Current Path : /lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/read-package-tree/ |
Current File : //lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/read-package-tree/rpt.js |
const fs = require('fs') /* istanbul ignore next */ const promisify = require('util').promisify || require('util-promisify') const { resolve, basename, dirname, join } = require('path') const rpj = promisify(require('read-package-json')) const readdir = promisify(require('readdir-scoped-modules')) const realpath = require('./realpath.js') let ID = 0 class Node { constructor (pkg, logical, physical, er, cache) { // should be impossible. const cached = cache.get(physical) /* istanbul ignore next */ if (cached && !cached.then) throw new Error('re-creating already instantiated node') cache.set(physical, this) const parent = basename(dirname(logical)) if (parent.charAt(0) === '@') this.name = `${parent}/${basename(logical)}` else this.name = basename(logical) this.path = logical this.realpath = physical this.error = er this.id = ID++ this.package = pkg || {} this.parent = null this.isLink = false this.children = [] } } class Link extends Node { constructor (pkg, logical, physical, realpath, er, cache) { super(pkg, logical, physical, er, cache) // if the target has started, but not completed, then // a Promise will be in the cache to indicate this. const cachedTarget = cache.get(realpath) if (cachedTarget && cachedTarget.then) cachedTarget.then(node => { this.target = node this.children = node.children }) this.target = cachedTarget || new Node(pkg, logical, realpath, er, cache) this.realpath = realpath this.isLink = true this.error = er this.children = this.target.children } } // this is the way it is to expose a timing issue which is difficult to // test otherwise. The creation of a Node may take slightly longer than // the creation of a Link that targets it. If the Node has _begun_ its // creation phase (and put a Promise in the cache) then the Link will // get a Promise as its cachedTarget instead of an actual Node object. // This is not a problem, because it gets resolved prior to returning // the tree or attempting to load children. However, it IS remarkably // difficult to get to happen in a test environment to verify reliably. // Hence this kludge. const newNode = (pkg, logical, physical, er, cache) => process.env._TEST_RPT_SLOW_LINK_TARGET_ === '1' ? new Promise(res => setTimeout(() => res(new Node(pkg, logical, physical, er, cache)), 10)) : new Node(pkg, logical, physical, er, cache) const loadNode = (logical, physical, cache, rpcache, stcache) => { // cache temporarily holds a promise placeholder so we // don't try to create the same node multiple times. // this is very rare to encounter, given the aggressive // caching on fs.realpath and fs.lstat calls, but // it can happen in theory. const cached = cache.get(physical) /* istanbul ignore next */ if (cached) return Promise.resolve(cached) const p = realpath(physical, rpcache, stcache, 0).then(real => rpj(join(real, 'package.json')) .then(pkg => [pkg, null], er => [null, er]) .then(([pkg, er]) => physical === real ? newNode(pkg, logical, physical, er, cache) : new Link(pkg, logical, physical, real, er, cache) ), // if the realpath fails, don't bother with the rest er => new Node(null, logical, physical, er, cache)) cache.set(physical, p) return p } const loadChildren = (node, cache, filterWith, rpcache, stcache) => { // if a Link target has started, but not completed, then // a Promise will be in the cache to indicate this. // // XXX When we can one day loadChildren on the link *target* instead of // the link itself, to match real dep resolution, then we may end up with // a node target in the cache that isn't yet done resolving when we get // here. For now, though, this line will never be reached, so it's hidden // // if (node.then) // return node.then(node => loadChildren(node, cache, filterWith, rpcache, stcache)) const nm = join(node.path, 'node_modules') return realpath(nm, rpcache, stcache, 0) .then(rm => readdir(rm).then(kids => [rm, kids])) .then(([rm, kids]) => Promise.all( kids.filter(kid => kid.charAt(0) !== '.' && (!filterWith || filterWith(node, kid))) .map(kid => loadNode(join(nm, kid), join(rm, kid), cache, rpcache, stcache))) ).then(kidNodes => { kidNodes.forEach(k => k.parent = node) node.children.push.apply(node.children, kidNodes.sort((a, b) => (a.package.name ? a.package.name.toLowerCase() : a.path) .localeCompare( (b.package.name ? b.package.name.toLowerCase() : b.path) ))) return node }) .catch(() => node) } const loadTree = (node, did, cache, filterWith, rpcache, stcache) => { // impossible except in pathological ELOOP cases /* istanbul ignore next */ if (did.has(node.realpath)) return Promise.resolve(node) did.add(node.realpath) // load children on the target, not the link return loadChildren(node, cache, filterWith, rpcache, stcache) .then(node => Promise.all( node.children .filter(kid => !did.has(kid.realpath)) .map(kid => loadTree(kid, did, cache, filterWith, rpcache, stcache)) )).then(() => node) } // XXX Drop filterWith and/or cb in next semver major bump const rpt = (root, filterWith, cb) => { if (!cb && typeof filterWith === 'function') { cb = filterWith filterWith = null } const cache = new Map() // we can assume that the cwd is real enough const cwd = process.cwd() const rpcache = new Map([[ cwd, cwd ]]) const stcache = new Map() const p = realpath(root, rpcache, stcache, 0) .then(realRoot => loadNode(root, realRoot, cache, rpcache, stcache)) .then(node => loadTree(node, new Set(), cache, filterWith, rpcache, stcache)) if (typeof cb === 'function') p.then(tree => cb(null, tree), cb) return p } rpt.Node = Node rpt.Link = Link module.exports = rpt