Current Path : /opt/alt/python37/share/doc/alt-python37-psutil/ |
Current File : //opt/alt/python37/share/doc/alt-python37-psutil/CREDITS |
Intro ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I would like to recognize some of the people who have been instrumental in the development of psutil. I'm sure I'm forgetting somebody (feel free to email me) but here is a short list. It's modeled after the Linux CREDITS file where the fields are: name (N), e-mail (E), website (W), country (C), description (D), (I) issues. Issue tracker is at: https://github.com/giampaolo/psutil/issues. A big thanks to all of you. - Giampaolo Author ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N: Giampaolo Rodola C: Italy E: g.rodola@gmail.com W: https://gmpy.dev Experts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Github usernames of people to CC on github when in need of help. - NetBSD: - 0-wiz-0, Thomas Klausner - ryoqun, Ryo Onodera - OpenBSD: - landryb, Landry Breuil - FreeBSD: - glebius, Gleb Smirnoff (#1013) - sunpoet, Po-Chuan Hsieh (pkg maintainer, #1105) - kostikbel, Konstantin Belousov (#1105) - macOS: - whitlockjc, Jeremy Whitlock - Windows: - mrjefftang, Jeff Tang - wj32, Wen Jia Liu - fbenkstein, Frank Benkstein - SunOS: - wiggin15, Arnon Yaari - alxchk, Oleksii Shevchuk - AIX: - wiggin15, Arnon Yaari (maintainer) Top contributors ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N: Jay Loden C: NJ, USA E: jloden@gmail.com D: original co-author, initial design/bootstrap and occasional bug fixes W: http://www.jayloden.com N: Arnon Yaari (wiggin15) W: https://github.com/wiggin15 D: AIX implementation, expert on multiple fronts I: 517, 607, 610, 1131, 1123, 1130, 1154, 1164, 1174, 1177, 1210, 1214, 1408, 1329, 1276, 1494, 1528. N: Alex Manuskin W: https://github.com/amanusk D: FreeBSD cpu_freq(), OSX temperatures, support for Linux temperatures. I: 1284, 1345, 1350, 1352, 1472, 1481, 1487. N: Jeff Tang W: https://github.com/mrjefftang I: 340, 529, 616, 653, 654, 648, 641 N: Jeremy Whitlock D: great help with macOS C development. I: 125, 150, 174, 206 N: Landry Breuil W: https://github.com/landryb D: OpenBSD implementation. I: 615 N: Justin Venus D: Solaris support I: 18 N: Thomas Klausner W: https://github.com/0-wiz-0 D: NetBSD implementation (co-author). I: 557 N: Ryo Onodera W: https://github.com/ryoon D: NetBSD implementation (co-author). I: 557 Donations ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N: Rodion Stratov C: Canada N: Remi Chateauneu C: London, UK N: Olivier Grisel C: Paris, France N: Praveen Bhamidipati C: Bellevue, USA N: Willem de Groot C: Netherlands N: Sigmund Vik N: Kahntent C: NYC, USA N: Gyula Áfra C: Budapest, Hungary N: Mahmut Dumlupinar N: Thomas Guettler C: Germany N: Karthik Kumar C: India N: Oche Ejembi C: UK N: Russell Robinson C: New Zealand N: Wompasoft C: Texas, USA N: Amit Kulkarni C: Santa Clara, USA N: Alexander Kaftan C: Augsburg Germany N: Andrew Bays C: Maynard, USA N: Carver Koella C: Pittsburgh, USA N: Kristjan Võrk C: Tallin, Estonia N: HTB Industries C: Willow Springs, USA N: Brett Harris C: Melbourne, Australia N: Peter Friedland C: CT, USA N: Matthew Callow C: Australia N: Marco Schrank C: Germany N: Mindview LLC C: USA N: Григорьев Андрей C: Russia N: Heijdemann Morgan C: Singapore N: Florian Bruhin C: Winterthur, Switzerland N: Heijdemann Morgan C: Singapore N: Morgan Heijdemann C: Singapore Contributors ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N: wj32 D: process username() and get_connections() on Windows I: 114, 115 N: Yan Raber C: Bologna, Italy D: help on Windows development (initial version of Process.username()) N: Dave Daeschler C: USA W: http://daviddaeschler.com D: some contributions to initial design/bootstrap plus occasional bug fixing I: 522, 536 N: cjgohlke D: Windows 64 bit support I: 107 N: Frank Benkstein D: process environ() W: https://github.com/fbenkstein I: 732, 733 N: Mozilla Foundation D: sample code for process USS memory. N: EccoTheFlintstone W: https://github.com/EccoTheFlintstone I: 1368, 1348 ---- N: Jeffery Kline I: 130 N: Grabriel Monnerat I: 146 N: Philip Roberts I: 168 N: jcscoobyrs I: 125 N: Sandro Tosi I: 200, 201 N: Andrew Colin I: 248 N: Amoser I: 266, 267, 340 N: Matthew Grant I: 271 N: oweidner I: 275 N: Tarek Ziade I: 281 N: Luca Cipriani C: Turin, Italy I: 278 N: Maciej Lach, I: 294 N: James Pye I: 305, 306 N: Stanchev Emil I: 314 N: Kim Gräsman D: ...also kindly donated some money. I: 316 N: Riccardo Murri C: Italy I: 318 N: Florent Xicluna I: 319 N: Michal Spondr I: 313 N: Jean Sebastien I: 344 N: Rob Smith W: http://www.kormoc.com/ I: 341 N: Youngsik Kim W: https://plus.google.com/101320747613749824490/ I: 317 N: Gregory Szorc W: https://plus.google.com/116873264322260110710/posts I: 323 N: André Oriani I: 361 N: clackwell I: 356 N: m.malycha I: 351 N: John Baldwin I: 370 N: Jan Beich I: 325 N: floppymaster I: 380 N: Arfrever.FTA I: 369, 404 N: danudey I: 386 N: Adrien Fallou I: 224 N: Gisle Vanem I: 411 N: thepyr0 I: 414 N: John Pankov I: 435 N: Matt Good W: http://matt-good.net/ I: 438 N: Ulrich Klank I: 448 N: Josiah Carlson I: 451, 452 N: Raymond Hettinger D: namedtuple and lru_cache backward compatible implementations. N: Jason Kirtland D: backward compatible implementation of collections.defaultdict. M: Ken Seeho D: @cached_property decorator N: crusaderky I: 470, 477 I: 471 N: Gautam Singh I: 466 I: 476, 479 N: Francois Charron I: 474 N: Naveed Roudsari I: 421 N: Alexander Grothe I: 497 N: Szigeti Gabor Niif I: 446 N: msabramo I: 492 N: Yaolong Huang W: http://airekans.github.io/ I: 530 N: Anders Chrigström W: https://github.com/anders-chrigstrom I: 496 N: spacewander W: https://github.com/spacewander I: 561, 603 N: Sylvain Mouquet I: 565 N: karthikrev I: 568 N: Bruno Binet I: 572 N: Gabi Davar C: Israel W: https://github.com/mindw I: 578, 581, 587 N: spacewanderlzx C: Guangzhou,China I: 555 N: Fabian Groffen I: 611, 618 N: desbma W: https://github.com/desbma C: France I: 628 N: John Burnett W: http://www.johnburnett.com/ C: Irvine, CA, US I: 614 N: Árni Már Jónsson I: 634 N: Bart van Kleef W: https://github.com/bkleef I: 664 N: Steven Winfield W: https://github.com/stevenwinfield I: 672 N: sk6249 W: https://github.com/sk6249 I: 670 N: maozguttman W: https://github.com/maozguttman I: 659 N: dasumin W: https://github.com/dasumin I: 541 N: Mike Sarahan W: https://github.com/msarahan I: 688 N: Syohei YOSHIDA W: https://github.com/syohex I: 730 N: Visa Hankala I: 741 N: Sebastian-Gabriel Brestin C: Romania I: 704 N: Timmy Konick W: https://github.com/tijko I: 751 N: mpderbec W: https://github.com/mpderbec I: 660 N: wxwright W: https://github.com/wxwright I: 776 N: Farhan Khan I: 823 N: Jake Omann W: https://github.com/jomann09 I: 816, 775, 1874 N: Jeremy Humble W: https://github.com/jhumble I: 863 N: Ilya Georgievsky W: https://github.com/xBeAsTx I: 870 N: Yago Jesus W: https://github.com/YJesus I: 798 N: Andre Caron C: Montreal, QC, Canada W: https://github.com/AndreLouisCaron I: 880 N: ewedlund W: https://github.com/ewedlund I: 874 N: Arcadiy Ivanov W: https://github.com/arcivanov I: 919 N: Max Bélanger W: https://github.com/maxbelanger I: 936, 1133 N: Pierre Fersing C: France I: 950 N: Thiago Borges Abdnur W: https://github.com/bolaum I: 959 N: Nicolas Hennion W: https://github.com/nicolargo I: 974 N: Baruch Siach W: https://github.com/baruchsiach I: 872 N: Danek Duvall W: https://github.com/dhduvall I: 1002 N: Alexander Hasselhuhn C: Germany W: https://github.com/alexanha N: Himanshu Shekhar W: https://github.com/himanshub16 I: 1036 N: Yannick Gingras W: https://github.com/ygingras I: 1057 N: Gleb Smirnoff W: https://github.com/glebius D: good help with FreeBSD I: 1042, 1079, 1070 N: Oleksii Shevchuk W: https://github.com/alxchk I: 1077, 1093, 1091, 1220, 1346 N: Prodesire W: https://github.com/Prodesire I: 1138 N: Sebastian Saip W: https://github.com/ssaip I: 1141 N: Jakub Bacic W: https://github.com/jakub-bacic I: 1127 N: Akos Kiss W: https://github.com/akosthekiss I: 1150 N: Adrian Page W: https://github.com/adpag I: 1159, 1160, 1161 N: Matthew Long W: https://github.com/matray I: 1167 N: janderbrain W: https://github.com/janderbrain I: 1169 N: Dan Vinakovsky W: https://github.com/hexaclock I: 1216 N: stswandering W: https://github.com/stswandering I: 1243 N: Georg Sauthoff W: https://github.com/gsauthof I: 1193, 1194 N: Maxime Mouial W: https://github.com/hush-hush I: 1239 N: Denis Krienbühl W: https://github.com/href I: 1260 N: Jean-Luc Migot W: https://github.com/jmigot-tehtris I: 1258, 1289 N: Nikhil Marathe W: https://github.com/nikhilm I: 1278 N: Sylvain Duchesne W: https://github.com/sylvainduchesne I: 1294 N: Lawrence Ye W: https://github.com/LEAFERx I: 1321 N: Ilya Yanok W: https://github.com/yanok I: 1332 N: Jaime Fullaondo W: https://github.com/truthbk D: AIX support I: 1320 N: Koen Kooi W: https://github.com/koenkooi I: 1360 N: Ghislain Le Meur W: https://github.com/gigi206 D: idea for Process.parents() I: 1379 N: Benjamin Drung D: make tests invariant to LANG setting W: https://github.com/bdrung I: 1462 N: Xiaoling Bao I: 1223 N: Cedric Lamoriniere W: https://github.com/clamoriniere I: 1470 N: Daniel Beer W: https://github.com/dbeer1 I: 1471 N: Samer Masterson W: https://github.com/samertm I: 1480 N: Ammar Askar W: http://ammaraskar.com/ I: 604, 1484, 1781 N: agnewee W: https://github.com/Agnewee C: China I: 1491 N: Kamil Rytarowski W: https://github.com/krytarowski C: Poland I: 1526, 1530 N: Athos Ribeiro W: https://github.com/athos-ribeiro I: 1585 N: Erwan Le Pape W: https://github.com/erwan-le-pape I: 1570 N: Étienne Servais W: https://github.com/vser1 I: 1607, 1637 N: Bernát Gábor W: https://github.com/gaborbernat I: 1565 N: Nathan Houghton W: https://github.com/n1000 I: 1619 N: Riccardo Schirone W: https://github.com/ret2libc C: Milano, Italy I: 1616 N: Po-Chuan Hsieh W: https://github.com/sunpoet C: Taiwan I: 1646 N: Javad Karabi W: https://github.com/karabijavad I: 1648 N: Mike Hommey W: https://github.com/glandium I: 1665 N: Anselm Kruis W: https://github.com/akruis I: 1695 N: Michał Górny W: https://github.com/mgorny I: 1726 N: Julien Lebot W: https://github.com/julien-lebot I: 1768 N: Armin Gruner W: https://github.com/ArminGruner I: 1800 N: Chris Burger W: https://github.com/phobozad I: 1830 N: aristocratos W: https://github.com/aristocratos I: 1837, 1838 N: Vincent A. Arcila W: https://github.com/jandrovins I: 1620, 1727 N: Tim Schlueter W: https://github.com/modelrockettier I: 1822