Current Path : /home/rsfshcom/www/wp-content/plugins/header-footer-elementor/inc/ |
Current File : //home/rsfshcom/www/wp-content/plugins/header-footer-elementor/inc/class-hfe-update.php |
<?php /** * Theme Update * * @package Header Footer Elementor * @author Nikhil Chavan <email@nikhilchavan.com> * @copyright Copyright (c) 2019, Header Footer Elementor * @link https://github.com/Nikschavan/header-footer-elementor/ * @since HFE 1.1.4 */ if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; // Exit if accessed directly. } if ( ! class_exists( 'HFE_Update' ) ) { /** * HFE_Update initial setup * * @since 1.1.4 */ class HFE_Update { /** * Option key for stored version number. * * @since 1.1.4 * @var string */ // phpcs:ignore private string $db_option_key = '_hfe_db_version'; /** * Constructor * * @since 1.1.4 */ public function __construct() { // Theme Updates. if ( is_admin() ) { add_action( 'admin_init', [ $this, 'init' ], 5 ); } else { add_action( 'wp', [ $this, 'init' ], 5 ); } } /** * Implement theme update logic. * * @since 1.1.4 * @return void */ public function init() { do_action( 'hfe_update_before' ); if ( ! $this->needs_db_update() ) { return; } $db_version = get_option( $this->db_option_key, false ); if ( version_compare( $db_version, '1.2.0-beta.2', '<' ) ) { $this->setup_default_terget_rules(); } // flush rewrite rules on plugin update. flush_rewrite_rules(); // PHPCS:Ignore WordPressVIPMinimum.Functions.RestrictedFunctions.flush_rewrite_rules_flush_rewrite_rules $this->update_db_version(); do_action( 'hfe_update_after' ); } /** * Set default target rules for header, footer, before footers being used before target rules were added to the plugin. * * @since 1.2.0-beta.1 * @return void */ private function setup_default_terget_rules() { $default_include_locations = [ 'rule' => [ 0 => 'basic-global' ], 'specific' => [], ]; $header_id = $this->get_legacy_template_id( 'type_header' ); $footer_id = $this->get_legacy_template_id( 'type_footer' ); $before_footer_id = $this->get_legacy_template_id( 'type_before_footer' ); // Header. if ( ! empty( $header_id ) ) { update_post_meta( $header_id, 'ehf_target_include_locations', $default_include_locations ); } // Footer. if ( ! empty( $footer_id ) ) { update_post_meta( $footer_id, 'ehf_target_include_locations', $default_include_locations ); } // Before Footer. if ( ! empty( $before_footer_id ) ) { update_post_meta( $before_footer_id, 'ehf_target_include_locations', $default_include_locations ); } } /** * Get header or footer template id based on the meta query. * * @param string $type Type of the template header/footer. * * @return mixed Returns the header or footer template id if found, else returns string ''. */ public function get_legacy_template_id( $type ) { $args = [ 'post_type' => 'elementor-hf', 'meta_key' => 'ehf_template_type', 'meta_value' => $type, // PHPCS:Ignore WordPress.DB.SlowDBQuery.slow_db_query_meta_value 'meta_type' => 'post', 'meta_compare' => '>=', 'orderby' => 'meta_value', 'order' => 'ASC', 'meta_query' => [ // PHPCS:Ignore WordPress.DB.SlowDBQuery.slow_db_query_meta_query 'relation' => 'OR', [ 'key' => 'ehf_template_type', 'value' => $type, 'compare' => '==', 'type' => 'post', ], ], ]; $args = apply_filters( 'hfe_get_template_id_args', $args ); $template = new WP_Query( $args ); if ( $template->have_posts() ) { $posts = wp_list_pluck( $template->posts, 'ID' ); return $posts[0]; } return ''; } /** * Check if db upgrade is required. * * @since 1.1.4 * @return bool True if stored database version is lower than constant; false if otherwise. */ private function needs_db_update() { $db_version = get_option( $this->db_option_key, false ); if ( false === $db_version || version_compare( $db_version, HFE_VER ) ) { return true; } return false; } /** * Update DB version. * * @since 1.1.4 * @return void */ private function update_db_version() { update_option( $this->db_option_key, HFE_VER ); } } } new HFE_Update();