Current Path : /opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/numpy/distutils/command/ |
Current File : //opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/numpy/distutils/command/build_clib.py |
""" Modified version of build_clib that handles fortran source files. """ import os from glob import glob import shutil from distutils.command.build_clib import build_clib as old_build_clib from distutils.errors import DistutilsSetupError, DistutilsError, \ DistutilsFileError from numpy.distutils import log from distutils.dep_util import newer_group from numpy.distutils.misc_util import ( filter_sources, get_lib_source_files, get_numpy_include_dirs, has_cxx_sources, has_f_sources, is_sequence ) from numpy.distutils.ccompiler_opt import new_ccompiler_opt # Fix Python distutils bug sf #1718574: _l = old_build_clib.user_options for _i in range(len(_l)): if _l[_i][0] in ['build-clib', 'build-temp']: _l[_i] = (_l[_i][0] + '=',) + _l[_i][1:] # class build_clib(old_build_clib): description = "build C/C++/F libraries used by Python extensions" user_options = old_build_clib.user_options + [ ('fcompiler=', None, "specify the Fortran compiler type"), ('inplace', 'i', 'Build in-place'), ('parallel=', 'j', "number of parallel jobs"), ('warn-error', None, "turn all warnings into errors (-Werror)"), ('cpu-baseline=', None, "specify a list of enabled baseline CPU optimizations"), ('cpu-dispatch=', None, "specify a list of dispatched CPU optimizations"), ('disable-optimization', None, "disable CPU optimized code(dispatch,simd,fast...)"), ] boolean_options = old_build_clib.boolean_options + \ ['inplace', 'warn-error', 'disable-optimization'] def initialize_options(self): old_build_clib.initialize_options(self) self.fcompiler = None self.inplace = 0 self.parallel = None self.warn_error = None self.cpu_baseline = None self.cpu_dispatch = None self.disable_optimization = None def finalize_options(self): if self.parallel: try: self.parallel = int(self.parallel) except ValueError as e: raise ValueError("--parallel/-j argument must be an integer") from e old_build_clib.finalize_options(self) self.set_undefined_options('build', ('parallel', 'parallel'), ('warn_error', 'warn_error'), ('cpu_baseline', 'cpu_baseline'), ('cpu_dispatch', 'cpu_dispatch'), ('disable_optimization', 'disable_optimization') ) def have_f_sources(self): for (lib_name, build_info) in self.libraries: if has_f_sources(build_info.get('sources', [])): return True return False def have_cxx_sources(self): for (lib_name, build_info) in self.libraries: if has_cxx_sources(build_info.get('sources', [])): return True return False def run(self): if not self.libraries: return # Make sure that library sources are complete. languages = [] # Make sure that extension sources are complete. self.run_command('build_src') for (lib_name, build_info) in self.libraries: l = build_info.get('language', None) if l and l not in languages: languages.append(l) from distutils.ccompiler import new_compiler self.compiler = new_compiler(compiler=self.compiler, dry_run=self.dry_run, force=self.force) self.compiler.customize(self.distribution, need_cxx=self.have_cxx_sources()) if self.warn_error: self.compiler.compiler.append('-Werror') self.compiler.compiler_so.append('-Werror') libraries = self.libraries self.libraries = None self.compiler.customize_cmd(self) self.libraries = libraries self.compiler.show_customization() if not self.disable_optimization: dispatch_hpath = os.path.join("numpy", "distutils", "include", "npy_cpu_dispatch_config.h") dispatch_hpath = os.path.join(self.get_finalized_command("build_src").build_src, dispatch_hpath) opt_cache_path = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(self.build_temp, 'ccompiler_opt_cache_clib.py') ) if hasattr(self, "compiler_opt"): # By default `CCompilerOpt` update the cache at the exit of # the process, which may lead to duplicate building # (see build_extension()/force_rebuild) if run() called # multiple times within the same os process/thread without # giving the chance the previous instances of `CCompilerOpt` # to update the cache. self.compiler_opt.cache_flush() self.compiler_opt = new_ccompiler_opt( compiler=self.compiler, dispatch_hpath=dispatch_hpath, cpu_baseline=self.cpu_baseline, cpu_dispatch=self.cpu_dispatch, cache_path=opt_cache_path ) def report(copt): log.info("\n########### CLIB COMPILER OPTIMIZATION ###########") log.info(copt.report(full=True)) import atexit atexit.register(report, self.compiler_opt) if self.have_f_sources(): from numpy.distutils.fcompiler import new_fcompiler self._f_compiler = new_fcompiler(compiler=self.fcompiler, verbose=self.verbose, dry_run=self.dry_run, force=self.force, requiref90='f90' in languages, c_compiler=self.compiler) if self._f_compiler is not None: self._f_compiler.customize(self.distribution) libraries = self.libraries self.libraries = None self._f_compiler.customize_cmd(self) self.libraries = libraries self._f_compiler.show_customization() else: self._f_compiler = None self.build_libraries(self.libraries) if self.inplace: for l in self.distribution.installed_libraries: libname = self.compiler.library_filename(l.name) source = os.path.join(self.build_clib, libname) target = os.path.join(l.target_dir, libname) self.mkpath(l.target_dir) shutil.copy(source, target) def get_source_files(self): self.check_library_list(self.libraries) filenames = [] for lib in self.libraries: filenames.extend(get_lib_source_files(lib)) return filenames def build_libraries(self, libraries): for (lib_name, build_info) in libraries: self.build_a_library(build_info, lib_name, libraries) def assemble_flags(self, in_flags): """ Assemble flags from flag list Parameters ---------- in_flags : None or sequence None corresponds to empty list. Sequence elements can be strings or callables that return lists of strings. Callable takes `self` as single parameter. Returns ------- out_flags : list """ if in_flags is None: return [] out_flags = [] for in_flag in in_flags: if callable(in_flag): out_flags += in_flag(self) else: out_flags.append(in_flag) return out_flags def build_a_library(self, build_info, lib_name, libraries): # default compilers compiler = self.compiler fcompiler = self._f_compiler sources = build_info.get('sources') if sources is None or not is_sequence(sources): raise DistutilsSetupError(("in 'libraries' option (library '%s'), " + "'sources' must be present and must be " + "a list of source filenames") % lib_name) sources = list(sources) c_sources, cxx_sources, f_sources, fmodule_sources \ = filter_sources(sources) requiref90 = not not fmodule_sources or \ build_info.get('language', 'c') == 'f90' # save source type information so that build_ext can use it. source_languages = [] if c_sources: source_languages.append('c') if cxx_sources: source_languages.append('c++') if requiref90: source_languages.append('f90') elif f_sources: source_languages.append('f77') build_info['source_languages'] = source_languages lib_file = compiler.library_filename(lib_name, output_dir=self.build_clib) depends = sources + build_info.get('depends', []) force_rebuild = self.force if not self.disable_optimization and not self.compiler_opt.is_cached(): log.debug("Detected changes on compiler optimizations") force_rebuild = True if not (force_rebuild or newer_group(depends, lib_file, 'newer')): log.debug("skipping '%s' library (up-to-date)", lib_name) return else: log.info("building '%s' library", lib_name) config_fc = build_info.get('config_fc', {}) if fcompiler is not None and config_fc: log.info('using additional config_fc from setup script ' 'for fortran compiler: %s' % (config_fc,)) from numpy.distutils.fcompiler import new_fcompiler fcompiler = new_fcompiler(compiler=fcompiler.compiler_type, verbose=self.verbose, dry_run=self.dry_run, force=self.force, requiref90=requiref90, c_compiler=self.compiler) if fcompiler is not None: dist = self.distribution base_config_fc = dist.get_option_dict('config_fc').copy() base_config_fc.update(config_fc) fcompiler.customize(base_config_fc) # check availability of Fortran compilers if (f_sources or fmodule_sources) and fcompiler is None: raise DistutilsError("library %s has Fortran sources" " but no Fortran compiler found" % (lib_name)) if fcompiler is not None: fcompiler.extra_f77_compile_args = build_info.get( 'extra_f77_compile_args') or [] fcompiler.extra_f90_compile_args = build_info.get( 'extra_f90_compile_args') or [] macros = build_info.get('macros') if macros is None: macros = [] include_dirs = build_info.get('include_dirs') if include_dirs is None: include_dirs = [] # Flags can be strings, or callables that return a list of strings. extra_postargs = self.assemble_flags( build_info.get('extra_compiler_args')) extra_cflags = self.assemble_flags( build_info.get('extra_cflags')) extra_cxxflags = self.assemble_flags( build_info.get('extra_cxxflags')) include_dirs.extend(get_numpy_include_dirs()) # where compiled F90 module files are: module_dirs = build_info.get('module_dirs') or [] module_build_dir = os.path.dirname(lib_file) if requiref90: self.mkpath(module_build_dir) if compiler.compiler_type == 'msvc': # this hack works around the msvc compiler attributes # problem, msvc uses its own convention :( c_sources += cxx_sources cxx_sources = [] extra_cflags += extra_cxxflags # filtering C dispatch-table sources when optimization is not disabled, # otherwise treated as normal sources. copt_c_sources = [] copt_cxx_sources = [] copt_baseline_flags = [] copt_macros = [] if not self.disable_optimization: bsrc_dir = self.get_finalized_command("build_src").build_src dispatch_hpath = os.path.join("numpy", "distutils", "include") dispatch_hpath = os.path.join(bsrc_dir, dispatch_hpath) include_dirs.append(dispatch_hpath) copt_build_src = None if self.inplace else bsrc_dir for _srcs, _dst, _ext in ( ((c_sources,), copt_c_sources, ('.dispatch.c',)), ((c_sources, cxx_sources), copt_cxx_sources, ('.dispatch.cpp', '.dispatch.cxx')) ): for _src in _srcs: _dst += [ _src.pop(_src.index(s)) for s in _src[:] if s.endswith(_ext) ] copt_baseline_flags = self.compiler_opt.cpu_baseline_flags() else: copt_macros.append(("NPY_DISABLE_OPTIMIZATION", 1)) objects = [] if copt_cxx_sources: log.info("compiling C++ dispatch-able sources") objects += self.compiler_opt.try_dispatch( copt_c_sources, output_dir=self.build_temp, src_dir=copt_build_src, macros=macros + copt_macros, include_dirs=include_dirs, debug=self.debug, extra_postargs=extra_postargs + extra_cxxflags, ccompiler=cxx_compiler ) if copt_c_sources: log.info("compiling C dispatch-able sources") objects += self.compiler_opt.try_dispatch( copt_c_sources, output_dir=self.build_temp, src_dir=copt_build_src, macros=macros + copt_macros, include_dirs=include_dirs, debug=self.debug, extra_postargs=extra_postargs + extra_cflags) if c_sources: log.info("compiling C sources") objects += compiler.compile( c_sources, output_dir=self.build_temp, macros=macros + copt_macros, include_dirs=include_dirs, debug=self.debug, extra_postargs=(extra_postargs + copt_baseline_flags + extra_cflags)) if cxx_sources: log.info("compiling C++ sources") cxx_compiler = compiler.cxx_compiler() cxx_objects = cxx_compiler.compile( cxx_sources, output_dir=self.build_temp, macros=macros + copt_macros, include_dirs=include_dirs, debug=self.debug, extra_postargs=(extra_postargs + copt_baseline_flags + extra_cxxflags)) objects.extend(cxx_objects) if f_sources or fmodule_sources: extra_postargs = [] f_objects = [] if requiref90: if fcompiler.module_dir_switch is None: existing_modules = glob('*.mod') extra_postargs += fcompiler.module_options( module_dirs, module_build_dir) if fmodule_sources: log.info("compiling Fortran 90 module sources") f_objects += fcompiler.compile(fmodule_sources, output_dir=self.build_temp, macros=macros, include_dirs=include_dirs, debug=self.debug, extra_postargs=extra_postargs) if requiref90 and self._f_compiler.module_dir_switch is None: # move new compiled F90 module files to module_build_dir for f in glob('*.mod'): if f in existing_modules: continue t = os.path.join(module_build_dir, f) if os.path.abspath(f) == os.path.abspath(t): continue if os.path.isfile(t): os.remove(t) try: self.move_file(f, module_build_dir) except DistutilsFileError: log.warn('failed to move %r to %r' % (f, module_build_dir)) if f_sources: log.info("compiling Fortran sources") f_objects += fcompiler.compile(f_sources, output_dir=self.build_temp, macros=macros, include_dirs=include_dirs, debug=self.debug, extra_postargs=extra_postargs) else: f_objects = [] if f_objects and not fcompiler.can_ccompiler_link(compiler): # Default linker cannot link Fortran object files, and results # need to be wrapped later. Instead of creating a real static # library, just keep track of the object files. listfn = os.path.join(self.build_clib, lib_name + '.fobjects') with open(listfn, 'w') as f: f.write("\n".join(os.path.abspath(obj) for obj in f_objects)) listfn = os.path.join(self.build_clib, lib_name + '.cobjects') with open(listfn, 'w') as f: f.write("\n".join(os.path.abspath(obj) for obj in objects)) # create empty "library" file for dependency tracking lib_fname = os.path.join(self.build_clib, lib_name + compiler.static_lib_extension) with open(lib_fname, 'wb') as f: pass else: # assume that default linker is suitable for # linking Fortran object files objects.extend(f_objects) compiler.create_static_lib(objects, lib_name, output_dir=self.build_clib, debug=self.debug) # fix library dependencies clib_libraries = build_info.get('libraries', []) for lname, binfo in libraries: if lname in clib_libraries: clib_libraries.extend(binfo.get('libraries', [])) if clib_libraries: build_info['libraries'] = clib_libraries