Current Path : /opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/pylint/config/ |
Current File : //opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/pylint/config/option_manager_mixin.py |
# Licensed under the GPL: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html # For details: https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint/blob/main/LICENSE # Copyright (c) https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint/blob/main/CONTRIBUTORS.txt # pylint: disable=duplicate-code from __future__ import annotations import collections import configparser import contextlib import copy import optparse # pylint: disable=deprecated-module import os import sys import warnings from collections.abc import Iterator from pathlib import Path from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, TextIO from pylint import utils from pylint.config.option import Option from pylint.config.option_parser import OptionParser # type: ignore[attr-defined] from pylint.typing import OptionDict if TYPE_CHECKING: from pylint.config.options_provider_mixin import ( # type: ignore[attr-defined] OptionsProviderMixin, ) if sys.version_info >= (3, 11): import tomllib else: import tomli as tomllib def _expand_default(self: optparse.HelpFormatter, option: Option) -> str: """Patch OptionParser.expand_default with custom behaviour. This will handle defaults to avoid overriding values in the configuration file. """ if self.parser is None or not self.default_tag: return str(option.help) optname = option._long_opts[0][2:] try: provider = self.parser.options_manager._all_options[optname] # type: ignore[attr-defined] except KeyError: value = None else: optdict = provider.get_option_def(optname) optname = provider.option_attrname(optname, optdict) value = getattr(provider.config, optname, optdict) value = utils._format_option_value(optdict, value) if value is optparse.NO_DEFAULT or not value: value = self.NO_DEFAULT_VALUE return option.help.replace(self.default_tag, str(value)) # type: ignore[union-attr] @contextlib.contextmanager def _patch_optparse() -> Iterator[None]: # pylint: disable = redefined-variable-type orig_default = optparse.HelpFormatter try: optparse.HelpFormatter.expand_default = _expand_default # type: ignore[assignment] yield finally: optparse.HelpFormatter.expand_default = orig_default # type: ignore[assignment] class OptionsManagerMixIn: """Handle configuration from both a configuration file and command line options.""" def __init__(self, usage: str) -> None: # TODO: 3.0: Remove deprecated class warnings.warn( "OptionsManagerMixIn has been deprecated and will be removed in pylint 3.0", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) self.reset_parsers(usage) # list of registered options providers self.options_providers: list[OptionsProviderMixin] = [] # dictionary associating option name to checker self._all_options: collections.OrderedDict[Any, Any] = collections.OrderedDict() self._short_options: dict[Any, Any] = {} self._nocallback_options: dict[Any, Any] = {} self._mygroups: dict[Any, Any] = {} # verbosity self._maxlevel = 0 def reset_parsers(self, usage: str = "") -> None: # configuration file parser self.cfgfile_parser = configparser.ConfigParser( inline_comment_prefixes=("#", ";") ) # command line parser self.cmdline_parser = OptionParser(Option, usage=usage) self.cmdline_parser.options_manager = self self._optik_option_attrs = set(self.cmdline_parser.option_class.ATTRS) def register_options_provider( self, provider: OptionsProviderMixin, own_group: bool = True ) -> None: """Register an options provider.""" self.options_providers.append(provider) non_group_spec_options = [ option for option in provider.options if "group" not in option[1] ] groups = getattr(provider, "option_groups", ()) if own_group and non_group_spec_options: self.add_option_group( provider.name.upper(), provider.__doc__, non_group_spec_options, provider, ) else: for opt, optdict in non_group_spec_options: self.add_optik_option(provider, self.cmdline_parser, opt, optdict) for gname, gdoc in groups: gname = gname.upper() goptions = [ option for option in provider.options if option[1].get("group", "").upper() == gname ] self.add_option_group(gname, gdoc, goptions, provider) def add_option_group( self, group_name: str, _: Any, options: Any, provider: OptionsProviderMixin ) -> None: # add option group to the command line parser if group_name in self._mygroups: group = self._mygroups[group_name] else: group = optparse.OptionGroup( self.cmdline_parser, title=group_name.capitalize() ) self.cmdline_parser.add_option_group(group) self._mygroups[group_name] = group # add section to the config file if ( group_name != "DEFAULT" and group_name not in self.cfgfile_parser._sections # type: ignore[attr-defined] ): self.cfgfile_parser.add_section(group_name) # add provider's specific options for opt, optdict in options: if not isinstance(optdict.get("action", "store"), str): optdict["action"] = "callback" self.add_optik_option(provider, group, opt, optdict) def add_optik_option( self, provider: OptionsProviderMixin, optikcontainer: Any, opt: str, optdict: OptionDict, ) -> None: args, optdict = self.optik_option(provider, opt, optdict) option = optikcontainer.add_option(*args, **optdict) self._all_options[opt] = provider self._maxlevel = max(self._maxlevel, option.level or 0) def optik_option( self, provider: OptionsProviderMixin, opt: str, optdict: OptionDict ) -> tuple[list[str], OptionDict]: """Get our personal option definition and return a suitable form for use with optik/optparse. """ optdict = copy.copy(optdict) if "action" in optdict: self._nocallback_options[provider] = opt else: optdict["action"] = "callback" optdict["callback"] = self.cb_set_provider_option # default is handled here and *must not* be given to optik if you # want the whole machinery to work if "default" in optdict: if ( "help" in optdict and optdict.get("default") is not None and optdict["action"] not in ("store_true", "store_false") ): optdict["help"] += " [current: %default]" # type: ignore[operator] del optdict["default"] args = ["--" + str(opt)] if "short" in optdict: self._short_options[optdict["short"]] = opt args.append("-" + optdict["short"]) # type: ignore[operator] del optdict["short"] # cleanup option definition dict before giving it to optik for key in list(optdict.keys()): if key not in self._optik_option_attrs: optdict.pop(key) return args, optdict def cb_set_provider_option( self, option: Option, opt: str, value: Any, parser: Any ) -> None: """Optik callback for option setting.""" if opt.startswith("--"): # remove -- on long option opt = opt[2:] else: # short option, get its long equivalent opt = self._short_options[opt[1:]] # trick since we can't set action='store_true' on options if value is None: value = 1 self.global_set_option(opt, value) def global_set_option(self, opt: str, value: Any) -> None: """Set option on the correct option provider.""" self._all_options[opt].set_option(opt, value) def generate_config( self, stream: TextIO | None = None, skipsections: tuple[str, ...] = () ) -> None: """Write a configuration file according to the current configuration into the given stream or stdout. """ options_by_section: dict[str, list[tuple[str, OptionDict, Any]]] = {} sections = [] for provider in self.options_providers: for section, options in provider.options_by_section(): if section is None: section = provider.name if section in skipsections: continue options = [ (n, d, v) for (n, d, v) in options if d.get("type") is not None and not d.get("deprecated") ] if not options: continue if section not in sections: sections.append(section) all_options = options_by_section.setdefault(section, []) all_options += options stream = stream or sys.stdout printed = False for section in sections: if printed: print("\n", file=stream) utils.format_section( stream, section.upper(), sorted(options_by_section[section]) ) printed = True def load_provider_defaults(self) -> None: """Initialize configuration using default values.""" for provider in self.options_providers: provider.load_defaults() def read_config_file( self, config_file: Path | None = None, verbose: bool = False ) -> None: """Read the configuration file but do not load it (i.e. dispatching values to each option's provider). """ if config_file: config_file = Path(os.path.expandvars(config_file)).expanduser() if not config_file.exists(): raise OSError(f"The config file {str(config_file)} doesn't exist!") parser = self.cfgfile_parser if config_file.suffix == ".toml": try: self._parse_toml(config_file, parser) except tomllib.TOMLDecodeError: pass else: # Use this encoding in order to strip the BOM marker, if any. with open(config_file, encoding="utf_8_sig") as fp: parser.read_file(fp) # normalize each section's title for sect, values in list(parser._sections.items()): # type: ignore[attr-defined] if sect.startswith("pylint."): sect = sect[len("pylint.") :] if not sect.isupper() and values: parser._sections[sect.upper()] = values # type: ignore[attr-defined] if not verbose: return if config_file and config_file.exists(): msg = f"Using config file '{config_file}'" else: msg = "No config file found, using default configuration" print(msg, file=sys.stderr) def _parse_toml(self, config_file: Path, parser: configparser.ConfigParser) -> None: """Parse and handle errors of a toml configuration file.""" with open(config_file, mode="rb") as fp: content = tomllib.load(fp) try: sections_values = content["tool"]["pylint"] except KeyError: return for section, values in sections_values.items(): section_name = section.upper() # TOML has rich types, convert values to # strings as ConfigParser expects. if not isinstance(values, dict): # This class is a mixin: add_message comes from the `PyLinter` class self.add_message( # type: ignore[attr-defined] "bad-configuration-section", line=0, args=(section, values) ) continue for option, value in values.items(): if isinstance(value, bool): values[option] = "yes" if value else "no" elif isinstance(value, list): values[option] = ",".join(value) else: values[option] = str(value) for option, value in values.items(): try: parser.set(section_name, option, value=value) except configparser.NoSectionError: parser.add_section(section_name) parser.set(section_name, option, value=value) def load_config_file(self) -> None: """Dispatch values previously read from a configuration file to each option's provider. """ parser = self.cfgfile_parser for section in parser.sections(): for option, value in parser.items(section): try: self.global_set_option(option, value) except (KeyError, optparse.OptionError): continue def load_configuration(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Override configuration according to given parameters.""" return self.load_configuration_from_config(kwargs) def load_configuration_from_config(self, config: dict[str, Any]) -> None: for opt, opt_value in config.items(): opt = opt.replace("_", "-") provider = self._all_options[opt] provider.set_option(opt, opt_value) def load_command_line_configuration( self, args: list[str] | None = None ) -> list[str]: """Override configuration according to command line parameters. return additional arguments """ with _patch_optparse(): args = sys.argv[1:] if args is None else list(args) (options, args) = self.cmdline_parser.parse_args(args=args) for provider in self._nocallback_options: config = provider.config for attr in config.__dict__.keys(): value = getattr(options, attr, None) if value is None: continue setattr(config, attr, value) return args # type: ignore[return-value] def help(self, level: int = 0) -> str: """Return the usage string for available options.""" self.cmdline_parser.formatter.output_level = level with _patch_optparse(): return str(self.cmdline_parser.format_help())