select().where(t.c.x == literal(value)) else: stmt = t.select() stmt = stmt.compile( dialect=testing.db.dialect, compile_kwargs=dict(literal_binds=True), ) for row in conn.execute(stmt): value = row[0] if filter_ is not None: value = filter_(value) assert value in output class _UnicodeFixture(_LiteralRoundTripFixture): __requires__ = ("unicode_data",) data = u( "Alors vous imaginez ma đ surprise, au lever du jour, " "quand une drĂŽle de petite đ voix mâa rĂ©veillĂ©. Elle " "disait: « Sâil vous plaĂźt⊠dessine-moi đ un mouton! »" ) @property def supports_whereclause(self): return config.requirements.expressions_against_unbounded_text.enabled @classmethod def define_tables(cls, metadata): Table( "unicode_table", metadata, Column( "id", Integer, primary_key=True, test_needs_autoincrement=True ), Column("unicode_data", cls.datatype), ) def test_round_trip(self): unicode_table = self.tables.unicode_table config.db.execute(unicode_table.insert(), {"unicode_data": self.data}) row = config.db.execute(select([unicode_table.c.unicode_data])).first() eq_(row, (self.data,)) assert isinstance(row[0], util.text_type) def test_round_trip_executemany(self): unicode_table = self.tables.unicode_table config.db.execute( unicode_table.insert(), [{"unicode_data": self.data} for i in range(3)], ) rows = config.db.execute( select([unicode_table.c.unicode_data]) ).fetchall() eq_(rows, [(self.data,) for i in range(3)]) for row in rows: assert isinstance(row[0], util.text_type) def _test_null_strings(self, connection): unicode_table = self.tables.unicode_table connection.execute(unicode_table.insert(), {"unicode_data": None}) row = connection.execute( select([unicode_table.c.unicode_data]) ).first() eq_(row, (None,)) def _test_empty_strings(self, connection): unicode_table = self.tables.unicode_table connection.execute(unicode_table.insert(), {"unicode_data": u("")}) row = connection.execute( select([unicode_table.c.unicode_data]) ).first() eq_(row, (u(""),)) def test_literal(self): self._literal_round_trip(self.datatype, [self.data], [self.data]) def test_literal_non_ascii(self): self._literal_round_trip( self.datatype, [util.u("rĂ©veđ illĂ©")], [util.u("rĂ©veđ illĂ©")] ) class UnicodeVarcharTest(_UnicodeFixture, fixtures.TablesTest): __requires__ = ("unicode_data",) __backend__ = True datatype = Unicode(255) @requirements.empty_strings_varchar def test_empty_strings_varchar(self, connection): self._test_empty_strings(connection) def test_null_strings_varchar(self, connection): self._test_null_strings(connection) class UnicodeTextTest(_UnicodeFixture, fixtures.TablesTest): __requires__ = "unicode_data", "text_type" __backend__ = True datatype = UnicodeText() @requirements.empty_strings_text def test_empty_strings_text(self, connection): self._test_empty_strings(connection) def test_null_strings_text(self, connection): self._test_null_strings(connection) class TextTest(_LiteralRoundTripFixture, fixtures.TablesTest): __requires__ = ("text_type",) __backend__ = True @property def supports_whereclause(self): return config.requirements.expressions_against_unbounded_text.enabled @classmethod def define_tables(cls, metadata): Table( "text_table", metadata, Column( "id", Integer, primary_key=True, test_needs_autoincrement=True ), Column("text_data", Text), ) def test_text_roundtrip(self): text_table = self.tables.text_table config.db.execute(text_table.insert(), {"text_data": "some text"}) row = config.db.execute(select([text_table.c.text_data])).first() eq_(row, ("some text",)) @testing.requires.empty_strings_text def test_text_empty_strings(self, connection): text_table = self.tables.text_table connection.execute(text_table.insert(), {"text_data": ""}) row = connection.execute(select([text_table.c.text_data])).first() eq_(row, ("",)) def test_text_null_strings(self, connection): text_table = self.tables.text_table connection.execute(text_table.insert(), {"text_data": None}) row = connection.execute(select([text_table.c.text_data])).first() eq_(row, (None,)) def test_literal(self): self._literal_round_trip(Text, ["some text"], ["some text"]) def test_literal_non_ascii(self): self._literal_round_trip( Text, [util.u("rĂ©veđ illĂ©")], [util.u("rĂ©veđ illĂ©")] ) def test_literal_quoting(self): data = """some 'text' hey "hi there" that's text""" self._literal_round_trip(Text, [data], [data]) def test_literal_backslashes(self): data = r"backslash one \ backslash two \\ end" self._literal_round_trip(Text, [data], [data]) def test_literal_percentsigns(self): data = r"percent % signs %% percent" self._literal_round_trip(Text, [data], [data]) class StringTest(_LiteralRoundTripFixture, fixtures.TestBase): __backend__ = True @requirements.unbounded_varchar def test_nolength_string(self): metadata = MetaData() foo = Table("foo", metadata, Column("one", String)) foo.create(config.db) foo.drop(config.db) def test_literal(self): # note that in Python 3, this invokes the Unicode # datatype for the literal part because all strings are unicode self._literal_round_trip(String(40), ["some text"], ["some text"]) def test_literal_non_ascii(self): self._literal_round_trip( String(40), [util.u("rĂ©veđ illĂ©")], [util.u("rĂ©veđ illĂ©")] ) def test_literal_quoting(self): data = """some 'text' hey "hi there" that's text""" self._literal_round_trip(String(40), [data], [data]) def test_literal_backslashes(self): data = r"backslash one \ backslash two \\ end" self._literal_round_trip(String(40), [data], [data]) class _DateFixture(_LiteralRoundTripFixture): compare = None @classmethod def define_tables(cls, metadata): Table( "date_table", metadata, Column( "id", Integer, primary_key=True, test_needs_autoincrement=True ), Column("date_data", cls.datatype), ) def test_round_trip(self): date_table = self.tables.date_table config.db.execute(date_table.insert(), {"date_data": self.data}) row = config.db.execute(select([date_table.c.date_data])).first() compare = self.compare or self.data eq_(row, (compare,)) assert isinstance(row[0], type(compare)) def test_null(self): date_table = self.tables.date_table config.db.execute(date_table.insert(), {"date_data": None}) row = config.db.execute(select([date_table.c.date_data])).first() eq_(row, (None,)) @testing.requires.datetime_literals def test_literal(self): compare = self.compare or self.data self._literal_round_trip(self.datatype, [self.data], [compare]) @testing.requires.standalone_null_binds_whereclause def test_null_bound_comparison(self): # this test is based on an Oracle issue observed in #4886. # passing NULL for an expression that needs to be interpreted as # a certain type, does the DBAPI have the info it needs to do this. date_table = self.tables.date_table with config.db.connect() as conn: result = conn.execute( date_table.insert(), {"date_data": self.data} ) id_ = result.inserted_primary_key[0] stmt = select([date_table.c.id]).where( case( [ ( bindparam("foo", type_=self.datatype) != None, bindparam("foo", type_=self.datatype), ) ], else_=date_table.c.date_data, ) == date_table.c.date_data ) row = conn.execute(stmt, {"foo": None}).first() eq_(row[0], id_) class DateTimeTest(_DateFixture, fixtures.TablesTest): __requires__ = ("datetime",) __backend__ = True datatype = DateTime data = datetime.datetime(2012, 10, 15, 12, 57, 18) class DateTimeMicrosecondsTest(_DateFixture, fixtures.TablesTest): __requires__ = ("datetime_microseconds",) __backend__ = True datatype = DateTime data = datetime.datetime(2012, 10, 15, 12, 57, 18, 396) class TimestampMicrosecondsTest(_DateFixture, fixtures.TablesTest): __requires__ = ("timestamp_microseconds",) __backend__ = True datatype = TIMESTAMP data = datetime.datetime(2012, 10, 15, 12, 57, 18, 396) class TimeTest(_DateFixture, fixtures.TablesTest): __requires__ = ("time",) __backend__ = True datatype = Time data = datetime.time(12, 57, 18) class TimeMicrosecondsTest(_DateFixture, fixtures.TablesTest): __requires__ = ("time_microseconds",) __backend__ = True datatype = Time data = datetime.time(12, 57, 18, 396) class DateTest(_DateFixture, fixtures.TablesTest): __requires__ = ("date",) __backend__ = True datatype = Date data = datetime.date(2012, 10, 15) class DateTimeCoercedToDateTimeTest(_DateFixture, fixtures.TablesTest): __requires__ = "date", "date_coerces_from_datetime" __backend__ = True datatype = Date data = datetime.datetime(2012, 10, 15, 12, 57, 18) compare = datetime.date(2012, 10, 15) class DateTimeHistoricTest(_DateFixture, fixtures.TablesTest): __requires__ = ("datetime_historic",) __backend__ = True datatype = DateTime data = datetime.datetime(1850, 11, 10, 11, 52, 35) class DateHistoricTest(_DateFixture, fixtures.TablesTest): __requires__ = ("date_historic",) __backend__ = True datatype = Date data = datetime.date(1727, 4, 1) class IntegerTest(_LiteralRoundTripFixture, fixtures.TestBase): __backend__ = True def test_literal(self): self._literal_round_trip(Integer, [5], [5]) def test_huge_int(self): self._round_trip(BigInteger, 1376537018368127) @testing.provide_metadata def _round_trip(self, datatype, data): metadata = self.metadata int_table = Table( "integer_table", metadata, Column( "id", Integer, primary_key=True, test_needs_autoincrement=True ), Column("integer_data", datatype), ) metadata.create_all(config.db) config.db.execute(int_table.insert(), {"integer_data": data}) row = config.db.execute(select([int_table.c.integer_data])).first() eq_(row, (data,)) if util.py3k: assert isinstance(row[0], int) else: assert isinstance(row[0], (long, int)) # noqa class NumericTest(_LiteralRoundTripFixture, fixtures.TestBase): __backend__ = True @testing.emits_warning(r".*does \*not\* support Decimal objects natively") @testing.provide_metadata def _do_test(self, type_, input_, output, filter_=None, check_scale=False): metadata = self.metadata t = Table("t", metadata, Column("x", type_)) t.create() t.insert().execute([{"x": x} for x in input_]) result = {row[0] for row in t.select().execute()} output = set(output) if filter_: result = set(filter_(x) for x in result) output = set(filter_(x) for x in output) eq_(result, output) if check_scale: eq_([str(x) for x in result], [str(x) for x in output]) @testing.emits_warning(r".*does \*not\* support Decimal objects natively") def test_render_literal_numeric(self): self._literal_round_trip( Numeric(precision=8, scale=4), [15.7563, decimal.Decimal("15.7563")], [decimal.Decimal("15.7563")], ) @testing.emits_warning(r".*does \*not\* support Decimal objects natively") def test_render_literal_numeric_asfloat(self): self._literal_round_trip( Numeric(precision=8, scale=4, asdecimal=False), [15.7563, decimal.Decimal("15.7563")], [15.7563], ) def test_render_literal_float(self): self._literal_round_trip( Float(4), [15.7563, decimal.Decimal("15.7563")], [15.7563], filter_=lambda n: n is not None and round(n, 5) or None, ) @testing.requires.precision_generic_float_type def test_float_custom_scale(self): self._do_test( Float(None, decimal_return_scale=7, asdecimal=True), [15.7563827, decimal.Decimal("15.7563827")], [decimal.Decimal("15.7563827")], check_scale=True, ) def test_numeric_as_decimal(self): self._do_test( Numeric(precision=8, scale=4), [15.7563, decimal.Decimal("15.7563")], [decimal.Decimal("15.7563")], ) def test_numeric_as_float(self): self._do_test( Numeric(precision=8, scale=4, asdecimal=False), [15.7563, decimal.Decimal("15.7563")], [15.7563], ) @testing.requires.fetch_null_from_numeric def test_numeric_null_as_decimal(self): self._do_test(Numeric(precision=8, scale=4), [None], [None]) @testing.requires.fetch_null_from_numeric def test_numeric_null_as_float(self): self._do_test( Numeric(precision=8, scale=4, asdecimal=False), [None], [None] ) @testing.requires.floats_to_four_decimals def test_float_as_decimal(self): self._do_test( Float(precision=8, asdecimal=True), [15.7563, decimal.Decimal("15.7563"), None], [decimal.Decimal("15.7563"), None], ) def test_float_as_float(self): self._do_test( Float(precision=8), [15.7563, decimal.Decimal("15.7563")], [15.7563], filter_=lambda n: n is not None and round(n, 5) or None, ) def test_float_coerce_round_trip(self): expr = 15.7563 val = testing.db.scalar(select([literal(expr)])) eq_(val, expr) # this does not work in MySQL, see #4036, however we choose not # to render CAST unconditionally since this is kind of an edge case. @testing.requires.implicit_decimal_binds @testing.emits_warning(r".*does \*not\* support Decimal objects natively") def test_decimal_coerce_round_trip(self): expr = decimal.Decimal("15.7563") val = testing.db.scalar(select([literal(expr)])) eq_(val, expr) @testing.emits_warning(r".*does \*not\* support Decimal objects natively") def test_decimal_coerce_round_trip_w_cast(self): expr = decimal.Decimal("15.7563") val = testing.db.scalar(select([cast(expr, Numeric(10, 4))])) eq_(val, expr) @testing.requires.precision_numerics_general def test_precision_decimal(self): numbers = set( [ decimal.Decimal("54.234246451650"), decimal.Decimal("0.004354"), decimal.Decimal("900.0"), ] ) self._do_test(Numeric(precision=18, scale=12), numbers, numbers) @testing.requires.precision_numerics_enotation_large def test_enotation_decimal(self): """test exceedingly small decimals. Decimal reports values with E notation when the exponent is greater than 6. """ numbers = set( [ decimal.Decimal("1E-2"), decimal.Decimal("1E-3"), decimal.Decimal("1E-4"), decimal.Decimal("1E-5"), decimal.Decimal("1E-6"), decimal.Decimal("1E-7"), decimal.Decimal("1E-8"), decimal.Decimal("0.01000005940696"), decimal.Decimal("0.00000005940696"), decimal.Decimal("0.00000000000696"), decimal.Decimal("0.70000000000696"), decimal.Decimal("696E-12"), ] ) self._do_test(Numeric(precision=18, scale=14), numbers, numbers) @testing.requires.precision_numerics_enotation_large def test_enotation_decimal_large(self): """test exceedingly large decimals.""" numbers = set( [ decimal.Decimal("4E+8"), decimal.Decimal("5748E+15"), decimal.Decimal("1.521E+15"), decimal.Decimal("00000000000000.1E+12"), ] ) self._do_test(Numeric(precision=25, scale=2), numbers, numbers) @testing.requires.precision_numerics_many_significant_digits def test_many_significant_digits(self): numbers = set( [ decimal.Decimal("31943874831932418390.01"), decimal.Decimal("319438950232418390.273596"), decimal.Decimal("87673.594069654243"), ] ) self._do_test(Numeric(precision=38, scale=12), numbers, numbers) @testing.requires.precision_numerics_retains_significant_digits def test_numeric_no_decimal(self): numbers = set([decimal.Decimal("1.000")]) self._do_test( Numeric(precision=5, scale=3), numbers, numbers, check_scale=True ) class BooleanTest(_LiteralRoundTripFixture, fixtures.TablesTest): __backend__ = True @classmethod def define_tables(cls, metadata): Table( "boolean_table", metadata, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=False), Column("value", Boolean), Column("unconstrained_value", Boolean(create_constraint=False)), ) def test_render_literal_bool(self): self._literal_round_trip(Boolean(), [True, False], [True, False]) def test_round_trip(self): boolean_table = self.tables.boolean_table config.db.execute( boolean_table.insert(), {"id": 1, "value": True, "unconstrained_value": False}, ) row = config.db.execute( select( [boolean_table.c.value, boolean_table.c.unconstrained_value] ) ).first() eq_(row, (True, False)) assert isinstance(row[0], bool) @testing.requires.nullable_booleans def test_null(self): boolean_table = self.tables.boolean_table config.db.execute( boolean_table.insert(), {"id": 1, "value": None, "unconstrained_value": None}, ) row = config.db.execute( select( [boolean_table.c.value, boolean_table.c.unconstrained_value] ) ).first() eq_(row, (None, None)) def test_whereclause(self): # testing "WHERE <column>" renders a compatible expression boolean_table = self.tables.boolean_table with config.db.connect() as conn: conn.execute( boolean_table.insert(), [ {"id": 1, "value": True, "unconstrained_value": True}, {"id": 2, "value": False, "unconstrained_value": False}, ], ) eq_( conn.scalar( select([boolean_table.c.id]).where(boolean_table.c.value) ), 1, ) eq_( conn.scalar( select([boolean_table.c.id]).where( boolean_table.c.unconstrained_value ) ), 1, ) eq_( conn.scalar( select([boolean_table.c.id]).where(~boolean_table.c.value) ), 2, ) eq_( conn.scalar( select([boolean_table.c.id]).where( ~boolean_table.c.unconstrained_value ) ), 2, ) class JSONTest(_LiteralRoundTripFixture, fixtures.TablesTest): __requires__ = ("json_type",) __backend__ = True datatype = JSON @classmethod def define_tables(cls, metadata): Table( "data_table", metadata, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True), Column("name", String(30), nullable=False), Column("data", cls.datatype), Column("nulldata", cls.datatype(none_as_null=True)), ) def test_round_trip_data1(self): self._test_round_trip({"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"}) def _test_round_trip(self, data_element): data_table = self.tables.data_table config.db.execute( data_table.insert(), {"name": "row1", "data": data_element} ) row = config.db.execute(select([data_table.c.data])).first() eq_(row, (data_element,)) def _index_fixtures(fn): fn = testing.combinations( ("boolean", True), ("boolean", False), ("boolean", None), ("string", "some string"), ("string", None), ("string", util.u("rĂ©ve illĂ©")), ( "string", util.u("rĂ©veđ illĂ©"), testing.requires.json_index_supplementary_unicode_element, ), ("integer", 15), ("integer", 1), ("integer", 0), ("integer", None), ("float", 28.5), ("float", None), # TODO: how to test for comaprison # ("json", {"foo": "bar"}), id_="sa", )(fn) return fn @_index_fixtures def test_index_typed_access(self, datatype, value): data_table = self.tables.data_table data_element = {"key1": value} with config.db.connect() as conn: conn.execute( data_table.insert(), { "name": "row1", "data": data_element, "nulldata": data_element, }, ) expr = data_table.c.data["key1"] expr = getattr(expr, "as_%s" % datatype)() roundtrip = conn.scalar(select([expr])) eq_(roundtrip, value) if util.py3k: # skip py2k to avoid comparing unicode to str etc. is_(type(roundtrip), type(value)) @_index_fixtures def test_index_typed_comparison(self, datatype, value): data_table = self.tables.data_table data_element = {"key1": value} with config.db.connect() as conn: conn.execute( data_table.insert(), { "name": "row1", "data": data_element, "nulldata": data_element, }, ) expr = data_table.c.data["key1"] expr = getattr(expr, "as_%s" % datatype)() row = conn.execute(select([expr]).where(expr == value)).first() # make sure we get a row even if value is None eq_(row, (value,)) @_index_fixtures def test_path_typed_comparison(self, datatype, value): data_table = self.tables.data_table data_element = {"key1": {"subkey1": value}} with config.db.connect() as conn: conn.execute( data_table.insert(), { "name": "row1", "data": data_element, "nulldata": data_element, }, ) expr = data_table.c.data[("key1", "subkey1")] expr = getattr(expr, "as_%s" % datatype)() row = conn.execute(select([expr]).where(expr == value)).first() # make sure we get a row even if value is None eq_(row, (value,)) @testing.combinations( (True,), (False,), (None,), (15,), (0,), (-1,), (-1.0,), (15.052,), ("a string",), (util.u("rĂ©ve illĂ©"),), (util.u("rĂ©veđ illĂ©"),), ) def test_single_element_round_trip(self, element): data_table = self.tables.data_table data_element = element with config.db.connect() as conn: conn.execute( data_table.insert(), { "name": "row1", "data": data_element, "nulldata": data_element, }, ) row = conn.execute( select([data_table.c.data, data_table.c.nulldata]) ).first() eq_(row, (data_element, data_element)) def test_round_trip_custom_json(self): data_table = self.tables.data_table data_element = {"key1": "data1"} js = mock.Mock(side_effect=json.dumps) jd = mock.Mock(side_effect=json.loads) engine = engines.testing_engine( options=dict(json_serializer=js, json_deserializer=jd) ) # support sqlite :memory: database... data_table.create(engine, checkfirst=True) with engine.connect() as conn: conn.execute( data_table.insert(), {"name": "row1", "data": data_element} ) row = conn.execute(select([data_table.c.data])).first() eq_(row, (data_element,)) eq_(js.mock_calls, [mock.call(data_element)]) eq_(jd.mock_calls, [mock.call(json.dumps(data_element))]) def test_round_trip_none_as_sql_null(self, connection): col = self.tables.data_table.c["nulldata"] conn = connection conn.execute( self.tables.data_table.insert(), {"name": "r1", "data": None} ) eq_( conn.scalar( select([self.tables.data_table.c.name]).where(col.is_(null())) ), "r1", ) eq_(conn.scalar(select([col])), None) def test_round_trip_json_null_as_json_null(self, connection): col = self.tables.data_table.c["data"] conn = connection conn.execute( self.tables.data_table.insert(), {"name": "r1", "data": JSON.NULL}, ) eq_( conn.scalar( select([self.tables.data_table.c.name]).where( cast(col, String) == "null" ) ), "r1", ) eq_(conn.scalar(select([col])), None) def test_round_trip_none_as_json_null(self): col = self.tables.data_table.c["data"] with config.db.connect() as conn: conn.execute( self.tables.data_table.insert(), {"name": "r1", "data": None} ) eq_( conn.scalar( select([self.tables.data_table.c.name]).where( cast(col, String) == "null" ) ), "r1", ) eq_(conn.scalar(select([col])), None) def test_unicode_round_trip(self): # note we include Unicode supplementary characters as well with config.db.connect() as conn: conn.execute( self.tables.data_table.insert(), { "name": "r1", "data": { util.u("rĂ©veđ illĂ©"): util.u("rĂ©veđ illĂ©"), "data": {"k1": util.u("drĂŽlđe")}, }, }, ) eq_( conn.scalar(select([self.tables.data_table.c.data])), { util.u("rĂ©veđ illĂ©"): util.u("rĂ©veđ illĂ©"), "data": {"k1": util.u("drĂŽlđe")}, }, ) def test_eval_none_flag_orm(self): Base = declarative_base() class Data(Base): __table__ = self.tables.data_table s = Session(testing.db) d1 = Data(name="d1", data=None, nulldata=None) s.add(d1) s.commit() s.bulk_insert_mappings( Data, [{"name": "d2", "data": None, "nulldata": None}] ) eq_( s.query( cast(self.tables.data_table.c.data, String()), cast(self.tables.data_table.c.nulldata, String), ) .filter(self.tables.data_table.c.name == "d1") .first(), ("null", None), ) eq_( s.query( cast(self.tables.data_table.c.data, String()), cast(self.tables.data_table.c.nulldata, String), ) .filter(self.tables.data_table.c.name == "d2") .first(), ("null", None), ) class JSONStringCastIndexTest(_LiteralRoundTripFixture, fixtures.TablesTest): """test JSON index access with "cast to string", which we have documented for a long time as how to compare JSON values, but is ultimately not reliable in all cases. """ __requires__ = ("json_type",) __backend__ = True datatype = JSON data1 = {"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"} data2 = { "Key 'One'": "value1", "key two": "value2", "key three": "value ' three '", } data3 = { "key1": [1, 2, 3], "key2": ["one", "two", "three"], "key3": [{"four": "five"}, {"six": "seven"}], } data4 = ["one", "two", "three"] data5 = { "nested": { "elem1": [{"a": "b", "c": "d"}, {"e": "f", "g": "h"}], "elem2": {"elem3": {"elem4": "elem5"}}, } } data6 = {"a": 5, "b": "some value", "c": {"foo": "bar"}} @classmethod def define_tables(cls, metadata): Table( "data_table", metadata, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True), Column("name", String(30), nullable=False), Column("data", cls.datatype), Column("nulldata", cls.datatype(none_as_null=True)), ) def _criteria_fixture(self): config.db.execute( self.tables.data_table.insert(), [ {"name": "r1", "data": self.data1}, {"name": "r2", "data": self.data2}, {"name": "r3", "data": self.data3}, {"name": "r4", "data": self.data4}, {"name": "r5", "data": self.data5}, {"name": "r6", "data": self.data6}, ], ) def _test_index_criteria(self, crit, expected, test_literal=True): self._criteria_fixture() with config.db.connect() as conn: stmt = select([self.tables.data_table.c.name]).where(crit) eq_(conn.scalar(stmt), expected) if test_literal: literal_sql = str( stmt.compile( config.db, compile_kwargs={"literal_binds": True} ) ) eq_(conn.scalar(literal_sql), expected) def test_string_cast_crit_spaces_in_key(self): name = self.tables.data_table.c.name col = self.tables.data_table.c["data"] # limit the rows here to avoid PG error # "cannot extract field from a non-object", which is # fixed in 9.4 but may exist in 9.3 self._test_index_criteria( and_( name.in_(["r1", "r2", "r3"]), cast(col["key two"], String) == '"value2"', ), "r2", ) @config.requirements.json_array_indexes def test_string_cast_crit_simple_int(self): name = self.tables.data_table.c.name col = self.tables.data_table.c["data"] # limit the rows here to avoid PG error # "cannot extract array element from a non-array", which is # fixed in 9.4 but may exist in 9.3 self._test_index_criteria( and_(name == "r4", cast(col[1], String) == '"two"'), "r4" ) def test_string_cast_crit_mixed_path(self): col = self.tables.data_table.c["data"] self._test_index_criteria( cast(col[("key3", 1, "six")], String) == '"seven"', "r3" ) def test_string_cast_crit_string_path(self): col = self.tables.data_table.c["data"] self._test_index_criteria( cast(col[("nested", "elem2", "elem3", "elem4")], String) == '"elem5"', "r5", ) def test_string_cast_crit_against_string_basic(self): name = self.tables.data_table.c.name col = self.tables.data_table.c["data"] self._test_index_criteria( and_(name == "r6", cast(col["b"], String) == '"some value"'), "r6" ) def test_crit_against_string_coerce_type(self): name = self.tables.data_table.c.name col = self.tables.data_table.c["data"] self._test_index_criteria( and_( name == "r6", cast(col["b"], String) == type_coerce("some value", JSON), ), "r6", test_literal=False, ) def test_crit_against_int_basic(self): name = self.tables.data_table.c.name col = self.tables.data_table.c["data"] self._test_index_criteria( and_(name == "r6", cast(col["a"], String) == "5"), "r6" ) def test_crit_against_int_coerce_type(self): name = self.tables.data_table.c.name col = self.tables.data_table.c["data"] self._test_index_criteria( and_(name == "r6", cast(col["a"], String) == type_coerce(5, JSON)), "r6", test_literal=False, ) __all__ = ( "UnicodeVarcharTest", "UnicodeTextTest", "JSONTest", "JSONStringCastIndexTest", "DateTest", "DateTimeTest", "TextTest", "NumericTest", "IntegerTest", "DateTimeHistoricTest", "DateTimeCoercedToDateTimeTest", "TimeMicrosecondsTest", "TimestampMicrosecondsTest", "TimeTest", "DateTimeMicrosecondsTest", "DateHistoricTest", "StringTest", "BooleanTest", )