Current Path : /opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/pylint/checkers/base/ |
Current File : //opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/pylint/checkers/base/comparison_checker.py |
# Licensed under the GPL: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html # For details: https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint/blob/main/LICENSE # Copyright (c) https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint/blob/main/CONTRIBUTORS.txt """Comparison checker from the basic checker.""" import astroid from astroid import nodes from pylint.checkers import utils from pylint.checkers.base.basic_checker import _BasicChecker from pylint.interfaces import HIGH LITERAL_NODE_TYPES = (nodes.Const, nodes.Dict, nodes.List, nodes.Set) COMPARISON_OPERATORS = frozenset(("==", "!=", "<", ">", "<=", ">=")) TYPECHECK_COMPARISON_OPERATORS = frozenset(("is", "is not", "==", "!=")) TYPE_QNAME = "builtins.type" def _is_one_arg_pos_call(call: nodes.NodeNG) -> bool: """Is this a call with exactly 1 positional argument ?""" return isinstance(call, nodes.Call) and len(call.args) == 1 and not call.keywords class ComparisonChecker(_BasicChecker): """Checks for comparisons. - singleton comparison: 'expr == True', 'expr == False' and 'expr == None' - yoda condition: 'const "comp" right' where comp can be '==', '!=', '<', '<=', '>' or '>=', and right can be a variable, an attribute, a method or a function """ msgs = { "C0121": ( "Comparison %s should be %s", "singleton-comparison", "Used when an expression is compared to singleton " "values like True, False or None.", ), "C0123": ( "Use isinstance() rather than type() for a typecheck.", "unidiomatic-typecheck", "The idiomatic way to perform an explicit typecheck in " "Python is to use isinstance(x, Y) rather than " "type(x) == Y, type(x) is Y. Though there are unusual " "situations where these give different results.", {"old_names": [("W0154", "old-unidiomatic-typecheck")]}, ), "R0123": ( "In '%s', use '%s' when comparing constant literals not '%s' ('%s')", "literal-comparison", "Used when comparing an object to a literal, which is usually " "what you do not want to do, since you can compare to a different " "literal than what was expected altogether.", ), "R0124": ( "Redundant comparison - %s", "comparison-with-itself", "Used when something is compared against itself.", ), "R0133": ( "Comparison between constants: '%s %s %s' has a constant value", "comparison-of-constants", "When two literals are compared with each other the result is a constant. " "Using the constant directly is both easier to read and more performant. " "Initializing 'True' and 'False' this way is not required since Python 2.3.", ), "W0143": ( "Comparing against a callable, did you omit the parenthesis?", "comparison-with-callable", "This message is emitted when pylint detects that a comparison with a " "callable was made, which might suggest that some parenthesis were omitted, " "resulting in potential unwanted behaviour.", ), "W0177": ( "Comparison %s should be %s", "nan-comparison", "Used when an expression is compared to NaN " "values like numpy.NaN and float('nan').", ), } def _check_singleton_comparison( self, left_value: nodes.NodeNG, right_value: nodes.NodeNG, root_node: nodes.Compare, checking_for_absence: bool = False, ) -> None: """Check if == or != is being used to compare a singleton value.""" if utils.is_singleton_const(left_value): singleton, other_value = left_value.value, right_value elif utils.is_singleton_const(right_value): singleton, other_value = right_value.value, left_value else: return singleton_comparison_example = {False: "'{} is {}'", True: "'{} is not {}'"} # True/False singletons have a special-cased message in case the user is # mistakenly using == or != to check for truthiness if singleton in {True, False}: suggestion_template = ( "{} if checking for the singleton value {}, or {} if testing for {}" ) truthiness_example = {False: "not {}", True: "{}"} truthiness_phrase = {True: "truthiness", False: "falsiness"} # Looks for comparisons like x == True or x != False checking_truthiness = singleton is not checking_for_absence suggestion = suggestion_template.format( singleton_comparison_example[checking_for_absence].format( left_value.as_string(), right_value.as_string() ), singleton, ( "'bool({})'" if not utils.is_test_condition(root_node) and checking_truthiness else "'{}'" ).format( truthiness_example[checking_truthiness].format( other_value.as_string() ) ), truthiness_phrase[checking_truthiness], ) else: suggestion = singleton_comparison_example[checking_for_absence].format( left_value.as_string(), right_value.as_string() ) self.add_message( "singleton-comparison", node=root_node, args=(f"'{root_node.as_string()}'", suggestion), ) def _check_nan_comparison( self, left_value: nodes.NodeNG, right_value: nodes.NodeNG, root_node: nodes.Compare, checking_for_absence: bool = False, ) -> None: def _is_float_nan(node: nodes.NodeNG) -> bool: try: if isinstance(node, nodes.Call) and len(node.args) == 1: if ( node.args[0].value.lower() == "nan" and node.inferred()[0].pytype() == "builtins.float" ): return True return False except AttributeError: return False def _is_numpy_nan(node: nodes.NodeNG) -> bool: if isinstance(node, nodes.Attribute) and node.attrname == "NaN": if isinstance(node.expr, nodes.Name): return node.expr.name in {"numpy", "nmp", "np"} return False def _is_nan(node: nodes.NodeNG) -> bool: return _is_float_nan(node) or _is_numpy_nan(node) nan_left = _is_nan(left_value) if not nan_left and not _is_nan(right_value): return absence_text = "" if checking_for_absence: absence_text = "not " if nan_left: suggestion = f"'{absence_text}math.isnan({right_value.as_string()})'" else: suggestion = f"'{absence_text}math.isnan({left_value.as_string()})'" self.add_message( "nan-comparison", node=root_node, args=(f"'{root_node.as_string()}'", suggestion), ) def _check_literal_comparison( self, literal: nodes.NodeNG, node: nodes.Compare ) -> None: """Check if we compare to a literal, which is usually what we do not want to do.""" is_other_literal = isinstance(literal, (nodes.List, nodes.Dict, nodes.Set)) is_const = False if isinstance(literal, nodes.Const): if isinstance(literal.value, bool) or literal.value is None: # Not interested in these values. return is_const = isinstance(literal.value, (bytes, str, int, float)) if is_const or is_other_literal: incorrect_node_str = node.as_string() if "is not" in incorrect_node_str: equal_or_not_equal = "!=" is_or_is_not = "is not" else: equal_or_not_equal = "==" is_or_is_not = "is" fixed_node_str = incorrect_node_str.replace( is_or_is_not, equal_or_not_equal ) self.add_message( "literal-comparison", args=( incorrect_node_str, equal_or_not_equal, is_or_is_not, fixed_node_str, ), node=node, confidence=HIGH, ) def _check_logical_tautology(self, node: nodes.Compare) -> None: """Check if identifier is compared against itself. :param node: Compare node :Example: val = 786 if val == val: # [comparison-with-itself] pass """ left_operand = node.left right_operand = node.ops[0][1] operator = node.ops[0][0] if isinstance(left_operand, nodes.Const) and isinstance( right_operand, nodes.Const ): left_operand = left_operand.value right_operand = right_operand.value elif isinstance(left_operand, nodes.Name) and isinstance( right_operand, nodes.Name ): left_operand = left_operand.name right_operand = right_operand.name if left_operand == right_operand: suggestion = f"{left_operand} {operator} {right_operand}" self.add_message("comparison-with-itself", node=node, args=(suggestion,)) def _check_constants_comparison(self, node: nodes.Compare) -> None: """When two constants are being compared it is always a logical tautology.""" left_operand = node.left if not isinstance(left_operand, nodes.Const): return right_operand = node.ops[0][1] if not isinstance(right_operand, nodes.Const): return operator = node.ops[0][0] self.add_message( "comparison-of-constants", node=node, args=(left_operand.value, operator, right_operand.value), confidence=HIGH, ) def _check_callable_comparison(self, node: nodes.Compare) -> None: operator = node.ops[0][0] if operator not in COMPARISON_OPERATORS: return bare_callables = (nodes.FunctionDef, astroid.BoundMethod) left_operand, right_operand = node.left, node.ops[0][1] # this message should be emitted only when there is comparison of bare callable # with non bare callable. number_of_bare_callables = 0 for operand in left_operand, right_operand: inferred = utils.safe_infer(operand) # Ignore callables that raise, as well as typing constants # implemented as functions (that raise via their decorator) if ( isinstance(inferred, bare_callables) and "typing._SpecialForm" not in inferred.decoratornames() and not any(isinstance(x, nodes.Raise) for x in inferred.body) ): number_of_bare_callables += 1 if number_of_bare_callables == 1: self.add_message("comparison-with-callable", node=node) @utils.only_required_for_messages( "singleton-comparison", "unidiomatic-typecheck", "literal-comparison", "comparison-with-itself", "comparison-of-constants", "comparison-with-callable", "nan-comparison", ) def visit_compare(self, node: nodes.Compare) -> None: self._check_callable_comparison(node) self._check_logical_tautology(node) self._check_unidiomatic_typecheck(node) self._check_constants_comparison(node) # NOTE: this checker only works with binary comparisons like 'x == 42' # but not 'x == y == 42' if len(node.ops) != 1: return left = node.left operator, right = node.ops[0] if operator in {"==", "!="}: self._check_singleton_comparison( left, right, node, checking_for_absence=operator == "!=" ) if operator in {"==", "!=", "is", "is not"}: self._check_nan_comparison( left, right, node, checking_for_absence=operator in {"!=", "is not"} ) if operator in {"is", "is not"}: self._check_literal_comparison(right, node) def _check_unidiomatic_typecheck(self, node: nodes.Compare) -> None: operator, right = node.ops[0] if operator in TYPECHECK_COMPARISON_OPERATORS: left = node.left if _is_one_arg_pos_call(left): self._check_type_x_is_y(node, left, operator, right) def _check_type_x_is_y( self, node: nodes.Compare, left: nodes.NodeNG, operator: str, right: nodes.NodeNG, ) -> None: """Check for expressions like type(x) == Y.""" left_func = utils.safe_infer(left.func) if not ( isinstance(left_func, nodes.ClassDef) and left_func.qname() == TYPE_QNAME ): return if operator in {"is", "is not"} and _is_one_arg_pos_call(right): right_func = utils.safe_infer(right.func) if ( isinstance(right_func, nodes.ClassDef) and right_func.qname() == TYPE_QNAME ): # type(x) == type(a) right_arg = utils.safe_infer(right.args[0]) if not isinstance(right_arg, LITERAL_NODE_TYPES): # not e.g. type(x) == type([]) return self.add_message("unidiomatic-typecheck", node=node)