Current Path : /opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/astroid/interpreter/_import/ |
Current File : //opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/astroid/interpreter/_import/spec.py |
# Licensed under the LGPL: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.en.html # For details: https://github.com/PyCQA/astroid/blob/main/LICENSE # Copyright (c) https://github.com/PyCQA/astroid/blob/main/CONTRIBUTORS.txt from __future__ import annotations import abc import enum import importlib import importlib.machinery import importlib.util import os import pathlib import sys import types import warnings import zipimport from collections.abc import Iterator, Sequence from pathlib import Path from typing import Any, NamedTuple from astroid.const import PY310_PLUS from astroid.modutils import EXT_LIB_DIRS from . import util if sys.version_info >= (3, 8): from typing import Literal, Protocol else: from typing_extensions import Literal, Protocol # The MetaPathFinder protocol comes from typeshed, which says: # Intentionally omits one deprecated and one optional method of `importlib.abc.MetaPathFinder` class _MetaPathFinder(Protocol): def find_spec( self, fullname: str, path: Sequence[str] | None, target: types.ModuleType | None = ..., ) -> importlib.machinery.ModuleSpec | None: ... # pragma: no cover class ModuleType(enum.Enum): """Python module types used for ModuleSpec.""" C_BUILTIN = enum.auto() C_EXTENSION = enum.auto() PKG_DIRECTORY = enum.auto() PY_CODERESOURCE = enum.auto() PY_COMPILED = enum.auto() PY_FROZEN = enum.auto() PY_RESOURCE = enum.auto() PY_SOURCE = enum.auto() PY_ZIPMODULE = enum.auto() PY_NAMESPACE = enum.auto() _MetaPathFinderModuleTypes: dict[str, ModuleType] = { # Finders created by setuptools editable installs "_EditableFinder": ModuleType.PY_SOURCE, "_EditableNamespaceFinder": ModuleType.PY_NAMESPACE, # Finders create by six "_SixMetaPathImporter": ModuleType.PY_SOURCE, } _EditableFinderClasses: set[str] = { "_EditableFinder", "_EditableNamespaceFinder", } class ModuleSpec(NamedTuple): """Defines a class similar to PEP 420's ModuleSpec. A module spec defines a name of a module, its type, location and where submodules can be found, if the module is a package. """ name: str type: ModuleType | None location: str | None = None origin: str | None = None submodule_search_locations: Sequence[str] | None = None class Finder: """A finder is a class which knows how to find a particular module.""" def __init__(self, path: Sequence[str] | None = None) -> None: self._path = path or sys.path @abc.abstractmethod def find_module( self, modname: str, module_parts: Sequence[str], processed: list[str], submodule_path: Sequence[str] | None, ) -> ModuleSpec | None: """Find the given module. Each finder is responsible for each protocol of finding, as long as they all return a ModuleSpec. :param modname: The module which needs to be searched. :param module_parts: It should be a list of strings, where each part contributes to the module's namespace. :param processed: What parts from the module parts were processed so far. :param submodule_path: A list of paths where the module can be looked into. :returns: A ModuleSpec, describing how and where the module was found, None, otherwise. """ def contribute_to_path( self, spec: ModuleSpec, processed: list[str] ) -> Sequence[str] | None: """Get a list of extra paths where this finder can search.""" class ImportlibFinder(Finder): """A finder based on the importlib module.""" _SUFFIXES: Sequence[tuple[str, ModuleType]] = ( [(s, ModuleType.C_EXTENSION) for s in importlib.machinery.EXTENSION_SUFFIXES] + [(s, ModuleType.PY_SOURCE) for s in importlib.machinery.SOURCE_SUFFIXES] + [(s, ModuleType.PY_COMPILED) for s in importlib.machinery.BYTECODE_SUFFIXES] ) def find_module( self, modname: str, module_parts: Sequence[str], processed: list[str], submodule_path: Sequence[str] | None, ) -> ModuleSpec | None: if submodule_path is not None: submodule_path = list(submodule_path) elif modname in sys.builtin_module_names: return ModuleSpec( name=modname, location=None, type=ModuleType.C_BUILTIN, ) else: try: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=UserWarning) spec = importlib.util.find_spec(modname) if ( spec and spec.loader # type: ignore[comparison-overlap] # noqa: E501 is importlib.machinery.FrozenImporter ): # No need for BuiltinImporter; builtins handled above return ModuleSpec( name=modname, location=getattr(spec.loader_state, "filename", None), type=ModuleType.PY_FROZEN, ) except ValueError: pass submodule_path = sys.path for entry in submodule_path: package_directory = os.path.join(entry, modname) for suffix in (".py", importlib.machinery.BYTECODE_SUFFIXES[0]): package_file_name = "__init__" + suffix file_path = os.path.join(package_directory, package_file_name) if os.path.isfile(file_path): return ModuleSpec( name=modname, location=package_directory, type=ModuleType.PKG_DIRECTORY, ) for suffix, type_ in ImportlibFinder._SUFFIXES: file_name = modname + suffix file_path = os.path.join(entry, file_name) if os.path.isfile(file_path): return ModuleSpec(name=modname, location=file_path, type=type_) return None def contribute_to_path( self, spec: ModuleSpec, processed: list[str] ) -> Sequence[str] | None: if spec.location is None: # Builtin. return None if _is_setuptools_namespace(Path(spec.location)): # extend_path is called, search sys.path for module/packages # of this name see pkgutil.extend_path documentation path = [ os.path.join(p, *processed) for p in sys.path if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(p, *processed)) ] elif spec.name == "distutils" and not any( spec.location.lower().startswith(ext_lib_dir.lower()) for ext_lib_dir in EXT_LIB_DIRS ): # virtualenv below 20.0 patches distutils in an unexpected way # so we just find the location of distutils that will be # imported to avoid spurious import-error messages # https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint/issues/5645 # A regression test to create this scenario exists in release-tests.yml # and can be triggered manually from GitHub Actions distutils_spec = importlib.util.find_spec("distutils") if distutils_spec and distutils_spec.origin: origin_path = Path( distutils_spec.origin ) # e.g. .../distutils/__init__.py path = [str(origin_path.parent)] # e.g. .../distutils else: path = [spec.location] else: path = [spec.location] return path class ExplicitNamespacePackageFinder(ImportlibFinder): """A finder for the explicit namespace packages.""" def find_module( self, modname: str, module_parts: Sequence[str], processed: list[str], submodule_path: Sequence[str] | None, ) -> ModuleSpec | None: if processed: modname = ".".join(processed + [modname]) if util.is_namespace(modname) and modname in sys.modules: submodule_path = sys.modules[modname].__path__ return ModuleSpec( name=modname, location="", origin="namespace", type=ModuleType.PY_NAMESPACE, submodule_search_locations=submodule_path, ) return None def contribute_to_path( self, spec: ModuleSpec, processed: list[str] ) -> Sequence[str] | None: return spec.submodule_search_locations class ZipFinder(Finder): """Finder that knows how to find a module inside zip files.""" def __init__(self, path: Sequence[str]) -> None: super().__init__(path) for entry_path in path: if entry_path not in sys.path_importer_cache: try: sys.path_importer_cache[entry_path] = zipimport.zipimporter( # type: ignore[assignment] entry_path ) except zipimport.ZipImportError: continue def find_module( self, modname: str, module_parts: Sequence[str], processed: list[str], submodule_path: Sequence[str] | None, ) -> ModuleSpec | None: try: file_type, filename, path = _search_zip(module_parts) except ImportError: return None return ModuleSpec( name=modname, location=filename, origin="egg", type=file_type, submodule_search_locations=path, ) class PathSpecFinder(Finder): """Finder based on importlib.machinery.PathFinder.""" def find_module( self, modname: str, module_parts: Sequence[str], processed: list[str], submodule_path: Sequence[str] | None, ) -> ModuleSpec | None: spec = importlib.machinery.PathFinder.find_spec(modname, path=submodule_path) if spec is not None: is_namespace_pkg = spec.origin is None location = spec.origin if not is_namespace_pkg else None module_type = ModuleType.PY_NAMESPACE if is_namespace_pkg else None return ModuleSpec( name=spec.name, location=location, origin=spec.origin, type=module_type, submodule_search_locations=list(spec.submodule_search_locations or []), ) return spec def contribute_to_path( self, spec: ModuleSpec, processed: list[str] ) -> Sequence[str] | None: if spec.type == ModuleType.PY_NAMESPACE: return spec.submodule_search_locations return None _SPEC_FINDERS = ( ImportlibFinder, ZipFinder, PathSpecFinder, ExplicitNamespacePackageFinder, ) def _is_setuptools_namespace(location: pathlib.Path) -> bool: try: with open(location / "__init__.py", "rb") as stream: data = stream.read(4096) except OSError: return False extend_path = b"pkgutil" in data and b"extend_path" in data declare_namespace = ( b"pkg_resources" in data and b"declare_namespace(__name__)" in data ) return extend_path or declare_namespace def _get_zipimporters() -> Iterator[tuple[str, zipimport.zipimporter]]: for filepath, importer in sys.path_importer_cache.items(): if isinstance(importer, zipimport.zipimporter): yield filepath, importer def _search_zip( modpath: Sequence[str], ) -> tuple[Literal[ModuleType.PY_ZIPMODULE], str, str]: for filepath, importer in _get_zipimporters(): if PY310_PLUS: found: Any = importer.find_spec(modpath[0]) else: found = importer.find_module(modpath[0]) if found: if PY310_PLUS: if not importer.find_spec(os.path.sep.join(modpath)): raise ImportError( "No module named %s in %s/%s" % (".".join(modpath[1:]), filepath, modpath) ) elif not importer.find_module(os.path.sep.join(modpath)): raise ImportError( "No module named %s in %s/%s" % (".".join(modpath[1:]), filepath, modpath) ) return ( ModuleType.PY_ZIPMODULE, os.path.abspath(filepath) + os.path.sep + os.path.sep.join(modpath), filepath, ) raise ImportError(f"No module named {'.'.join(modpath)}") def _find_spec_with_path( search_path: Sequence[str], modname: str, module_parts: list[str], processed: list[str], submodule_path: Sequence[str] | None, ) -> tuple[Finder | _MetaPathFinder, ModuleSpec]: for finder in _SPEC_FINDERS: finder_instance = finder(search_path) spec = finder_instance.find_module( modname, module_parts, processed, submodule_path ) if spec is None: continue return finder_instance, spec # Support for custom finders for meta_finder in sys.meta_path: # See if we support the customer import hook of the meta_finder meta_finder_name = meta_finder.__class__.__name__ if meta_finder_name not in _MetaPathFinderModuleTypes: # Setuptools>62 creates its EditableFinders dynamically and have # "type" as their __class__.__name__. We check __name__ as well # to see if we can support the finder. try: meta_finder_name = meta_finder.__name__ except AttributeError: continue if meta_finder_name not in _MetaPathFinderModuleTypes: continue module_type = _MetaPathFinderModuleTypes[meta_finder_name] # Meta path finders are supposed to have a find_spec method since # Python 3.4. However, some third-party finders do not implement it. # PEP302 does not refer to find_spec as well. # See: https://github.com/PyCQA/astroid/pull/1752/ if not hasattr(meta_finder, "find_spec"): continue spec = meta_finder.find_spec(modname, submodule_path) if spec: return ( meta_finder, ModuleSpec( spec.name, module_type, spec.origin, spec.origin, spec.submodule_search_locations, ), ) raise ImportError(f"No module named {'.'.join(module_parts)}") def find_spec(modpath: list[str], path: Sequence[str] | None = None) -> ModuleSpec: """Find a spec for the given module. :type modpath: list or tuple :param modpath: split module's name (i.e name of a module or package split on '.'), with leading empty strings for explicit relative import :type path: list or None :param path: optional list of path where the module or package should be searched (use sys.path if nothing or None is given) :rtype: ModuleSpec :return: A module spec, which describes how the module was found and where. """ _path = path or sys.path # Need a copy for not mutating the argument. modpath = modpath[:] submodule_path = None module_parts = modpath[:] processed: list[str] = [] while modpath: modname = modpath.pop(0) finder, spec = _find_spec_with_path( _path, modname, module_parts, processed, submodule_path or path ) processed.append(modname) if modpath: if isinstance(finder, Finder): submodule_path = finder.contribute_to_path(spec, processed) # If modname is a package from an editable install, update submodule_path # so that the next module in the path will be found inside of it using importlib. elif finder.__name__ in _EditableFinderClasses: submodule_path = spec.submodule_search_locations if spec.type == ModuleType.PKG_DIRECTORY: spec = spec._replace(submodule_search_locations=submodule_path) return spec