Current Path : /opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/numpy/f2py/tests/ |
Current File : //opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/numpy/f2py/tests/test_array_from_pyobj.py |
import os import sys import copy import platform import pytest import numpy as np from numpy.testing import assert_, assert_equal from numpy.core.multiarray import typeinfo as _typeinfo from . import util wrap = None # Extend core typeinfo with CHARACTER to test dtype('c') _ti = _typeinfo['STRING'] typeinfo = dict( CHARACTER=type(_ti)(('c', _ti.num, 8, _ti.alignment, _ti.type)), **_typeinfo) def setup_module(): """ Build the required testing extension module """ global wrap # Check compiler availability first if not util.has_c_compiler(): pytest.skip("No C compiler available") if wrap is None: config_code = """ config.add_extension('test_array_from_pyobj_ext', sources=['wrapmodule.c', 'fortranobject.c'], define_macros=[]) """ d = os.path.dirname(__file__) src = [ util.getpath("tests", "src", "array_from_pyobj", "wrapmodule.c"), util.getpath("src", "fortranobject.c"), util.getpath("src", "fortranobject.h"), ] wrap = util.build_module_distutils(src, config_code, "test_array_from_pyobj_ext") def flags_info(arr): flags = wrap.array_attrs(arr)[6] return flags2names(flags) def flags2names(flags): info = [] for flagname in [ "CONTIGUOUS", "FORTRAN", "OWNDATA", "ENSURECOPY", "ENSUREARRAY", "ALIGNED", "NOTSWAPPED", "WRITEABLE", "WRITEBACKIFCOPY", "UPDATEIFCOPY", "BEHAVED", "BEHAVED_RO", "CARRAY", "FARRAY", ]: if abs(flags) & getattr(wrap, flagname, 0): info.append(flagname) return info class Intent: def __init__(self, intent_list=[]): self.intent_list = intent_list[:] flags = 0 for i in intent_list: if i == "optional": flags |= wrap.F2PY_OPTIONAL else: flags |= getattr(wrap, "F2PY_INTENT_" + i.upper()) self.flags = flags def __getattr__(self, name): name = name.lower() if name == "in_": name = "in" return self.__class__(self.intent_list + [name]) def __str__(self): return "intent(%s)" % (",".join(self.intent_list)) def __repr__(self): return "Intent(%r)" % (self.intent_list) def is_intent(self, *names): for name in names: if name not in self.intent_list: return False return True def is_intent_exact(self, *names): return len(self.intent_list) == len(names) and self.is_intent(*names) intent = Intent() _type_names = [ "BOOL", "BYTE", "UBYTE", "SHORT", "USHORT", "INT", "UINT", "LONG", "ULONG", "LONGLONG", "ULONGLONG", "FLOAT", "DOUBLE", "CFLOAT", "STRING1", "STRING5", "CHARACTER", ] _cast_dict = {"BOOL": ["BOOL"]} _cast_dict["BYTE"] = _cast_dict["BOOL"] + ["BYTE"] _cast_dict["UBYTE"] = _cast_dict["BOOL"] + ["UBYTE"] _cast_dict["BYTE"] = ["BYTE"] _cast_dict["UBYTE"] = ["UBYTE"] _cast_dict["SHORT"] = _cast_dict["BYTE"] + ["UBYTE", "SHORT"] _cast_dict["USHORT"] = _cast_dict["UBYTE"] + ["BYTE", "USHORT"] _cast_dict["INT"] = _cast_dict["SHORT"] + ["USHORT", "INT"] _cast_dict["UINT"] = _cast_dict["USHORT"] + ["SHORT", "UINT"] _cast_dict["LONG"] = _cast_dict["INT"] + ["LONG"] _cast_dict["ULONG"] = _cast_dict["UINT"] + ["ULONG"] _cast_dict["LONGLONG"] = _cast_dict["LONG"] + ["LONGLONG"] _cast_dict["ULONGLONG"] = _cast_dict["ULONG"] + ["ULONGLONG"] _cast_dict["FLOAT"] = _cast_dict["SHORT"] + ["USHORT", "FLOAT"] _cast_dict["DOUBLE"] = _cast_dict["INT"] + ["UINT", "FLOAT", "DOUBLE"] _cast_dict["CFLOAT"] = _cast_dict["FLOAT"] + ["CFLOAT"] _cast_dict['STRING1'] = ['STRING1'] _cast_dict['STRING5'] = ['STRING5'] _cast_dict['CHARACTER'] = ['CHARACTER'] # 32 bit system malloc typically does not provide the alignment required by # 16 byte long double types this means the inout intent cannot be satisfied # and several tests fail as the alignment flag can be randomly true or fals # when numpy gains an aligned allocator the tests could be enabled again # # Furthermore, on macOS ARM64, LONGDOUBLE is an alias for DOUBLE. if ((np.intp().dtype.itemsize != 4 or np.clongdouble().dtype.alignment <= 8) and sys.platform != "win32" and (platform.system(), platform.processor()) != ("Darwin", "arm")): _type_names.extend(["LONGDOUBLE", "CDOUBLE", "CLONGDOUBLE"]) _cast_dict["LONGDOUBLE"] = _cast_dict["LONG"] + [ "ULONG", "FLOAT", "DOUBLE", "LONGDOUBLE", ] _cast_dict["CLONGDOUBLE"] = _cast_dict["LONGDOUBLE"] + [ "CFLOAT", "CDOUBLE", "CLONGDOUBLE", ] _cast_dict["CDOUBLE"] = _cast_dict["DOUBLE"] + ["CFLOAT", "CDOUBLE"] class Type: _type_cache = {} def __new__(cls, name): if isinstance(name, np.dtype): dtype0 = name name = None for n, i in typeinfo.items(): if not isinstance(i, type) and dtype0.type is i.type: name = n break obj = cls._type_cache.get(name.upper(), None) if obj is not None: return obj obj = object.__new__(cls) obj._init(name) cls._type_cache[name.upper()] = obj return obj def _init(self, name): self.NAME = name.upper() if self.NAME == 'CHARACTER': info = typeinfo[self.NAME] self.type_num = getattr(wrap, 'NPY_STRING') self.elsize = 1 self.dtype = np.dtype('c') elif self.NAME.startswith('STRING'): info = typeinfo[self.NAME[:6]] self.type_num = getattr(wrap, 'NPY_STRING') self.elsize = int(self.NAME[6:] or 0) self.dtype = np.dtype(f'S{self.elsize}') else: info = typeinfo[self.NAME] self.type_num = getattr(wrap, 'NPY_' + self.NAME) self.elsize = info.bits // 8 self.dtype = np.dtype(info.type) assert self.type_num == info.num self.type = info.type self.dtypechar = info.char def __repr__(self): return (f"Type({self.NAME})|type_num={self.type_num}," f" dtype={self.dtype}," f" type={self.type}, elsize={self.elsize}," f" dtypechar={self.dtypechar}") def cast_types(self): return [self.__class__(_m) for _m in _cast_dict[self.NAME]] def all_types(self): return [self.__class__(_m) for _m in _type_names] def smaller_types(self): bits = typeinfo[self.NAME].alignment types = [] for name in _type_names: if typeinfo[name].alignment < bits: types.append(Type(name)) return types def equal_types(self): bits = typeinfo[self.NAME].alignment types = [] for name in _type_names: if name == self.NAME: continue if typeinfo[name].alignment == bits: types.append(Type(name)) return types def larger_types(self): bits = typeinfo[self.NAME].alignment types = [] for name in _type_names: if typeinfo[name].alignment > bits: types.append(Type(name)) return types class Array: def __repr__(self): return (f'Array({self.type}, {self.dims}, {self.intent},' f' {self.obj})|arr={self.arr}') def __init__(self, typ, dims, intent, obj): self.type = typ self.dims = dims self.intent = intent self.obj_copy = copy.deepcopy(obj) self.obj = obj # arr.dtypechar may be different from typ.dtypechar self.arr = wrap.call(typ.type_num, typ.elsize, dims, intent.flags, obj) assert isinstance(self.arr, np.ndarray) self.arr_attr = wrap.array_attrs(self.arr) if len(dims) > 1: if self.intent.is_intent("c"): assert (intent.flags & wrap.F2PY_INTENT_C) assert not self.arr.flags["FORTRAN"] assert self.arr.flags["CONTIGUOUS"] assert (not self.arr_attr[6] & wrap.FORTRAN) else: assert (not intent.flags & wrap.F2PY_INTENT_C) assert self.arr.flags["FORTRAN"] assert not self.arr.flags["CONTIGUOUS"] assert (self.arr_attr[6] & wrap.FORTRAN) if obj is None: self.pyarr = None self.pyarr_attr = None return if intent.is_intent("cache"): assert isinstance(obj, np.ndarray), repr(type(obj)) self.pyarr = np.array(obj).reshape(*dims).copy() else: self.pyarr = np.array( np.array(obj, dtype=typ.dtypechar).reshape(*dims), order=self.intent.is_intent("c") and "C" or "F", ) assert self.pyarr.dtype == typ self.pyarr.setflags(write=self.arr.flags["WRITEABLE"]) assert self.pyarr.flags["OWNDATA"], (obj, intent) self.pyarr_attr = wrap.array_attrs(self.pyarr) if len(dims) > 1: if self.intent.is_intent("c"): assert not self.pyarr.flags["FORTRAN"] assert self.pyarr.flags["CONTIGUOUS"] assert (not self.pyarr_attr[6] & wrap.FORTRAN) else: assert self.pyarr.flags["FORTRAN"] assert not self.pyarr.flags["CONTIGUOUS"] assert (self.pyarr_attr[6] & wrap.FORTRAN) assert self.arr_attr[1] == self.pyarr_attr[1] # nd assert self.arr_attr[2] == self.pyarr_attr[2] # dimensions if self.arr_attr[1] <= 1: assert self.arr_attr[3] == self.pyarr_attr[3], repr(( self.arr_attr[3], self.pyarr_attr[3], self.arr.tobytes(), self.pyarr.tobytes(), )) # strides assert self.arr_attr[5][-2:] == self.pyarr_attr[5][-2:], repr(( self.arr_attr[5], self.pyarr_attr[5] )) # descr assert self.arr_attr[6] == self.pyarr_attr[6], repr(( self.arr_attr[6], self.pyarr_attr[6], flags2names(0 * self.arr_attr[6] - self.pyarr_attr[6]), flags2names(self.arr_attr[6]), intent, )) # flags if intent.is_intent("cache"): assert self.arr_attr[5][3] >= self.type.elsize else: assert self.arr_attr[5][3] == self.type.elsize assert (self.arr_equal(self.pyarr, self.arr)) if isinstance(self.obj, np.ndarray): if typ.elsize == Type(obj.dtype).elsize: if not intent.is_intent("copy") and self.arr_attr[1] <= 1: assert self.has_shared_memory() def arr_equal(self, arr1, arr2): if arr1.shape != arr2.shape: return False return (arr1 == arr2).all() def __str__(self): return str(self.arr) def has_shared_memory(self): """Check that created array shares data with input array.""" if self.obj is self.arr: return True if not isinstance(self.obj, np.ndarray): return False obj_attr = wrap.array_attrs(self.obj) return obj_attr[0] == self.arr_attr[0] class TestIntent: def test_in_out(self): assert str(intent.in_.out) == "intent(in,out)" assert intent.in_.c.is_intent("c") assert not intent.in_.c.is_intent_exact("c") assert intent.in_.c.is_intent_exact("c", "in") assert intent.in_.c.is_intent_exact("in", "c") assert not intent.in_.is_intent("c") class TestSharedMemory: @pytest.fixture(autouse=True, scope="class", params=_type_names) def setup_type(self, request): request.cls.type = Type(request.param) request.cls.array = lambda self, dims, intent, obj: Array( Type(request.param), dims, intent, obj) @property def num2seq(self): if self.type.NAME.startswith('STRING'): elsize = self.type.elsize return ['1' * elsize, '2' * elsize] return [1, 2] @property def num23seq(self): if self.type.NAME.startswith('STRING'): elsize = self.type.elsize return [['1' * elsize, '2' * elsize, '3' * elsize], ['4' * elsize, '5' * elsize, '6' * elsize]] return [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]] def test_in_from_2seq(self): a = self.array([2], intent.in_, self.num2seq) assert not a.has_shared_memory() def test_in_from_2casttype(self): for t in self.type.cast_types(): obj = np.array(self.num2seq, dtype=t.dtype) a = self.array([len(self.num2seq)], intent.in_, obj) if t.elsize == self.type.elsize: assert a.has_shared_memory(), repr((self.type.dtype, t.dtype)) else: assert not a.has_shared_memory() @pytest.mark.parametrize("write", ["w", "ro"]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("order", ["C", "F"]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("inp", ["2seq", "23seq"]) def test_in_nocopy(self, write, order, inp): """Test if intent(in) array can be passed without copies""" seq = getattr(self, "num" + inp) obj = np.array(seq, dtype=self.type.dtype, order=order) obj.setflags(write=(write == 'w')) a = self.array(obj.shape, ((order == 'C' and intent.in_.c) or intent.in_), obj) assert a.has_shared_memory() def test_inout_2seq(self): obj = np.array(self.num2seq, dtype=self.type.dtype) a = self.array([len(self.num2seq)], intent.inout, obj) assert a.has_shared_memory() try: a = self.array([2], intent.in_.inout, self.num2seq) except TypeError as msg: if not str(msg).startswith( "failed to initialize intent(inout|inplace|cache) array"): raise else: raise SystemError("intent(inout) should have failed on sequence") def test_f_inout_23seq(self): obj = np.array(self.num23seq, dtype=self.type.dtype, order="F") shape = (len(self.num23seq), len(self.num23seq[0])) a = self.array(shape, intent.in_.inout, obj) assert a.has_shared_memory() obj = np.array(self.num23seq, dtype=self.type.dtype, order="C") shape = (len(self.num23seq), len(self.num23seq[0])) try: a = self.array(shape, intent.in_.inout, obj) except ValueError as msg: if not str(msg).startswith( "failed to initialize intent(inout) array"): raise else: raise SystemError( "intent(inout) should have failed on improper array") def test_c_inout_23seq(self): obj = np.array(self.num23seq, dtype=self.type.dtype) shape = (len(self.num23seq), len(self.num23seq[0])) a = self.array(shape, intent.in_.c.inout, obj) assert a.has_shared_memory() def test_in_copy_from_2casttype(self): for t in self.type.cast_types(): obj = np.array(self.num2seq, dtype=t.dtype) a = self.array([len(self.num2seq)], intent.in_.copy, obj) assert not a.has_shared_memory() def test_c_in_from_23seq(self): a = self.array( [len(self.num23seq), len(self.num23seq[0])], intent.in_, self.num23seq) assert not a.has_shared_memory() def test_in_from_23casttype(self): for t in self.type.cast_types(): obj = np.array(self.num23seq, dtype=t.dtype) a = self.array( [len(self.num23seq), len(self.num23seq[0])], intent.in_, obj) assert not a.has_shared_memory() def test_f_in_from_23casttype(self): for t in self.type.cast_types(): obj = np.array(self.num23seq, dtype=t.dtype, order="F") a = self.array( [len(self.num23seq), len(self.num23seq[0])], intent.in_, obj) if t.elsize == self.type.elsize: assert a.has_shared_memory() else: assert not a.has_shared_memory() def test_c_in_from_23casttype(self): for t in self.type.cast_types(): obj = np.array(self.num23seq, dtype=t.dtype) a = self.array( [len(self.num23seq), len(self.num23seq[0])], intent.in_.c, obj) if t.elsize == self.type.elsize: assert a.has_shared_memory() else: assert not a.has_shared_memory() def test_f_copy_in_from_23casttype(self): for t in self.type.cast_types(): obj = np.array(self.num23seq, dtype=t.dtype, order="F") a = self.array( [len(self.num23seq), len(self.num23seq[0])], intent.in_.copy, obj) assert not a.has_shared_memory() def test_c_copy_in_from_23casttype(self): for t in self.type.cast_types(): obj = np.array(self.num23seq, dtype=t.dtype) a = self.array( [len(self.num23seq), len(self.num23seq[0])], intent.in_.c.copy, obj) assert not a.has_shared_memory() def test_in_cache_from_2casttype(self): for t in self.type.all_types(): if t.elsize != self.type.elsize: continue obj = np.array(self.num2seq, dtype=t.dtype) shape = (len(self.num2seq), ) a = self.array(shape, intent.in_.c.cache, obj) assert a.has_shared_memory() a = self.array(shape, intent.in_.cache, obj) assert a.has_shared_memory() obj = np.array(self.num2seq, dtype=t.dtype, order="F") a = self.array(shape, intent.in_.c.cache, obj) assert a.has_shared_memory() a = self.array(shape, intent.in_.cache, obj) assert a.has_shared_memory(), repr(t.dtype) try: a = self.array(shape, intent.in_.cache, obj[::-1]) except ValueError as msg: if not str(msg).startswith( "failed to initialize intent(cache) array"): raise else: raise SystemError( "intent(cache) should have failed on multisegmented array") def test_in_cache_from_2casttype_failure(self): for t in self.type.all_types(): if t.NAME == 'STRING': # string elsize is 0, so skipping the test continue if t.elsize >= self.type.elsize: continue obj = np.array(self.num2seq, dtype=t.dtype) shape = (len(self.num2seq), ) try: self.array(shape, intent.in_.cache, obj) # Should succeed except ValueError as msg: if not str(msg).startswith( "failed to initialize intent(cache) array"): raise else: raise SystemError( "intent(cache) should have failed on smaller array") def test_cache_hidden(self): shape = (2, ) a = self.array(shape, intent.cache.hide, None) assert a.arr.shape == shape shape = (2, 3) a = self.array(shape, intent.cache.hide, None) assert a.arr.shape == shape shape = (-1, 3) try: a = self.array(shape, intent.cache.hide, None) except ValueError as msg: if not str(msg).startswith( "failed to create intent(cache|hide)|optional array"): raise else: raise SystemError( "intent(cache) should have failed on undefined dimensions") def test_hidden(self): shape = (2, ) a = self.array(shape, intent.hide, None) assert a.arr.shape == shape assert a.arr_equal(a.arr, np.zeros(shape, dtype=self.type.dtype)) shape = (2, 3) a = self.array(shape, intent.hide, None) assert a.arr.shape == shape assert a.arr_equal(a.arr, np.zeros(shape, dtype=self.type.dtype)) assert a.arr.flags["FORTRAN"] and not a.arr.flags["CONTIGUOUS"] shape = (2, 3) a = self.array(shape, intent.c.hide, None) assert a.arr.shape == shape assert a.arr_equal(a.arr, np.zeros(shape, dtype=self.type.dtype)) assert not a.arr.flags["FORTRAN"] and a.arr.flags["CONTIGUOUS"] shape = (-1, 3) try: a = self.array(shape, intent.hide, None) except ValueError as msg: if not str(msg).startswith( "failed to create intent(cache|hide)|optional array"): raise else: raise SystemError( "intent(hide) should have failed on undefined dimensions") def test_optional_none(self): shape = (2, ) a = self.array(shape, intent.optional, None) assert a.arr.shape == shape assert a.arr_equal(a.arr, np.zeros(shape, dtype=self.type.dtype)) shape = (2, 3) a = self.array(shape, intent.optional, None) assert a.arr.shape == shape assert a.arr_equal(a.arr, np.zeros(shape, dtype=self.type.dtype)) assert a.arr.flags["FORTRAN"] and not a.arr.flags["CONTIGUOUS"] shape = (2, 3) a = self.array(shape, intent.c.optional, None) assert a.arr.shape == shape assert a.arr_equal(a.arr, np.zeros(shape, dtype=self.type.dtype)) assert not a.arr.flags["FORTRAN"] and a.arr.flags["CONTIGUOUS"] def test_optional_from_2seq(self): obj = self.num2seq shape = (len(obj), ) a = self.array(shape, intent.optional, obj) assert a.arr.shape == shape assert not a.has_shared_memory() def test_optional_from_23seq(self): obj = self.num23seq shape = (len(obj), len(obj[0])) a = self.array(shape, intent.optional, obj) assert a.arr.shape == shape assert not a.has_shared_memory() a = self.array(shape, intent.optional.c, obj) assert a.arr.shape == shape assert not a.has_shared_memory() def test_inplace(self): obj = np.array(self.num23seq, dtype=self.type.dtype) assert not obj.flags["FORTRAN"] and obj.flags["CONTIGUOUS"] shape = obj.shape a = self.array(shape, intent.inplace, obj) assert obj[1][2] == a.arr[1][2], repr((obj, a.arr)) a.arr[1][2] = 54 assert obj[1][2] == a.arr[1][2] == np.array(54, dtype=self.type.dtype) assert a.arr is obj assert obj.flags["FORTRAN"] # obj attributes are changed inplace! assert not obj.flags["CONTIGUOUS"] def test_inplace_from_casttype(self): for t in self.type.cast_types(): if t is self.type: continue obj = np.array(self.num23seq, dtype=t.dtype) assert obj.dtype.type == t.type assert obj.dtype.type is not self.type.type assert not obj.flags["FORTRAN"] and obj.flags["CONTIGUOUS"] shape = obj.shape a = self.array(shape, intent.inplace, obj) assert obj[1][2] == a.arr[1][2], repr((obj, a.arr)) a.arr[1][2] = 54 assert obj[1][2] == a.arr[1][2] == np.array(54, dtype=self.type.dtype) assert a.arr is obj assert obj.flags["FORTRAN"] # obj attributes changed inplace! assert not obj.flags["CONTIGUOUS"] assert obj.dtype.type is self.type.type # obj changed inplace!