Current Path : /opt/alt/python37/lib64/python3.7/idlelib/ |
Current File : //opt/alt/python37/lib64/python3.7/idlelib/README.txt |
README.txt: an index to idlelib files and the IDLE menu. IDLE is Python's Integrated Development and Learning Environment. The user documentation is part of the Library Reference and is available in IDLE by selecting Help => IDLE Help. This README documents idlelib for IDLE developers and curious users. IDLELIB FILES lists files alphabetically by category, with a short description of each. IDLE MENU show the menu tree, annotated with the module or module object that implements the corresponding function. This file is descriptive, not prescriptive, and may have errors and omissions and lag behind changes in idlelib. IDLELIB FILES Implementation files not in IDLE MENU are marked (nim). Deprecated files and objects are listed separately as the end. Startup ------- __init__.py # import, does nothing __main__.py # -m, starts IDLE idle.bat idle.py idle.pyw Implementation -------------- autocomplete.py # Complete attribute names or filenames. autocomplete_w.py # Display completions. autoexpand.py # Expand word with previous word in file. browser.py # Create module browser window. calltip_w.py # Display calltip. calltips.py # Create calltip text. codecontext.py # Show compound statement headers otherwise not visible. colorizer.py # Colorize text (nim) config.py # Load, fetch, and save configuration (nim). configdialog.py # Display user configuration dialogs. config_help.py # Specify help source in configdialog. config_key.py # Change keybindings. dynoption.py # Define mutable OptionMenu widget (nim). debugobj.py # Define class used in stackviewer. debugobj_r.py # Communicate objects between processes with rpc (nim). debugger.py # Debug code run from shell or editor; show window. debugger_r.py # Debug code run in remote process. delegator.py # Define base class for delegators (nim). editor.py # Define most of editor and utility functions. filelist.py # Open files and manage list of open windows (nim). grep.py # Find all occurrences of pattern in multiple files. help.py # Display IDLE's html doc. help_about.py # Display About IDLE dialog. history.py # Get previous or next user input in shell (nim) hyperparser.py # Parse code around a given index. iomenu.py # Open, read, and write files macosx.py # Help IDLE run on Macs (nim). mainmenu.py # Define most of IDLE menu. multicall.py # Wrap tk widget to allow multiple calls per event (nim). outwin.py # Create window for grep output. paragraph.py # Re-wrap multiline strings and comments. parenmatch.py # Match fenceposts: (), [], and {}. pathbrowser.py # Create path browser window. percolator.py # Manage delegator stack (nim). pyparse.py # Give information on code indentation pyshell.py # Start IDLE, manage shell, complete editor window query.py # Query user for information redirector.py # Intercept widget subcommands (for percolator) (nim). replace.py # Search and replace pattern in text. rpc.py # Communicate between idle and user processes (nim). rstrip.py # Strip trailing whitespace. run.py # Manage user code execution subprocess. runscript.py # Check and run user code. scrolledlist.py # Define scrolledlist widget for IDLE (nim). search.py # Search for pattern in text. searchbase.py # Define base for search, replace, and grep dialogs. searchengine.py # Define engine for all 3 search dialogs. stackviewer.py # View stack after exception. statusbar.py # Define status bar for windows (nim). tabbedpages.py # Define tabbed pages widget (nim). textview.py # Define read-only text widget (nim). tree.py # Define tree widget, used in browsers (nim). undo.py # Manage undo stack. windows.py # Manage window list and define listed top level. zoomheight.py # Zoom window to full height of screen. Configuration ------------- config-extensions.def # Defaults for extensions config-highlight.def # Defaults for colorizing config-keys.def # Defaults for key bindings config-main.def # Defaults for font and general tabs Text ---- CREDITS.txt # not maintained, displayed by About IDLE HISTORY.txt # NEWS up to July 2001 NEWS.txt # commits, displayed by About IDLE README.txt # this file, displayed by About IDLE TODO.txt # needs review extend.txt # about writing extensions help.html # copy of idle.html in docs, displayed by IDLE Help Subdirectories -------------- Icons # small image files idle_test # files for human test and automated unit tests Unused and Deprecated files and objects (nim) --------------------------------------------- tooltip.py # unused IDLE MENUS Top level items and most submenu items are defined in mainmenu. Extensions add submenu items when active. The names given are found, quoted, in one of these modules, paired with a '<<pseudoevent>>'. Each pseudoevent is bound to an event handler. Some event handlers call another function that does the actual work. The annotations below are intended to at least give the module where the actual work is done. 'eEW' = editor.EditorWindow File New File # eEW.new_callback Open... # iomenu.open Open Module # eEw.open_module Recent Files Class Browser # eEW.open_class_browser, browser.ClassBrowser Path Browser # eEW.open_path_browser, pathbrowser --- Save # iomenu.save Save As... # iomenu.save_as Save Copy As... # iomenu.save_a_copy --- Print Window # iomenu.print_window --- Close # eEW.close_event Exit # flist.close_all_callback (bound in eEW) Edit Undo # undodelegator Redo # undodelegator --- # eEW.right_menu_event Cut # eEW.cut Copy # eEW.copy Paste # eEW.past Select All # eEW.select_all (+ see eEW.remove_selection) --- # Next 5 items use searchengine; dialogs use searchbase Find # eEW.find_event, search.SearchDialog.find Find Again # eEW.find_again_event, sSD.find_again Find Selection # eEW.find_selection_event, sSD.find_selection Find in Files... # eEW.find_in_files_event, grep Replace... # eEW.replace_event, replace.ReplaceDialog.replace Go to Line # eEW.goto_line_event Show Completions # autocomplete extension and autocompleteWidow (&HP) Expand Word # autoexpand extension Show call tip # Calltips extension and CalltipWindow (& Hyperparser) Show surrounding parens # parenmatch (& Hyperparser) Shell # pyshell View Last Restart # pyshell.PyShell.view_restart_mark Restart Shell # pyshell.PyShell.restart_shell Interrupt Execution # pyshell.PyShell.cancel_callback Debug (Shell only) Go to File/Line debugger # debugger, debugger_r, PyShell.toggle_debugger Stack Viewer # stackviewer, PyShell.open_stack_viewer Auto-open Stack Viewer # stackviewer Format (Editor only) Indent Region # eEW.indent_region_event Dedent Region # eEW.dedent_region_event Comment Out Reg. # eEW.comment_region_event Uncomment Region # eEW.uncomment_region_event Tabify Region # eEW.tabify_region_event Untabify Region # eEW.untabify_region_event Toggle Tabs # eEW.toggle_tabs_event New Indent Width # eEW.change_indentwidth_event Format Paragraph # paragraph extension --- Strip tailing whitespace # rstrip extension Run (Editor only) Python Shell # pyshell --- Check Module # runscript Run Module # runscript Options Configure IDLE # eEW.config_dialog, configdialog (tabs in the dialog) Font tab # config-main.def Highlight tab # query, config-highlight.def Keys tab # query, config_key, config_keys.def General tab # config_help, config-main.def Extensions tab # config-extensions.def, corresponding .py --- Code Context (ed)# codecontext extension Window Zoomheight # zoomheight extension --- <open windows> # windows Help About IDLE # eEW.about_dialog, help_about.AboutDialog --- IDLE Help # eEW.help_dialog, helpshow_idlehelp Python Doc # eEW.python_docs Turtle Demo # eEW.open_turtle_demo --- <other help sources> <Context Menu> (right click) Defined in editor, PyShelpyshellut Cut Copy Paste --- Go to file/line (shell and output only) Set Breakpoint (editor only) Clear Breakpoint (editor only) Defined in debugger Go to source line Show stack frame <No menu> Center Insert # eEW.center_insert_event CODE STYLE -- Generally PEP 8. import ------ Put import at the top, unless there is a good reason otherwise. PEP 8 says to group stdlib, 3rd-party dependencies, and package imports. For idlelib, the groups are general stdlib, tkinter, and idlelib. Sort modules within each group, except that tkinter.ttk follows tkinter. Sort 'from idlelib import mod1' and 'from idlelib.mod2 import object' together by module, ignoring within module objects. Put 'import __main__' after other idlelib imports. Imports only needed for testing are put not at the top but in an htest function def or "if __name__ == '__main__'" clause. Within module imports like "from idlelib.mod import class" may cause circular imports to deadlock. Even without this, circular imports may require at least one of the imports to be delayed until a function call.