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Current File : //opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/wheel/metadata.py

Tools for converting old- to new-style metadata.

from __future__ import annotations

import functools
import itertools
import os.path
import re
import textwrap
from email.message import Message
from email.parser import Parser
from typing import Iterator

from ..packaging.requirements import Requirement

def _nonblank(str):
    return str and not str.startswith("#")

def yield_lines(iterable):
    Yield valid lines of a string or iterable.
    >>> list(yield_lines(''))
    >>> list(yield_lines(['foo', 'bar']))
    ['foo', 'bar']
    >>> list(yield_lines('foo\nbar'))
    ['foo', 'bar']
    >>> list(yield_lines('\nfoo\n#bar\nbaz #comment'))
    ['foo', 'baz #comment']
    >>> list(yield_lines(['foo\nbar', 'baz', 'bing\n\n\n']))
    ['foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'bing']
    return itertools.chain.from_iterable(map(yield_lines, iterable))

def _(text):
    return filter(_nonblank, map(str.strip, text.splitlines()))

def split_sections(s):
    """Split a string or iterable thereof into (section, content) pairs
    Each ``section`` is a stripped version of the section header ("[section]")
    and each ``content`` is a list of stripped lines excluding blank lines and
    comment-only lines.  If there are any such lines before the first section
    header, they're returned in a first ``section`` of ``None``.
    section = None
    content = []
    for line in yield_lines(s):
        if line.startswith("["):
            if line.endswith("]"):
                if section or content:
                    yield section, content
                section = line[1:-1].strip()
                content = []
                raise ValueError("Invalid section heading", line)

    # wrap up last segment
    yield section, content

def safe_extra(extra):
    """Convert an arbitrary string to a standard 'extra' name
    Any runs of non-alphanumeric characters are replaced with a single '_',
    and the result is always lowercased.
    return re.sub("[^A-Za-z0-9.-]+", "_", extra).lower()

def safe_name(name):
    """Convert an arbitrary string to a standard distribution name
    Any runs of non-alphanumeric/. characters are replaced with a single '-'.
    return re.sub("[^A-Za-z0-9.]+", "-", name)

def requires_to_requires_dist(requirement: Requirement) -> str:
    """Return the version specifier for a requirement in PEP 345/566 fashion."""
    if getattr(requirement, "url", None):
        return " @ " + requirement.url

    requires_dist = []
    for spec in requirement.specifier:
        requires_dist.append(spec.operator + spec.version)

    if requires_dist:
        return " " + ",".join(sorted(requires_dist))
        return ""

def convert_requirements(requirements: list[str]) -> Iterator[str]:
    """Yield Requires-Dist: strings for parsed requirements strings."""
    for req in requirements:
        parsed_requirement = Requirement(req)
        spec = requires_to_requires_dist(parsed_requirement)
        extras = ",".join(sorted(safe_extra(e) for e in parsed_requirement.extras))
        if extras:
            extras = f"[{extras}]"

        yield safe_name(parsed_requirement.name) + extras + spec

def generate_requirements(
    extras_require: dict[str, list[str]],
) -> Iterator[tuple[str, str]]:
    Convert requirements from a setup()-style dictionary to
    ('Requires-Dist', 'requirement') and ('Provides-Extra', 'extra') tuples.

    extras_require is a dictionary of {extra: [requirements]} as passed to setup(),
    using the empty extra {'': [requirements]} to hold install_requires.
    for extra, depends in extras_require.items():
        condition = ""
        extra = extra or ""
        if ":" in extra:  # setuptools extra:condition syntax
            extra, condition = extra.split(":", 1)

        extra = safe_extra(extra)
        if extra:
            yield "Provides-Extra", extra
            if condition:
                condition = "(" + condition + ") and "
            condition += "extra == '%s'" % extra

        if condition:
            condition = " ; " + condition

        for new_req in convert_requirements(depends):
            yield "Requires-Dist", new_req + condition

def pkginfo_to_metadata(egg_info_path: str, pkginfo_path: str) -> Message:
    Convert .egg-info directory with PKG-INFO to the Metadata 2.1 format
    with open(pkginfo_path, encoding="utf-8") as headers:
        pkg_info = Parser().parse(headers)

    pkg_info.replace_header("Metadata-Version", "2.1")
    # Those will be regenerated from `requires.txt`.
    del pkg_info["Provides-Extra"]
    del pkg_info["Requires-Dist"]
    requires_path = os.path.join(egg_info_path, "requires.txt")
    if os.path.exists(requires_path):
        with open(requires_path, encoding="utf-8") as requires_file:
            requires = requires_file.read()

        parsed_requirements = sorted(split_sections(requires), key=lambda x: x[0] or "")
        for extra, reqs in parsed_requirements:
            for key, value in generate_requirements({extra: reqs}):
                if (key, value) not in pkg_info.items():
                    pkg_info[key] = value

    description = pkg_info["Description"]
    if description:
        description_lines = pkg_info["Description"].splitlines()
        dedented_description = "\n".join(
            # if the first line of long_description is blank,
            # the first line here will be indented.
        del pkg_info["Description"]

    return pkg_info