Current Path : /opt/alt/alt-nodejs18/root/lib/node_modules/npm/lib/commands/ |
Current File : //opt/alt/alt-nodejs18/root/lib/node_modules/npm/lib/commands/token.js |
const { log, output } = require('proc-log') const profile = require('npm-profile') const otplease = require('../utils/otplease.js') const readUserInfo = require('../utils/read-user-info.js') const BaseCommand = require('../base-cmd.js') class Token extends BaseCommand { static description = 'Manage your authentication tokens' static name = 'token' static usage = ['list', 'revoke <id|token>', 'create [--read-only] [--cidr=list]'] static params = ['read-only', 'cidr', 'registry', 'otp'] static async completion (opts) { const argv = opts.conf.argv.remain const subcommands = ['list', 'revoke', 'create'] if (argv.length === 2) { return subcommands } if (subcommands.includes(argv[2])) { return [] } throw new Error(argv[2] + ' not recognized') } async exec (args) { if (args.length === 0) { return this.list() } switch (args[0]) { case 'list': case 'ls': return this.list() case 'rm': case 'delete': case 'revoke': case 'remove': return this.rm(args.slice(1)) case 'create': return this.create(args.slice(1)) default: throw this.usageError(`${args[0]} is not a recognized subcommand.`) } } async list () { const json = this.npm.config.get('json') const parseable = this.npm.config.get('parseable') log.info('token', 'getting list') const tokens = await profile.listTokens(this.npm.flatOptions) if (json) { output.standard(JSON.stringify(tokens, null, 2)) return } if (parseable) { output.standard(['key', 'token', 'created', 'readonly', 'CIDR whitelist'].join('\t')) tokens.forEach(token => { output.standard( [ token.key, token.token, token.created, token.readonly ? 'true' : 'false', token.cidr_whitelist ? token.cidr_whitelist.join(',') : '', ].join('\t') ) }) return } this.generateTokenIds(tokens, 6) const chalk = this.npm.chalk for (const token of tokens) { const level = token.readonly ? 'Read only token' : 'Publish token' const created = String(token.created).slice(0, 10) /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ output.standard(`${chalk.blue(level)} ${token.token}… with id ${chalk.cyan(token.id)} created ${created}`) if (token.cidr_whitelist) { output.standard(`with IP whitelist: ${chalk.green(token.cidr_whitelist.join(','))}`) } output.standard() } } async rm (args) { if (args.length === 0) { throw this.usageError('`<tokenKey>` argument is required.') } const json = this.npm.config.get('json') const parseable = this.npm.config.get('parseable') const toRemove = [] const opts = { ...this.npm.flatOptions } log.info('token', `removing ${toRemove.length} tokens`) const tokens = await profile.listTokens(opts) args.forEach(id => { const matches = tokens.filter(token => token.key.indexOf(id) === 0) if (matches.length === 1) { toRemove.push(matches[0].key) } else if (matches.length > 1) { throw new Error( /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ `Token ID "${id}" was ambiguous, a new token may have been created since you last ran \`npm token list\`.` ) } else { const tokenMatches = tokens.some(t => id.indexOf(t.token) === 0) if (!tokenMatches) { throw new Error(`Unknown token id or value "${id}".`) } toRemove.push(id) } }) await Promise.all( toRemove.map(key => { return otplease(this.npm, opts, c => profile.removeToken(key, c)) }) ) if (json) { output.standard(JSON.stringify(toRemove)) } else if (parseable) { output.standard(toRemove.join('\t')) } else { output.standard('Removed ' + toRemove.length + ' token' + (toRemove.length !== 1 ? 's' : '')) } } async create () { const json = this.npm.config.get('json') const parseable = this.npm.config.get('parseable') const cidr = this.npm.config.get('cidr') const readonly = this.npm.config.get('read-only') const validCIDR = await this.validateCIDRList(cidr) const password = await readUserInfo.password() log.info('token', 'creating') const result = await otplease( this.npm, { ...this.npm.flatOptions }, c => profile.createToken(password, readonly, validCIDR, c) ) delete result.key delete result.updated if (json) { output.standard(JSON.stringify(result)) } else if (parseable) { Object.keys(result).forEach(k => output.standard(k + '\t' + result[k])) } else { const chalk = this.npm.chalk // Identical to list const level = result.readonly ? 'read only' : 'publish' output.standard(`Created ${chalk.blue(level)} token ${result.token}`) if (result.cidr_whitelist?.length) { output.standard(`with IP whitelist: ${chalk.green(result.cidr_whitelist.join(','))}`) } } } invalidCIDRError (msg) { return Object.assign(new Error(msg), { code: 'EINVALIDCIDR' }) } generateTokenIds (tokens, minLength) { for (const token of tokens) { token.id = token.key for (let ii = minLength; ii < token.key.length; ++ii) { const match = tokens.some( ot => ot !== token && ot.key.slice(0, ii) === token.key.slice(0, ii) ) if (!match) { token.id = token.key.slice(0, ii) break } } } } async validateCIDRList (cidrs) { const { v4: isCidrV4, v6: isCidrV6 } = await import('is-cidr') const maybeList = [].concat(cidrs).filter(Boolean) const list = maybeList.length === 1 ? maybeList[0].split(/,\s*/) : maybeList for (const cidr of list) { if (isCidrV6(cidr)) { throw this.invalidCIDRError( `CIDR whitelist can only contain IPv4 addresses${cidr} is IPv6` ) } if (!isCidrV4(cidr)) { throw this.invalidCIDRError(`CIDR whitelist contains invalid CIDR entry: ${cidr}`) } } return list } } module.exports = Token