Current Path : /opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/lvestats/plugins/generic/ |
Current File : //opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/lvestats/plugins/generic/dbsaver_x60.py |
# coding=utf-8 # # Copyright © Cloud Linux GmbH & Cloud Linux Software, Inc 2010-2019 All Rights Reserved # # Licensed under CLOUD LINUX LICENSE AGREEMENT # http://cloudlinux.com/docs/LICENSE.TXT import logging import sys import time from sqlalchemy import insert from sqlalchemy.exc import OperationalError from sqlalchemy.sql import select from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import func from lvestats.core.plugin import LveStatsPlugin, LveStatsPluginTerminated from lvestats.lib import dbengine from lvestats.lib.commons.func import get_chunks, reboot_lock from lvestats.lib.commons.progress import ProgressCallback from lvestats.lib.lveinfolib import FIELD_TO_TABLE_COLUMN, HistoryShow from lvestats.orm.history import history, history_x60 AGGREGATE_PERIOD = 60 * 60 # one hour class DBSaverX60(LveStatsPlugin): FIELDS = [ 'ID', 'aCPU', 'lCPU', 'CPUf', 'aEP', 'lEP', 'EPf', 'aVMem', 'lVMem', 'VMemF', 'aPMem', 'lPMem', 'PMemF', 'aNproc', 'lNproc', 'NprocF', 'aIO', 'lIO', 'IOf', 'IOPSf', 'lIOPS', 'aIOPS', ] def __init__(self): self.log = logging.getLogger('plugin.DBSaverX60') self.now = 0 # This changes in MainLoop self.config = None self.period = AGGREGATE_PERIOD # once an hour self.server_id = 'localhost' self.verbose_ = False self.execute_timeout = 20 self.progress = ProgressCallback(time_change_step=0.1) def set_config(self, _config): self.config = _config def aggregate_db_data_by_hours(self, utc_from, utc_to): if self.verbose_: self.progress(0) utc_from_ = int(utc_from) // int(AGGREGATE_PERIOD) * int(AGGREGATE_PERIOD) if utc_from_ != utc_from: utc_from_ += AGGREGATE_PERIOD if utc_to - utc_from_ > AGGREGATE_PERIOD: self.log.debug("Data aggregation from %s to %s started.", utc_from_, utc_to) for aggr_cycle, hour_from in enumerate(range(utc_from_, int(utc_to), AGGREGATE_PERIOD), 1): hour_to = hour_from + AGGREGATE_PERIOD if hour_to > utc_to: break history_show = HistoryShow( dbengine=self.engine, period_from=hour_from + 1, # "+1" for exclude "hour_from" timestamp period_to=hour_to, show_columns=self.FIELDS, server_id=self.server_id, log=self.log, ) rows = history_show.proceed() mass_insert_values = [] for row in rows: one_insert_values = { 'server_id': self.server_id, 'time': history_show.time_count, 'created': hour_to, } one_insert_values.update( {FIELD_TO_TABLE_COLUMN[field_]: row[indx_] for indx_, field_ in enumerate(self.FIELDS)} ) # correct cpu one_insert_values['cpu'] *= 100 one_insert_values['cpu_limit'] *= 100 mass_insert_values.append(one_insert_values) with reboot_lock(): conn_ = self.engine.connect() trans = conn_.begin() try: if mass_insert_values: for chunk in get_chunks(mass_insert_values): conn_.execute(insert(history_x60), chunk) else: conn_.execute( insert(history_x60), {'server_id': self.server_id, 'created': hour_to, 'id': 0} ) if self.verbose_: # show progress progress_ = 100 - (utc_to - hour_from) * 100 // (utc_to - utc_from_) self.progress(progress_) except OperationalError as oe: trans.rollback() self.log.error('Can not write aggregated data to database: %s', str(oe)) if self.verbose_: print(f' Warning: {str(oe)[:255]}...') except LveStatsPluginTerminated as exc: trans.rollback() conn_.close() self.log.debug("Plugin is terminated.") raise LveStatsPluginTerminated() from exc except TypeError as oe: trans.rollback() conn_.close() msg = str(oe) # try fix incorrect database records after migration if "*=: 'NoneType' and 'int'" not in msg: raise self.log.warning(msg) from lvestats.lib.dbengine import fix_db # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel fix_db(self.engine, self.config, from_timestmp=hour_from, to_timestamp=hour_to, log_=self.log) return else: trans.commit() conn_.close() work_time = time.time() - self.now # calculate plugin working time if ( self.execute_timeout > 0 and self.execute_timeout - work_time < work_time / aggr_cycle + 1 ): # continue if can't finish in time self.log.debug('Data was aggregated from %s to %s in %s seconds', utc_from_, hour_to, work_time) return self.log.debug("Data aggregation done.") else: self.log.debug("Nothing to aggregate.") if self.verbose_: self.progress(100, force=True) self.progress.stop() def execute(self, lve_data): self.log.debug("Plugin executed") self.server_id = self.config.get('server_id', 'localhost') dt_x1_max, dt_x1_min, dt_x60_max, dt_x60_min = self.get_max_min_ts() self.aggregate_new(dt_x1_max, dt_x1_min, dt_x60_max) self.aggregate_migrated(dt_x1_min, dt_x60_min) def aggregate_migrated(self, dt_x1_min, dt_x60_min): self.log.debug("Aggregating migrated") if dt_x1_min is not None and dt_x60_min is not None and dt_x1_min + AGGREGATE_PERIOD < dt_x60_min: self.aggregate_db_data_by_hours(dt_x60_min - AGGREGATE_PERIOD, dt_x60_min) def aggregate_new(self, dt_x1_max, dt_x1_min, dt_x60_max): if dt_x1_max: if not dt_x60_max: dt_x60_max = dt_x1_min # from minimum timestamp if self.verbose_: print( f'[lve-stats]: Start aggregating data from "{dt_x60_max}" ' f'to "{dt_x1_max}"; to skip press Ctrl+C ...' ) # correct execute period if dt_x1_max - dt_x60_max > AGGREGATE_PERIOD * 2: # run plugin often if need aggregate more than one hour self.period = 60 # FIXME: This looks like mistake? else: self.period = AGGREGATE_PERIOD self.aggregate_db_data_by_hours(dt_x60_max, dt_x1_max) def get_max_min_ts(self): conn_ = self.engine.connect() try: # get last created query = select([func.max(history.created), func.min(history.created)]).where( self.server_id == history.server_id ) time_start = time.time() row = conn_.execute(query) dt_x1_max, dt_x1_min = row.fetchone() self.log.debug( '%s; query time: %s', str(query.compile(compile_kwargs={"literal_binds": True})).replace('\n', ' '), time.time() - time_start, ) # get last created_max query = select([func.max(history_x60.created), func.min(history_x60.created)]).where( self.server_id == history_x60.server_id ) row = conn_.execute(query) dt_x60_max, dt_x60_min = row.fetchone() self.log.debug( '%s; query time: %s', str(query.compile(compile_kwargs={"literal_binds": True})).replace('\n', ' '), time.time() - time_start, ) except LveStatsPluginTerminated as exc: conn_.close() self.log.debug("Plugin is terminated.") raise LveStatsPluginTerminated() from exc else: conn_.close() return dt_x1_max, dt_x1_min, dt_x60_max, dt_x60_min def main(argv_, config_, db_engine=None): lve_data = {} verbose_ = '--verbose' in argv_ if db_engine is None: db_engine = dbengine.make_db_engine(config_, debug=False) if 'init' in argv_: if verbose_: print(f'[lve-stats]: creating table "{history_x60.__tablename__}"...') with db_engine.begin() as conn_: history_x60.__table__.create(bind=conn_, checkfirst=True) # create table if exist if 'aggregate' in argv_: # configure plugin plugin_instance = DBSaverX60() plugin_instance.config = config_ # use specific config plugin_instance.set_db_engine(db_engine) plugin_instance.execute_timeout = 2 * 60 * 60 # two hours plugin_instance.verbose_ = verbose_ plugin_instance.now = time.time() plugin_instance.execute(lve_data) # generate aggregate data # for initial from command line # create table if exist and generate aggregate data if __name__ == '__main__' and len(sys.argv) >= 2: from lvestats.lib import config try: cnf = config.read_plugin_config(config.read_config(), plugin=DBSaverX60.__name__) main(argv_=sys.argv[1:], config_=cnf) except KeyboardInterrupt: print('Stopped') except dbengine.MakeDbException as e: print(str(e)) except config.ConfigError as ce: ce.log_and_exit()