Current Path : /opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/pyflakes/test/ |
Current File : //opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/pyflakes/test/test_undefined_names.py |
import ast from pyflakes import messages as m, checker from pyflakes.test.harness import TestCase, skip class Test(TestCase): def test_undefined(self): self.flakes('bar', m.UndefinedName) def test_definedInListComp(self): self.flakes('[a for a in range(10) if a]') def test_undefinedInListComp(self): self.flakes(''' [a for a in range(10)] a ''', m.UndefinedName) def test_undefinedExceptionName(self): """Exception names can't be used after the except: block. The exc variable is unused inside the exception handler.""" self.flakes(''' try: raise ValueError('ve') except ValueError as exc: pass exc ''', m.UndefinedName, m.UnusedVariable) def test_namesDeclaredInExceptBlocks(self): """Locals declared in except: blocks can be used after the block. This shows the example in test_undefinedExceptionName is different.""" self.flakes(''' try: raise ValueError('ve') except ValueError as exc: e = exc e ''') @skip('error reporting disabled due to false positives below') def test_undefinedExceptionNameObscuringLocalVariable(self): """Exception names obscure locals, can't be used after. Last line will raise UnboundLocalError on Python 3 after exiting the except: block. Note next two examples for false positives to watch out for.""" self.flakes(''' exc = 'Original value' try: raise ValueError('ve') except ValueError as exc: pass exc ''', m.UndefinedName) def test_undefinedExceptionNameObscuringLocalVariable2(self): """Exception names are unbound after the `except:` block. Last line will raise UnboundLocalError. The exc variable is unused inside the exception handler. """ self.flakes(''' try: raise ValueError('ve') except ValueError as exc: pass print(exc) exc = 'Original value' ''', m.UndefinedName, m.UnusedVariable) def test_undefinedExceptionNameObscuringLocalVariableFalsePositive1(self): """Exception names obscure locals, can't be used after. Unless. Last line will never raise UnboundLocalError because it's only entered if no exception was raised.""" self.flakes(''' exc = 'Original value' try: raise ValueError('ve') except ValueError as exc: print('exception logged') raise exc ''', m.UnusedVariable) def test_delExceptionInExcept(self): """The exception name can be deleted in the except: block.""" self.flakes(''' try: pass except Exception as exc: del exc ''') def test_undefinedExceptionNameObscuringLocalVariableFalsePositive2(self): """Exception names obscure locals, can't be used after. Unless. Last line will never raise UnboundLocalError because `error` is only falsy if the `except:` block has not been entered.""" self.flakes(''' exc = 'Original value' error = None try: raise ValueError('ve') except ValueError as exc: error = 'exception logged' if error: print(error) else: exc ''', m.UnusedVariable) @skip('error reporting disabled due to false positives below') def test_undefinedExceptionNameObscuringGlobalVariable(self): """Exception names obscure globals, can't be used after. Last line will raise UnboundLocalError because the existence of that exception name creates a local scope placeholder for it, obscuring any globals, etc.""" self.flakes(''' exc = 'Original value' def func(): try: pass # nothing is raised except ValueError as exc: pass # block never entered, exc stays unbound exc ''', m.UndefinedLocal) @skip('error reporting disabled due to false positives below') def test_undefinedExceptionNameObscuringGlobalVariable2(self): """Exception names obscure globals, can't be used after. Last line will raise NameError on Python 3 because the name is locally unbound after the `except:` block, even if it's nonlocal. We should issue an error in this case because code only working correctly if an exception isn't raised, is invalid. Unless it's explicitly silenced, see false positives below.""" self.flakes(''' exc = 'Original value' def func(): global exc try: raise ValueError('ve') except ValueError as exc: pass # block never entered, exc stays unbound exc ''', m.UndefinedLocal) def test_undefinedExceptionNameObscuringGlobalVariableFalsePositive1(self): """Exception names obscure globals, can't be used after. Unless. Last line will never raise NameError because it's only entered if no exception was raised.""" self.flakes(''' exc = 'Original value' def func(): global exc try: raise ValueError('ve') except ValueError as exc: print('exception logged') raise exc ''', m.UnusedVariable) def test_undefinedExceptionNameObscuringGlobalVariableFalsePositive2(self): """Exception names obscure globals, can't be used after. Unless. Last line will never raise NameError because `error` is only falsy if the `except:` block has not been entered.""" self.flakes(''' exc = 'Original value' def func(): global exc error = None try: raise ValueError('ve') except ValueError as exc: error = 'exception logged' if error: print(error) else: exc ''', m.UnusedVariable) def test_functionsNeedGlobalScope(self): self.flakes(''' class a: def b(): fu fu = 1 ''') def test_builtins(self): self.flakes('range(10)') def test_builtinWindowsError(self): """ C{WindowsError} is sometimes a builtin name, so no warning is emitted for using it. """ self.flakes('WindowsError') def test_moduleAnnotations(self): """ Use of the C{__annotations__} in module scope should not emit an undefined name warning when version is greater than or equal to 3.6. """ self.flakes('__annotations__') def test_magicGlobalsFile(self): """ Use of the C{__file__} magic global should not emit an undefined name warning. """ self.flakes('__file__') def test_magicGlobalsBuiltins(self): """ Use of the C{__builtins__} magic global should not emit an undefined name warning. """ self.flakes('__builtins__') def test_magicGlobalsName(self): """ Use of the C{__name__} magic global should not emit an undefined name warning. """ self.flakes('__name__') def test_magicGlobalsPath(self): """ Use of the C{__path__} magic global should not emit an undefined name warning, if you refer to it from a file called __init__.py. """ self.flakes('__path__', m.UndefinedName) self.flakes('__path__', filename='package/__init__.py') def test_magicModuleInClassScope(self): """ Use of the C{__module__} magic builtin should not emit an undefined name warning if used in class scope. """ self.flakes('__module__', m.UndefinedName) self.flakes(''' class Foo: __module__ ''') self.flakes(''' class Foo: def bar(self): __module__ ''', m.UndefinedName) def test_magicQualnameInClassScope(self): """ Use of the C{__qualname__} magic builtin should not emit an undefined name warning if used in class scope. """ self.flakes('__qualname__', m.UndefinedName) self.flakes(''' class Foo: __qualname__ ''') self.flakes(''' class Foo: def bar(self): __qualname__ ''', m.UndefinedName) def test_globalImportStar(self): """Can't find undefined names with import *.""" self.flakes('from fu import *; bar', m.ImportStarUsed, m.ImportStarUsage) def test_definedByGlobal(self): """ "global" can make an otherwise undefined name in another function defined. """ self.flakes(''' def a(): global fu; fu = 1 def b(): fu ''') self.flakes(''' def c(): bar def b(): global bar; bar = 1 ''') def test_definedByGlobalMultipleNames(self): """ "global" can accept multiple names. """ self.flakes(''' def a(): global fu, bar; fu = 1; bar = 2 def b(): fu; bar ''') def test_globalInGlobalScope(self): """ A global statement in the global scope is ignored. """ self.flakes(''' global x def foo(): print(x) ''', m.UndefinedName) def test_global_reset_name_only(self): """A global statement does not prevent other names being undefined.""" # Only different undefined names are reported. # See following test that fails where the same name is used. self.flakes(''' def f1(): s def f2(): global m ''', m.UndefinedName) @skip("todo") def test_unused_global(self): """An unused global statement does not define the name.""" self.flakes(''' def f1(): m def f2(): global m ''', m.UndefinedName) def test_del(self): """Del deletes bindings.""" self.flakes('a = 1; del a; a', m.UndefinedName) def test_delGlobal(self): """Del a global binding from a function.""" self.flakes(''' a = 1 def f(): global a del a a ''') def test_delUndefined(self): """Del an undefined name.""" self.flakes('del a', m.UndefinedName) def test_delConditional(self): """ Ignores conditional bindings deletion. """ self.flakes(''' context = None test = True if False: del(test) assert(test) ''') def test_delConditionalNested(self): """ Ignored conditional bindings deletion even if they are nested in other blocks. """ self.flakes(''' context = None test = True if False: with context(): del(test) assert(test) ''') def test_delWhile(self): """ Ignore bindings deletion if called inside the body of a while statement. """ self.flakes(''' def test(): foo = 'bar' while False: del foo assert(foo) ''') def test_delWhileTestUsage(self): """ Ignore bindings deletion if called inside the body of a while statement and name is used inside while's test part. """ self.flakes(''' def _worker(): o = True while o is not True: del o o = False ''') def test_delWhileNested(self): """ Ignore bindings deletions if node is part of while's test, even when del is in a nested block. """ self.flakes(''' context = None def _worker(): o = True while o is not True: while True: with context(): del o o = False ''') def test_globalFromNestedScope(self): """Global names are available from nested scopes.""" self.flakes(''' a = 1 def b(): def c(): a ''') def test_laterRedefinedGlobalFromNestedScope(self): """ Test that referencing a local name that shadows a global, before it is defined, generates a warning. """ self.flakes(''' a = 1 def fun(): a a = 2 return a ''', m.UndefinedLocal) def test_laterRedefinedGlobalFromNestedScope2(self): """ Test that referencing a local name in a nested scope that shadows a global declared in an enclosing scope, before it is defined, generates a warning. """ self.flakes(''' a = 1 def fun(): global a def fun2(): a a = 2 return a ''', m.UndefinedLocal) def test_intermediateClassScopeIgnored(self): """ If a name defined in an enclosing scope is shadowed by a local variable and the name is used locally before it is bound, an unbound local warning is emitted, even if there is a class scope between the enclosing scope and the local scope. """ self.flakes(''' def f(): x = 1 class g: def h(self): a = x x = None print(x, a) print(x) ''', m.UndefinedLocal) def test_doubleNestingReportsClosestName(self): """ Test that referencing a local name in a nested scope that shadows a variable declared in two different outer scopes before it is defined in the innermost scope generates an UnboundLocal warning which refers to the nearest shadowed name. """ exc = self.flakes(''' def a(): x = 1 def b(): x = 2 # line 5 def c(): x x = 3 return x return x return x ''', m.UndefinedLocal).messages[0] # _DoctestMixin.flakes adds two lines preceding the code above. expected_line_num = 7 if self.withDoctest else 5 self.assertEqual(exc.message_args, ('x', expected_line_num)) def test_laterRedefinedGlobalFromNestedScope3(self): """ Test that referencing a local name in a nested scope that shadows a global, before it is defined, generates a warning. """ self.flakes(''' def fun(): a = 1 def fun2(): a a = 1 return a return a ''', m.UndefinedLocal) def test_undefinedAugmentedAssignment(self): self.flakes( ''' def f(seq): a = 0 seq[a] += 1 seq[b] /= 2 c[0] *= 2 a -= 3 d += 4 e[any] = 5 ''', m.UndefinedName, # b m.UndefinedName, # c m.UndefinedName, m.UnusedVariable, # d m.UndefinedName, # e ) def test_nestedClass(self): """Nested classes can access enclosing scope.""" self.flakes(''' def f(foo): class C: bar = foo def f(self): return foo return C() f(123).f() ''') def test_badNestedClass(self): """Free variables in nested classes must bind at class creation.""" self.flakes(''' def f(): class C: bar = foo foo = 456 return foo f() ''', m.UndefinedName) def test_definedAsStarArgs(self): """Star and double-star arg names are defined.""" self.flakes(''' def f(a, *b, **c): print(a, b, c) ''') def test_definedAsStarUnpack(self): """Star names in unpack are defined.""" self.flakes(''' a, *b = range(10) print(a, b) ''') self.flakes(''' *a, b = range(10) print(a, b) ''') self.flakes(''' a, *b, c = range(10) print(a, b, c) ''') def test_usedAsStarUnpack(self): """ Star names in unpack are used if RHS is not a tuple/list literal. """ self.flakes(''' def f(): a, *b = range(10) ''') self.flakes(''' def f(): (*a, b) = range(10) ''') self.flakes(''' def f(): [a, *b, c] = range(10) ''') def test_unusedAsStarUnpack(self): """ Star names in unpack are unused if RHS is a tuple/list literal. """ self.flakes(''' def f(): a, *b = any, all, 4, 2, 'un' ''', m.UnusedVariable, m.UnusedVariable) self.flakes(''' def f(): (*a, b) = [bool, int, float, complex] ''', m.UnusedVariable, m.UnusedVariable) self.flakes(''' def f(): [a, *b, c] = 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4 ''', m.UnusedVariable, m.UnusedVariable, m.UnusedVariable) def test_keywordOnlyArgs(self): """Keyword-only arg names are defined.""" self.flakes(''' def f(*, a, b=None): print(a, b) ''') self.flakes(''' import default_b def f(*, a, b=default_b): print(a, b) ''') def test_keywordOnlyArgsUndefined(self): """Typo in kwonly name.""" self.flakes(''' def f(*, a, b=default_c): print(a, b) ''', m.UndefinedName) def test_annotationUndefined(self): """Undefined annotations.""" self.flakes(''' from abc import note1, note2, note3, note4, note5 def func(a: note1, *args: note2, b: note3=12, **kw: note4) -> note5: pass ''') self.flakes(''' def func(): d = e = 42 def func(a: {1, d}) -> (lambda c: e): pass ''') def test_metaClassUndefined(self): self.flakes(''' from abc import ABCMeta class A(metaclass=ABCMeta): pass ''') def test_definedInGenExp(self): """ Using the loop variable of a generator expression results in no warnings. """ self.flakes('(a for a in [1, 2, 3] if a)') self.flakes('(b for b in (a for a in [1, 2, 3] if a) if b)') def test_undefinedInGenExpNested(self): """ The loop variables of generator expressions nested together are not defined in the other generator. """ self.flakes('(b for b in (a for a in [1, 2, 3] if b) if b)', m.UndefinedName) self.flakes('(b for b in (a for a in [1, 2, 3] if a) if a)', m.UndefinedName) def test_undefinedWithErrorHandler(self): """ Some compatibility code checks explicitly for NameError. It should not trigger warnings. """ self.flakes(''' try: socket_map except NameError: socket_map = {} ''') self.flakes(''' try: _memoryview.contiguous except (NameError, AttributeError): raise RuntimeError("Python >= 3.3 is required") ''') # If NameError is not explicitly handled, generate a warning self.flakes(''' try: socket_map except: socket_map = {} ''', m.UndefinedName) self.flakes(''' try: socket_map except Exception: socket_map = {} ''', m.UndefinedName) def test_definedInClass(self): """ Defined name for generator expressions and dict/set comprehension. """ self.flakes(''' class A: T = range(10) Z = (x for x in T) L = [x for x in T] B = dict((i, str(i)) for i in T) ''') self.flakes(''' class A: T = range(10) X = {x for x in T} Y = {x:x for x in T} ''') def test_definedInClassNested(self): """Defined name for nested generator expressions in a class.""" self.flakes(''' class A: T = range(10) Z = (x for x in (a for a in T)) ''') def test_undefinedInLoop(self): """ The loop variable is defined after the expression is computed. """ self.flakes(''' for i in range(i): print(i) ''', m.UndefinedName) self.flakes(''' [42 for i in range(i)] ''', m.UndefinedName) self.flakes(''' (42 for i in range(i)) ''', m.UndefinedName) def test_definedFromLambdaInDictionaryComprehension(self): """ Defined name referenced from a lambda function within a dict/set comprehension. """ self.flakes(''' {lambda: id(x) for x in range(10)} ''') def test_definedFromLambdaInGenerator(self): """ Defined name referenced from a lambda function within a generator expression. """ self.flakes(''' any(lambda: id(x) for x in range(10)) ''') def test_undefinedFromLambdaInDictionaryComprehension(self): """ Undefined name referenced from a lambda function within a dict/set comprehension. """ self.flakes(''' {lambda: id(y) for x in range(10)} ''', m.UndefinedName) def test_undefinedFromLambdaInComprehension(self): """ Undefined name referenced from a lambda function within a generator expression. """ self.flakes(''' any(lambda: id(y) for x in range(10)) ''', m.UndefinedName) def test_dunderClass(self): code = ''' class Test(object): def __init__(self): print(__class__.__name__) self.x = 1 t = Test() ''' self.flakes(code) class NameTests(TestCase): """ Tests for some extra cases of name handling. """ def test_impossibleContext(self): """ A Name node with an unrecognized context results in a RuntimeError being raised. """ tree = ast.parse("x = 10") file_tokens = checker.make_tokens("x = 10") # Make it into something unrecognizable. tree.body[0].targets[0].ctx = object() self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, checker.Checker, tree, file_tokens=file_tokens)