Current Path : /opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/lvestats/lib/chart/ |
Current File : //opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/lvestats/lib/chart/svggraph.py |
# coding=utf-8 # # Copyright © Cloud Linux GmbH & Cloud Linux Software, Inc 2010-2019 All Rights Reserved # # Licensed under CLOUD LINUX LICENSE AGREEMENT # http://cloudlinux.com/docs/LICENSE.TXT import uuid import svgwrite from svgwrite.filters import Filter from lvestats.lib.chart.util import frange, xfrange, X_LEGEND_POINTS, Y_LEGEND_POINTS class SvgChart(object): def __init__(self): self.dwg = svgwrite.Drawing() self.padding_y = 20 self.width = 480 self.height = 120 self.left_legend_width = 55 self.graph_offset_y = 0 self._svg_id = 0 self.x_legend_points = X_LEGEND_POINTS self.y_legend_points = Y_LEGEND_POINTS self.font_size = 10 self.point_radius = 2 self.dwg.update({'width': self.width + 2 * self.left_legend_width + 40}) defs = self.dwg.defs # defs.add(self.dwg.style('.line:hover {stroke-width: 5;}')) # TODO make tips with background # TODO let tips show and disappear with animate effect script = """ function show_tip(evt, svg_id, x1, y1, x2, y2, t1, v1, t2, v2){ var rootDocument = evt.target.ownerDocument; var tip_group = rootDocument.getElementById('tip_group'); var tip_text = rootDocument.getElementById('tip_text'); var tip_rect = rootDocument.getElementById('tip_rect'); var svgDocument = rootDocument.getElementById(svg_id); var y_offset = parseInt(svgDocument.getAttribute("y")); var x = evt.layerX; var y; var v; var t; if (x< x1+((x2-x1)/2)) { x = x1; y = y1 + y_offset; v = v1; t = t1; } else { x = x2; y = y2 + y_offset; v = v2; t = t2; } tip_text.firstChild.data = t +', ' + v; var width = tip_text.getComputedTextLength(); tip_rect.setAttribute("x",x - ((width+10) / 2)); tip_rect.setAttribute("y",y - 25); tip_rect.setAttribute("width",width + 10); tip_text.setAttribute("x",x - (width / 2)); tip_text.setAttribute("y",y - 25 + %font_size%); tip_text.setAttribute("width",width); tip_group.setAttribute("visibility","visible"); }""" defs.add(self.dwg.script(content=script.replace('%font_size%', str(self.font_size)))) filters = Filter() shadow_filter = defs.add(self.dwg.filter(id="shadow", x=0, y=0, width="200%", height="200%")) shadow_filter.add(filters.feOffset("SourceAlpha", result="offOut", dx=5, dy=5)) shadow_filter.add(filters.feGaussianBlur("offOut", result="blurOut", stdDeviation="10")) shadow_filter.add(filters.feBlend("SourceGraphic", in2="blurOut", mode="normal")) def _finalize(self): tip = self.dwg.add(self.dwg.g(id_='tip_group', visibility='hidden', style='pointer-events: none;')) tip.add(self.dwg.rect( id_='tip_rect', insert=(0, 0), size=(20, self.font_size * 1.5), rx=2, ry=2, stroke='black', fill='yellow', )) tip.add(self.dwg.text('T', id_='tip_text', insert=(0, 0), font_size=self.font_size)) def add_graph(self, datasets, colors, title=None, minimum_y=None, maximum_y=None, x_legend=None, x_legend_generate=None, y_legend=None, y_legend_converter=lambda v: v, x_legend_converter=lambda v: v, names=None, unit=None, message=None, fault_lines=None, fault_color="red"): """ :param datasets: list of datasets. each dataset is list of tuples [(x, y), (x, y) ... ] :param colors: list of html-like color strings, for ex: ['red', 'green', '#FFAAED'], for each of the dataset :param title: name of the graph :param minimum_y: minimum value for dataset's values :param maximum_y: maximum value for dataset's values :param names: list of dataset names. If provided, then it's used for legend :param x_legend: if provided then it's used as titles for x axis :param x_legend_generate: if provided and x_legend is not provided, then using x_legend_converter generate up to x_legend_generate marks :param x_legend_converter: function to convert x values to x_legend values. :param y_legend: if provided then it's used as titles for y axis :param y_legend_converter: if y_legend is not provided, it is generated from range(min_y, max_y). Converter can be applied to make it look better. For example sizeutil.convert_bytes :param unit: if provided, then it's used as suffix for y values :param message: if provided, the graph will contain the text message in the middle, like "No faults" or "No data" :param fault_lines: LVES-602. If provided, the graph will contain vertical lines from average to limit :param fault_color: LVES-602. Color of the fault lines :type fault_lines: list[tuple[(float, float)]] :type fault_color: str >>> svgchart = SvgChart() >>> d1 = [(0,1), (1,1.5), (4,2), (5,6), (5.1,6), (5.6,6), (9,3), (10,10)] >>> d2 = [(0,0), (1.5,1.5), (2,2), (2.5,3), (3,4), (5,4), (7,3), (8,2), (9,1), (10,1)] >>> datasets = [d1, d2] >>> colors = ['red', 'green'] >>> names = ['foo', 'bar'] >>> svgchart.add_graph(datasets, colors, 0, 10, unit='DD', names=names) >>> svgchart.add_graph(datasets, colors, 0, 10, x_legend=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9], unit='Kg', message="No Faults") >>> print svgchart.dump() >>> svgchart.save('/tmp/1.svg') """ average_names = ['average', 'database'] # random suffix to distinguish svg's from each other suffix = self._gen_suffix() try: if minimum_y is None: minimum_y = min(min((y for (_, y) in dataset)) for dataset in datasets) if maximum_y is None: maximum_y = max(max((y for (_, y) in dataset)) for dataset in datasets) maximum_x = max(max((x for (x, _) in dataset)) for dataset in datasets) minimum_x = min(min((x for (x, _) in dataset)) for dataset in datasets) except ValueError: maximum_x = 0 minimum_x = 0 minimum_y = 0 maximum_y = 0 datasets = [[] for _ in datasets] y_offset = self.height / 20.0 # Create values for y-axis if not y_legend: dy = (maximum_y - minimum_y) / self.y_legend_points y_legend = [y_legend_converter(y) for y in frange(minimum_y, maximum_y + dy, dy)] if not y_legend: y_legend = ['0' + (unit or '')] if not x_legend: pattern_width = self.width // self.x_legend_points else: pattern_width = (1.0 * self.width) // (len(x_legend) - 1) if len(y_legend) > 1: pattern_height = (1.0 * self.height - 2 * y_offset) // (len(y_legend) - 1) else: pattern_height = self.height // 2.0 svg_id = f'svg-{suffix}' svg = self.dwg.add(self.dwg.svg(id_=svg_id, insert=(0, self.graph_offset_y))) defs = svg.defs clippath = defs.add(self.dwg.clipPath(id=f'cut_lines_{suffix}')) clippath.add(self.dwg.rect(insert=(self.left_legend_width, self.padding_y), size=(self.width, self.height))) if title: svg.add(self.dwg.text(title, insert=(self.left_legend_width, self.font_size), font_size=self.font_size)) self._draw_y_legend(svg, y_legend, unit, pattern_height, y_offset) lines_group = svg.add(self.dwg.g(id='lines', filter="url(#shadow)")) boundary = lines_group.add(self.dwg.g(clip_path=f'url(#cut_lines_{suffix})')) boundary.add(self.dwg.rect(insert=(self.left_legend_width, self.padding_y), size=(self.width + 1, self.height + 1), fill='white', stroke="black")) self._draw_grid(boundary, pattern_height, pattern_width, y_offset) lines = [] # circles = [] # list of activity for of lines from average_names is_average_empty = [] if maximum_y - minimum_y > 0: for dataset, color in list(zip(datasets, colors)): coords = self.convert_coordinates(dataset, maximum_x, maximum_y, minimum_x, minimum_y, y_offset) # Shadows removed by ticket LVES-251 # coords_shadow = [(x + 3, y + 3) for (x, y) in coords] # boundary.add(self.dwg.polyline(points=coords_shadow, class_="line_shadow", # fill='none', stroke='lightgray', stroke_width="2")) value = [y for (_, y) in dataset] if dict(zip(colors, names))[color] in average_names: is_average_empty.append(names and not any(value)) # zip coords together with shift by 1, in order to get data like this [(p1, p2), (p2, p3), ...] _lines = list(zip(coords, coords[1:])) # same as for lines, but for real values, corresponding to that lines _datas = list(zip(dataset, dataset[1:])) # finally, combine coords and datas data_list = list(zip(_lines, _datas)) for (line, data) in data_list: p1, p2 = line d1, d2 = data x1, y1 = p1 x2, y2 = p2 t1, v1 = d1 t2, v2 = d2 # Draw graph line lines.append( self.dwg.line( p1, p2, stroke=color, stroke_width=1, onmousemove=( f"show_tip(evt, '{svg_id}', {x1}, {y1}, {x2}, {y2}, " f"'{x_legend_converter(t1)}', '{str(y_legend_converter(v1)) + (unit or '')}', " f"'{x_legend_converter(t2)}', '{str(y_legend_converter(v2)) + (unit or '')}')" ) ) ) if fault_lines is not None: for fault_line in fault_lines: fault_coords = self.convert_coordinates( fault_line, maximum_x, maximum_y, minimum_x, minimum_y, y_offset, ) lines.append( self.dwg.line( fault_coords[0], fault_coords[1], stroke=fault_color, stroke_width=1)) # if is_average_empty is empty => no average lines, do not write label # all(is_average_empty) == True => all average lines are empty # all(is_average_empty) == False => some average line is not empty if is_average_empty and all(is_average_empty): self._draw_no_activity(boundary) else: # add ZERO line to graph in no data in dataset for color in colors: x0, y0 = (self.left_legend_width, self.height - y_offset + self.padding_y) x1, y1 = (self.width + self.left_legend_width, y0) lines.append(self.dwg.line((x0, y0), (x1, y1), fill='none', stroke=color, stroke_width='2'),) if names and dict(zip(colors, names))[color] in average_names: self._draw_no_activity(boundary) for line in lines: boundary.add(line) self._draw_names(svg, names, colors) self.graph_offset_y += self.height + 20 + self.padding_y self.dwg.update({'height': self.graph_offset_y}) if x_legend: self._add_x_legend(x_legend) if not x_legend and x_legend_generate: self._add_x_legend(None, minimum_x, maximum_x, x_legend_generate, x_legend_converter) self._draw_message(svg, message) def _draw_names(self, svg, names, colors): if names: s = 10 i = 0 font_size = s for (name, color) in zip(names, colors): x = self.width + self.left_legend_width + 20 y = 10 + self.padding_y + i * (s + 3) svg.add(self.dwg.rect(insert=(x, y), size=(s, s), fill=color, stroke='black')) svg.add(self.dwg.text(name, insert=(x + s + 5, y + s), font_size=font_size)) i += 1 def _draw_message(self, svg, message): if message: # Draw message in the middle of the graph message_font_size = 24 svg.add(self.dwg.text(message, insert=(self.left_legend_width + self.width // 3, self.padding_y + self.height // 2), font_size=message_font_size)) def _draw_y_legend(self, svg, y_legend, unit, pattern_height, y_offset): ylg = svg.add(self.dwg.g(id='y_legend')) i = 0 font_size = min(self.font_size, pattern_height - 1) for legend in y_legend: txt = f'{legend}{unit or ""}' ylg.add(self.dwg.text( txt, insert=(5, self.height - y_offset - pattern_height * i + font_size // 2 + self.padding_y), font_size=font_size)) i += 1 def _draw_grid(self, boundary, pattern_height, pattern_width, y_offset): # Draw grid # 1. Verticals for x in xfrange(0, self.width, pattern_width): boundary.add(self.dwg.line(start=(x + self.left_legend_width, self.height + self.padding_y), end=(x + self.left_legend_width, self.padding_y), stroke='black', stroke_width=1, # stroke_linecap="round", stroke_dasharray="1 2")) # 2. Horisontals for y in xfrange(0 + y_offset, self.height, pattern_height): boundary.add(self.dwg.line(start=(self.left_legend_width, self.height - y + self.padding_y), end=(self.left_legend_width + self.width, self.height - y + self.padding_y), stroke='black', stroke_width=1, stroke_dasharray="1 2")) def _draw_no_activity(self, boundary): boundary.add( self.dwg.text( 'No activity', insert=( self.width // 2 + self.left_legend_width // 2 - len('No activity') // 2, self.height // 2), fill='black') ) def convert_coordinates(self, dataset, maximum_x, maximum_y, minimum_x, minimum_y, y_offset): """ :type y_offset: float :type minimum_y: float :type minimum_x: float :type maximum_y: float :type maximum_x: float :type dataset: tuple :rtype: list """ try: dx = (1.0 * self.width) / (maximum_x - minimum_x) except ZeroDivisionError: dx = 0 dy = (1.0 * self.height - 2 * y_offset) / (maximum_y - minimum_y) coords = [ ( (x - minimum_x) * dx + self.left_legend_width, self.height - y_offset - y * dy + self.padding_y ) for (x, y) in dataset ] return coords @staticmethod def _is_peak(data_list, idx, p1, p2): result = False list_len = len(data_list) y2 = p2[1] y1 = p1[1] if y2 < y1: if idx < list_len - 1: # Line is not last next_line, _ = data_list[idx + 1] _, (_, n_y2) = next_line if y2 <= n_y2: result = True else: result = True return result def _add_x_legend(self, x_values, min_x=None, max_x=None, number=None, x_legend_converter=str): # TODO add support of str values of x_values if not x_values: assert number, "Number should be specified and not zero" pattern_width = self.width // number if not all(v is not None for v in (min_x, max_x, number)): # "min_x, max_x, and number should be not None in order to draw legend" return x_legend = [x_legend_converter(x) for x in xfrange(min_x, max_x, (max_x - min_x) / number)] else: if not number: number = X_LEGEND_POINTS x_legend = frange(min(x_values), max(x_values) + (max(x_values) - min(x_values)) / number, (max(x_values) - min(x_values)) / number) x_legend = [x_legend_converter(x) for x in x_legend] parts = len(x_legend) - 1 parts = max(parts, 1) pattern_width = (1.0 * self.width) / parts svg_id = f'svg-{str(uuid.uuid4())}' svg = self.dwg.add(self.dwg.svg(id_=svg_id, insert=(0, self.graph_offset_y))) max_x_legend_text = 0 font_size = min(pattern_width, 10) i = 0 for legend in x_legend: txt = str(legend) if len(txt) > max_x_legend_text: max_x_legend_text = len(txt) x = self.left_legend_width + pattern_width * i y = 0 + self.padding_y svg.add(self.dwg.text( txt, insert=(x, y), font_size=font_size, transform=f"rotate(90, {x},{y})" )) i += 1 self.graph_offset_y += 20 + max_x_legend_text * font_size self.dwg.update({'height': self.graph_offset_y}) def add_text_box(self, text, font_size=None): """ :param text: text in box :param font_size: font size for text """ # use default font size font_size = font_size or 24 # get svg suffix suffix = self._gen_suffix() svg_id = f'svg-{suffix}' svg = self.dwg.add(self.dwg.svg(id_=svg_id, insert=(0, self.graph_offset_y))) defs = svg.defs clippath = defs.add(self.dwg.clipPath(id=f'cut_lines_{suffix}')) clippath.add(self.dwg.rect(insert=(self.left_legend_width, self.padding_y), size=(self.width, self.height))) lines_group = svg.add(self.dwg.g(id='lines', filter="url(#shadow)")) boundary = lines_group.add(self.dwg.g(clip_path=f'url(#cut_lines_{suffix})')) boundary.add(self.dwg.rect(insert=(self.left_legend_width, self.padding_y), size=(self.width + 1, self.height + 1), fill='white', stroke="black")) svg.add(self.dwg.text(text, insert=(self.left_legend_width + self.width // 3, self.padding_y + self.height // 2), font_size=font_size)) self.graph_offset_y += self.height + 20 + self.padding_y self.dwg.update({'height': self.graph_offset_y}) def _gen_suffix(self): """ Generate suffix for graph methods random suffix to distinguish svg's from each other """ suffix = str(self._svg_id) self._svg_id += 1 return suffix def dump(self): self._finalize() xml_header = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>\n' return xml_header + self.dwg.tostring() def save(self, file_name): self._finalize() self.dwg.saveas(file_name)