Current Path : /lib/python3.6/site-packages/tuned/plugins/ |
Current File : //lib/python3.6/site-packages/tuned/plugins/plugin_scheduler.py |
# code for cores isolation was inspired by Tuna implementation # perf code was borrowed from kernel/tools/perf/python/twatch.py # thanks to Arnaldo Carvalho de Melo <acme@redhat.com> from . import base from .decorators import * import tuned.logs import re from subprocess import * import threading import perf import select import tuned.consts as consts import procfs from tuned.utils.commands import commands import errno import os import collections import math # Check existence of scheduler API in os module try: os.SCHED_FIFO except AttributeError: import schedutils log = tuned.logs.get() class SchedulerParams(object): def __init__(self, cmd, cmdline = None, scheduler = None, priority = None, affinity = None, cgroup = None): self._cmd = cmd self.cmdline = cmdline self.scheduler = scheduler self.priority = priority self.affinity = affinity self.cgroup = cgroup @property def affinity(self): if self._affinity is None: return None else: return self._cmd.bitmask2cpulist(self._affinity) @affinity.setter def affinity(self, value): if value is None: self._affinity = None else: self._affinity = self._cmd.cpulist2bitmask(value) class IRQAffinities(object): def __init__(self): self.irqs = {} self.default = None # IRQs that don't support changing CPU affinity: self.unchangeable = [] class SchedulerUtils(object): """ Class encapsulating scheduler implementation in os module """ _dict_schedcfg2schedconst = { "f": "SCHED_FIFO", "b": "SCHED_BATCH", "r": "SCHED_RR", "o": "SCHED_OTHER", "i": "SCHED_IDLE", } def __init__(self): # {"f": os.SCHED_FIFO...} self._dict_schedcfg2num = dict((k, getattr(os, name)) for k, name in self._dict_schedcfg2schedconst.items()) # { os.SCHED_FIFO: "SCHED_FIFO"... } self._dict_num2schedconst = dict((getattr(os, name), name) for name in self._dict_schedcfg2schedconst.values()) def sched_cfg_to_num(self, str_scheduler): return self._dict_schedcfg2num.get(str_scheduler) # Reimplementation of schedstr from schedutils for logging purposes def sched_num_to_const(self, scheduler): return self._dict_num2schedconst.get(scheduler) def get_scheduler(self, pid): return os.sched_getscheduler(pid) def set_scheduler(self, pid, sched, prio): os.sched_setscheduler(pid, sched, os.sched_param(prio)) def get_affinity(self, pid): return os.sched_getaffinity(pid) def set_affinity(self, pid, affinity): os.sched_setaffinity(pid, affinity) def get_priority(self, pid): return os.sched_getparam(pid).sched_priority def get_priority_min(self, sched): return os.sched_get_priority_min(sched) def get_priority_max(self, sched): return os.sched_get_priority_max(sched) class SchedulerUtilsSchedutils(SchedulerUtils): """ Class encapsulating scheduler implementation in schedutils module """ def __init__(self): # { "f": schedutils.SCHED_FIFO... } self._dict_schedcfg2num = dict((k, getattr(schedutils, name)) for k, name in self._dict_schedcfg2schedconst.items()) # { schedutils.SCHED_FIFO: "SCHED_FIFO"... } self._dict_num2schedconst = dict((getattr(schedutils, name), name) for name in self._dict_schedcfg2schedconst.values()) def get_scheduler(self, pid): return schedutils.get_scheduler(pid) def set_scheduler(self, pid, sched, prio): schedutils.set_scheduler(pid, sched, prio) def get_affinity(self, pid): return schedutils.get_affinity(pid) def set_affinity(self, pid, affinity): schedutils.set_affinity(pid, affinity) def get_priority(self, pid): return schedutils.get_priority(pid) def get_priority_min(self, sched): return schedutils.get_priority_min(sched) def get_priority_max(self, sched): return schedutils.get_priority_max(sched) class SchedulerPlugin(base.Plugin): """ `scheduler`:: Allows tuning of scheduling priorities, process/thread/IRQ affinities, and CPU isolation. + To prevent processes/threads/IRQs from using certain CPUs, use the [option]`isolated_cores` option. It changes process/thread affinities, IRQs affinities and it sets `default_smp_affinity` for IRQs. The CPU affinity mask is adjusted for all processes and threads matching [option]`ps_whitelist` option subject to success of the `sched_setaffinity()` system call. The default setting of the [option]`ps_whitelist` regular expression is `.*` to match all processes and thread names. To exclude certain processes and threads use [option]`ps_blacklist` option. The value of this option is also interpreted as a regular expression and process/thread names (`ps -eo cmd`) are matched against that expression. Profile rollback allows all matching processes and threads to run on all CPUs and restores the IRQ settings prior to the profile application. + Multiple regular expressions for [option]`ps_whitelist` and [option]`ps_blacklist` options are allowed and separated by `;`. Quoted semicolon `\;` is taken literally. + .Isolate CPUs 2-4 ==== ---- [scheduler] isolated_cores=2-4 ps_blacklist=.*pmd.*;.*PMD.*;^DPDK;.*qemu-kvm.* ---- Isolate CPUs 2-4 while ignoring processes and threads matching `ps_blacklist` regular expressions. ==== The [option]`default_irq_smp_affinity` option controls the values *TuneD* writes to `/proc/irq/default_smp_affinity`. The file specifies default affinity mask that applies to all non-active IRQs. Once an IRQ is allocated/activated its affinity bitmask will be set to the default mask. + The following values are supported: + -- `calc`:: Content of `/proc/irq/default_smp_affinity` will be calculated from the `isolated_cores` parameter. Non-isolated cores are calculated as an inversion of the `isolated_cores`. Then the intersection of the non-isolated cores and the previous content of `/proc/irq/default_smp_affinity` is written to `/proc/irq/default_smp_affinity`. If the intersection is an empty set, then just the non-isolated cores are written to `/proc/irq/default_smp_affinity`. This behavior is the default if the parameter `default_irq_smp_affinity` is omitted. `ignore`:: *TuneD* will not touch `/proc/irq/default_smp_affinity`. explicit cpulist:: The cpulist (such as 1,3-4) is unpacked and written directly to `/proc/irq/default_smp_affinity`. -- + .An explicit CPU list to set the default IRQ smp affinity to CPUs 0 and 2 ==== ---- [scheduler] isolated_cores=1,3 default_irq_smp_affinity=0,2 ---- ==== To adjust scheduling policy, priority and affinity for a group of processes/threads, use the following syntax. + [subs="+quotes,+macros"] ---- group.__groupname__=__rule_prio__:__sched__:__prio__:__affinity__:__regex__ ---- + where `__rule_prio__` defines internal *TuneD* priority of the rule. Rules are sorted based on priority. This is needed for inheritence to be able to reorder previously defined rules. Equal `__rule_prio__` rules should be processed in the order they were defined. However, this is Python interpreter dependant. To disable an inherited rule for `__groupname__` use: + [subs="+quotes,+macros"] ---- group.__groupname__= ---- + `__sched__` must be one of: *`f`* for FIFO, *`b`* for batch, *`r`* for round robin, *`o`* for other, *`*`* do not change. + `__affinity__` is CPU affinity in hexadecimal. Use `*` for no change. + `__prio__` scheduling priority (see `chrt -m`). + `__regex__` is Python regular expression. It is matched against the output of + [subs="+quotes,+macros"] ---- ps -eo cmd ---- + Any given process name may match more than one group. In such a case, the priority and scheduling policy are taken from the last matching `__regex__`. + .Setting scheduling policy and priorities to kernel threads and watchdog ==== ---- [scheduler] group.kthreads=0:*:1:*:\[.*\]$ group.watchdog=0:f:99:*:\[watchdog.*\] ---- ==== + The scheduler plug-in uses perf event loop to catch newly created processes. By default it listens to `perf.RECORD_COMM` and `perf.RECORD_EXIT` events. By setting [option]`perf_process_fork` option to `true`, `perf.RECORD_FORK` events will be also listened to. In other words, child processes created by the `fork()` system call will be processed. Since child processes inherit CPU affinity from their parents, the scheduler plug-in usually does not need to explicitly process these events. As processing perf events can pose a significant CPU overhead, the [option]`perf_process_fork` option parameter is set to `false` by default. Due to this, child processes are not processed by the scheduler plug-in. + The CPU overhead of the scheduler plugin can be mitigated by using the scheduler [option]`runtime` option and setting it to `0`. This will completely disable the dynamic scheduler functionality and the perf events will not be monitored and acted upon. The disadvantage ot this approach is the procees/thread tuning will be done only at profile application. + .Disabling the scheduler dynamic functionality ==== ---- [scheduler] runtime=0 isolated_cores=1,3 ---- ==== + NOTE: For perf events, memory mapped buffer is used. Under heavy load the buffer may overflow. In such cases the `scheduler` plug-in may start missing events and failing to process some newly created processes. Increasing the buffer size may help. The buffer size can be set with the [option]`perf_mmap_pages` option. The value of this parameter has to expressed in powers of 2. If it is not the power of 2, the nearest higher power of 2 value is calculated from it and this calculated value used. If the [option]`perf_mmap_pages` option is omitted, the default kernel value is used. + The scheduler plug-in supports process/thread confinement using cgroups v1. + [option]`cgroup_mount_point` option specifies the path to mount the cgroup filesystem or where *TuneD* expects it to be mounted. If unset, `/sys/fs/cgroup/cpuset` is expected. + If [option]`cgroup_groups_init` option is set to `1` *TuneD* will create (and remove) all cgroups defined with the `cgroup*` options. This is the default behavior. If it is set to `0` the cgroups need to be preset by other means. + If [option]`cgroup_mount_point_init` option is set to `1`, *TuneD* will create (and remove) the cgroup mountpoint. It implies `cgroup_groups_init = 1`. If set to `0` the cgroups mount point needs to be preset by other means. This is the default behavior. + The [option]`cgroup_for_isolated_cores` option is the cgroup name used for the [option]`isolated_cores` option functionality. For example, if a system has 4 CPUs, `isolated_cores=1` means that all processes/threads will be moved to CPUs 0,2-3. The scheduler plug-in will isolate the specified core by writing the calculated CPU affinity to the `cpuset.cpus` control file of the specified cgroup and move all the matching processes/threads to this group. If this option is unset, classic cpuset affinity using `sched_setaffinity()` will be used. + [option]`cgroup.__cgroup_name__` option defines affinities for arbitrary cgroups. Even hierarchic cgroups can be used, but the hieararchy needs to be specified in the correct order. Also *TuneD* does not do any sanity checks here, with the exception that it forces the cgroup to be under [option]`cgroup_mount_point`. + The syntax of the scheduler option starting with `group.` has been augmented to use `cgroup.__cgroup_name__` instead of the hexadecimal `__affinity__`. The matching processes will be moved to the cgroup `__cgroup_name__`. It is also possible to use cgroups which have not been defined by the [option]`cgroup.` option as described above, i.e. cgroups not managed by *TuneD*. + All cgroup names are sanitized by replacing all all dots (`.`) with slashes (`/`). This is to prevent the plug-in from writing outside [option]`cgroup_mount_point`. + .Using cgroups v1 with the scheduler plug-in ==== ---- [scheduler] cgroup_mount_point=/sys/fs/cgroup/cpuset cgroup_mount_point_init=1 cgroup_groups_init=1 cgroup_for_isolated_cores=group cgroup.group1=2 cgroup.group2=0,2 group.ksoftirqd=0:f:2:cgroup.group1:ksoftirqd.* ps_blacklist=ksoftirqd.*;rcuc.*;rcub.*;ktimersoftd.* isolated_cores=1 ---- Cgroup `group1` has the affinity set to CPU 2 and the cgroup `group2` to CPUs 0,2. Given a 4 CPU setup, the [option]`isolated_cores=1` option causes all processes/threads to be moved to CPU cores 0,2-3. Processes/threads that are blacklisted by the [option]`ps_blacklist` regular expression will not be moved. The scheduler plug-in will isolate the specified core by writing the CPU affinity 0,2-3 to the `cpuset.cpus` control file of the `group` and move all the matching processes/threads to this cgroup. ==== Option [option]`cgroup_ps_blacklist` allows excluding processes which belong to the blacklisted cgroups. The regular expression specified by this option is matched against cgroup hierarchies from `/proc/PID/cgroups`. Cgroups v1 hierarchies from `/proc/PID/cgroups` are separated by commas ',' prior to regular expression matching. The following is an example of content against which the regular expression is matched against: `10:hugetlb:/,9:perf_event:/,8:blkio:/` + Multiple regular expressions can be separated by semicolon ';'. The semicolon represents a logical 'or' operator. + .Cgroup-based exclusion of processes from the scheduler ==== ---- [scheduler] isolated_cores=1 cgroup_ps_blacklist=:/daemons\b ---- The scheduler plug-in will move all processes away from core 1 except processes which belong to cgroup '/daemons'. The '\b' is a regular expression metacharacter that matches a word boundary. ---- [scheduler] isolated_cores=1 cgroup_ps_blacklist=\b8:blkio: ---- The scheduler plug-in will exclude all processes which belong to a cgroup with hierarchy-ID 8 and controller-list blkio. ==== Recent kernels moved some `sched_` and `numa_balancing_` kernel run-time parameters from `/proc/sys/kernel`, managed by the `sysctl` utility, to `debugfs`, typically mounted under `/sys/kernel/debug`. TuneD provides an abstraction mechanism for the following parameters via the scheduler plug-in: [option]`sched_min_granularity_ns`, [option]`sched_latency_ns`, [option]`sched_wakeup_granularity_ns`, [option]`sched_tunable_scaling`, [option]`sched_migration_cost_ns`, [option]`sched_nr_migrate`, [option]`numa_balancing_scan_delay_ms`, [option]`numa_balancing_scan_period_min_ms`, [option]`numa_balancing_scan_period_max_ms` and [option]`numa_balancing_scan_size_mb`. Based on the kernel used, TuneD will write the specified value to the correct location. + .Set tasks' "cache hot" value for migration decisions. ==== ---- [scheduler] sched_migration_cost_ns=500000 ---- On the old kernels, this is equivalent to: ---- [sysctl] kernel.sched_migration_cost_ns=500000 ---- that is, value `500000` will be written to `/proc/sys/kernel/sched_migration_cost_ns`. However, on more recent kernels, the value `500000` will be written to `/sys/kernel/debug/sched/migration_cost_ns`. ==== """ def __init__(self, monitor_repository, storage_factory, hardware_inventory, device_matcher, device_matcher_udev, plugin_instance_factory, global_cfg, variables): super(SchedulerPlugin, self).__init__(monitor_repository, storage_factory, hardware_inventory, device_matcher, device_matcher_udev, plugin_instance_factory, global_cfg, variables) self._has_dynamic_options = True self._daemon = consts.CFG_DEF_DAEMON self._sleep_interval = int(consts.CFG_DEF_SLEEP_INTERVAL) if global_cfg is not None: self._daemon = global_cfg.get_bool(consts.CFG_DAEMON, consts.CFG_DEF_DAEMON) self._sleep_interval = int(global_cfg.get(consts.CFG_SLEEP_INTERVAL, consts.CFG_DEF_SLEEP_INTERVAL)) self._cmd = commands() # helper variable utilized for showing hint only once that the error may be caused by Secure Boot self._secure_boot_hint = None # paths cache for sched_ and numa_ tunings self._sched_knob_paths_cache = {} # default is to whitelist all and blacklist none self._ps_whitelist = ".*" self._ps_blacklist = "" self._cgroup_ps_blacklist_re = "" self._cpus = perf.cpu_map() self._scheduler_storage_key = self._storage_key( command_name = "scheduler") self._irq_storage_key = self._storage_key( command_name = "irq") self._evlist = None try: self._scheduler_utils = SchedulerUtils() except AttributeError: self._scheduler_utils = SchedulerUtilsSchedutils() def _calc_mmap_pages(self, mmap_pages): if mmap_pages is None: return None try: mp = int(mmap_pages) except ValueError: return 0 if mp <= 0: return 0 # round up to the nearest power of two value return int(2 ** math.ceil(math.log(mp, 2))) def _instance_init(self, instance): instance._evlist = None instance._has_dynamic_tuning = False instance._has_static_tuning = True # this is hack, runtime_tuning should be covered by dynamic_tuning configuration # TODO: add per plugin dynamic tuning configuration and use dynamic_tuning configuration # instead of runtime_tuning instance._runtime_tuning = True # FIXME: do we want to do this here? # recover original values in case of crash self._scheduler_original = self._storage.get( self._scheduler_storage_key, {}) if len(self._scheduler_original) > 0: log.info("recovering scheduling settings from previous run") self._restore_ps_affinity() self._scheduler_original = {} self._storage.unset(self._scheduler_storage_key) self._cgroups_original_affinity = dict() # calculated by isolated_cores setter self._affinity = None self._cgroup_affinity_initialized = False self._cgroup = None self._cgroups = collections.OrderedDict([(self._sanitize_cgroup_path(option[7:]), self._variables.expand(affinity)) for option, affinity in instance.options.items() if option[:7] == "cgroup." and len(option) > 7]) instance._scheduler = instance.options perf_mmap_pages_raw = self._variables.expand(instance.options["perf_mmap_pages"]) perf_mmap_pages = self._calc_mmap_pages(perf_mmap_pages_raw) if perf_mmap_pages == 0: log.error("Invalid 'perf_mmap_pages' value specified: '%s', using default kernel value" % perf_mmap_pages_raw) perf_mmap_pages = None if perf_mmap_pages is not None and str(perf_mmap_pages) != perf_mmap_pages_raw: log.info("'perf_mmap_pages' value has to be power of two, specified: '%s', using: '%d'" % (perf_mmap_pages_raw, perf_mmap_pages)) for k in instance._scheduler: instance._scheduler[k] = self._variables.expand(instance._scheduler[k]) if self._cmd.get_bool(instance._scheduler.get("runtime", 1)) == "0": instance._runtime_tuning = False instance._terminate = threading.Event() if self._daemon and instance._runtime_tuning: try: instance._threads = perf.thread_map() evsel = perf.evsel(type = perf.TYPE_SOFTWARE, config = perf.COUNT_SW_DUMMY, task = 1, comm = 1, mmap = 0, freq = 0, wakeup_events = 1, watermark = 1, sample_type = perf.SAMPLE_TID | perf.SAMPLE_CPU) evsel.open(cpus = self._cpus, threads = instance._threads) instance._evlist = perf.evlist(self._cpus, instance._threads) instance._evlist.add(evsel) if perf_mmap_pages is None: instance._evlist.mmap() else: instance._evlist.mmap(pages = perf_mmap_pages) # no perf except: instance._runtime_tuning = False def _instance_cleanup(self, instance): if instance._evlist: for fd in instance._evlist.get_pollfd(): os.close(fd.name) @classmethod def _get_config_options(cls): return { "isolated_cores": None, "cgroup_mount_point": consts.DEF_CGROUP_MOUNT_POINT, "cgroup_mount_point_init": False, "cgroup_groups_init": True, "cgroup_for_isolated_cores": None, "cgroup_ps_blacklist": None, "ps_whitelist": None, "ps_blacklist": None, "default_irq_smp_affinity": "calc", "perf_mmap_pages": None, "perf_process_fork": "false", "sched_min_granularity_ns": None, "sched_latency_ns": None, "sched_wakeup_granularity_ns": None, "sched_tunable_scaling": None, "sched_migration_cost_ns": None, "sched_nr_migrate": None, "numa_balancing_scan_delay_ms": None, "numa_balancing_scan_period_min_ms": None, "numa_balancing_scan_period_max_ms": None, "numa_balancing_scan_size_mb": None } def _sanitize_cgroup_path(self, value): return str(value).replace(".", "/") if value is not None else None # Raises OSError, IOError def _get_cmdline(self, process): if not isinstance(process, procfs.process): pid = process process = procfs.process(pid) cmdline = procfs.process_cmdline(process) if self._is_kthread(process): cmdline = "[" + cmdline + "]" return cmdline # Raises OSError, IOError def get_processes(self): ps = procfs.pidstats() ps.reload_threads() processes = {} for proc in ps.values(): try: cmd = self._get_cmdline(proc) pid = proc["pid"] processes[pid] = cmd if "threads" in proc: for pid in proc["threads"].keys(): cmd = self._get_cmdline(proc) processes[pid] = cmd except (OSError, IOError) as e: if e.errno == errno.ENOENT \ or e.errno == errno.ESRCH: continue else: raise return processes # Raises OSError # Raises SystemError with old (pre-0.4) python-schedutils # instead of OSError # If PID doesn't exist, errno == ESRCH def _get_rt(self, pid): scheduler = self._scheduler_utils.get_scheduler(pid) sched_str = self._scheduler_utils.sched_num_to_const(scheduler) priority = self._scheduler_utils.get_priority(pid) log.debug("Read scheduler policy '%s' and priority '%d' of PID '%d'" % (sched_str, priority, pid)) return (scheduler, priority) def _set_rt(self, pid, sched, prio): sched_str = self._scheduler_utils.sched_num_to_const(sched) log.debug("Setting scheduler policy to '%s' and priority to '%d' of PID '%d'." % (sched_str, prio, pid)) try: prio_min = self._scheduler_utils.get_priority_min(sched) prio_max = self._scheduler_utils.get_priority_max(sched) if prio < prio_min or prio > prio_max: log.error("Priority for %s must be in range %d - %d. '%d' was given." % (sched_str, prio_min, prio_max, prio)) # Workaround for old (pre-0.4) python-schedutils which raised # SystemError instead of OSError except (SystemError, OSError) as e: log.error("Failed to get allowed priority range: %s" % e) try: self._scheduler_utils.set_scheduler(pid, sched, prio) except (SystemError, OSError) as e: if hasattr(e, "errno") and e.errno == errno.ESRCH: log.debug("Failed to set scheduling parameters of PID %d, the task vanished." % pid) else: log.error("Failed to set scheduling parameters of PID %d: %s" % (pid, e)) # process is a procfs.process object # Raises OSError, IOError def _is_kthread(self, process): return process["stat"]["flags"] & procfs.pidstat.PF_KTHREAD != 0 # Return codes: # 0 - Affinity is fixed # 1 - Affinity is changeable # -1 - Task vanished # -2 - Error def _affinity_changeable(self, pid): try: process = procfs.process(pid) if process["stat"].is_bound_to_cpu(): if process["stat"]["state"] == "Z": log.debug("Affinity of zombie task with PID %d cannot be changed, the task's affinity mask is fixed." % pid) elif self._is_kthread(process): log.debug("Affinity of kernel thread with PID %d cannot be changed, the task's affinity mask is fixed." % pid) else: log.warn("Affinity of task with PID %d cannot be changed, the task's affinity mask is fixed." % pid) return 0 else: return 1 except (OSError, IOError) as e: if e.errno == errno.ENOENT or e.errno == errno.ESRCH: log.debug("Failed to get task info for PID %d, the task vanished." % pid) return -1 else: log.error("Failed to get task info for PID %d: %s" % (pid, e)) return -2 except (AttributeError, KeyError) as e: log.error("Failed to get task info for PID %d: %s" % (pid, e)) return -2 def _store_orig_process_rt(self, pid, scheduler, priority): try: params = self._scheduler_original[pid] except KeyError: params = SchedulerParams(self._cmd) self._scheduler_original[pid] = params if params.scheduler is None and params.priority is None: params.scheduler = scheduler params.priority = priority def _tune_process_rt(self, pid, sched, prio): cont = True if sched is None and prio is None: return cont try: (prev_sched, prev_prio) = self._get_rt(pid) if sched is None: sched = prev_sched self._set_rt(pid, sched, prio) self._store_orig_process_rt(pid, prev_sched, prev_prio) except (SystemError, OSError) as e: if hasattr(e, "errno") and e.errno == errno.ESRCH: log.debug("Failed to read scheduler policy of PID %d, the task vanished." % pid) if pid in self._scheduler_original: del self._scheduler_original[pid] cont = False else: log.error("Refusing to set scheduler and priority of PID %d, reading original scheduling parameters failed: %s" % (pid, e)) return cont def _is_cgroup_affinity(self, affinity): return str(affinity)[:7] == "cgroup." def _store_orig_process_affinity(self, pid, affinity, is_cgroup = False): try: params = self._scheduler_original[pid] except KeyError: params = SchedulerParams(self._cmd) self._scheduler_original[pid] = params if params.affinity is None and params.cgroup is None: if is_cgroup: params.cgroup = affinity else: params.affinity = affinity def _get_cgroup_affinity(self, pid): # we cannot use procfs, because it uses comma ',' delimiter which # can be ambiguous for l in self._cmd.read_file("%s/%s/%s" % (consts.PROCFS_MOUNT_POINT, str(pid), "cgroup"), no_error = True).split("\n"): try: cgroup = l.split(":cpuset:")[1][1:] return cgroup if cgroup != "" else "/" except IndexError: pass return "/" # it can be arbitrary cgroup even cgroup we didn't set, but it needs to be # under "cgroup_mount_point" def _set_cgroup(self, pid, cgroup): cgroup = self._sanitize_cgroup_path(cgroup) path = self._cgroup_mount_point if cgroup != "/": path = "%s/%s" % (path, cgroup) self._cmd.write_to_file("%s/tasks" % path, str(pid), no_error = True) def _parse_cgroup_affinity(self, cgroup): # "cgroup.CGROUP" cgroup = cgroup[7:] # this should be faster than string comparison is_cgroup = not isinstance(cgroup, list) and len(cgroup) > 0 return is_cgroup, cgroup def _tune_process_affinity(self, pid, affinity, intersect = False): cont = True if affinity is None: return cont try: (is_cgroup, cgroup) = self._parse_cgroup_affinity(affinity) if is_cgroup: prev_affinity = self._get_cgroup_affinity(pid) self._set_cgroup(pid, cgroup) else: prev_affinity = self._get_affinity(pid) if intersect: affinity = self._get_intersect_affinity( prev_affinity, affinity, affinity) self._set_affinity(pid, affinity) self._store_orig_process_affinity(pid, prev_affinity, is_cgroup) except (SystemError, OSError) as e: if hasattr(e, "errno") and e.errno == errno.ESRCH: log.debug("Failed to read affinity of PID %d, the task vanished." % pid) if pid in self._scheduler_original: del self._scheduler_original[pid] cont = False else: log.error("Refusing to set CPU affinity of PID %d, reading original affinity failed: %s" % (pid, e)) return cont #tune process and store previous values def _tune_process(self, pid, cmd, sched, prio, affinity): cont = self._tune_process_rt(pid, sched, prio) if not cont: return cont = self._tune_process_affinity(pid, affinity) if not cont or pid not in self._scheduler_original: return self._scheduler_original[pid].cmdline = cmd def _convert_sched_params(self, str_scheduler, str_priority): scheduler = self._scheduler_utils.sched_cfg_to_num(str_scheduler) if scheduler is None and str_scheduler != "*": log.error("Invalid scheduler: %s. Scheduler and priority will be ignored." % str_scheduler) return (None, None) else: try: priority = int(str_priority) except ValueError: log.error("Invalid priority: %s. Scheduler and priority will be ignored." % str_priority) return (None, None) return (scheduler, priority) def _convert_affinity(self, str_affinity): if str_affinity == "*": affinity = None elif self._is_cgroup_affinity(str_affinity): affinity = str_affinity else: affinity = self._cmd.hex2cpulist(str_affinity) if not affinity: log.error("Invalid affinity: %s. It will be ignored." % str_affinity) affinity = None return affinity def _convert_sched_cfg(self, vals): (rule_prio, scheduler, priority, affinity, regex) = vals (scheduler, priority) = self._convert_sched_params( scheduler, priority) affinity = self._convert_affinity(affinity) return (rule_prio, scheduler, priority, affinity, regex) def _cgroup_create_group(self, cgroup): path = "%s/%s" % (self._cgroup_mount_point, cgroup) try: os.mkdir(path, consts.DEF_CGROUP_MODE) except OSError as e: log.error("Unable to create cgroup '%s': %s" % (path, e)) if (not self._cmd.write_to_file("%s/%s" % (path, "cpuset.mems"), self._cmd.read_file("%s/%s" % (self._cgroup_mount_point, "cpuset.mems"), no_error = True), no_error = True)): log.error("Unable to initialize 'cpuset.mems ' for cgroup '%s'" % path) def _cgroup_initialize_groups(self): if self._cgroup is not None and not self._cgroup in self._cgroups: self._cgroup_create_group(self._cgroup) for cg in self._cgroups: self._cgroup_create_group(cg) def _cgroup_initialize(self): log.debug("Initializing cgroups settings") try: os.makedirs(self._cgroup_mount_point, consts.DEF_CGROUP_MODE) except OSError as e: log.error("Unable to create cgroup mount point: %s" % e) (ret, out) = self._cmd.execute(["mount", "-t", "cgroup", "-o", "cpuset", "cpuset", self._cgroup_mount_point]) if ret != 0: log.error("Unable to mount '%s'" % self._cgroup_mount_point) def _remove_dir(self, cgroup): try: os.rmdir(cgroup) except OSError as e: log.error("Unable to remove directory '%s': %s" % (cgroup, e)) def _cgroup_finalize_groups(self): for cg in reversed(self._cgroups): self._remove_dir("%s/%s" % (self._cgroup_mount_point, cg)) if self._cgroup is not None and not self._cgroup in self._cgroups: self._remove_dir("%s/%s" % (self._cgroup_mount_point, self._cgroup)) def _cgroup_finalize(self): log.debug("Removing cgroups settings") (ret, out) = self._cmd.execute(["umount", self._cgroup_mount_point]) if ret != 0: log.error("Unable to umount '%s'" % self._cgroup_mount_point) return False self._remove_dir(self._cgroup_mount_point) d = os.path.dirname(self._cgroup_mount_point) if (d != "/"): self._remove_dir(d) def _cgroup_set_affinity_one(self, cgroup, affinity, backup = False): if affinity != "": log.debug("Setting cgroup '%s' affinity to '%s'" % (cgroup, affinity)) else: log.debug("Skipping cgroup '%s', empty affinity requested" % cgroup) return path = "%s/%s/%s" % (self._cgroup_mount_point, cgroup, "cpuset.cpus") if backup: orig_affinity = self._cmd.read_file(path, err_ret = "ERR", no_error = True).strip() if orig_affinity != "ERR": self._cgroups_original_affinity[cgroup] = orig_affinity else: log.error("Refusing to set affinity of cgroup '%s', reading original affinity failed" % cgroup) return if not self._cmd.write_to_file(path, affinity, no_error = True): log.error("Unable to set affinity '%s' for cgroup '%s'" % (affinity, cgroup)) def _cgroup_set_affinity(self): if self._cgroup_affinity_initialized: return log.debug("Setting cgroups affinities") if self._affinity is not None and self._cgroup is not None and not self._cgroup in self._cgroups: self._cgroup_set_affinity_one(self._cgroup, self._affinity, backup = True) for cg in self._cgroups.items(): self._cgroup_set_affinity_one(cg[0], cg[1], backup = True) self._cgroup_affinity_initialized = True def _cgroup_restore_affinity(self): log.debug("Restoring cgroups affinities") for cg in self._cgroups_original_affinity.items(): self._cgroup_set_affinity_one(cg[0], cg[1]) def _instance_apply_static(self, instance): # need to get "cgroup_mount_point_init", "cgroup_mount_point", "cgroup_groups_init", # "cgroup", and initialize mount point and cgroups before super class implementation call self._cgroup_mount_point = self._variables.expand(instance.options["cgroup_mount_point"]) self._cgroup_mount_point_init = self._cmd.get_bool(self._variables.expand( instance.options["cgroup_mount_point_init"])) == "1" self._cgroup_groups_init = self._cmd.get_bool(self._variables.expand( instance.options["cgroup_groups_init"])) == "1" self._cgroup = self._sanitize_cgroup_path(self._variables.expand( instance.options["cgroup_for_isolated_cores"])) if self._cgroup_mount_point_init: self._cgroup_initialize() if self._cgroup_groups_init or self._cgroup_mount_point_init: self._cgroup_initialize_groups() super(SchedulerPlugin, self)._instance_apply_static(instance) self._cgroup_set_affinity() try: ps = self.get_processes() except (OSError, IOError) as e: log.error("error applying tuning, cannot get information about running processes: %s" % e) return sched_cfg = [(option, str(value).split(":", 4)) for option, value in instance._scheduler.items()] buf = [(option, self._convert_sched_cfg(vals)) for option, vals in sched_cfg if re.match(r"group\.", option) and len(vals) == 5] sched_cfg = sorted(buf, key=lambda option_vals: option_vals[1][0]) sched_all = dict() # for runtime tuning instance._sched_lookup = {} for option, (rule_prio, scheduler, priority, affinity, regex) \ in sched_cfg: try: r = re.compile(regex) except re.error as e: log.error("error compiling regular expression: '%s'" % str(regex)) continue processes = [(pid, cmd) for pid, cmd in ps.items() if re.search(r, cmd) is not None] #cmd - process name, option - group name sched = dict([(pid, (cmd, option, scheduler, priority, affinity, regex)) for pid, cmd in processes]) sched_all.update(sched) # make any contained regexes non-capturing: replace "(" with "(?:", # unless the "(" is preceded by "\" or followed by "?" regex = re.sub(r"(?<!\\)\((?!\?)", "(?:", str(regex)) instance._sched_lookup[regex] = [scheduler, priority, affinity] for pid, (cmd, option, scheduler, priority, affinity, regex) \ in sched_all.items(): self._tune_process(pid, cmd, scheduler, priority, affinity) self._storage.set(self._scheduler_storage_key, self._scheduler_original) if self._daemon and instance._runtime_tuning: instance._thread = threading.Thread(target = self._thread_code, args = [instance]) instance._thread.start() def _restore_ps_affinity(self): try: ps = self.get_processes() except (OSError, IOError) as e: log.error("error unapplying tuning, cannot get information about running processes: %s" % e) return for pid, orig_params in self._scheduler_original.items(): # if command line for the pid didn't change, it's very probably the same process if pid not in ps or ps[pid] != orig_params.cmdline: continue if orig_params.scheduler is not None \ and orig_params.priority is not None: self._set_rt(pid, orig_params.scheduler, orig_params.priority) if orig_params.cgroup is not None: self._set_cgroup(pid, orig_params.cgroup) elif orig_params.affinity is not None: self._set_affinity(pid, orig_params.affinity) self._scheduler_original = {} self._storage.unset(self._scheduler_storage_key) def _cgroup_cleanup_tasks_one(self, cgroup): cnt = int(consts.CGROUP_CLEANUP_TASKS_RETRY) data = " " while data != "" and cnt > 0: data = self._cmd.read_file("%s/%s/%s" % (self._cgroup_mount_point, cgroup, "tasks"), err_ret = " ", no_error = True) if data not in ["", " "]: for l in data.split("\n"): self._cmd.write_to_file("%s/%s" % (self._cgroup_mount_point, "tasks"), l, no_error = True) cnt -= 1 if cnt == 0: log.warn("Unable to cleanup tasks from cgroup '%s'" % cgroup) def _cgroup_cleanup_tasks(self): if self._cgroup is not None and not self._cgroup in self._cgroups: self._cgroup_cleanup_tasks_one(self._cgroup) for cg in self._cgroups: self._cgroup_cleanup_tasks_one(cg) def _instance_unapply_static(self, instance, rollback = consts.ROLLBACK_SOFT): super(SchedulerPlugin, self)._instance_unapply_static(instance, rollback) if self._daemon and instance._runtime_tuning: instance._terminate.set() instance._thread.join() self._restore_ps_affinity() self._cgroup_restore_affinity() self._cgroup_cleanup_tasks() if self._cgroup_groups_init or self._cgroup_mount_point_init: self._cgroup_finalize_groups() if self._cgroup_mount_point_init: self._cgroup_finalize() def _cgroup_verify_affinity_one(self, cgroup, affinity): log.debug("Verifying cgroup '%s' affinity" % cgroup) path = "%s/%s/%s" % (self._cgroup_mount_point, cgroup, "cpuset.cpus") current_affinity = self._cmd.read_file(path, err_ret = "ERR", no_error = True) if current_affinity == "ERR": return True current_affinity = self._cmd.cpulist2string(self._cmd.cpulist_pack(current_affinity)) affinity = self._cmd.cpulist2string(self._cmd.cpulist_pack(affinity)) affinity_description = "cgroup '%s' affinity" % cgroup if current_affinity == affinity: log.info(consts.STR_VERIFY_PROFILE_VALUE_OK % (affinity_description, current_affinity)) return True else: log.error(consts.STR_VERIFY_PROFILE_VALUE_FAIL % (affinity_description, current_affinity, affinity)) return False def _cgroup_verify_affinity(self): log.debug("Veryfying cgroups affinities") ret = True if self._affinity is not None and self._cgroup is not None and not self._cgroup in self._cgroups: ret = ret and self._cgroup_verify_affinity_one(self._cgroup, self._affinity) for cg in self._cgroups.items(): ret = ret and self._cgroup_verify_affinity_one(cg[0], cg[1]) return ret def _instance_verify_static(self, instance, ignore_missing, devices): ret1 = super(SchedulerPlugin, self)._instance_verify_static(instance, ignore_missing, devices) ret2 = self._cgroup_verify_affinity() return ret1 and ret2 def _add_pid(self, instance, pid, r): try: cmd = self._get_cmdline(pid) except (OSError, IOError) as e: if e.errno == errno.ENOENT \ or e.errno == errno.ESRCH: log.debug("Failed to get cmdline of PID %d, the task vanished." % pid) else: log.error("Failed to get cmdline of PID %d: %s" % (pid, e)) return v = self._cmd.re_lookup(instance._sched_lookup, cmd, r) if v is not None and not pid in self._scheduler_original: log.debug("tuning new process '%s' with PID '%d' by '%s'" % (cmd, pid, str(v))) (sched, prio, affinity) = v self._tune_process(pid, cmd, sched, prio, affinity) self._storage.set(self._scheduler_storage_key, self._scheduler_original) def _remove_pid(self, instance, pid): if pid in self._scheduler_original: del self._scheduler_original[pid] log.debug("removed PID %d from the rollback database" % pid) self._storage.set(self._scheduler_storage_key, self._scheduler_original) def _thread_code(self, instance): r = self._cmd.re_lookup_compile(instance._sched_lookup) poll = select.poll() # Store the file objects in a local variable so that they don't # go out of scope too soon. This is a workaround for # python3-perf bug rhbz#1659445. fds = instance._evlist.get_pollfd() for fd in fds: poll.register(fd) while not instance._terminate.is_set(): # timeout to poll in milliseconds if len(poll.poll(self._sleep_interval * 1000)) > 0 and not instance._terminate.is_set(): read_events = True while read_events: read_events = False for cpu in self._cpus: event = instance._evlist.read_on_cpu(cpu) if event: read_events = True if event.type == perf.RECORD_COMM or \ (self._perf_process_fork_value and event.type == perf.RECORD_FORK): self._add_pid(instance, int(event.tid), r) elif event.type == perf.RECORD_EXIT: self._remove_pid(instance, int(event.tid)) @command_custom("cgroup_ps_blacklist", per_device = False) def _cgroup_ps_blacklist(self, enabling, value, verify, ignore_missing): # currently unsupported if verify: return None if enabling and value is not None: self._cgroup_ps_blacklist_re = "|".join(["(%s)" % v for v in re.split(r"(?<!\\);", str(value))]) @command_custom("ps_whitelist", per_device = False) def _ps_whitelist(self, enabling, value, verify, ignore_missing): # currently unsupported if verify: return None if enabling and value is not None: self._ps_whitelist = "|".join(["(%s)" % v for v in re.split(r"(?<!\\);", str(value))]) @command_custom("ps_blacklist", per_device = False) def _ps_blacklist(self, enabling, value, verify, ignore_missing): # currently unsupported if verify: return None if enabling and value is not None: self._ps_blacklist = "|".join(["(%s)" % v for v in re.split(r"(?<!\\);", str(value))]) @command_custom("default_irq_smp_affinity", per_device = False) def _default_irq_smp_affinity(self, enabling, value, verify, ignore_missing): # currently unsupported if verify: return None if enabling and value is not None: if value in ["calc", "ignore"]: self._default_irq_smp_affinity_value = value else: self._default_irq_smp_affinity_value = self._cmd.cpulist_unpack(value) @command_custom("perf_process_fork", per_device = False) def _perf_process_fork(self, enabling, value, verify, ignore_missing): # currently unsupported if verify: return None if enabling and value is not None: self._perf_process_fork_value = self._cmd.get_bool(value) == "1" # Raises OSError # Raises SystemError with old (pre-0.4) python-schedutils # instead of OSError # If PID doesn't exist, errno == ESRCH def _get_affinity(self, pid): res = self._scheduler_utils.get_affinity(pid) log.debug("Read affinity '%s' of PID %d" % (res, pid)) return res def _set_affinity(self, pid, affinity): log.debug("Setting CPU affinity of PID %d to '%s'." % (pid, affinity)) try: self._scheduler_utils.set_affinity(pid, affinity) return True # Workaround for old python-schedutils (pre-0.4) which # incorrectly raised SystemError instead of OSError except (SystemError, OSError) as e: if hasattr(e, "errno") and e.errno == errno.ESRCH: log.debug("Failed to set affinity of PID %d, the task vanished." % pid) else: res = self._affinity_changeable(pid) if res == 1 or res == -2: log.error("Failed to set affinity of PID %d to '%s': %s" % (pid, affinity, e)) return False # returns intersection of affinity1 with affinity2, if intersection is empty it returns affinity3 def _get_intersect_affinity(self, affinity1, affinity2, affinity3): aff = set(affinity1).intersection(set(affinity2)) if aff: return list(aff) return affinity3 def _set_all_obj_affinity(self, objs, affinity, threads = False): psl = [v for v in objs if re.search(self._ps_whitelist, self._get_stat_comm(v)) is not None] if self._ps_blacklist != "": psl = [v for v in psl if re.search(self._ps_blacklist, self._get_stat_comm(v)) is None] if self._cgroup_ps_blacklist_re != "": psl = [v for v in psl if re.search(self._cgroup_ps_blacklist_re, self._get_stat_cgroup(v)) is None] psd = dict([(v.pid, v) for v in psl]) for pid in psd: try: cmd = self._get_cmdline(psd[pid]) except (OSError, IOError) as e: if e.errno == errno.ENOENT \ or e.errno == errno.ESRCH: log.debug("Failed to get cmdline of PID %d, the task vanished." % pid) else: log.error("Refusing to set affinity of PID %d, failed to get its cmdline: %s" % (pid, e)) continue cont = self._tune_process_affinity(pid, affinity, intersect = True) if not cont: continue if pid in self._scheduler_original: self._scheduler_original[pid].cmdline = cmd # process threads if not threads and "threads" in psd[pid]: self._set_all_obj_affinity( psd[pid]["threads"].values(), affinity, True) def _get_stat_cgroup(self, o): try: return o["cgroups"] except (OSError, IOError, KeyError): return "" def _get_stat_comm(self, o): try: return o["stat"]["comm"] except (OSError, IOError, KeyError): return "" def _set_ps_affinity(self, affinity): try: ps = procfs.pidstats() ps.reload_threads() self._set_all_obj_affinity(ps.values(), affinity, False) except (OSError, IOError) as e: log.error("error applying tuning, cannot get information about running processes: %s" % e) # Returns 0 on success, -2 if changing the affinity is not # supported, -1 if some other error occurs. def _set_irq_affinity(self, irq, affinity, restoring): try: affinity_hex = self._cmd.cpulist2hex(affinity) log.debug("Setting SMP affinity of IRQ %s to '%s'" % (irq, affinity_hex)) filename = "/proc/irq/%s/smp_affinity" % irq with open(filename, "w") as f: f.write(affinity_hex) return 0 except (OSError, IOError) as e: # EIO is returned by # kernel/irq/proc.c:write_irq_affinity() if changing # the affinity is not supported # (at least on kernels 3.10 and 4.18) if hasattr(e, "errno") and e.errno == errno.EIO \ and not restoring: log.debug("Setting SMP affinity of IRQ %s is not supported" % irq) return -2 else: log.error("Failed to set SMP affinity of IRQ %s to '%s': %s" % (irq, affinity_hex, e)) return -1 def _set_default_irq_affinity(self, affinity): try: affinity_hex = self._cmd.cpulist2hex(affinity) log.debug("Setting default SMP IRQ affinity to '%s'" % affinity_hex) with open("/proc/irq/default_smp_affinity", "w") as f: f.write(affinity_hex) except (OSError, IOError) as e: log.error("Failed to set default SMP IRQ affinity to '%s': %s" % (affinity_hex, e)) def _set_all_irq_affinity(self, affinity): irq_original = IRQAffinities() irqs = procfs.interrupts() for irq in irqs.keys(): try: prev_affinity = irqs[irq]["affinity"] log.debug("Read affinity of IRQ '%s': '%s'" % (irq, prev_affinity)) except KeyError: continue _affinity = self._get_intersect_affinity(prev_affinity, affinity, affinity) if set(_affinity) == set(prev_affinity): continue res = self._set_irq_affinity(irq, _affinity, False) if res == 0: irq_original.irqs[irq] = prev_affinity elif res == -2: irq_original.unchangeable.append(irq) # default affinity prev_affinity_hex = self._cmd.read_file("/proc/irq/default_smp_affinity") prev_affinity = self._cmd.hex2cpulist(prev_affinity_hex) if self._default_irq_smp_affinity_value == "calc": _affinity = self._get_intersect_affinity(prev_affinity, affinity, affinity) elif self._default_irq_smp_affinity_value != "ignore": _affinity = self._default_irq_smp_affinity_value if self._default_irq_smp_affinity_value != "ignore": self._set_default_irq_affinity(_affinity) irq_original.default = prev_affinity self._storage.set(self._irq_storage_key, irq_original) def _restore_all_irq_affinity(self): irq_original = self._storage.get(self._irq_storage_key, None) if irq_original is None: return for irq, affinity in irq_original.irqs.items(): self._set_irq_affinity(irq, affinity, True) if self._default_irq_smp_affinity_value != "ignore": affinity = irq_original.default self._set_default_irq_affinity(affinity) self._storage.unset(self._irq_storage_key) def _verify_irq_affinity(self, irq_description, correct_affinity, current_affinity): res = set(current_affinity).issubset(set(correct_affinity)) if res: log.info(consts.STR_VERIFY_PROFILE_VALUE_OK % (irq_description, current_affinity)) else: log.error(consts.STR_VERIFY_PROFILE_VALUE_FAIL % (irq_description, current_affinity, correct_affinity)) return res def _verify_all_irq_affinity(self, correct_affinity, ignore_missing): irq_original = self._storage.get(self._irq_storage_key, None) irqs = procfs.interrupts() res = True for irq in irqs.keys(): if irq in irq_original.unchangeable and ignore_missing: description = "IRQ %s does not support changing SMP affinity" % irq log.info(consts.STR_VERIFY_PROFILE_VALUE_MISSING % description) continue try: current_affinity = irqs[irq]["affinity"] log.debug("Read SMP affinity of IRQ '%s': '%s'" % (irq, current_affinity)) irq_description = "SMP affinity of IRQ %s" % irq if not self._verify_irq_affinity( irq_description, correct_affinity, current_affinity): res = False except KeyError: continue current_affinity_hex = self._cmd.read_file( "/proc/irq/default_smp_affinity") current_affinity = self._cmd.hex2cpulist(current_affinity_hex) if self._default_irq_smp_affinity_value != "ignore" and not self._verify_irq_affinity("default IRQ SMP affinity", current_affinity, correct_affinity if self._default_irq_smp_affinity_value == "calc" else self._default_irq_smp_affinity_value): res = False return res @command_custom("isolated_cores", per_device = False, priority = 10) def _isolated_cores(self, enabling, value, verify, ignore_missing): affinity = None self._affinity = None if value is not None: isolated = set(self._cmd.cpulist_unpack(value)) present = set(self._cpus) if isolated.issubset(present): affinity = list(present - isolated) self._affinity = self._cmd.cpulist2string(affinity) else: str_cpus = self._cmd.cpulist2string(self._cpus) log.error("Invalid isolated_cores specified, '%s' does not match available cores '%s'" % (value, str_cpus)) if (enabling or verify) and affinity is None: return None # currently only IRQ affinity verification is supported if verify: return self._verify_all_irq_affinity(affinity, ignore_missing) elif enabling: if self._cgroup: self._cgroup_set_affinity() ps_affinity = "cgroup.%s" % self._cgroup else: ps_affinity = affinity self._set_ps_affinity(ps_affinity) self._set_all_irq_affinity(affinity) else: # Restoring processes' affinity is done in # _instance_unapply_static() self._restore_all_irq_affinity() def _get_sched_knob_path(self, prefix, namespace, knob): key = "%s_%s_%s" % (prefix, namespace, knob) path = self._sched_knob_paths_cache.get(key) if path: return path path = "/proc/sys/kernel/%s_%s" % (namespace, knob) if not os.path.exists(path): if prefix == "": path = "%s/%s" % (namespace, knob) else: path = "%s/%s/%s" % (prefix, namespace, knob) path = "/sys/kernel/debug/%s" % path if self._secure_boot_hint is None: self._secure_boot_hint = True self._sched_knob_paths_cache[key] = path return path def _get_sched_knob(self, prefix, namespace, knob): data = self._cmd.read_file(self._get_sched_knob_path(prefix, namespace, knob), err_ret = None) if data is None: log.error("Error reading '%s'" % knob) if self._secure_boot_hint: log.error("This may not work with Secure Boot or kernel_lockdown (this hint is logged only once)") self._secure_boot_hint = False return data def _set_sched_knob(self, prefix, namespace, knob, value, sim): if value is None: return None if not sim: if not self._cmd.write_to_file(self._get_sched_knob_path(prefix, namespace, knob), value): log.error("Error writing value '%s' to '%s'" % (value, knob)) return value @command_get("sched_min_granularity_ns") def _get_sched_min_granularity_ns(self): return self._get_sched_knob("", "sched", "min_granularity_ns") @command_set("sched_min_granularity_ns") def _set_sched_min_granularity_ns(self, value, sim): return self._set_sched_knob("", "sched", "min_granularity_ns", value, sim) @command_get("sched_latency_ns") def _get_sched_latency_ns(self): return self._get_sched_knob("", "sched", "latency_ns") @command_set("sched_latency_ns") def _set_sched_latency_ns(self, value, sim): return self._set_sched_knob("", "sched", "latency_ns", value, sim) @command_get("sched_wakeup_granularity_ns") def _get_sched_wakeup_granularity_ns(self): return self._get_sched_knob("", "sched", "wakeup_granularity_ns") @command_set("sched_wakeup_granularity_ns") def _set_sched_wakeup_granularity_ns(self, value, sim): return self._set_sched_knob("", "sched", "wakeup_granularity_ns", value, sim) @command_get("sched_tunable_scaling") def _get_sched_tunable_scaling(self): return self._get_sched_knob("", "sched", "tunable_scaling") @command_set("sched_tunable_scaling") def _set_sched_tunable_scaling(self, value, sim): return self._set_sched_knob("", "sched", "tunable_scaling", value, sim) @command_get("sched_migration_cost_ns") def _get_sched_migration_cost_ns(self): return self._get_sched_knob("", "sched", "migration_cost_ns") @command_set("sched_migration_cost_ns") def _set_sched_migration_cost_ns(self, value, sim): return self._set_sched_knob("", "sched", "migration_cost_ns", value, sim) @command_get("sched_nr_migrate") def _get_sched_nr_migrate(self): return self._get_sched_knob("", "sched", "nr_migrate") @command_set("sched_nr_migrate") def _set_sched_nr_migrate(self, value, sim): return self._set_sched_knob("", "sched", "nr_migrate", value, sim) @command_get("numa_balancing_scan_delay_ms") def _get_numa_balancing_scan_delay_ms(self): return self._get_sched_knob("sched", "numa_balancing", "scan_delay_ms") @command_set("numa_balancing_scan_delay_ms") def _set_numa_balancing_scan_delay_ms(self, value, sim): return self._set_sched_knob("sched", "numa_balancing", "scan_delay_ms", value, sim) @command_get("numa_balancing_scan_period_min_ms") def _get_numa_balancing_scan_period_min_ms(self): return self._get_sched_knob("sched", "numa_balancing", "scan_period_min_ms") @command_set("numa_balancing_scan_period_min_ms") def _set_numa_balancing_scan_period_min_ms(self, value, sim): return self._set_sched_knob("sched", "numa_balancing", "scan_period_min_ms", value, sim) @command_get("numa_balancing_scan_period_max_ms") def _get_numa_balancing_scan_period_max_ms(self): return self._get_sched_knob("sched", "numa_balancing", "scan_period_max_ms") @command_set("numa_balancing_scan_period_max_ms") def _set_numa_balancing_scan_period_max_ms(self, value, sim): return self._set_sched_knob("sched", "numa_balancing", "scan_period_max_ms", value, sim) @command_get("numa_balancing_scan_size_mb") def _get_numa_balancing_scan_size_mb(self): return self._get_sched_knob("sched", "numa_balancing", "scan_size_mb") @command_set("numa_balancing_scan_size_mb") def _set_numa_balancing_scan_size_mb(self, value, sim): return self._set_sched_knob("sched", "numa_balancing", "scan_size_mb", value, sim)