Current Path : /opt/alt/alt-nodejs18/root/usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules.bundled/cssesc/ |
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# cssesc [](https://travis-ci.org/mathiasbynens/cssesc) [](https://codecov.io/gh/mathiasbynens/cssesc) A JavaScript library for escaping CSS strings and identifiers while generating the shortest possible ASCII-only output. This is a JavaScript library for [escaping text for use in CSS strings or identifiers](https://mathiasbynens.be/notes/css-escapes) while generating the shortest possible valid ASCII-only output. [Here’s an online demo.](https://mothereff.in/css-escapes) [A polyfill for the CSSOM `CSS.escape()` method is available in a separate repository.](https://mths.be/cssescape) (In comparison, _cssesc_ is much more powerful.) Feel free to fork if you see possible improvements! ## Installation Via [npm](https://www.npmjs.com/): ```bash npm install cssesc ``` In a browser: ```html <script src="cssesc.js"></script> ``` In [Node.js](https://nodejs.org/): ```js const cssesc = require('cssesc'); ``` In Ruby using [the `ruby-cssesc` wrapper gem](https://github.com/borodean/ruby-cssesc): ```bash gem install ruby-cssesc ``` ```ruby require 'ruby-cssesc' CSSEsc.escape('I ♥ Ruby', is_identifier: true) ``` In Sass using [`sassy-escape`](https://github.com/borodean/sassy-escape): ```bash gem install sassy-escape ``` ```scss body { content: escape('I ♥ Sass', $is-identifier: true); } ``` ## API ### `cssesc(value, options)` This function takes a value and returns an escaped version of the value where any characters that are not printable ASCII symbols are escaped using the shortest possible (but valid) [escape sequences for use in CSS strings or identifiers](https://mathiasbynens.be/notes/css-escapes). ```js cssesc('Ich ♥ Bücher'); // → 'Ich \\2665 B\\FC cher' cssesc('foo 𝌆 bar'); // → 'foo \\1D306 bar' ``` By default, `cssesc` returns a string that can be used as part of a CSS string. If the target is a CSS identifier rather than a CSS string, use the `isIdentifier: true` setting (see below). The optional `options` argument accepts an object with the following options: #### `isIdentifier` The default value for the `isIdentifier` option is `false`. This means that the input text will be escaped for use in a CSS string literal. If you want to use the result as a CSS identifier instead (in a selector, for example), set this option to `true`. ```js cssesc('123a2b'); // → '123a2b' cssesc('123a2b', { 'isIdentifier': true }); // → '\\31 23a2b' ``` #### `quotes` The default value for the `quotes` option is `'single'`. This means that any occurences of `'` in the input text will be escaped as `\'`, so that the output can be used in a CSS string literal wrapped in single quotes. ```js cssesc('Lorem ipsum "dolor" sit \'amet\' etc.'); // → 'Lorem ipsum "dolor" sit \\\'amet\\\' etc.' // → "Lorem ipsum \"dolor\" sit \\'amet\\' etc." cssesc('Lorem ipsum "dolor" sit \'amet\' etc.', { 'quotes': 'single' }); // → 'Lorem ipsum "dolor" sit \\\'amet\\\' etc.' // → "Lorem ipsum \"dolor\" sit \\'amet\\' etc." ``` If you want to use the output as part of a CSS string literal wrapped in double quotes, set the `quotes` option to `'double'`. ```js cssesc('Lorem ipsum "dolor" sit \'amet\' etc.', { 'quotes': 'double' }); // → 'Lorem ipsum \\"dolor\\" sit \'amet\' etc.' // → "Lorem ipsum \\\"dolor\\\" sit 'amet' etc." ``` #### `wrap` The `wrap` option takes a boolean value (`true` or `false`), and defaults to `false` (disabled). When enabled, the output will be a valid CSS string literal wrapped in quotes. The type of quotes can be specified through the `quotes` setting. ```js cssesc('Lorem ipsum "dolor" sit \'amet\' etc.', { 'quotes': 'single', 'wrap': true }); // → '\'Lorem ipsum "dolor" sit \\\'amet\\\' etc.\'' // → "\'Lorem ipsum \"dolor\" sit \\\'amet\\\' etc.\'" cssesc('Lorem ipsum "dolor" sit \'amet\' etc.', { 'quotes': 'double', 'wrap': true }); // → '"Lorem ipsum \\"dolor\\" sit \'amet\' etc."' // → "\"Lorem ipsum \\\"dolor\\\" sit \'amet\' etc.\"" ``` #### `escapeEverything` The `escapeEverything` option takes a boolean value (`true` or `false`), and defaults to `false` (disabled). When enabled, all the symbols in the output will be escaped, even printable ASCII symbols. ```js cssesc('lolwat"foo\'bar', { 'escapeEverything': true }); // → '\\6C\\6F\\6C\\77\\61\\74\\"\\66\\6F\\6F\\\'\\62\\61\\72' // → "\\6C\\6F\\6C\\77\\61\\74\\\"\\66\\6F\\6F\\'\\62\\61\\72" ``` #### Overriding the default options globally The global default settings can be overridden by modifying the `css.options` object. This saves you from passing in an `options` object for every call to `encode` if you want to use the non-default setting. ```js // Read the global default setting for `escapeEverything`: cssesc.options.escapeEverything; // → `false` by default // Override the global default setting for `escapeEverything`: cssesc.options.escapeEverything = true; // Using the global default setting for `escapeEverything`, which is now `true`: cssesc('foo © bar ≠ baz 𝌆 qux'); // → '\\66\\6F\\6F\\ \\A9\\ \\62\\61\\72\\ \\2260\\ \\62\\61\\7A\\ \\1D306\\ \\71\\75\\78' ``` ### `cssesc.version` A string representing the semantic version number. ### Using the `cssesc` binary To use the `cssesc` binary in your shell, simply install cssesc globally using npm: ```bash npm install -g cssesc ``` After that you will be able to escape text for use in CSS strings or identifiers from the command line: ```bash $ cssesc 'föo ♥ bår 𝌆 baz' f\F6o \2665 b\E5r \1D306 baz ``` If the output needs to be a CSS identifier rather than part of a string literal, use the `-i`/`--identifier` option: ```bash $ cssesc --identifier 'föo ♥ bår 𝌆 baz' f\F6o\ \2665\ b\E5r\ \1D306\ baz ``` See `cssesc --help` for the full list of options. ## Support This library supports the Node.js and browser versions mentioned in [`.babelrc`](https://github.com/mathiasbynens/cssesc/blob/master/.babelrc). For a version that supports a wider variety of legacy browsers and environments out-of-the-box, [see v0.1.0](https://github.com/mathiasbynens/cssesc/releases/tag/v0.1.0). ## Author | [](https://twitter.com/mathias "Follow @mathias on Twitter") | |---| | [Mathias Bynens](https://mathiasbynens.be/) | ## License This library is available under the [MIT](https://mths.be/mit) license.