Current Path : /lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/byte-size/ |
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[](https://www.npmjs.org/package/byte-size) [](https://www.npmjs.org/package/byte-size) [](https://travis-ci.org/75lb/byte-size) [](https://coveralls.io/github/75lb/byte-size?branch=master) [](https://david-dm.org/75lb/byte-size) [](https://github.com/feross/standard) <a name="module_byte-size"></a> ## byte-size An isomorphic, load-anywhere function to convert a bytes value into a more human-readable format. Choose between [metric or IEC units](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gigabyte), summarised below. Value | Metric ----- | ------------- 1000 | kB kilobyte 1000^2 | MB megabyte 1000^3 | GB gigabyte 1000^4 | TB terabyte 1000^5 | PB petabyte 1000^6 | EB exabyte 1000^7 | ZB zettabyte 1000^8 | YB yottabyte Value | IEC ----- | ------------ 1024 | KiB kibibyte 1024^2 | MiB mebibyte 1024^3 | GiB gibibyte 1024^4 | TiB tebibyte 1024^5 | PiB pebibyte 1024^6 | EiB exbibyte 1024^7 | ZiB zebibyte 1024^8 | YiB yobibyte Value | Metric (octet) ----- | ------------- 1000 | ko kilooctet 1000^2 | Mo megaoctet 1000^3 | Go gigaoctet 1000^4 | To teraoctet 1000^5 | Po petaoctet 1000^6 | Eo exaoctet 1000^7 | Zo zettaoctet 1000^8 | Yo yottaoctet Value | IEC (octet) ----- | ------------ 1024 | Kio kilooctet 1024^2 | Mio mebioctet 1024^3 | Gio gibioctet 1024^4 | Tio tebioctet 1024^5 | Pio pebioctet 1024^6 | Eio exbioctet 1024^7 | Zio zebioctet 1024^8 | Yio yobioctet **Example** ```js const byteSize = require('byte-size') ``` <a name="exp_module_byte-size--byteSize"></a> ### byteSize(bytes, [options]) ⇒ <code>Object</code> ⏏ **Kind**: Exported function | Param | Type | Default | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | bytes | <code>number</code> | | the bytes value to convert. | | [options] | <code>object</code> | | optional config. | | [options.precision] | <code>number</code> | <code>1</code> | number of decimal places. | | [options.units] | <code>string</code> | <code>"metric"</code> | select `'metric'`, `'iec'`, `'metric_octet'` or `'iec_octet'` units. | **Example** ```js > const byteSize = require('byte-size') > byteSize(1580) { value: '1.6', unit: 'kB' } > byteSize(1580, { units: 'iec' }) { value: '1.5', unit: 'KiB' } > byteSize(1580, { units: 'iec', precision: 3 }) { value: '1.543', unit: 'KiB' } > byteSize(1580, { units: 'iec', precision: 0 }) { value: '2', unit: 'KiB' } > byteSize(1580, { units: 'metric_octet' }) { value: '1.6', unit: 'ko' } > byteSize(1580, { units: 'iec_octet' }) { value: '1.5', unit: 'Kio' } > byteSize(1580, { units: 'iec_octet' }).toString() '1.5 Kio' > const { value, unit } = byteSize(1580, { units: 'iec_octet' }) > `${value} ${unit}` '1.5 Kio' ``` ### Load anywhere This library is compatible with Node.js, the Web and any style of module loader. It can be loaded anywhere, natively without transpilation. Node.js: ```js const byteSize = require('byte-size') ``` Within Node.js with ECMAScript Module support enabled: ```js import byteSize from 'byte-size' ``` Within a modern browser ECMAScript Module: ```js import byteSize from './node_modules/byte-size/index.mjs' ``` Old browser (adds `window.byteSize`): ```html <script nomodule src="./node_modules/byte-size/dist/index.js"></script> ``` * * * © 2014-18 Lloyd Brookes \<75pound@gmail.com\>. Documented by [jsdoc-to-markdown](https://github.com/jsdoc2md/jsdoc-to-markdown).