Current Path : /opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/numpy/f2py/ |
Current File : //opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/numpy/f2py/rules.py |
#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ Rules for building C/API module with f2py2e. Here is a skeleton of a new wrapper function (13Dec2001): wrapper_function(args) declarations get_python_arguments, say, `a' and `b' get_a_from_python if (successful) { get_b_from_python if (successful) { callfortran if (successful) { put_a_to_python if (successful) { put_b_to_python if (successful) { buildvalue = ... } } } } cleanup_b } cleanup_a return buildvalue Copyright 1999,2000 Pearu Peterson all rights reserved, Pearu Peterson <pearu@ioc.ee> Permission to use, modify, and distribute this software is given under the terms of the NumPy License. NO WARRANTY IS EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. $Date: 2005/08/30 08:58:42 $ Pearu Peterson """ import os, sys import time import copy from pathlib import Path # __version__.version is now the same as the NumPy version from . import __version__ from .auxfuncs import ( applyrules, debugcapi, dictappend, errmess, gentitle, getargs2, hascallstatement, hasexternals, hasinitvalue, hasnote, hasresultnote, isarray, isarrayofstrings, ischaracter, ischaracterarray, ischaracter_or_characterarray, iscomplex, iscomplexarray, iscomplexfunction, iscomplexfunction_warn, isdummyroutine, isexternal, isfunction, isfunction_wrap, isint1, isint1array, isintent_aux, isintent_c, isintent_callback, isintent_copy, isintent_hide, isintent_inout, isintent_nothide, isintent_out, isintent_overwrite, islogical, islong_complex, islong_double, islong_doublefunction, islong_long, islong_longfunction, ismoduleroutine, isoptional, isrequired, isscalar, issigned_long_longarray, isstring, isstringarray, isstringfunction, issubroutine, isattr_value, issubroutine_wrap, isthreadsafe, isunsigned, isunsigned_char, isunsigned_chararray, isunsigned_long_long, isunsigned_long_longarray, isunsigned_short, isunsigned_shortarray, l_and, l_not, l_or, outmess, replace, stripcomma, requiresf90wrapper ) from . import capi_maps from . import cfuncs from . import common_rules from . import use_rules from . import f90mod_rules from . import func2subr f2py_version = __version__.version numpy_version = __version__.version options = {} sepdict = {} # for k in ['need_cfuncs']: sepdict[k]=',' for k in ['decl', 'frompyobj', 'cleanupfrompyobj', 'topyarr', 'method', 'pyobjfrom', 'closepyobjfrom', 'freemem', 'userincludes', 'includes0', 'includes', 'typedefs', 'typedefs_generated', 'cppmacros', 'cfuncs', 'callbacks', 'latexdoc', 'restdoc', 'routine_defs', 'externroutines', 'initf2pywraphooks', 'commonhooks', 'initcommonhooks', 'f90modhooks', 'initf90modhooks']: sepdict[k] = '\n' #################### Rules for C/API module ################# generationtime = int(os.environ.get('SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH', time.time())) module_rules = { 'modulebody': """\ /* File: #modulename#module.c * This file is auto-generated with f2py (version:#f2py_version#). * f2py is a Fortran to Python Interface Generator (FPIG), Second Edition, * written by Pearu Peterson <pearu@cens.ioc.ee>. * Generation date: """ + time.asctime(time.gmtime(generationtime)) + """ * Do not edit this file directly unless you know what you are doing!!! */ #ifdef __cplusplus extern \"C\" { #endif #ifndef PY_SSIZE_T_CLEAN #define PY_SSIZE_T_CLEAN #endif /* PY_SSIZE_T_CLEAN */ /* Unconditionally included */ #include <Python.h> #include <numpy/npy_os.h> """ + gentitle("See f2py2e/cfuncs.py: includes") + """ #includes# #includes0# """ + gentitle("See f2py2e/rules.py: mod_rules['modulebody']") + """ static PyObject *#modulename#_error; static PyObject *#modulename#_module; """ + gentitle("See f2py2e/cfuncs.py: typedefs") + """ #typedefs# """ + gentitle("See f2py2e/cfuncs.py: typedefs_generated") + """ #typedefs_generated# """ + gentitle("See f2py2e/cfuncs.py: cppmacros") + """ #cppmacros# """ + gentitle("See f2py2e/cfuncs.py: cfuncs") + """ #cfuncs# """ + gentitle("See f2py2e/cfuncs.py: userincludes") + """ #userincludes# """ + gentitle("See f2py2e/capi_rules.py: usercode") + """ #usercode# /* See f2py2e/rules.py */ #externroutines# """ + gentitle("See f2py2e/capi_rules.py: usercode1") + """ #usercode1# """ + gentitle("See f2py2e/cb_rules.py: buildcallback") + """ #callbacks# """ + gentitle("See f2py2e/rules.py: buildapi") + """ #body# """ + gentitle("See f2py2e/f90mod_rules.py: buildhooks") + """ #f90modhooks# """ + gentitle("See f2py2e/rules.py: module_rules['modulebody']") + """ """ + gentitle("See f2py2e/common_rules.py: buildhooks") + """ #commonhooks# """ + gentitle("See f2py2e/rules.py") + """ static FortranDataDef f2py_routine_defs[] = { #routine_defs# {NULL} }; static PyMethodDef f2py_module_methods[] = { #pymethoddef# {NULL,NULL} }; static struct PyModuleDef moduledef = { PyModuleDef_HEAD_INIT, "#modulename#", NULL, -1, f2py_module_methods, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }; PyMODINIT_FUNC PyInit_#modulename#(void) { int i; PyObject *m,*d, *s, *tmp; m = #modulename#_module = PyModule_Create(&moduledef); Py_SET_TYPE(&PyFortran_Type, &PyType_Type); import_array(); if (PyErr_Occurred()) {PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ImportError, \"can't initialize module #modulename# (failed to import numpy)\"); return m;} d = PyModule_GetDict(m); s = PyUnicode_FromString(\"#f2py_version#\"); PyDict_SetItemString(d, \"__version__\", s); Py_DECREF(s); s = PyUnicode_FromString( \"This module '#modulename#' is auto-generated with f2py (version:#f2py_version#).\\nFunctions:\\n\"\n#docs#\".\"); PyDict_SetItemString(d, \"__doc__\", s); Py_DECREF(s); s = PyUnicode_FromString(\"""" + numpy_version + """\"); PyDict_SetItemString(d, \"__f2py_numpy_version__\", s); Py_DECREF(s); #modulename#_error = PyErr_NewException (\"#modulename#.error\", NULL, NULL); /* * Store the error object inside the dict, so that it could get deallocated. * (in practice, this is a module, so it likely will not and cannot.) */ PyDict_SetItemString(d, \"_#modulename#_error\", #modulename#_error); Py_DECREF(#modulename#_error); for(i=0;f2py_routine_defs[i].name!=NULL;i++) { tmp = PyFortranObject_NewAsAttr(&f2py_routine_defs[i]); PyDict_SetItemString(d, f2py_routine_defs[i].name, tmp); Py_DECREF(tmp); } #initf2pywraphooks# #initf90modhooks# #initcommonhooks# #interface_usercode# #ifdef F2PY_REPORT_ATEXIT if (! PyErr_Occurred()) on_exit(f2py_report_on_exit,(void*)\"#modulename#\"); #endif return m; } #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif """, 'separatorsfor': {'latexdoc': '\n\n', 'restdoc': '\n\n'}, 'latexdoc': ['\\section{Module \\texttt{#texmodulename#}}\n', '#modnote#\n', '#latexdoc#'], 'restdoc': ['Module #modulename#\n' + '=' * 80, '\n#restdoc#'] } defmod_rules = [ {'body': '/*eof body*/', 'method': '/*eof method*/', 'externroutines': '/*eof externroutines*/', 'routine_defs': '/*eof routine_defs*/', 'initf90modhooks': '/*eof initf90modhooks*/', 'initf2pywraphooks': '/*eof initf2pywraphooks*/', 'initcommonhooks': '/*eof initcommonhooks*/', 'latexdoc': '', 'restdoc': '', 'modnote': {hasnote: '#note#', l_not(hasnote): ''}, } ] routine_rules = { 'separatorsfor': sepdict, 'body': """ #begintitle# static char doc_#apiname#[] = \"\\\n#docreturn##name#(#docsignatureshort#)\\n\\nWrapper for ``#name#``.\\\n\\n#docstrsigns#\"; /* #declfortranroutine# */ static PyObject *#apiname#(const PyObject *capi_self, PyObject *capi_args, PyObject *capi_keywds, #functype# (*f2py_func)(#callprotoargument#)) { PyObject * volatile capi_buildvalue = NULL; volatile int f2py_success = 1; #decl# static char *capi_kwlist[] = {#kwlist##kwlistopt##kwlistxa#NULL}; #usercode# #routdebugenter# #ifdef F2PY_REPORT_ATEXIT f2py_start_clock(); #endif if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(capi_args,capi_keywds,\\ \"#argformat#|#keyformat##xaformat#:#pyname#\",\\ capi_kwlist#args_capi##keys_capi##keys_xa#))\n return NULL; #frompyobj# /*end of frompyobj*/ #ifdef F2PY_REPORT_ATEXIT f2py_start_call_clock(); #endif #callfortranroutine# if (PyErr_Occurred()) f2py_success = 0; #ifdef F2PY_REPORT_ATEXIT f2py_stop_call_clock(); #endif /*end of callfortranroutine*/ if (f2py_success) { #pyobjfrom# /*end of pyobjfrom*/ CFUNCSMESS(\"Building return value.\\n\"); capi_buildvalue = Py_BuildValue(\"#returnformat#\"#return#); /*closepyobjfrom*/ #closepyobjfrom# } /*if (f2py_success) after callfortranroutine*/ /*cleanupfrompyobj*/ #cleanupfrompyobj# if (capi_buildvalue == NULL) { #routdebugfailure# } else { #routdebugleave# } CFUNCSMESS(\"Freeing memory.\\n\"); #freemem# #ifdef F2PY_REPORT_ATEXIT f2py_stop_clock(); #endif return capi_buildvalue; } #endtitle# """, 'routine_defs': '#routine_def#', 'initf2pywraphooks': '#initf2pywraphook#', 'externroutines': '#declfortranroutine#', 'doc': '#docreturn##name#(#docsignature#)', 'docshort': '#docreturn##name#(#docsignatureshort#)', 'docs': '" #docreturn##name#(#docsignature#)\\n"\n', 'need': ['arrayobject.h', 'CFUNCSMESS', 'MINMAX'], 'cppmacros': {debugcapi: '#define DEBUGCFUNCS'}, 'latexdoc': ['\\subsection{Wrapper function \\texttt{#texname#}}\n', """ \\noindent{{}\\verb@#docreturn##name#@{}}\\texttt{(#latexdocsignatureshort#)} #routnote# #latexdocstrsigns# """], 'restdoc': ['Wrapped function ``#name#``\n' + '-' * 80, ] } ################## Rules for C/API function ############## rout_rules = [ { # Init 'separatorsfor': {'callfortranroutine': '\n', 'routdebugenter': '\n', 'decl': '\n', 'routdebugleave': '\n', 'routdebugfailure': '\n', 'setjmpbuf': ' || ', 'docstrreq': '\n', 'docstropt': '\n', 'docstrout': '\n', 'docstrcbs': '\n', 'docstrsigns': '\\n"\n"', 'latexdocstrsigns': '\n', 'latexdocstrreq': '\n', 'latexdocstropt': '\n', 'latexdocstrout': '\n', 'latexdocstrcbs': '\n', }, 'kwlist': '', 'kwlistopt': '', 'callfortran': '', 'callfortranappend': '', 'docsign': '', 'docsignopt': '', 'decl': '/*decl*/', 'freemem': '/*freemem*/', 'docsignshort': '', 'docsignoptshort': '', 'docstrsigns': '', 'latexdocstrsigns': '', 'docstrreq': '\\nParameters\\n----------', 'docstropt': '\\nOther Parameters\\n----------------', 'docstrout': '\\nReturns\\n-------', 'docstrcbs': '\\nNotes\\n-----\\nCall-back functions::\\n', 'latexdocstrreq': '\\noindent Required arguments:', 'latexdocstropt': '\\noindent Optional arguments:', 'latexdocstrout': '\\noindent Return objects:', 'latexdocstrcbs': '\\noindent Call-back functions:', 'args_capi': '', 'keys_capi': '', 'functype': '', 'frompyobj': '/*frompyobj*/', # this list will be reversed 'cleanupfrompyobj': ['/*end of cleanupfrompyobj*/'], 'pyobjfrom': '/*pyobjfrom*/', # this list will be reversed 'closepyobjfrom': ['/*end of closepyobjfrom*/'], 'topyarr': '/*topyarr*/', 'routdebugleave': '/*routdebugleave*/', 'routdebugenter': '/*routdebugenter*/', 'routdebugfailure': '/*routdebugfailure*/', 'callfortranroutine': '/*callfortranroutine*/', 'argformat': '', 'keyformat': '', 'need_cfuncs': '', 'docreturn': '', 'return': '', 'returnformat': '', 'rformat': '', 'kwlistxa': '', 'keys_xa': '', 'xaformat': '', 'docsignxa': '', 'docsignxashort': '', 'initf2pywraphook': '', 'routnote': {hasnote: '--- #note#', l_not(hasnote): ''}, }, { 'apiname': 'f2py_rout_#modulename#_#name#', 'pyname': '#modulename#.#name#', 'decl': '', '_check': l_not(ismoduleroutine) }, { 'apiname': 'f2py_rout_#modulename#_#f90modulename#_#name#', 'pyname': '#modulename#.#f90modulename#.#name#', 'decl': '', '_check': ismoduleroutine }, { # Subroutine 'functype': 'void', 'declfortranroutine': {l_and(l_not(l_or(ismoduleroutine, isintent_c)), l_not(isdummyroutine)): 'extern void #F_FUNC#(#fortranname#,#FORTRANNAME#)(#callprotoargument#);', l_and(l_not(ismoduleroutine), isintent_c, l_not(isdummyroutine)): 'extern void #fortranname#(#callprotoargument#);', ismoduleroutine: '', isdummyroutine: '' }, 'routine_def': { l_not(l_or(ismoduleroutine, isintent_c, isdummyroutine)): ' {\"#name#\",-1,{{-1}},0,0,(char *)' ' #F_FUNC#(#fortranname#,#FORTRANNAME#),' ' (f2py_init_func)#apiname#,doc_#apiname#},', l_and(l_not(ismoduleroutine), isintent_c, l_not(isdummyroutine)): ' {\"#name#\",-1,{{-1}},0,0,(char *)#fortranname#,' ' (f2py_init_func)#apiname#,doc_#apiname#},', l_and(l_not(ismoduleroutine), isdummyroutine): ' {\"#name#\",-1,{{-1}},0,0,NULL,' ' (f2py_init_func)#apiname#,doc_#apiname#},', }, 'need': {l_and(l_not(l_or(ismoduleroutine, isintent_c)), l_not(isdummyroutine)): 'F_FUNC'}, 'callfortranroutine': [ {debugcapi: [ """ fprintf(stderr,\"debug-capi:Fortran subroutine `#fortranname#(#callfortran#)\'\\n\");"""]}, {hasexternals: """\ if (#setjmpbuf#) { f2py_success = 0; } else {"""}, {isthreadsafe: ' Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS'}, {hascallstatement: ''' #callstatement#; /*(*f2py_func)(#callfortran#);*/'''}, {l_not(l_or(hascallstatement, isdummyroutine)) : ' (*f2py_func)(#callfortran#);'}, {isthreadsafe: ' Py_END_ALLOW_THREADS'}, {hasexternals: """ }"""} ], '_check': l_and(issubroutine, l_not(issubroutine_wrap)), }, { # Wrapped function 'functype': 'void', 'declfortranroutine': {l_not(l_or(ismoduleroutine, isdummyroutine)): 'extern void #F_WRAPPEDFUNC#(#name_lower#,#NAME#)(#callprotoargument#);', isdummyroutine: '', }, 'routine_def': { l_not(l_or(ismoduleroutine, isdummyroutine)): ' {\"#name#\",-1,{{-1}},0,0,(char *)' ' #F_WRAPPEDFUNC#(#name_lower#,#NAME#),' ' (f2py_init_func)#apiname#,doc_#apiname#},', isdummyroutine: ' {\"#name#\",-1,{{-1}},0,0,NULL,' ' (f2py_init_func)#apiname#,doc_#apiname#},', }, 'initf2pywraphook': {l_not(l_or(ismoduleroutine, isdummyroutine)): ''' { extern #ctype# #F_FUNC#(#name_lower#,#NAME#)(void); PyObject* o = PyDict_GetItemString(d,"#name#"); tmp = F2PyCapsule_FromVoidPtr((void*)#F_FUNC#(#name_lower#,#NAME#),NULL); PyObject_SetAttrString(o,"_cpointer", tmp); Py_DECREF(tmp); s = PyUnicode_FromString("#name#"); PyObject_SetAttrString(o,"__name__", s); Py_DECREF(s); } '''}, 'need': {l_not(l_or(ismoduleroutine, isdummyroutine)): ['F_WRAPPEDFUNC', 'F_FUNC']}, 'callfortranroutine': [ {debugcapi: [ """ fprintf(stderr,\"debug-capi:Fortran subroutine `f2pywrap#name_lower#(#callfortran#)\'\\n\");"""]}, {hasexternals: """\ if (#setjmpbuf#) { f2py_success = 0; } else {"""}, {isthreadsafe: ' Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS'}, {l_not(l_or(hascallstatement, isdummyroutine)) : ' (*f2py_func)(#callfortran#);'}, {hascallstatement: ' #callstatement#;\n /*(*f2py_func)(#callfortran#);*/'}, {isthreadsafe: ' Py_END_ALLOW_THREADS'}, {hasexternals: ' }'} ], '_check': isfunction_wrap, }, { # Wrapped subroutine 'functype': 'void', 'declfortranroutine': {l_not(l_or(ismoduleroutine, isdummyroutine)): 'extern void #F_WRAPPEDFUNC#(#name_lower#,#NAME#)(#callprotoargument#);', isdummyroutine: '', }, 'routine_def': { l_not(l_or(ismoduleroutine, isdummyroutine)): ' {\"#name#\",-1,{{-1}},0,0,(char *)' ' #F_WRAPPEDFUNC#(#name_lower#,#NAME#),' ' (f2py_init_func)#apiname#,doc_#apiname#},', isdummyroutine: ' {\"#name#\",-1,{{-1}},0,0,NULL,' ' (f2py_init_func)#apiname#,doc_#apiname#},', }, 'initf2pywraphook': {l_not(l_or(ismoduleroutine, isdummyroutine)): ''' { extern void #F_FUNC#(#name_lower#,#NAME#)(void); PyObject* o = PyDict_GetItemString(d,"#name#"); tmp = F2PyCapsule_FromVoidPtr((void*)#F_FUNC#(#name_lower#,#NAME#),NULL); PyObject_SetAttrString(o,"_cpointer", tmp); Py_DECREF(tmp); s = PyUnicode_FromString("#name#"); PyObject_SetAttrString(o,"__name__", s); Py_DECREF(s); } '''}, 'need': {l_not(l_or(ismoduleroutine, isdummyroutine)): ['F_WRAPPEDFUNC', 'F_FUNC']}, 'callfortranroutine': [ {debugcapi: [ """ fprintf(stderr,\"debug-capi:Fortran subroutine `f2pywrap#name_lower#(#callfortran#)\'\\n\");"""]}, {hasexternals: """\ if (#setjmpbuf#) { f2py_success = 0; } else {"""}, {isthreadsafe: ' Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS'}, {l_not(l_or(hascallstatement, isdummyroutine)) : ' (*f2py_func)(#callfortran#);'}, {hascallstatement: ' #callstatement#;\n /*(*f2py_func)(#callfortran#);*/'}, {isthreadsafe: ' Py_END_ALLOW_THREADS'}, {hasexternals: ' }'} ], '_check': issubroutine_wrap, }, { # Function 'functype': '#ctype#', 'docreturn': {l_not(isintent_hide): '#rname#,'}, 'docstrout': '#pydocsignout#', 'latexdocstrout': ['\\item[]{{}\\verb@#pydocsignout#@{}}', {hasresultnote: '--- #resultnote#'}], 'callfortranroutine': [{l_and(debugcapi, isstringfunction): """\ #ifdef USESCOMPAQFORTRAN fprintf(stderr,\"debug-capi:Fortran function #ctype# #fortranname#(#callcompaqfortran#)\\n\"); #else fprintf(stderr,\"debug-capi:Fortran function #ctype# #fortranname#(#callfortran#)\\n\"); #endif """}, {l_and(debugcapi, l_not(isstringfunction)): """\ fprintf(stderr,\"debug-capi:Fortran function #ctype# #fortranname#(#callfortran#)\\n\"); """} ], '_check': l_and(isfunction, l_not(isfunction_wrap)) }, { # Scalar function 'declfortranroutine': {l_and(l_not(l_or(ismoduleroutine, isintent_c)), l_not(isdummyroutine)): 'extern #ctype# #F_FUNC#(#fortranname#,#FORTRANNAME#)(#callprotoargument#);', l_and(l_not(ismoduleroutine), isintent_c, l_not(isdummyroutine)): 'extern #ctype# #fortranname#(#callprotoargument#);', isdummyroutine: '' }, 'routine_def': { l_and(l_not(l_or(ismoduleroutine, isintent_c)), l_not(isdummyroutine)): (' {\"#name#\",-1,{{-1}},0,0,(char *)' ' #F_FUNC#(#fortranname#,#FORTRANNAME#),' ' (f2py_init_func)#apiname#,doc_#apiname#},'), l_and(l_not(ismoduleroutine), isintent_c, l_not(isdummyroutine)): (' {\"#name#\",-1,{{-1}},0,0,(char *)#fortranname#,' ' (f2py_init_func)#apiname#,doc_#apiname#},'), isdummyroutine: ' {\"#name#\",-1,{{-1}},0,0,NULL,' '(f2py_init_func)#apiname#,doc_#apiname#},', }, 'decl': [{iscomplexfunction_warn: ' #ctype# #name#_return_value={0,0};', l_not(iscomplexfunction): ' #ctype# #name#_return_value=0;'}, {iscomplexfunction: ' PyObject *#name#_return_value_capi = Py_None;'} ], 'callfortranroutine': [ {hasexternals: """\ if (#setjmpbuf#) { f2py_success = 0; } else {"""}, {isthreadsafe: ' Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS'}, {hascallstatement: ''' #callstatement#; /* #name#_return_value = (*f2py_func)(#callfortran#);*/ '''}, {l_not(l_or(hascallstatement, isdummyroutine)) : ' #name#_return_value = (*f2py_func)(#callfortran#);'}, {isthreadsafe: ' Py_END_ALLOW_THREADS'}, {hasexternals: ' }'}, {l_and(debugcapi, iscomplexfunction) : ' fprintf(stderr,"#routdebugshowvalue#\\n",#name#_return_value.r,#name#_return_value.i);'}, {l_and(debugcapi, l_not(iscomplexfunction)): ' fprintf(stderr,"#routdebugshowvalue#\\n",#name#_return_value);'}], 'pyobjfrom': {iscomplexfunction: ' #name#_return_value_capi = pyobj_from_#ctype#1(#name#_return_value);'}, 'need': [{l_not(isdummyroutine): 'F_FUNC'}, {iscomplexfunction: 'pyobj_from_#ctype#1'}, {islong_longfunction: 'long_long'}, {islong_doublefunction: 'long_double'}], 'returnformat': {l_not(isintent_hide): '#rformat#'}, 'return': {iscomplexfunction: ',#name#_return_value_capi', l_not(l_or(iscomplexfunction, isintent_hide)): ',#name#_return_value'}, '_check': l_and(isfunction, l_not(isstringfunction), l_not(isfunction_wrap)) }, { # String function # in use for --no-wrap 'declfortranroutine': 'extern void #F_FUNC#(#fortranname#,#FORTRANNAME#)(#callprotoargument#);', 'routine_def': {l_not(l_or(ismoduleroutine, isintent_c)): ' {\"#name#\",-1,{{-1}},0,0,(char *)#F_FUNC#(#fortranname#,#FORTRANNAME#),(f2py_init_func)#apiname#,doc_#apiname#},', l_and(l_not(ismoduleroutine), isintent_c): ' {\"#name#\",-1,{{-1}},0,0,(char *)#fortranname#,(f2py_init_func)#apiname#,doc_#apiname#},' }, 'decl': [' #ctype# #name#_return_value = NULL;', ' int #name#_return_value_len = 0;'], 'callfortran':'#name#_return_value,#name#_return_value_len,', 'callfortranroutine':[' #name#_return_value_len = #rlength#;', ' if ((#name#_return_value = (string)malloc(' + '#name#_return_value_len+1) == NULL) {', ' PyErr_SetString(PyExc_MemoryError, \"out of memory\");', ' f2py_success = 0;', ' } else {', " (#name#_return_value)[#name#_return_value_len] = '\\0';", ' }', ' if (f2py_success) {', {hasexternals: """\ if (#setjmpbuf#) { f2py_success = 0; } else {"""}, {isthreadsafe: ' Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS'}, """\ #ifdef USESCOMPAQFORTRAN (*f2py_func)(#callcompaqfortran#); #else (*f2py_func)(#callfortran#); #endif """, {isthreadsafe: ' Py_END_ALLOW_THREADS'}, {hasexternals: ' }'}, {debugcapi: ' fprintf(stderr,"#routdebugshowvalue#\\n",#name#_return_value_len,#name#_return_value);'}, ' } /* if (f2py_success) after (string)malloc */', ], 'returnformat': '#rformat#', 'return': ',#name#_return_value', 'freemem': ' STRINGFREE(#name#_return_value);', 'need': ['F_FUNC', '#ctype#', 'STRINGFREE'], '_check':l_and(isstringfunction, l_not(isfunction_wrap)) # ???obsolete }, { # Debugging 'routdebugenter': ' fprintf(stderr,"debug-capi:Python C/API function #modulename#.#name#(#docsignature#)\\n");', 'routdebugleave': ' fprintf(stderr,"debug-capi:Python C/API function #modulename#.#name#: successful.\\n");', 'routdebugfailure': ' fprintf(stderr,"debug-capi:Python C/API function #modulename#.#name#: failure.\\n");', '_check': debugcapi } ] ################ Rules for arguments ################## typedef_need_dict = {islong_long: 'long_long', islong_double: 'long_double', islong_complex: 'complex_long_double', isunsigned_char: 'unsigned_char', isunsigned_short: 'unsigned_short', isunsigned: 'unsigned', isunsigned_long_long: 'unsigned_long_long', isunsigned_chararray: 'unsigned_char', isunsigned_shortarray: 'unsigned_short', isunsigned_long_longarray: 'unsigned_long_long', issigned_long_longarray: 'long_long', isint1: 'signed_char', ischaracter_or_characterarray: 'character', } aux_rules = [ { 'separatorsfor': sepdict }, { # Common 'frompyobj': [' /* Processing auxiliary variable #varname# */', {debugcapi: ' fprintf(stderr,"#vardebuginfo#\\n");'}, ], 'cleanupfrompyobj': ' /* End of cleaning variable #varname# */', 'need': typedef_need_dict, }, # Scalars (not complex) { # Common 'decl': ' #ctype# #varname# = 0;', 'need': {hasinitvalue: 'math.h'}, 'frompyobj': {hasinitvalue: ' #varname# = #init#;'}, '_check': l_and(isscalar, l_not(iscomplex)), }, { 'return': ',#varname#', 'docstrout': '#pydocsignout#', 'docreturn': '#outvarname#,', 'returnformat': '#varrformat#', '_check': l_and(isscalar, l_not(iscomplex), isintent_out), }, # Complex scalars { # Common 'decl': ' #ctype# #varname#;', 'frompyobj': {hasinitvalue: ' #varname#.r = #init.r#, #varname#.i = #init.i#;'}, '_check': iscomplex }, # String { # Common 'decl': [' #ctype# #varname# = NULL;', ' int slen(#varname#);', ], 'need':['len..'], '_check':isstring }, # Array { # Common 'decl': [' #ctype# *#varname# = NULL;', ' npy_intp #varname#_Dims[#rank#] = {#rank*[-1]#};', ' const int #varname#_Rank = #rank#;', ], 'need':['len..', {hasinitvalue: 'forcomb'}, {hasinitvalue: 'CFUNCSMESS'}], '_check': isarray }, # Scalararray { # Common '_check': l_and(isarray, l_not(iscomplexarray)) }, { # Not hidden '_check': l_and(isarray, l_not(iscomplexarray), isintent_nothide) }, # Integer*1 array {'need': '#ctype#', '_check': isint1array, '_depend': '' }, # Integer*-1 array {'need': '#ctype#', '_check': l_or(isunsigned_chararray, isunsigned_char), '_depend': '' }, # Integer*-2 array {'need': '#ctype#', '_check': isunsigned_shortarray, '_depend': '' }, # Integer*-8 array {'need': '#ctype#', '_check': isunsigned_long_longarray, '_depend': '' }, # Complexarray {'need': '#ctype#', '_check': iscomplexarray, '_depend': '' }, # Stringarray { 'callfortranappend': {isarrayofstrings: 'flen(#varname#),'}, 'need': 'string', '_check': isstringarray } ] arg_rules = [ { 'separatorsfor': sepdict }, { # Common 'frompyobj': [' /* Processing variable #varname# */', {debugcapi: ' fprintf(stderr,"#vardebuginfo#\\n");'}, ], 'cleanupfrompyobj': ' /* End of cleaning variable #varname# */', '_depend': '', 'need': typedef_need_dict, }, # Doc signatures { 'docstropt': {l_and(isoptional, isintent_nothide): '#pydocsign#'}, 'docstrreq': {l_and(isrequired, isintent_nothide): '#pydocsign#'}, 'docstrout': {isintent_out: '#pydocsignout#'}, 'latexdocstropt': {l_and(isoptional, isintent_nothide): ['\\item[]{{}\\verb@#pydocsign#@{}}', {hasnote: '--- #note#'}]}, 'latexdocstrreq': {l_and(isrequired, isintent_nothide): ['\\item[]{{}\\verb@#pydocsign#@{}}', {hasnote: '--- #note#'}]}, 'latexdocstrout': {isintent_out: ['\\item[]{{}\\verb@#pydocsignout#@{}}', {l_and(hasnote, isintent_hide): '--- #note#', l_and(hasnote, isintent_nothide): '--- See above.'}]}, 'depend': '' }, # Required/Optional arguments { 'kwlist': '"#varname#",', 'docsign': '#varname#,', '_check': l_and(isintent_nothide, l_not(isoptional)) }, { 'kwlistopt': '"#varname#",', 'docsignopt': '#varname#=#showinit#,', 'docsignoptshort': '#varname#,', '_check': l_and(isintent_nothide, isoptional) }, # Docstring/BuildValue { 'docreturn': '#outvarname#,', 'returnformat': '#varrformat#', '_check': isintent_out }, # Externals (call-back functions) { # Common 'docsignxa': {isintent_nothide: '#varname#_extra_args=(),'}, 'docsignxashort': {isintent_nothide: '#varname#_extra_args,'}, 'docstropt': {isintent_nothide: '#varname#_extra_args : input tuple, optional\\n Default: ()'}, 'docstrcbs': '#cbdocstr#', 'latexdocstrcbs': '\\item[] #cblatexdocstr#', 'latexdocstropt': {isintent_nothide: '\\item[]{{}\\verb@#varname#_extra_args := () input tuple@{}} --- Extra arguments for call-back function {{}\\verb@#varname#@{}}.'}, 'decl': [' #cbname#_t #varname#_cb = { Py_None, NULL, 0 };', ' #cbname#_t *#varname#_cb_ptr = &#varname#_cb;', ' PyTupleObject *#varname#_xa_capi = NULL;', {l_not(isintent_callback): ' #cbname#_typedef #varname#_cptr;'} ], 'kwlistxa': {isintent_nothide: '"#varname#_extra_args",'}, 'argformat': {isrequired: 'O'}, 'keyformat': {isoptional: 'O'}, 'xaformat': {isintent_nothide: 'O!'}, 'args_capi': {isrequired: ',&#varname#_cb.capi'}, 'keys_capi': {isoptional: ',&#varname#_cb.capi'}, 'keys_xa': ',&PyTuple_Type,&#varname#_xa_capi', 'setjmpbuf': '(setjmp(#varname#_cb.jmpbuf))', 'callfortran': {l_not(isintent_callback): '#varname#_cptr,'}, 'need': ['#cbname#', 'setjmp.h'], '_check':isexternal }, { 'frompyobj': [{l_not(isintent_callback): """\ if(F2PyCapsule_Check(#varname#_cb.capi)) { #varname#_cptr = F2PyCapsule_AsVoidPtr(#varname#_cb.capi); } else { #varname#_cptr = #cbname#; } """}, {isintent_callback: """\ if (#varname#_cb.capi==Py_None) { #varname#_cb.capi = PyObject_GetAttrString(#modulename#_module,\"#varname#\"); if (#varname#_cb.capi) { if (#varname#_xa_capi==NULL) { if (PyObject_HasAttrString(#modulename#_module,\"#varname#_extra_args\")) { PyObject* capi_tmp = PyObject_GetAttrString(#modulename#_module,\"#varname#_extra_args\"); if (capi_tmp) { #varname#_xa_capi = (PyTupleObject *)PySequence_Tuple(capi_tmp); Py_DECREF(capi_tmp); } else { #varname#_xa_capi = (PyTupleObject *)Py_BuildValue(\"()\"); } if (#varname#_xa_capi==NULL) { PyErr_SetString(#modulename#_error,\"Failed to convert #modulename#.#varname#_extra_args to tuple.\\n\"); return NULL; } } } } if (#varname#_cb.capi==NULL) { PyErr_SetString(#modulename#_error,\"Callback #varname# not defined (as an argument or module #modulename# attribute).\\n\"); return NULL; } } """}, """\ if (create_cb_arglist(#varname#_cb.capi,#varname#_xa_capi,#maxnofargs#,#nofoptargs#,&#varname#_cb.nofargs,&#varname#_cb.args_capi,\"failed in processing argument list for call-back #varname#.\")) { """, {debugcapi: ["""\ fprintf(stderr,\"debug-capi:Assuming %d arguments; at most #maxnofargs#(-#nofoptargs#) is expected.\\n\",#varname#_cb.nofargs); CFUNCSMESSPY(\"for #varname#=\",#varname#_cb.capi);""", {l_not(isintent_callback): """ fprintf(stderr,\"#vardebugshowvalue# (call-back in C).\\n\",#cbname#);"""}]}, """\ CFUNCSMESS(\"Saving callback variables for `#varname#`.\\n\"); #varname#_cb_ptr = swap_active_#cbname#(#varname#_cb_ptr);""", ], 'cleanupfrompyobj': """\ CFUNCSMESS(\"Restoring callback variables for `#varname#`.\\n\"); #varname#_cb_ptr = swap_active_#cbname#(#varname#_cb_ptr); Py_DECREF(#varname#_cb.args_capi); }""", 'need': ['SWAP', 'create_cb_arglist'], '_check':isexternal, '_depend':'' }, # Scalars (not complex) { # Common 'decl': ' #ctype# #varname# = 0;', 'pyobjfrom': {debugcapi: ' fprintf(stderr,"#vardebugshowvalue#\\n",#varname#);'}, 'callfortran': {l_or(isintent_c, isattr_value): '#varname#,', l_not(l_or(isintent_c, isattr_value)): '&#varname#,'}, 'return': {isintent_out: ',#varname#'}, '_check': l_and(isscalar, l_not(iscomplex)) }, { 'need': {hasinitvalue: 'math.h'}, '_check': l_and(isscalar, l_not(iscomplex)), }, { # Not hidden 'decl': ' PyObject *#varname#_capi = Py_None;', 'argformat': {isrequired: 'O'}, 'keyformat': {isoptional: 'O'}, 'args_capi': {isrequired: ',&#varname#_capi'}, 'keys_capi': {isoptional: ',&#varname#_capi'}, 'pyobjfrom': {isintent_inout: """\ f2py_success = try_pyarr_from_#ctype#(#varname#_capi,&#varname#); if (f2py_success) {"""}, 'closepyobjfrom': {isintent_inout: " } /*if (f2py_success) of #varname# pyobjfrom*/"}, 'need': {isintent_inout: 'try_pyarr_from_#ctype#'}, '_check': l_and(isscalar, l_not(iscomplex), l_not(isstring), isintent_nothide) }, { 'frompyobj': [ # hasinitvalue... # if pyobj is None: # varname = init # else # from_pyobj(varname) # # isoptional and noinitvalue... # if pyobj is not None: # from_pyobj(varname) # else: # varname is uninitialized # # ... # from_pyobj(varname) # {hasinitvalue: ' if (#varname#_capi == Py_None) #varname# = #init#; else', '_depend': ''}, {l_and(isoptional, l_not(hasinitvalue)): ' if (#varname#_capi != Py_None)', '_depend': ''}, {l_not(islogical): '''\ f2py_success = #ctype#_from_pyobj(&#varname#,#varname#_capi,"#pyname#() #nth# (#varname#) can\'t be converted to #ctype#"); if (f2py_success) {'''}, {islogical: '''\ #varname# = (#ctype#)PyObject_IsTrue(#varname#_capi); f2py_success = 1; if (f2py_success) {'''}, ], 'cleanupfrompyobj': ' } /*if (f2py_success) of #varname#*/', 'need': {l_not(islogical): '#ctype#_from_pyobj'}, '_check': l_and(isscalar, l_not(iscomplex), isintent_nothide), '_depend': '' }, { # Hidden 'frompyobj': {hasinitvalue: ' #varname# = #init#;'}, 'need': typedef_need_dict, '_check': l_and(isscalar, l_not(iscomplex), isintent_hide), '_depend': '' }, { # Common 'frompyobj': {debugcapi: ' fprintf(stderr,"#vardebugshowvalue#\\n",#varname#);'}, '_check': l_and(isscalar, l_not(iscomplex)), '_depend': '' }, # Complex scalars { # Common 'decl': ' #ctype# #varname#;', 'callfortran': {isintent_c: '#varname#,', l_not(isintent_c): '&#varname#,'}, 'pyobjfrom': {debugcapi: ' fprintf(stderr,"#vardebugshowvalue#\\n",#varname#.r,#varname#.i);'}, 'return': {isintent_out: ',#varname#_capi'}, '_check': iscomplex }, { # Not hidden 'decl': ' PyObject *#varname#_capi = Py_None;', 'argformat': {isrequired: 'O'}, 'keyformat': {isoptional: 'O'}, 'args_capi': {isrequired: ',&#varname#_capi'}, 'keys_capi': {isoptional: ',&#varname#_capi'}, 'need': {isintent_inout: 'try_pyarr_from_#ctype#'}, 'pyobjfrom': {isintent_inout: """\ f2py_success = try_pyarr_from_#ctype#(#varname#_capi,&#varname#); if (f2py_success) {"""}, 'closepyobjfrom': {isintent_inout: " } /*if (f2py_success) of #varname# pyobjfrom*/"}, '_check': l_and(iscomplex, isintent_nothide) }, { 'frompyobj': [{hasinitvalue: ' if (#varname#_capi==Py_None) {#varname#.r = #init.r#, #varname#.i = #init.i#;} else'}, {l_and(isoptional, l_not(hasinitvalue)) : ' if (#varname#_capi != Py_None)'}, ' f2py_success = #ctype#_from_pyobj(&#varname#,#varname#_capi,"#pyname#() #nth# (#varname#) can\'t be converted to #ctype#");' '\n if (f2py_success) {'], 'cleanupfrompyobj': ' } /*if (f2py_success) of #varname# frompyobj*/', 'need': ['#ctype#_from_pyobj'], '_check': l_and(iscomplex, isintent_nothide), '_depend': '' }, { # Hidden 'decl': {isintent_out: ' PyObject *#varname#_capi = Py_None;'}, '_check': l_and(iscomplex, isintent_hide) }, { 'frompyobj': {hasinitvalue: ' #varname#.r = #init.r#, #varname#.i = #init.i#;'}, '_check': l_and(iscomplex, isintent_hide), '_depend': '' }, { # Common 'pyobjfrom': {isintent_out: ' #varname#_capi = pyobj_from_#ctype#1(#varname#);'}, 'need': ['pyobj_from_#ctype#1'], '_check': iscomplex }, { 'frompyobj': {debugcapi: ' fprintf(stderr,"#vardebugshowvalue#\\n",#varname#.r,#varname#.i);'}, '_check': iscomplex, '_depend': '' }, # String { # Common 'decl': [' #ctype# #varname# = NULL;', ' int slen(#varname#);', ' PyObject *#varname#_capi = Py_None;'], 'callfortran':'#varname#,', 'callfortranappend':'slen(#varname#),', 'pyobjfrom':[ {debugcapi: ' fprintf(stderr,' '"#vardebugshowvalue#\\n",slen(#varname#),#varname#);'}, # The trailing null value for Fortran is blank. {l_and(isintent_out, l_not(isintent_c)): " STRINGPADN(#varname#, slen(#varname#), ' ', '\\0');"}, ], 'return': {isintent_out: ',#varname#'}, 'need': ['len..', {l_and(isintent_out, l_not(isintent_c)): 'STRINGPADN'}], '_check': isstring }, { # Common 'frompyobj': [ """\ slen(#varname#) = #elsize#; f2py_success = #ctype#_from_pyobj(&#varname#,&slen(#varname#),#init#,""" """#varname#_capi,\"#ctype#_from_pyobj failed in converting #nth#""" """`#varname#\' of #pyname# to C #ctype#\"); if (f2py_success) {""", # The trailing null value for Fortran is blank. {l_not(isintent_c): " STRINGPADN(#varname#, slen(#varname#), '\\0', ' ');"}, ], 'cleanupfrompyobj': """\ STRINGFREE(#varname#); } /*if (f2py_success) of #varname#*/""", 'need': ['#ctype#_from_pyobj', 'len..', 'STRINGFREE', {l_not(isintent_c): 'STRINGPADN'}], '_check':isstring, '_depend':'' }, { # Not hidden 'argformat': {isrequired: 'O'}, 'keyformat': {isoptional: 'O'}, 'args_capi': {isrequired: ',&#varname#_capi'}, 'keys_capi': {isoptional: ',&#varname#_capi'}, 'pyobjfrom': [ {l_and(isintent_inout, l_not(isintent_c)): " STRINGPADN(#varname#, slen(#varname#), ' ', '\\0');"}, {isintent_inout: '''\ f2py_success = try_pyarr_from_#ctype#(#varname#_capi, #varname#, slen(#varname#)); if (f2py_success) {'''}], 'closepyobjfrom': {isintent_inout: ' } /*if (f2py_success) of #varname# pyobjfrom*/'}, 'need': {isintent_inout: 'try_pyarr_from_#ctype#', l_and(isintent_inout, l_not(isintent_c)): 'STRINGPADN'}, '_check': l_and(isstring, isintent_nothide) }, { # Hidden '_check': l_and(isstring, isintent_hide) }, { 'frompyobj': {debugcapi: ' fprintf(stderr,"#vardebugshowvalue#\\n",slen(#varname#),#varname#);'}, '_check': isstring, '_depend': '' }, # Array { # Common 'decl': [' #ctype# *#varname# = NULL;', ' npy_intp #varname#_Dims[#rank#] = {#rank*[-1]#};', ' const int #varname#_Rank = #rank#;', ' PyArrayObject *capi_#varname#_as_array = NULL;', ' int capi_#varname#_intent = 0;', {isstringarray: ' int slen(#varname#) = 0;'}, ], 'callfortran':'#varname#,', 'callfortranappend': {isstringarray: 'slen(#varname#),'}, 'return': {isintent_out: ',capi_#varname#_as_array'}, 'need': 'len..', '_check': isarray }, { # intent(overwrite) array 'decl': ' int capi_overwrite_#varname# = 1;', 'kwlistxa': '"overwrite_#varname#",', 'xaformat': 'i', 'keys_xa': ',&capi_overwrite_#varname#', 'docsignxa': 'overwrite_#varname#=1,', 'docsignxashort': 'overwrite_#varname#,', 'docstropt': 'overwrite_#varname# : input int, optional\\n Default: 1', '_check': l_and(isarray, isintent_overwrite), }, { 'frompyobj': ' capi_#varname#_intent |= (capi_overwrite_#varname#?0:F2PY_INTENT_COPY);', '_check': l_and(isarray, isintent_overwrite), '_depend': '', }, { # intent(copy) array 'decl': ' int capi_overwrite_#varname# = 0;', 'kwlistxa': '"overwrite_#varname#",', 'xaformat': 'i', 'keys_xa': ',&capi_overwrite_#varname#', 'docsignxa': 'overwrite_#varname#=0,', 'docsignxashort': 'overwrite_#varname#,', 'docstropt': 'overwrite_#varname# : input int, optional\\n Default: 0', '_check': l_and(isarray, isintent_copy), }, { 'frompyobj': ' capi_#varname#_intent |= (capi_overwrite_#varname#?0:F2PY_INTENT_COPY);', '_check': l_and(isarray, isintent_copy), '_depend': '', }, { 'need': [{hasinitvalue: 'forcomb'}, {hasinitvalue: 'CFUNCSMESS'}], '_check': isarray, '_depend': '' }, { # Not hidden 'decl': ' PyObject *#varname#_capi = Py_None;', 'argformat': {isrequired: 'O'}, 'keyformat': {isoptional: 'O'}, 'args_capi': {isrequired: ',&#varname#_capi'}, 'keys_capi': {isoptional: ',&#varname#_capi'}, '_check': l_and(isarray, isintent_nothide) }, { 'frompyobj': [ ' #setdims#;', ' capi_#varname#_intent |= #intent#;', (' const char * capi_errmess = "#modulename#.#pyname#:' ' failed to create array from the #nth# `#varname#`";'), {isintent_hide: ' capi_#varname#_as_array = ndarray_from_pyobj(' ' #atype#,#elsize#,#varname#_Dims,#varname#_Rank,' ' capi_#varname#_intent,Py_None,capi_errmess);'}, {isintent_nothide: ' capi_#varname#_as_array = ndarray_from_pyobj(' ' #atype#,#elsize#,#varname#_Dims,#varname#_Rank,' ' capi_#varname#_intent,#varname#_capi,capi_errmess);'}, """\ if (capi_#varname#_as_array == NULL) { PyObject* capi_err = PyErr_Occurred(); if (capi_err == NULL) { capi_err = #modulename#_error; PyErr_SetString(capi_err, capi_errmess); } } else { #varname# = (#ctype# *)(PyArray_DATA(capi_#varname#_as_array)); """, {isstringarray: ' slen(#varname#) = f2py_itemsize(#varname#);'}, {hasinitvalue: [ {isintent_nothide: ' if (#varname#_capi == Py_None) {'}, {isintent_hide: ' {'}, {iscomplexarray: ' #ctype# capi_c;'}, """\ int *_i,capi_i=0; CFUNCSMESS(\"#name#: Initializing #varname#=#init#\\n\"); if (initforcomb(PyArray_DIMS(capi_#varname#_as_array), PyArray_NDIM(capi_#varname#_as_array),1)) { while ((_i = nextforcomb())) #varname#[capi_i++] = #init#; /* fortran way */ } else { PyObject *exc, *val, *tb; PyErr_Fetch(&exc, &val, &tb); PyErr_SetString(exc ? exc : #modulename#_error, \"Initialization of #nth# #varname# failed (initforcomb).\"); npy_PyErr_ChainExceptionsCause(exc, val, tb); f2py_success = 0; } } if (f2py_success) {"""]}, ], 'cleanupfrompyobj': [ # note that this list will be reversed ' } ' '/* if (capi_#varname#_as_array == NULL) ... else of #varname# */', {l_not(l_or(isintent_out, isintent_hide)): """\ if((PyObject *)capi_#varname#_as_array!=#varname#_capi) { Py_XDECREF(capi_#varname#_as_array); }"""}, {l_and(isintent_hide, l_not(isintent_out)) : """ Py_XDECREF(capi_#varname#_as_array);"""}, {hasinitvalue: ' } /*if (f2py_success) of #varname# init*/'}, ], '_check': isarray, '_depend': '' }, # Scalararray { # Common '_check': l_and(isarray, l_not(iscomplexarray)) }, { # Not hidden '_check': l_and(isarray, l_not(iscomplexarray), isintent_nothide) }, # Integer*1 array {'need': '#ctype#', '_check': isint1array, '_depend': '' }, # Integer*-1 array {'need': '#ctype#', '_check': isunsigned_chararray, '_depend': '' }, # Integer*-2 array {'need': '#ctype#', '_check': isunsigned_shortarray, '_depend': '' }, # Integer*-8 array {'need': '#ctype#', '_check': isunsigned_long_longarray, '_depend': '' }, # Complexarray {'need': '#ctype#', '_check': iscomplexarray, '_depend': '' }, # Character { 'need': 'string', '_check': ischaracter, }, # Character array { 'need': 'string', '_check': ischaracterarray, }, # Stringarray { 'callfortranappend': {isarrayofstrings: 'flen(#varname#),'}, 'need': 'string', '_check': isstringarray } ] ################# Rules for checking ############### check_rules = [ { 'frompyobj': {debugcapi: ' fprintf(stderr,\"debug-capi:Checking `#check#\'\\n\");'}, 'need': 'len..' }, { 'frompyobj': ' CHECKSCALAR(#check#,\"#check#\",\"#nth# #varname#\",\"#varshowvalue#\",#varname#) {', 'cleanupfrompyobj': ' } /*CHECKSCALAR(#check#)*/', 'need': 'CHECKSCALAR', '_check': l_and(isscalar, l_not(iscomplex)), '_break': '' }, { 'frompyobj': ' CHECKSTRING(#check#,\"#check#\",\"#nth# #varname#\",\"#varshowvalue#\",#varname#) {', 'cleanupfrompyobj': ' } /*CHECKSTRING(#check#)*/', 'need': 'CHECKSTRING', '_check': isstring, '_break': '' }, { 'need': 'CHECKARRAY', 'frompyobj': ' CHECKARRAY(#check#,\"#check#\",\"#nth# #varname#\") {', 'cleanupfrompyobj': ' } /*CHECKARRAY(#check#)*/', '_check': isarray, '_break': '' }, { 'need': 'CHECKGENERIC', 'frompyobj': ' CHECKGENERIC(#check#,\"#check#\",\"#nth# #varname#\") {', 'cleanupfrompyobj': ' } /*CHECKGENERIC(#check#)*/', } ] ########## Applying the rules. No need to modify what follows ############# #################### Build C/API module ####################### def buildmodule(m, um): """ Return """ outmess(' Building module "%s"...\n' % (m['name'])) ret = {} mod_rules = defmod_rules[:] vrd = capi_maps.modsign2map(m) rd = dictappend({'f2py_version': f2py_version}, vrd) funcwrappers = [] funcwrappers2 = [] # F90 codes for n in m['interfaced']: nb = None for bi in m['body']: if bi['block'] not in ['interface', 'abstract interface']: errmess('buildmodule: Expected interface block. Skipping.\n') continue for b in bi['body']: if b['name'] == n: nb = b break if not nb: print( 'buildmodule: Could not find the body of interfaced routine "%s". Skipping.\n' % (n), file=sys.stderr) continue nb_list = [nb] if 'entry' in nb: for k, a in nb['entry'].items(): nb1 = copy.deepcopy(nb) del nb1['entry'] nb1['name'] = k nb1['args'] = a nb_list.append(nb1) for nb in nb_list: # requiresf90wrapper must be called before buildapi as it # rewrites assumed shape arrays as automatic arrays. isf90 = requiresf90wrapper(nb) # options is in scope here if options['emptygen']: b_path = options['buildpath'] m_name = vrd['modulename'] outmess(' Generating possibly empty wrappers"\n') Path(f"{b_path}/{vrd['coutput']}").touch() if isf90: # f77 + f90 wrappers outmess(f' Maybe empty "{m_name}-f2pywrappers2.f90"\n') Path(f'{b_path}/{m_name}-f2pywrappers2.f90').touch() outmess(f' Maybe empty "{m_name}-f2pywrappers.f"\n') Path(f'{b_path}/{m_name}-f2pywrappers.f').touch() else: # only f77 wrappers outmess(f' Maybe empty "{m_name}-f2pywrappers.f"\n') Path(f'{b_path}/{m_name}-f2pywrappers.f').touch() api, wrap = buildapi(nb) if wrap: if isf90: funcwrappers2.append(wrap) else: funcwrappers.append(wrap) ar = applyrules(api, vrd) rd = dictappend(rd, ar) # Construct COMMON block support cr, wrap = common_rules.buildhooks(m) if wrap: funcwrappers.append(wrap) ar = applyrules(cr, vrd) rd = dictappend(rd, ar) # Construct F90 module support mr, wrap = f90mod_rules.buildhooks(m) if wrap: funcwrappers2.append(wrap) ar = applyrules(mr, vrd) rd = dictappend(rd, ar) for u in um: ar = use_rules.buildusevars(u, m['use'][u['name']]) rd = dictappend(rd, ar) needs = cfuncs.get_needs() # Add mapped definitions needs['typedefs'] += [cvar for cvar in capi_maps.f2cmap_mapped # if cvar in typedef_need_dict.values()] code = {} for n in needs.keys(): code[n] = [] for k in needs[n]: c = '' if k in cfuncs.includes0: c = cfuncs.includes0[k] elif k in cfuncs.includes: c = cfuncs.includes[k] elif k in cfuncs.userincludes: c = cfuncs.userincludes[k] elif k in cfuncs.typedefs: c = cfuncs.typedefs[k] elif k in cfuncs.typedefs_generated: c = cfuncs.typedefs_generated[k] elif k in cfuncs.cppmacros: c = cfuncs.cppmacros[k] elif k in cfuncs.cfuncs: c = cfuncs.cfuncs[k] elif k in cfuncs.callbacks: c = cfuncs.callbacks[k] elif k in cfuncs.f90modhooks: c = cfuncs.f90modhooks[k] elif k in cfuncs.commonhooks: c = cfuncs.commonhooks[k] else: errmess('buildmodule: unknown need %s.\n' % (repr(k))) continue code[n].append(c) mod_rules.append(code) for r in mod_rules: if ('_check' in r and r['_check'](m)) or ('_check' not in r): ar = applyrules(r, vrd, m) rd = dictappend(rd, ar) ar = applyrules(module_rules, rd) fn = os.path.join(options['buildpath'], vrd['coutput']) ret['csrc'] = fn with open(fn, 'w') as f: f.write(ar['modulebody'].replace('\t', 2 * ' ')) outmess(' Wrote C/API module "%s" to file "%s"\n' % (m['name'], fn)) if options['dorestdoc']: fn = os.path.join( options['buildpath'], vrd['modulename'] + 'module.rest') with open(fn, 'w') as f: f.write('.. -*- rest -*-\n') f.write('\n'.join(ar['restdoc'])) outmess(' ReST Documentation is saved to file "%s/%smodule.rest"\n' % (options['buildpath'], vrd['modulename'])) if options['dolatexdoc']: fn = os.path.join( options['buildpath'], vrd['modulename'] + 'module.tex') ret['ltx'] = fn with open(fn, 'w') as f: f.write( '%% This file is auto-generated with f2py (version:%s)\n' % (f2py_version)) if 'shortlatex' not in options: f.write( '\\documentclass{article}\n\\usepackage{a4wide}\n\\begin{document}\n\\tableofcontents\n\n') f.write('\n'.join(ar['latexdoc'])) if 'shortlatex' not in options: f.write('\\end{document}') outmess(' Documentation is saved to file "%s/%smodule.tex"\n' % (options['buildpath'], vrd['modulename'])) if funcwrappers: wn = os.path.join(options['buildpath'], vrd['f2py_wrapper_output']) ret['fsrc'] = wn with open(wn, 'w') as f: f.write('C -*- fortran -*-\n') f.write( 'C This file is autogenerated with f2py (version:%s)\n' % (f2py_version)) f.write( 'C It contains Fortran 77 wrappers to fortran functions.\n') lines = [] for l in ('\n\n'.join(funcwrappers) + '\n').split('\n'): if 0 <= l.find('!') < 66: # don't split comment lines lines.append(l + '\n') elif l and l[0] == ' ': while len(l) >= 66: lines.append(l[:66] + '\n &') l = l[66:] lines.append(l + '\n') else: lines.append(l + '\n') lines = ''.join(lines).replace('\n &\n', '\n') f.write(lines) outmess(' Fortran 77 wrappers are saved to "%s"\n' % (wn)) if funcwrappers2: wn = os.path.join( options['buildpath'], '%s-f2pywrappers2.f90' % (vrd['modulename'])) ret['fsrc'] = wn with open(wn, 'w') as f: f.write('! -*- f90 -*-\n') f.write( '! This file is autogenerated with f2py (version:%s)\n' % (f2py_version)) f.write( '! It contains Fortran 90 wrappers to fortran functions.\n') lines = [] for l in ('\n\n'.join(funcwrappers2) + '\n').split('\n'): if 0 <= l.find('!') < 72: # don't split comment lines lines.append(l + '\n') elif len(l) > 72 and l[0] == ' ': lines.append(l[:72] + '&\n &') l = l[72:] while len(l) > 66: lines.append(l[:66] + '&\n &') l = l[66:] lines.append(l + '\n') else: lines.append(l + '\n') lines = ''.join(lines).replace('\n &\n', '\n') f.write(lines) outmess(' Fortran 90 wrappers are saved to "%s"\n' % (wn)) return ret ################## Build C/API function ############# stnd = {1: 'st', 2: 'nd', 3: 'rd', 4: 'th', 5: 'th', 6: 'th', 7: 'th', 8: 'th', 9: 'th', 0: 'th'} def buildapi(rout): rout, wrap = func2subr.assubr(rout) args, depargs = getargs2(rout) capi_maps.depargs = depargs var = rout['vars'] if ismoduleroutine(rout): outmess(' Constructing wrapper function "%s.%s"...\n' % (rout['modulename'], rout['name'])) else: outmess(' Constructing wrapper function "%s"...\n' % (rout['name'])) # Routine vrd = capi_maps.routsign2map(rout) rd = dictappend({}, vrd) for r in rout_rules: if ('_check' in r and r['_check'](rout)) or ('_check' not in r): ar = applyrules(r, vrd, rout) rd = dictappend(rd, ar) # Args nth, nthk = 0, 0 savevrd = {} for a in args: vrd = capi_maps.sign2map(a, var[a]) if isintent_aux(var[a]): _rules = aux_rules else: _rules = arg_rules if not isintent_hide(var[a]): if not isoptional(var[a]): nth = nth + 1 vrd['nth'] = repr(nth) + stnd[nth % 10] + ' argument' else: nthk = nthk + 1 vrd['nth'] = repr(nthk) + stnd[nthk % 10] + ' keyword' else: vrd['nth'] = 'hidden' savevrd[a] = vrd for r in _rules: if '_depend' in r: continue if ('_check' in r and r['_check'](var[a])) or ('_check' not in r): ar = applyrules(r, vrd, var[a]) rd = dictappend(rd, ar) if '_break' in r: break for a in depargs: if isintent_aux(var[a]): _rules = aux_rules else: _rules = arg_rules vrd = savevrd[a] for r in _rules: if '_depend' not in r: continue if ('_check' in r and r['_check'](var[a])) or ('_check' not in r): ar = applyrules(r, vrd, var[a]) rd = dictappend(rd, ar) if '_break' in r: break if 'check' in var[a]: for c in var[a]['check']: vrd['check'] = c ar = applyrules(check_rules, vrd, var[a]) rd = dictappend(rd, ar) if isinstance(rd['cleanupfrompyobj'], list): rd['cleanupfrompyobj'].reverse() if isinstance(rd['closepyobjfrom'], list): rd['closepyobjfrom'].reverse() rd['docsignature'] = stripcomma(replace('#docsign##docsignopt##docsignxa#', {'docsign': rd['docsign'], 'docsignopt': rd['docsignopt'], 'docsignxa': rd['docsignxa']})) optargs = stripcomma(replace('#docsignopt##docsignxa#', {'docsignxa': rd['docsignxashort'], 'docsignopt': rd['docsignoptshort']} )) if optargs == '': rd['docsignatureshort'] = stripcomma( replace('#docsign#', {'docsign': rd['docsign']})) else: rd['docsignatureshort'] = replace('#docsign#[#docsignopt#]', {'docsign': rd['docsign'], 'docsignopt': optargs, }) rd['latexdocsignatureshort'] = rd['docsignatureshort'].replace('_', '\\_') rd['latexdocsignatureshort'] = rd[ 'latexdocsignatureshort'].replace(',', ', ') cfs = stripcomma(replace('#callfortran##callfortranappend#', { 'callfortran': rd['callfortran'], 'callfortranappend': rd['callfortranappend']})) if len(rd['callfortranappend']) > 1: rd['callcompaqfortran'] = stripcomma(replace('#callfortran# 0,#callfortranappend#', { 'callfortran': rd['callfortran'], 'callfortranappend': rd['callfortranappend']})) else: rd['callcompaqfortran'] = cfs rd['callfortran'] = cfs if isinstance(rd['docreturn'], list): rd['docreturn'] = stripcomma( replace('#docreturn#', {'docreturn': rd['docreturn']})) + ' = ' rd['docstrsigns'] = [] rd['latexdocstrsigns'] = [] for k in ['docstrreq', 'docstropt', 'docstrout', 'docstrcbs']: if k in rd and isinstance(rd[k], list): rd['docstrsigns'] = rd['docstrsigns'] + rd[k] k = 'latex' + k if k in rd and isinstance(rd[k], list): rd['latexdocstrsigns'] = rd['latexdocstrsigns'] + rd[k][0:1] +\ ['\\begin{description}'] + rd[k][1:] +\ ['\\end{description}'] ar = applyrules(routine_rules, rd) if ismoduleroutine(rout): outmess(' %s\n' % (ar['docshort'])) else: outmess(' %s\n' % (ar['docshort'])) return ar, wrap #################### EOF rules.py #######################