Current Path : /opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/sentry_sdk/integrations/redis/ |
Current File : //opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/sentry_sdk/integrations/redis/__init__.py |
from __future__ import absolute_import from sentry_sdk import Hub from sentry_sdk.consts import OP, SPANDATA from sentry_sdk.hub import _should_send_default_pii from sentry_sdk.utils import ( SENSITIVE_DATA_SUBSTITUTE, capture_internal_exceptions, logger, ) from sentry_sdk.integrations import Integration, DidNotEnable from sentry_sdk._types import TYPE_CHECKING if TYPE_CHECKING: from typing import Any, Sequence from sentry_sdk.tracing import Span _SINGLE_KEY_COMMANDS = frozenset( ["decr", "decrby", "get", "incr", "incrby", "pttl", "set", "setex", "setnx", "ttl"] ) _MULTI_KEY_COMMANDS = frozenset(["del", "touch", "unlink"]) _COMMANDS_INCLUDING_SENSITIVE_DATA = [ "auth", ] _MAX_NUM_ARGS = 10 # Trim argument lists to this many values _MAX_NUM_COMMANDS = 10 # Trim command lists to this many values _DEFAULT_MAX_DATA_SIZE = 1024 def _get_safe_command(name, args): # type: (str, Sequence[Any]) -> str command_parts = [name] for i, arg in enumerate(args): if i > _MAX_NUM_ARGS: break name_low = name.lower() if name_low in _COMMANDS_INCLUDING_SENSITIVE_DATA: command_parts.append(SENSITIVE_DATA_SUBSTITUTE) continue arg_is_the_key = i == 0 if arg_is_the_key: command_parts.append(repr(arg)) else: if _should_send_default_pii(): command_parts.append(repr(arg)) else: command_parts.append(SENSITIVE_DATA_SUBSTITUTE) command = " ".join(command_parts) return command def _set_pipeline_data( span, is_cluster, get_command_args_fn, is_transaction, command_stack ): # type: (Span, bool, Any, bool, Sequence[Any]) -> None span.set_tag("redis.is_cluster", is_cluster) transaction = is_transaction if not is_cluster else False span.set_tag("redis.transaction", transaction) commands = [] for i, arg in enumerate(command_stack): if i >= _MAX_NUM_COMMANDS: break command = get_command_args_fn(arg) commands.append(_get_safe_command(command[0], command[1:])) span.set_data( "redis.commands", { "count": len(command_stack), "first_ten": commands, }, ) def patch_redis_pipeline(pipeline_cls, is_cluster, get_command_args_fn): # type: (Any, bool, Any) -> None old_execute = pipeline_cls.execute def sentry_patched_execute(self, *args, **kwargs): # type: (Any, *Any, **Any) -> Any hub = Hub.current if hub.get_integration(RedisIntegration) is None: return old_execute(self, *args, **kwargs) with hub.start_span( op=OP.DB_REDIS, description="redis.pipeline.execute" ) as span: with capture_internal_exceptions(): _set_pipeline_data( span, is_cluster, get_command_args_fn, self.transaction, self.command_stack, ) span.set_data(SPANDATA.DB_SYSTEM, "redis") return old_execute(self, *args, **kwargs) pipeline_cls.execute = sentry_patched_execute def _get_redis_command_args(command): # type: (Any) -> Sequence[Any] return command[0] def _parse_rediscluster_command(command): # type: (Any) -> Sequence[Any] return command.args def _patch_redis(StrictRedis, client): # noqa: N803 # type: (Any, Any) -> None patch_redis_client(StrictRedis, is_cluster=False) patch_redis_pipeline(client.Pipeline, False, _get_redis_command_args) try: strict_pipeline = client.StrictPipeline except AttributeError: pass else: patch_redis_pipeline(strict_pipeline, False, _get_redis_command_args) try: import redis.asyncio except ImportError: pass else: from sentry_sdk.integrations.redis.asyncio import ( patch_redis_async_client, patch_redis_async_pipeline, ) patch_redis_async_client(redis.asyncio.client.StrictRedis) patch_redis_async_pipeline(redis.asyncio.client.Pipeline) def _patch_rb(): # type: () -> None try: import rb.clients # type: ignore except ImportError: pass else: patch_redis_client(rb.clients.FanoutClient, is_cluster=False) patch_redis_client(rb.clients.MappingClient, is_cluster=False) patch_redis_client(rb.clients.RoutingClient, is_cluster=False) def _patch_rediscluster(): # type: () -> None try: import rediscluster # type: ignore except ImportError: return patch_redis_client(rediscluster.RedisCluster, is_cluster=True) # up to v1.3.6, __version__ attribute is a tuple # from v2.0.0, __version__ is a string and VERSION a tuple version = getattr(rediscluster, "VERSION", rediscluster.__version__) # StrictRedisCluster was introduced in v0.2.0 and removed in v2.0.0 # https://github.com/Grokzen/redis-py-cluster/blob/master/docs/release-notes.rst if (0, 2, 0) < version < (2, 0, 0): pipeline_cls = rediscluster.pipeline.StrictClusterPipeline patch_redis_client(rediscluster.StrictRedisCluster, is_cluster=True) else: pipeline_cls = rediscluster.pipeline.ClusterPipeline patch_redis_pipeline(pipeline_cls, True, _parse_rediscluster_command) class RedisIntegration(Integration): identifier = "redis" def __init__(self, max_data_size=_DEFAULT_MAX_DATA_SIZE): # type: (int) -> None self.max_data_size = max_data_size @staticmethod def setup_once(): # type: () -> None try: from redis import StrictRedis, client except ImportError: raise DidNotEnable("Redis client not installed") _patch_redis(StrictRedis, client) _patch_rb() try: _patch_rediscluster() except Exception: logger.exception("Error occurred while patching `rediscluster` library") def _get_span_description(name, *args): # type: (str, *Any) -> str description = name with capture_internal_exceptions(): description = _get_safe_command(name, args) return description def _set_client_data(span, is_cluster, name, *args): # type: (Span, bool, str, *Any) -> None span.set_data(SPANDATA.DB_SYSTEM, "redis") span.set_tag("redis.is_cluster", is_cluster) if name: span.set_tag("redis.command", name) span.set_tag(SPANDATA.DB_OPERATION, name) if name and args: name_low = name.lower() if (name_low in _SINGLE_KEY_COMMANDS) or ( name_low in _MULTI_KEY_COMMANDS and len(args) == 1 ): span.set_tag("redis.key", args[0]) def patch_redis_client(cls, is_cluster): # type: (Any, bool) -> None """ This function can be used to instrument custom redis client classes or subclasses. """ old_execute_command = cls.execute_command def sentry_patched_execute_command(self, name, *args, **kwargs): # type: (Any, str, *Any, **Any) -> Any hub = Hub.current integration = hub.get_integration(RedisIntegration) if integration is None: return old_execute_command(self, name, *args, **kwargs) description = _get_span_description(name, *args) data_should_be_truncated = ( integration.max_data_size and len(description) > integration.max_data_size ) if data_should_be_truncated: description = description[: integration.max_data_size - len("...")] + "..." with hub.start_span(op=OP.DB_REDIS, description=description) as span: _set_client_data(span, is_cluster, name, *args) return old_execute_command(self, name, *args, **kwargs) cls.execute_command = sentry_patched_execute_command